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53 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

All this rules back and forth but no one is going to mention that theres a troggoth type on the cover with no model!!!...

Looks sourbreath to me. It has no thick rocky skin....

Not cool, Gdubs, not cool...


Id bloody love more Troggoths!! More monsters the better!! Though I think this unfortunately might be a Rockgut Troggoth.

39 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:


Might just be stylized but you know, could be a subtle hint at what the Gloomspite update might bring. Never enough Troggoth heroes. ;)


I agree on both fronts!! I really want a Destruction based, Troggoth Hag sized reimagining of Throgg or a new hero like him!! Or even better yet a plastic Troggoth Hag!!

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1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

Can’t show leak pics here but some chaos warriors battletome pics are up of their unit section and we got to see Belakor’s Legionaries facing frontward.



Spikier of course but have the round shields, semi-wide-brimmed helmets and studded jerkins with semi-Roman armor that give them a Roman + England/north European Guard flair. Could very well be this was a sneak peak from 2018 at what the new standard Freeguild and their traitor counterparts will look like.

Are the chaos Legionaries from new battletome? Are they a proper unit or a Warcry Warband? 

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Sweet Baby Behemat I cant wait to see the Destruction Warcry WarbandS. I truly hope we get multiple.

Ogor Mawtribes - Maneater Warband.

Sons of Behemat - Updated Mancrusher for a wandering monster.

Orruk Warclans - Bonesplitterz or Ironjawz Brutes.

Gloomspite Gitz - Sulphur Breath Troggoths.


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5 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Sweet Baby Behemat I cant wait to see the Destruction Warcry WarbandS. I truly hope we get multiple.

Ogor Mawtribes - Maneater Warband.

Sons of Behemat - Updated Mancrusher for a wandering monster.

Orruk Warclans - Bonesplitterz or Ironjawz Brutes.

Gloomspite Gitz - Sulphur Breath Troggoths.


Gitz: Spider riders

wandering Monster kit: Sulphurbreath Troggoth(s)

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2 hours ago, KrispyXIV said:

I believe images of the new one show it labelled "July - December 2022" or something like that.

The image of the cover also says 2022-23 season 1, so pretty much a guarantee that there's going to be at least one more. I guess that's the nail in the coffin then, no way I'm paying $120 a year for GHB's when I only get a game in every month or so. 10 bucks a game just in temporary rules is obscene. 

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32 minutes ago, Grimrock said:

The image of the cover also says 2022-23 season 1, so pretty much a guarantee that there's going to be at least one more. I guess that's the nail in the coffin then, no way I'm paying $120 a year for GHB's when I only get a game in every month or so. 10 bucks a game just in temporary rules is obscene. 

Pretty sure it was supposed to be 1 ghb, 1 campaign (like thondia).  Most places/events seem to have ignored thondia's matched play battlepack.  If that pattern continues then 12 month ghb seasons will still be the norm in practice.

Personally, I'd prefer if they were the norm officially as well, with campaigns focusing on narrative - maybe with some new stuff usable in matched play, but not an entire battlepack intended to replace the previous one.  But if people don't play the campaign pack anyway, it hardly matters.

Edited by Sception
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If that turns out to be future Freeguild Guard that mix of Roman segmented shoulder armor & cheekguards with north European studded jerkin & brimmed helmet would be a unique look enough to justify how they reboot CoS with armor that can fit the blistering heats of Hysh & Aqshy(Mediterranean romans) or the overgrown misty realmscapes of Ghyran & Ghur(north European) to finally replace the puffy Renaissance look.

I’m thinking the unveiling will happen in 4th edition if the new Season takes place in the Realm of Fire, that way they can practically march out of Hammerhal to unveil themselves.(plus finally time for a big Fyreslayers release)

Last interesting note is Soulbound already showed off Roman-like troops in their Realm of Light art. I wonder if they got the inside scoop back then?


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15 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

If that turns out to be future Freeguild Guard that mix of Roman segmented shoulder armor & cheekguards with north European studded jerkin & brimmed helmet would be a unique look enough to justify how they reboot CoS with armor that can fit the blistering heats of Hysh & Aqshy(Mediterranean romans) or the overgrown misty realmscapes of Ghyran & Ghur(north European) to finally replace the puffy Renaissance look.

I’m thinking the unveiling will happen in 4th edition if the new Season takes place in the Realm of Fire, that way they can practically march out of Hammerhal to unveil themselves.(plus finally time for a big Fyreslayers release)

Last interesting note is Soulbound already showed off Roman-like troops in their Realm of Light art. I wonder if they got the inside scoop back then?


Mate my brain hadnt even connected that these blokes are basically Chaos COS!!

I hope we get more time in Ghur but if next Edition we go to Aqshy Ill be so excited at the prospect of new FS.

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15 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

If that turns out to be future Freeguild Guard that mix of Roman segmented shoulder armor & cheekguards with north European studded jerkin & brimmed helmet would be a unique look enough to justify how they reboot CoS with armor that can fit the blistering heats of Hysh & Aqshy(Mediterranean romans) or the overgrown misty realmscapes of Ghyran & Ghur(north European) to finally replace the puffy Renaissance look.

