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My predictions for Underworlds are a Khorne warband and a hint for whats up next.

For AoS i dont see them revealing the battletomes as there isnt really anything worth mentioning in that department on a big event. I really want to know whats up with the Destruction tomes. The most recent RE makes me think Gitz are up for next year. So that leaves SoB and Ogors. Lets go with whole new Firebelly themed Sylvaneth size release for Ogors.

And lets see that King Brodd upgrade pack/ model.



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6 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

Yeah I think there’s some other stuff going on. For example, you’re working on a couple of projects as a sculptor but you go off ill for a while. Yes somebody could pick up the work but that has a impact on what they are doing and so on. I think they’ve had a bit of that stuff going on (and probably people changing roles etc). Also with how far GW probably works ahead and you miss your slot for producing a kit, that has a impact as well. We will never know unless somebody internally with the info talks about it. I’m sure the AOS team are just as frustrated with the game getting it’s releases like this

It's an interesting lead.

I wonder to what extent a sculptor is responsible for a single miniature/kit. I remember for example Morback (French sculptor who has been working for GW for a few years now) who said that he had sculpted a very specific element (like a belt or something like that) on an Astra Militarum miniature, from memory (circa 2014). It surprised me at the time.

In short, all that to say that if a sculptor falls ill, does this indeed impact the process of creating such and such a new miniature...? It would be interesting to have info but unfortunately GW has blocked all communication on this subject for a long time (I miss the time when White Dwarf was a mine of information on the creative process of new armies).

More generally on the lack of interest towards the AoS, I am especially very worried about the rise of Horus Heresy, which could be very detrimental in the long term for the AoS but it is rather off-topic, sorry.

For next Wednesday, if we had even a tiny glimpse of GW's current work on Cities of Sigmar, I'd be the happiest of hobbyists !

Edited by Draznak
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I believe I‘ve read (or heard) that the sculptors/artists themselves actually do enjoy a bit of freedom outside of planned releases; basically they‘re allowed to pitch things and if Jes and the other leads think it‘s cool they can proceed with it. I also think they can decide on which planned release they’ll work on. I‘m sure some factions got stuff way before it was „their“ time because one of the designers came up with something sexy. 

I do agree that AoS could use some cool releases now. It‘s not like we don‘t get cool new stuff but there are still so many factions that basically got nothing. Personally I (as always) hope I‘ll get surprised with Tzeentch elite mortals but I doubt anything apart from the Curseling is coming for T. Second biggest hope is that the new Gitz tome is decent, as my opponent whines about the current one every time, even if I use crappy lists. 😂 

Oh and Berzerkers please. I‘ve got enough hate in me for a small happy kill team of berzerkers. 

Hope outside of that we‘ll see cool much-needed stuff for the less fortunate factions. 

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3 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

Yeah I think there’s some other stuff going on. For example, you’re working on a couple of projects as a sculptor but you go off ill for a while. Yes somebody could pick up the work but that has a impact on what they are doing and so on. I think they’ve had a bit of that stuff going on (and probably people changing roles etc). Also with how far GW probably works ahead and you miss your slot for producing a kit, that has a impact as well. We will never know unless somebody internally with the info talks about it. I’m sure the AOS team are just as frustrated with the game getting it’s releases like this

It's just a low priority for them.  The issues in the world aren't new anymore and seem to be impacting AOS releases far more than anything else GW does. Feels like necromunda and probably Blood Bowl have had more miniature releases in the last 12 months.

Outside of the launch armies (Stormcast and KB), in the 12 months following the release of 3rd there have only been 4 model kits and a terrain box (incl Krondspine) which aren't a single infantry hero or battle tome for AOS.  And those tomes are lucky if they have more than 1 piece of new art in them (no new covers anymore) and an extra page or 2 of fluff.  The focus on books rather than minis is making this feel more like a bad RPG.

That doesn't look like it will change until the Slaves of Darkness release at the end of the year/early next year.  And I suspect that's it as with a new 40K edition its unlikely to change much for AOS releases next year.

At this point it feels like GW is seeing how much money they can make with the least effort. 

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Each range does have a lead designer. The lead designer on the deathguard was Maxime Pastourel for example. GW products have a two year lead. Two years ago was peak scary COVID time. It's not difficult to imagine that a lead designer on an AoS project was sick for a while causing a range of minis to be delayed. 

Just like any big company there are any number of problems that can delay a product even when COVID and Brexit don't exist. Also I'd imagine that most AoS releases need more development time than 40k. Designing a new faction from scratch would  definitely need more time than updating Guardians, Bezerkers or Cadians.

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1 hour ago, Draznak said:

It's an interesting lead.

