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7 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

Much as i'd like a new warband or expansion, she is most likely just the obligatory foot hero to go with a quick battletome only release.

But surely they won't do another Daughters tome?! The book seems to be in a very good condition and is still quite new. What they could do is a Slaughter Queen or Hag Queen outside the Cauldron box. But then again the shown model features noticably shorter hair while the fomular thus far seems to gave indicated that leader status in the Cult of Morathi-Khaine goes along with bigger hair. 

The whip and short hair could indicate a hero specialized in supporting or fighting alongside Sisters of Slaughter. Perhaps in order to make melee builds for Daughters a little more attractive in contrast to the popular Blood Stalker builds. Me personally, I would have preferred a stealthy assassin type hero á la Malaneth Witchblade. 

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If it’s for the Shadow Aelves warband then it could be that the warband is made up of both ‘Malerion Aelves’ and ‘DoK Aelves’, preparing us for the introduction of Malerion and his court as part of the DoK book (Orruk Warclans-style) when they eventually drop his new range (essentially a Kruleboyz-style expansion) in 2023?

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53 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

If it’s for the Shadow Aelves warband then it could be that the warband is made up of both ‘Malerion Aelves’ and ‘DoK Aelves’, preparing us for the introduction of Malerion and his court as part of the DoK book (Orruk Warclans-style) when they eventually drop his new range (essentially a Kruleboyz-style expansion) in 2023?

I could see this happening. Malerions Aelves and DOK I feel are the Factions most likely to be souped. It's one of the rumoured soups I'm ok with. 

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18 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

Reminder that this thread has had another prophet who was right about ogor pirate maneaters, and they claimed the next UW starter would include Malerion aelves.

Could this mean the whipped aelf is...M...M...



I wanna see Malerion and his elves this year so much but wouldn’t the next starter set mean something like Dominion? They haven’t had a starter vs set outside edition change since Kharadron/Tzeentch times. 

or do you/the leaker mean the duel box style release? 

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55 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

If it’s for the Shadow Aelves warband then it could be that the warband is made up of both ‘Malerion Aelves’ and ‘DoK Aelves’, preparing us for the introduction of Malerion and his court as part of the DoK book (Orruk Warclans-style) when they eventually drop his new range (essentially a Kruleboyz-style expansion) in 2023?

No way Malerion and another aelv faction wont get a standalone book. They just print too much money. 

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A dark elf alliance book with DoK, Umbraneth and Idoneth would work quite well. Like warclans they could all have their own allegiance abilities and a set for using them all together. 

Lore wise it isn't really a problem to have them on the same side and also fighting each other, as DoK and Idoneth (maybe Umbraneth) are quite individualistic with a lot of factions within factions.

This is assuming GW have no intention of significant expansion to DoK / Idoneth post the introductions of Umbraneth. I would obviously prefer no souping.

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16 minutes ago, Feii said:

I wanna see Malerion and his elves this year so much but wouldn’t the next starter set mean something like Dominion? They haven’t had a starter vs set outside edition change since Kharadron/Tzeentch times. 

or do you/the leaker mean the duel box style release? 

It's another Underworlds Starter. We've had the Starter with SCE and Kruelboyz and will then have another 2 standalone Warbands in the form of the Ogor Pirate and rumoured Necromancer and zombies. Then the next 4 Warbands of the season will be released with the first 2 in another boxed set.

10 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

A dark elf alliance book with DoK, Umbraneth and Idoneth would work quite well. Like warclans they could all have their own allegiance abilities and a set for using them all together. 

Lore wise it isn't really a problem to have them on the same side and also fighting each other, as DoK and Idoneth (maybe Umbraneth) are quite individualistic with a lot of factions within factions.

This is assuming GW have no intention of significant expansion to DoK / Idoneth post the introductions of Umbraneth. I would obviously prefer no souping.

Lore wise I would like to see IDK separated as they are unique enough in their own rights.

Malerions Aelves are in the Kruelboyz situation wheres they arent established deeply enough in the lore yet as say KO and Fyreslayer (making their souping more difficult to justify) so them being souped into DOK at this time makes sense as canonically they dont have an individualistic outlook or style as of yet.

Then there is the other angle of too many Aelven Factions, especially if Duardin soup does come to boil.

