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19 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

I'm willing to be the designers were discussing whether or not just give it the monster keyword wholesale, only to decide on this mini-monster version cos you can't have a monster on a 40mm base, it'd be embarrassing!

Its a shame if it is truly how it happened. Look at that thing face, if that isn't monstrous I don't know what is!

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3 hours ago, The Red King said:

and I suppose that yes Sigmar is famously described in every intro as having abandoned the mortal realms for safety just like the wood elves but of course the Sylvaneth like them. They're on the cover!"

Sometimes but even then it can feel like just allies of convenience ready to break their accords with the unnatural Stormcast immortals who break the cycle of life:


(And TBF, the abandoning thing keeps getting brought up to bite Alarielle, Sigmar and Grungni in their collective godly arses as it has caused some groves to go rebel against their mother creator, all kinds of tribes to turn against the God-king and go either chaos or literally haunt him as NightHaunt and why the vast majority of duardin give Grungni the stink eye)

But yeah, it’s pretty clear the writing from then to the current lore that Wanderers are just in a void of “kinda useful” but don’t fit anywhere and aren’t gonna be pushed for sales when Revenants, Spites and even possible future Kurnothi can do everything they do but better and literally be apart of nature(Lumineth* even take up the “aelves attuning to nature” niche making Wanderers even more redundant).

Though for me that fits because even in the world-that-was origins they were gonna get kicked out of the forests by the tree spirits but “fortunately” winter rolled round which put the spirits to sleep and left them super vulnerable to an greenskin Waaagh that nearly made it to the Oak of Ages if the Asrai didn’t return and save them. This convinced the tree spirits they needed them to shore up that weakness.

But now that’s not even a worry anymore since Sylvaneth are full elemental spirits able to adapt to literally any environment.

Chamon has Sylvaneth with metal in their bark that wield weapons of steel and grow metallic iron-oak tree forests for their duardin allies to shape into fortresses.

Aqshy has ash forest Sylvaneth with smoldering charcoal bodies that burn their enemies who threaten their eternally burning woods.

And every realm has frost Sylvaneth that excel in the ice and wintry deep snows. The Winterleaf glacial tundras of Ghyran and the vicious Spite-revenants near the frozen forests of northern Thondia in Ghur especially noted for being able to scurry and swarm after trespassers in chest-deep snow they lightly run over the top of and freeze their victims alive in magic ice rivers as a warning to others.


Edit: for added insult on that Wanderer General having to give orders outside the Living city thing. I like to imagine it’s the Rootking Duardin who act as messengers to the Sylvaneth authorities just to show off their closer ties than with the aelves. xD 



Edit edit: *and Lumineth do a banger job on rocking the nature powers:




Edited by Baron Klatz
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1 hour ago, The Red King said:

I mean the kragnos base decoration that looks completely divorced from the rest of the model matches KB shields and stuff but the KB banners otherwise depict a monster with huge TUSKS not horns and doesnt really look like Kragnos to me at all.

But that can be fix'd with more beers. At some point, I'm pretty sure that Kruleboyz banners will look exactly like Kragnos.

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21 minutes ago, Beliman said:

But that can be fix'd with more beers. At some point, I'm pretty sure that Kruleboyz banners will look exactly like Kragnos.

I'd say they're not that good at drawing. Simple explanation, would fit  geedubs

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8 hours ago, Iksdee said:

I also noticed that this bit looks very Necron in design. I'm not saying this doesnt look Seraphon because it clearly does but i want to keep my options open. 


I do not know of any actual link between Seraphon/Slann and Necrons, but Lizardmen are (were?) like the Necrons of Fantasy: existing before mortal history and favored by Old Ones. It makes sense that Seraphon magitek designs would look similar to Necrons.

7 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

the white dwarf update revealing many of the stars(and a number of moons & planets) in Azyr are actually magi-tech mecha-planetoids they inhabit and control

”The stars are not distant suns but rather distant orbs of pure celestium, devices of stone and gold made by the Old Ones, and other "cosmological bodies".

“Also since many of the stars are celestium, they are prophetic in nature. So Astrology is a real, founded, and sensible science in the Mortal Realms. Rather than the invention of scammers”

Now THIS is how you make lore that is ridiculous without overtaking how awesome it is... 

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Lady of Vines:

Throwing a spear: 1 attack at 18" with 2+/2+/-1/1D6 (ouch!!!)