I wonder to what extent a sculptor is responsible for a single miniature/kit. I remember for example Morback (French sculptor who has been working for GW for a few years now) who said that he had sculpted a very specific element (like a belt or something like that) on an Astra Militarum figurine, from memory (circa 2014). It surprised me at the time.

In short, all that to say that if a sculptor falls ill, does this indeed impact the process of creating such and such a new miniature...? It would be interesting to have info but unfortunately GW has blocked all communication on this subject for a long time (I miss the time when White Dwarf was a mine of information on the creative process of new armies).

More generally on the lack of interest towards the AoS, I am especially very worried about the rise of Horus Heresy, which could be very detrimental in the long term for the AoS but it is rather off-topic, sorry.

For next Wednesday, if we had even a tiny glimpse of GW's current work on Cities of Sigmar, I'd be the happiest of hobbyists !

I think they stopped naming who sculpted and wrote army books because some would get hate and even death threats from idiots on social media. 

And I wouldn't worry about HH taking away from AoS, each game has its own team and they have been expanding those teams for quite a while now. 

This drought will pass, especially now they've bought all production (bar books maybe?)  in house and aren't dependant on shipping from China. 

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Prediction time: 

I think we get to know the identities of the two Destro battletomes AND I think they will give us a new "roadmap" of additional tomes.  Between Kill Team and Warcry, they've been really into "roadmaps" lately, so I think that's likley. 

That might be it.  But if I take some hopium, I could see them showing off the new leader from each destro tome or maaaybe confirm a battle box for the two factions.  

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40k prediction: Squats are a definite. From the latest WarCom LoV article: 

"Are you keen to see more of the Leagues of Votann? The biggest reveal yet is coming at the end of the month, so join us for Warhammer Community’s coverage of the NOVA Open reveals and see more of what the Kin have to offer "

AoS or Warcry I'd like to seem something Cities related that might give clues about the revamp.

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4 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

My predictions for Underworlds are a Khorne warband and a hint for whats up next.

For AoS i dont see them revealing the battletomes as there isnt really anything worth mentioning in that department on a big event. I really want to know whats up with the Destruction tomes. The most recent RE makes me think Gitz are up for next year. So that leaves SoB and Ogors. Lets go with whole new Firebelly themed Sylvaneth size release for Ogors.

And lets see that King Brodd upgrade pack/ model.



I have a sinking feeling that Gitz and Ogors are going to end up with Single model releases. If Sons do get the KING BRODD!! Kit Ill be so damn happy itll make up for the drought but thats not fair on the other Factions.

5 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

It’s frustrating and I suspect there’s a few factors that have been mentioned but also they have been advertising for game designers, so I think behind the scenes things are also happening. I would love to see lots of new models but I think they have shifted into this holding pattern because of things outside of their control.


I think they can do that quite easily personally! You can showcase the books, talk a little bit about the changes and you can easily take up that time. It’s possible you add a sneaky teaser at the end as well 😁

Yeah I think there’s some other stuff going on. For example, you’re working on a couple of projects as a sculptor but you go off ill for a while. Yes somebody could pick up the work but that has a impact on what they are doing and so on. I think they’ve had a bit of that stuff going on (and probably people changing roles etc). Also with how far GW probably works ahead and you miss your slot for producing a kit, that has a impact as well. We will never know unless somebody internally with the info talks about it. I’m sure the AOS team are just as frustrated with the game getting it’s releases like this

Very true mate. Who knows maybe the design team on X Faction all came down with Covid bad.

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15 hours ago, MitGas said:

I experience a similar situation in a way sometimes, although I don't wanna paint myself as a victim here - as an Austrian, you obviously get the whole WW2 history thrown into your face at times. I don't take offense if it's funny or fictional, although it's annoying to get linked to things you weren't part of and basically are born with a second original sin so to speak. But ultimately, people in my experience mean less offense than one suspects with this, it's mostly just clumsy wording etc. Obviously WW2 Germany/Austria makes for great bad guys, we can't shake that. Definitely not the right place to discuss these things but I'm always a fan of not suspecting sinister motives or the worst and letting people get inspiration from such things - even from bad things. Then at least something good can come from them. 

Being linked to WW2 is definitely a lot worse than being linked to 9/11, especially if you're linked to The ****** or Japan. But you're right @MitGas, people often don't mean to make horrible conclusions with their decisions, and certain settings/time periods have near-perfect villains. Ultimately, what matters is if people are inspired by history and religion to create something "new" under the sun.

2 hours ago, MitGas said:

I believe I‘ve read (or heard) that the sculptors/artists themselves actually do enjoy a bit of freedom outside of planned releases; basically they‘re allowed to pitch things and if Jes and the other leads think it‘s cool they can proceed with it. I also think they can decide on which planned release they’ll work on. I‘m sure some factions got stuff way before it was „their“ time because one of the designers came up with something sexy. 