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The thing is the Daughters of Khaine and Idoneth Deepkin already have larger rosters compared to Ironjawz and Kruleboyz. So if they were to soup Malerion's Aelves + Idoneth + Daughters of Khaine to create something akin ye olde Dark Elves (which also contained a small nautical theme as well as the Khaine cult) that'd result in a significantly larger book than Orruk Warclans. 

And I also would imagine that such a beloved faction like Dark Elves would deserve their own standalone incarnation, in the eyes of the developers as well as in those of the fans.

Now, Daughters + Har Curon is something that would make much more sense to me and would underline how much Har Curon is alienated from the other Cities of Sigmar and how powerful Morathi has become.

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47 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

The thing is the Daughters of Khaine and Idoneth Deepkin already have larger rosters compared to Ironjawz and Kruleboyz. So if they were to soup Malerion's Aelves + Idoneth + Daughters of Khaine to create something akin ye olde Dark Elves (which also contained a small nautical theme as well as the Khaine cult) that'd result in a significantly larger book than Orruk Warclans. 

And I also would imagine that such a beloved faction like Dark Elves would deserve their own standalone incarnation, in the eyes of the developers as well as in those of the fans.

Now, Daughters + Har Curon is something that would make much more sense to me and would underline how much Har Curon is alienated from the other Cities of Sigmar and how powerful Morathi has become.

I'd see that Idoneth would remain their own Faction, DOK and Malerions Aevles thematically have so much in common, obviously with Malerion being Morathis son. I'm not saying they should be souped but of all Factions in AOS they make the most sense to be.*

I'd also see Malerions Aelves as the Dark Elves to AOS as the Lumineth were to High Elves. If they get a range as large as Lumineth then yes they should remain their own thing but I believe it wont be nearly as large and DOK will make up for that.


*I was all for Kruelboyz being souped into Warclans.

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That's enough non elf talk...

back to the the mysterious Whip Elf lady, I was actually surprised she was an elf. The whip style (which we saw in a Rumor Engine) is much closer to Skaven than anything else. It doesn't match the sisters of slaughter, the old dark elves, or any of the dark eldar. 

I'm defintiely leaning towards an AoS setting though, it's too plain for 40k. Due to the style being different from Sisters of Slaughter, I think it's Malerion's. I'd bet on Underworlds due to the rumor about them.

I'm extremely biased in my thinking though, there's nothing in AoS I want more. It could be clouding my judgement


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19 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

Damn thats actually a really good name. Sign me up!

Thanks mate!! 

18 minutes ago, Red Bull said:

That's enough non elf talk...

back to the the mysterious Whip Elf lady, I was actually surprised she was an elf. The whip style (which we saw in a Rumor Engine) is much closer to Skaven than anything else. It doesn't match the sisters of slaughter, the old dark elves, or any of the dark eldar. 

I'm defintiely leaning towards an AoS setting though, it's too plain for 40k. Due to the style being different from Sisters of Slaughter, I think it's Malerion's. I'd bet on Underworlds due to the rumor about them.

I'm extremely biased in my thinking though, there's nothing in AoS I want more. It could be clouding my judgement


If its AOS I'm leaning towards Malerion for Underworlds as well, there was a post by another user here who called the Ogor Pirate Warband and said that there is also a Necromancer and Zombies Warvand alongside a COS Witch Hunter band and Malerion Shadow Aelves.

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People want beard talk? People want elf talk? A chance for Cirdan, the Shipwright, to show his quality!

Honestly I think that DoK will be souped. Outside of Death factions it feels like the armies that were based around specific subfactions or units have all found their way back into a soup styled army. I think this is why I am so interested in the fate of Fyreslayers as they seem like a perfect candidate for the soup treatment but I feel like Kharadron resist the soup treatment as they are a uniquely AoS idea and have lore reasons to avoid joining up with fire themed cultists.

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12 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I'd see that Idoneth would remain their own Faction, DOK and Malerions Aevles thematically have so much in common, obviously with Malerion being Morathis son. I'm not saying they should be souped but of all Factions in AOS they make the most sense to be.*

I'd also see Malerions Aelves as the Dark Elves to AOS as the Lumineth were to High Elves. If they get a range as large as Lumineth then yes they should remain their own thing but I believe it wont be nearly as large and DOK will make up for that.