I’m thinking the unveiling will happen in 4th edition if the new Season takes place in the Realm of Fire, that way they can practically march out of Hammerhal to unveil themselves.(plus finally time for a big Fyreslayers release)

Last interesting note is Soulbound already showed off Roman-like troops in their Realm of Light art. I wonder if they got the inside scoop back then?


We didn't have photo about dawnbringers looking like Spanish conquistadors?

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2 hours ago, novakai said:

I don’t think (and it’s been obvious for a while now) that they going to use Warcry to make updates kits for AoS just given how the game works. 

And until we get a warband that breaks the current format of 8-10 (relatively) human sized warriors, I’m not holding my breath for things like Maneaters and Troggoths. 

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4 hours ago, Sonnenspeer said:

Where was it mentioned that the GHB comes twice a year?


4 hours ago, KrispyXIV said:

I believe images of the new one show it labelled "July - December 2022" or something like that.


1 hour ago, Sception said:

Pretty sure it was supposed to be 1 ghb, 1 campaign (like thondia).  Most places/events seem to have ignored thondia's matched play battlepack.  If that pattern continues then 12 month ghb seasons will still be the norm in practice.

They know the six month schadule is barely tolerated in 40k and is likely to be massively unpopular in AoS, so they are being purposely vague with it. Apparently it's working, judging by the fact that there have been people both here and on Reddit expressing surprise when a six month shelf life of the book is mentioned.

However, they let slip it will be a six month thing in the initial Warhammer Fest reveal stream (which has since been deleted from Twitch), I believe the exact verbage used was that the book 'lays out the framework for the next six months of Matched Play'. I remember deliberately rewinding the stream to check I heard that right.

Edited by Mortal Wound
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32 minutes ago, Still-young said:

And until we get a warband that breaks the current format of 8-10 (relatively) human sized warriors, I’m not holding my breath for things like Maneaters and Troggoths. 

Swear down mate if Ogors dont get any Warbands or a significant model update Ill be very dissapointed. Ill take a Hero for AOS if it means a Warband in Warcry.

At the very least if there isnt 1 Destruction Warband for this season of Warcry set in Ghur, during Era of the Beast, and Gloomspite and Mawtribes dont get updated...Ill be a grumpy Gargant!!

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Spear units will be grateful tho at not nearly being obsolete anymore once we’re out of the Gallet tunnels and lose the second row rules.(same as monsters are finally happy Heartland Hunters are gone)

Honestly just take the data this helped the large units the most on(Vanquishers, Sequitors, Gluttons, Troggoths, Berzerkers, etc) and change them to 2” range on Battlescroll. They’re all big enough to reach anyway like the Stormcast greatswords being 10 feet long or Fyreslayers Fyresteel causing searing flames to strike out.

That way spears can remain relevant without having a crazy “go 3” now to compensate” arms race.

2 hours ago, Ragest said:

We didn't have photo about dawnbringers looking like Spanish conquistadors?

Yeah, the Eshin hero trailer. Could be different armor styles to show different backgrounds. Hopefully the whole chaos Warcry range is a big hint to how Order’s CoS will look but I’d settle for Roman-at-arms from Aqshy here for swordsmen & golden Conquistadors from Ghur for crossbows there.

2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

I hope we get more time in Ghur but if next Edition we go to Aqshy Ill be so excited at the prospect of new FS.

I expect plenty of time in Ghur still with enough sites on the map to 4 more seasons. I’d guess a season in the Gutfort next to introduce a Ogor release and give a focus on siege stuff(warmachine, scouts) before going elsewhere and eventually hoping over to Lendu for a foreign conquest in sinister lands.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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7 minutes ago, MitGas said:


And to add to the discussion: I really don't like that the rules get more complicated, it IMO scares off casual players that still want to use the comp rules.

Yeah most game I have play I have to remind my opponent to choice their battle tactics lol 

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The problem with dedicating a season to war machines is that artillery is much more rarer and so many army don’t have them as opposed to monster or infantry units. I would say mounted units are just as common and more likely 

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Oh yeah, if Gutfort siege season happened I’d imagine warmachine’s would only be one part. You need scouts too to survey the vast rings of barricade teeth and likely boosts to ambush units for both sappers that became tunnel veterans in Gallet and the defenders setting traps among the trenches.

So it’d be a mix of things to make the battle plans feel like a combination of city fighting and slogged down besieging as the armies battle around the massive earthworks and forts.(probably defensive bonuses for troops that dig in, some artillery shots that can bust a unit or terrain, ambusher battalions going down to 7” deepstrikes, scouts being more fleet-footed to retreat after fighting, etc. that way everyone from Ossiarch machines, Fyreslayer lava tunnelers and NightHaunt speedsters can participate)

I imagine mounts and monster cavalry to have their day in the southern Everwinter continent as everyone has to keep on the move like the Beastclaw nomads while if we go west towards the sea it’s gonna be flying unit boosts and city fighting around the ports.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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Spears really deserve some manner of compensation, because I'd still really hope the Galletian reach rules would stick around like they're the good idea that they are.  Either that or just make all respective warscrolls' melee attack profiles the same regardless of weapon used for them; why not?

It's the first rule in a long time that makes the game more simple.

Edited by Dingding123
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