I do agree that AoS could use some cool releases now. It‘s not like we don‘t get cool new stuff but there are still so many factions that basically got nothing. Personally I (as always) hope I‘ll get surprised with Tzeentch elite mortals but I doubt anything apart from the Curseling is coming for T. Second biggest hope is that the new Gitz tome is decent, as my opponent whines about the current one every time, even if I use crappy lists. 😂 

Oh and Berzerkers please. I‘ve got enough hate in me for a small happy kill team of berzerkers. 

Hope outside of that we‘ll see cool much-needed stuff for the less fortunate factions. 

Tzeentch really needs more "regular" mortals in their range, and not just another round of tzaangors. I really like the Doom Knights from Total War, and hope we get a unit similar to them on the tabletop. Barring the Evil Magic Carpets, one thing I would like to see is some small unit of warrior-alchemists (leaning more toward the new "Far East" aspect given to Tzeentch by TOW and Cathay) similarly designed like the curseling, using potions and sealed daemons (djinn) to bolster their power. I'd also argue that we're going to get some kind of war cry warband showcased at Nova, as mono-god cults seem to be this seasons big thing.

For 40k I want the entirety of the World Eaters range teased. Let's see some berserkers, Red-Butcher terminators, the berserker-surgeon from the WhiteDwarf with a better name, and at least two more character-units. I want the Leagues of Votann reveals to be finished, as I'm getting tired of seeing them every Monday. Otherwise, I hope for some kind of Mechanicus unit being previewed.

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2 hours ago, MitGas said:

I‘m sure some factions got stuff way before it was „their“ time because one of the designers came up with something sexy. 

Cough, kruleboyz, cough. Excuse me, had something in my throat. Carry on. 

Edited by Vasshpit
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3 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Being linked to WW2 is definitely a lot worse than being linked to 9/11, especially if you're linked to The ****** or Japan. But you're right @MitGas, people often don't mean to make horrible conclusions with their decisions, and certain settings/time periods have near-perfect villains. Ultimately, what matters is if people are inspired by history and religion to create something "new" under the sun.

Tzeentch really needs more "regular" mortals in their range, and not just another round of tzaangors. I really like the Doom Knights from Total War, and hope we get a unit similar to them on the tabletop. Barring the Evil Magic Carpets, one thing I would like to see is some small unit of warrior-alchemists (leaning more toward the new "Far East" aspect given to Tzeentch by TOW and Cathay) similarly designed like the curseling, using potions and sealed daemons (djinn) to bolster their power. I'd also argue that we're going to get some kind of war cry warband showcased at Nova, as mono-god cults seem to be this seasons big thing.

For 40k I want the entirety of the World Eaters range teased. Let's see some berserkers, Red-Butcher terminators, the berserker-surgeon from the WhiteDwarf with a better name, and at least two more character-units. I want the Leagues of Votann reveals to be finished, as I'm getting tired of seeing them every Monday. Otherwise, I hope for some kind of Mechanicus unit being previewed.

Yeah, I keep wishing for Sorcerer-Warriors (it would fit Tzeentch to a T - sorry, I'll give myself 2 warning points for that one), ideally in a style similar to the new Curseling or more Tzeentch-looking Chosen/Varanguard PLUS mutated warriors akin to the old Forsaken. I like the bit more eastern/far east-inspired trim (and visor for the Curseling, got extremely close to my own Tzeentch designs, which is really cool) and Egypt details but I wouldn't want them to lean too much into a Thousand Sons look as that's just Prospero's style - anyways, I'm happy with the current mish-mash of styles they got now and that they've clean/pristine armor with a certain sophistication. I love the Undivided slaves stuff but all those holes and cuts really disqualify them for a Tzeentch army to me. Personally I always think a cool starting point for Tzeentch stuff is Marvel's Mysterio but frankly they're kinda there already now. 

I'd love a new and better spawn kit but it's unrealistic to get that but the whole Soul Calibur Nightmare or Resident Evil Birkin kind of Forsaken warrior would be cool and (hopefully) suitably creepy and would fit the background as Tzeentch is very deliberate with mutations. Looking at the latest 40k Chaos releases, there are at least decent bits around for these ideas though, so that's awesome too as I could one just use them for a personal project.