Melee Spear: 3 attacks at 3" with 3+/3+/-1/1D3
Dr. Octopus arms: 4 attacks at 3" with 3+/3+/-1/2

  • Warmaster and Wizzard with 2 spells/unbinds
  • Crown: Friednly Sylvaneth units wholly within 6" = treated as being wholly within 6" of an Awaken Wyldwood
  • Offensive/Defensive Modes: At the start of the combat phase, choose if -1 to being hit or +1 to hit.
  • Summons: Once per battle, at the end of the movement phase, on a 2+ summon a unit 10 Dryads on an Overgrown Terrain (hint?) or in an Awakening Wyldwood.
  • Magic: CV 7. Friendly Sylvaneth units wholly within 12" have Ward 5+
Edited by Beliman
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7 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Lady of Vines:

Throwing a spear: 1 attack at 18" with 2+/2+/-1/1D6 (ouch!!!)

Melee Spear: 3 attacks at 3" with 3+/3+/-1/1D3
Dr. Octopus arms: 4 attacks at 3" with 3+/3+/-1/2

  • Warmaster and Wizzard with 2 spells/unbinds
  • Crown: Friednly Sylvaneth units wholly within 6" = treated as being in a Awaken Wyldwood
  • Offensive/Defensive Modes: At the start of the combat phase, choose if -1 to being hit or +1 to hit.
  • Summons: Once per battle, at the end of the movement phase, on a 2+ summon a unit 10 Dryads on an Overgrown Terrain (hint?) or in an Awakening Wyldwood.
  • Magic: CV 7. Friendly Sylvaneth units wholly within 12" have Ward 5+

So basically an Yndrasta that deals damage xD

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21 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

So basically an Yndrasta that deals damage xD

Lady of Vines is inmune to all my shooting appart from my Skyvessels XD WRONG

The Crown Ability treats all units wholly within 6" as if they were near 6" any Awakening Wyldwood!! I can shoot her!!!

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8 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

So basically an Yndrasta that deals damage xD

Well I can’t say that this is how the skaven will be in the new battletome, but just  from a raw warscroll and points comparison to their companions the sylvaneth in the same box. It seems like as if they are being beaten down by a huge nerf bat over and over again.

stormvermins and the deathmaster seem very underwhelming for their points.

so do the clanrats, then again they got better for the same points.

as for the screaming bell, I’m not cery certain what it is.

it is not really

 a support hero anymore.

that guy

 just feels like a hero you wanna cast warplightning vortex near him, so he can basically loose wounds and maybe get a verminlord of some sort.


edit: for the skaven sake, I really hope that this aren’t the final warscrolls

Edited by Skreech Verminking
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20 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Lady of Vines:

Throwing a spear: 1 attack at 18" with 2+/2+/-1/1D6 (ouch!!!)

Melee Spear: 3 attacks at 3" with 3+/3+/-1/1D3
Dr. Octopus arms: 4 attacks at 3" with 3+/3+/-1/2

  • Warmaster and Wizzard with 2 spells/unbinds
  • Crown: Friednly Sylvaneth units wholly within 6" = treated as being in a Awaken Wyldwood
  • Offensive/Defensive Modes: At the start of the combat phase, choose if -1 to being hit or +1 to hit.
  • Summons: Once per battle, at the end of the movement phase, on a 2+ summon a unit 10 Dryads on an Overgrown Terrain (hint?) or in an Awakening Wyldwood.
  • Magic: CV 7. Friendly Sylvaneth units wholly within 12" have Ward 5+


am so hyped 

for this queen of wrath and thorn

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1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

Sometimes but even then it can feel like just allies of convenience ready to break their accords with the unnatural Stormcast immortals who break the cycle of life:


(And TBF, the abandoning thing keeps getting brought up to bite Alarielle, Sigmar and Grungni in their collective godly arses as it has caused some groves to go rebel against their mother creator, all kinds of tribes to turn against the God-king and go either chaos or literally haunt him as NightHaunt and why the vast majority of duardin give Grungni the stink eye)

But yeah, it’s pretty clear the writing from then to the current lore that Wanderers are just in a void of “kinda useful” but don’t fit anywhere and aren’t gonna be pushed for sales when Revenants, Spites and even possible future Kurnothi can do everything they do but better and literally be apart of nature(Lumineth even take up the “aelves attuning to nature” niche making Wanderers even more redundant).

Though for me that fits because even in the world-that-was origins they were gonna get kicked out of the forests by the tree spirits but “fortunately” winter rolled round which put the spirits to sleep and left them super vulnerable to an greenskin Waaagh that nearly made it to the Oak of Ages if the Asrai didn’t return and save them. This convinced the tree spirits they needed them to shore up that weakness.

But now that’s not even a worry anymore since Sylvaneth are full elemental spirits able to adapt to literally any environment.

Chamon has Sylvaneth with metal in their bark that wield weapons of steel and grow metallic iron-oak tree forests for their duardin allies to shape into fortresses.

Aqshy has ash forest Sylvaneth with smoldering charcoal bodies that burn their enemies who threaten their eternally burning woods.