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40 minutes ago, MitGas said:

Yeah, I keep wishing for Sorcerer-Warriors (it would fit Tzeentch to a T - sorry, I'll give myself 2 warning points for that one), ideally in a style similar to the new Curseling or more Tzeentch-looking Chosen/Varanguard PLUS mutated warriors akin to the old Forsaken. I like the bit more eastern/far east-inspired trim (and visor for the Curseling, got extremely close to my own Tzeentch designs, which is really cool) and Egypt details but I wouldn't want them to lean too much into a Thousand Sons look as that's just Prospero's style - anyways, I'm happy with the current mish-mash of styles they got now and that they've clean/pristine armor with a certain sophistication. I love the Undivided slaves stuff but all those holes and cuts really disqualify them for a Tzeentch army to me. Personally I always think a cool starting point for Tzeentch stuff is Marvel's Mysterio but frankly they're kinda there already now. 

Personally, I'm really looking forward to The Monkey King of Grand Cathay in both Total War and TOW. It might seem to be a strange thing to prioritize given my chosen armies (Tzeentch and Tomb Kings), but here are my reasons:

1. The Journey to the West is an awesome piece of Mythology/Religion.

2. In Islamic Folklore/Daemonology (particularly the Kitab Al-Bulhan) there is a Djinn King named "Maymun Al-Malik" or "Auspicious Clouds" who is essentially the Monkey King without the Buddhist/taoist symbolism (and potentially evil). 

3. The model could be an impressive base model for some awesome chaos conversions. In the lore from Total War the people of Cathay believe him to be a stand in for each of the chaos gods (Spider Monkey for Tzeentch, Gorilla for Khorne, Orangutan for Nurgle, Baboon for Slaanesh). 

In short, bring on the Far-Eastern armies and aesthetics for Chaos, I can't wait to see what the community can come up with in the coming years.

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38 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Personally, I'm really looking forward to The Monkey King of Grand Cathay in both Total War and TOW.

I'm pretty sure that appart from Reincarnates and some other dudes, all over the top fantasy entities like Cathay Dragons, Monkey King or even Azazel could survive the End Times and take a piece of the Realms for themself.

I know that it will not happen, but it could be awesome to see some of them making a return to AoS, with more crazy stuff and over-the-top units!


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Any hints on lumineth or dot vanguard boxes I'm interested in which hero they will include for the lumineth hoping the loreseeker or the mountain cow to be included. Each big box though seems to include dawnriders I'm personally hoping for a change maybe windchargers? 

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46 minutes ago, Kempak said:

Any hints on lumineth or dot vanguard boxes I'm interested in which hero they will include for the lumineth hoping the loreseeker or the mountain cow to be included. Each big box though seems to include dawnriders I'm personally hoping for a change maybe windchargers? 

We still don’t have the sylvaneth vanguard. I’d be surprised if any hints of those two arrive before the books.

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There is one guarantee about the preview show. GW have never done a preview which is only books. Even when they do a black library preview, they manage to squeeze in a couple of minis. If gw says that AoS is being previewed there is absolutely no way they just show the Lumineth and Tzeentch books. It's possible we will only get the new season of war but if I had to bet my house on something, I'd say we get at least one destruction mini previewed for at least one destruction faction. I think that's a safer bet than seeing anything for Imperial Guard or World Eaters. 



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6 hours ago, Kempak said:

Any hints on lumineth or dot vanguard boxes I'm interested in which hero they will include for the lumineth hoping the loreseeker or the mountain cow to be included. Each big box though seems to include dawnriders I'm personally hoping for a change maybe windchargers? 

I think lumineth will have the cathallar as the hero model because she is more of a general than the loreseeker. I assume that we see Wardens und Sentinels next to her and then maybe the ballista or if we are lucky a spirit of the wind. 

I could see them revealing all the missing vanguard boxes at nova (including stormcast and orruks) 

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1 hour ago, Tarogrim said:

I think lumineth will have the cathallar as the hero model because she is more of a general than the loreseeker. I assume that we see Wardens und Sentinels next to her and then maybe the ballista or if we are lucky a spirit of the wind. 

I could see them revealing all the missing vanguard boxes at nova (including stormcast and orruks) 

I think Lumineth will have a Vanari Bannerblade, 10 wardens, 5 dawnraiders and 1 ballista. 


If you check all the Vanguard boxes, all of them miss key pieces to be a spammable box

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Any ideas when they might reveal the Miniature of the Month for September?

(Can't see anything on WarCom so assuming it's not already announced)

It seems pretty late in August to not have announced it yet. Makes me wonder if it'll be related to something bigger that they are revealing at Nova?

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3 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Any ideas when they might reveal the Miniature of the Month for September?

(Can't see anything on WarCom so assuming it's not already announced)

It seems pretty late in August to not have announced it yet. Makes me wonder if it'll be related to something bigger that they are revealing at Nova?

I'm guessing they'll announce it after the Nova Open reveals. And I would bet strongly on a Votann's mini (which would therefore be released in September).

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