And every realm has frost Sylvaneth that excel in the ice and wintry deep snows. The Winterleaf glacial tundras of Ghyran and the vicious Spite-revenants near the frozen forests of northern Thondia in Ghur especially noted for being able to scurry and swarm after trespassers in chest-deep snow they lightly run over the top of and freeze their victims alive in magic ice rivers as a warning to others.


Edit: for added insult on that Wanderer general having to give orders outside the Living city thing. I like to imagine it’s the Rootking Duardin who act as messengers to the Sylvaneth authorities just to show off their closer ties than with the aelves. xD 



You seem to be kind of in the know on Sylvaneth and their lore, dear Herr Baron. Might I ask if anything was ever written about Sylvaneth in Hysh? Might be interesting neighbours for my Ymetricans. :)

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Just now, Noserenda said:

As a pure Eshin player i have to say the new Deathmaster warscroll is extremely ominous in its lack of ability for them to hide in, y'know, Eshin units.

I’m guessing that this warscroll was mostly written to fit the boxsets content.

either that or they are removing everything (excluding the deathmaster and verminlord deceiver) that has the clan eshin keyword

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No hes way too expensive as is, unless the allegiance abilities and other gumph help out bigly. 

From the screaming bell we can see these arent written specifically for the boxed set due to the verminlord summoning too :/ 

Gutter Runners are surely too iconic a unit to drop entirely, but i do worry about Night runners at this point, or any pure Clan synergy.

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10 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

No hes way too expensive as is, unless the allegiance abilities and other gumph help out bigly. 

From the screaming bell we can see these arent written specifically for the boxed set due to the verminlord summoning too :/ 

Gutter Runners are surely too iconic a unit to drop entirely, but i do worry about Night runners at this point, or any pure Clan synergy.

I can’t say,

there are many skaven players that fear that gw is cutting everything that is metal or failcast, keeping just a few units alive in the book.

personally I can’t see this happening,

after all most of the iconic skaven units are still in metal.

cutting everything that makes the skaven an iconic faction would very likely just kill it straight off.

Well at least there are other game systems more willing to balance stuff,

should this be the case.

i doubt it though, I’m just hoping that the person writing the book knew what is needed for the skaven.


Edited by Skreech Verminking
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51 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Summons: Once per battle, at the end of the movement phase, on a 2+ summon a unit 10 Dryads on an Overgrown Terrain (hint?) or in an Awakening Wyldwood.

Well a Branchwraith can potentially summon 10 Dryads EVERY round.

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48 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

deathmaster seem very underwhelming for their points.

How mich is he? 140 pts?

If you play 2 they‘re a huge threat to any support heroes with their 10 shirikens with 6s to hit dealing D3 MWs. You habe to play them sneaky, not like duellists.

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BY LONG LOST NEHEKHARA THIS NEW CHARACTER IS EVIL!!!! Honestly the fact that this guy can only transport Nighthaunt units is probably for the best, otherwise I'd probably try to teleport a vengorian lord, a full unit of blood knights, or a necrosphinx (IF I HAD ONE!!!). Regardless, I'm gonna probably buy and convert Awlrach into a reference to Ra or Khepri.9Q5mo9MoF5zjrwQ2.jpg.c230024e0b7071eb33e24c80455bd493.jpg

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21 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

You seem to be kind of in the know on Sylvaneth and their lore, dear Herr Baron. Might I ask if anything was ever written about Sylvaneth in Hysh? Might be interesting neighbours for my Ymetricans. :)

Unfortunately not much yet. Hysh only recently opened up to the other realms and I imagine Sylvaneth trying to settle in to a realm where almost every boulder, river, cloud and moon has a sentient spirit in it is a bit crowded for the tree spirits of Ghyran to move in too quickly.

The first Lumineth tome does note a procession of Ironbark Sylvaneth traveling there(likely in pilgrimage or to establish an embassy) whose metal veins and affinity for minerals would get along swimmingly with Ymetrica’s mountains and hardy far-traveling monks.


I imagine with the life flood and cosmic roots spreading through the realms we’ll probably see more on them there in the upcoming battletome and vice-versa with the possible Lumineth tome having it’s aelven pilgrims & light spirits go to other places.

Just as the Kharadron did who started as solely in Chamon before spreading their skyports to other realms. From the invaluable skydock trades needed for Aqshy & Ghur settlements to flourish to the shadier operations in the port black-markets of Shyish and even the major piratical Skyport of Mhornar recently moved it’s entirety from a mapped region of Chamon to Ulgu:

“One really cool new bit is about Barak-Mhornar, which has voluntarily left Chamon. To get to it now, Kharadron have to fly through a realmgate of umbral magic situated where the city used to be, then get led through a series of mist shrouded floating islands before coming to the Skyport itself. The KO of that city also refuse to tell anyone where the skyport is actually located,”

(knowing Kharadron maybe they wanted a monopoly on information of Malerion Shadow aelves first. xD )

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