*I was all for Kruelboyz being souped into Warclans.

It's certainly a possibility, and it would make sense if they want a mirror images dynamic between Lumineth and Shadow Aelves both with two gods at the helm (siblings in Lumineth's case, mother & son for Umbraneth). And they do seem loosely allied at the moment.

I for one would rather Morathi stayed on her own though. 

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1 hour ago, Maogrim said:

Now, Daughters + Har Curon is something that would make much more sense to me and would underline how much Har Curon is alienated from the other Cities of Sigmar and how powerful Morathi has become.

I was hoping for something like this when that tome was announced. Had bought the DoK half of Shadow and Paine, 2 Boxes of Drusa Kraeth. I had a really nice Har Kuron army.

Was hoping to see a temple that coalitioned in Darkling Covens, Order Serpentis and Privateers. The Darkling Covens synergieses with the DoK abilities really well.

Re-roll run rolls of 1 is great for your Executioners/Blackguard.

Sorceress is a great way to get that sweet sweet Mindrazor off.

Alas I'll just have to stick with my current Allegiance abilities *checks notes* 1 in 4 DoK and lose Cities bonuses. Oh.


Rumours: As much as I want Malerion Aleves to be their own unique faction I can see them joining DoK. Kruleboyz has shown that they can be creative and still have it work with the other clans. If the rumour of the underworlds warbands are true, my guess is we'll see that Warband join DoK just like the Umbraneth warband. 

That dual-box could be really interesting if it's a CoS band of Monster Hunters, think Witch Hunter and crew Vs. a Band of monster tamers, Whip Dark Aelf and company and a big monster.

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1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

People want beard talk? People want elf talk? A chance for Cirdan, the Shipwright, to show his quality!

Honestly I think that DoK will be souped. Outside of Death factions it feels like the armies that were based around specific subfactions or units have all found their way back into a soup styled army. I think this is why I am so interested in the fate of Fyreslayers as they seem like a perfect candidate for the soup treatment but I feel like Kharadron resist the soup treatment as they are a uniquely AoS idea and have lore reasons to avoid joining up with fire themed cultists.

I was quite disappointed that when they released Cirdan for the Middle Earth SBG they didn't sculpt him with his mighty beard. I painted him as though he had a short one, but kind of wished my green stuff skills were good enough to make him more book acurate!

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33 minutes ago, Deakz28 said:

All this elf talk and umbraneth in particular gets me overly hyped! Where’s whitefang for confirmation ;) 

 Right!? Obviously intentional, Whitefang isn't reacting, rumours are shrouded in uncertainty and darkness... Umbraneth confirmed!

I know there's a lot of complaints but personally I'm quite Happy with the holiday reveals. (As long as you jus accepted that the Advent wasn't for us).

We got IDK, Fyreslayers Box set confirmed and saw both heroes, with a hint for more to come. Which means next 2 Battletomes!

Strong hints of new Nighthaunt models, 1, 2 maybe 3?? (boat rumour engine) so we know a much needed NH book is probably 3rd.

New Avatar could be interesting if only for conversion purposes, I hate the DoK cauldrons but want to play one. Crazed priestesses summoning an Avatar could be a sweet albeit expensive conversion.

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As best I can recall, the elves came together once the madness of Tyrion/the Curse of Khaine had passed, uniting under the Eternity King to present a united front before the Rana Dandra.

Not to speak of the ages of suffering and rejection the Idoneth went on to experience at the hands of Slaanesh and Teclis respectively, and their recent alliance (even if only of convenience) with Morathi and Her Daughters in Broken Realms.

The concept of High and Dark Elves seems pretty redundant by the Age of Sigmar — everything is much more grey and muddied. 

Edited by The Brotherhood of Necros
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3 hours ago, Red Bull said:

That's enough non elf talk...

back to the the mysterious Whip Elf lady, I was actually surprised she was an elf. The whip style (which we saw in a Rumor Engine) is much closer to Skaven than anything else. It doesn't match the sisters of slaughter, the old dark elves, or any of the dark eldar. 

I'm defintiely leaning towards an AoS setting though, it's too plain for 40k. Due to the style being different from Sisters of Slaughter, I think it's Malerion's. I'd bet on Underworlds due to the rumor about them.

I'm extremely biased in my thinking though, there's nothing in AoS I want more. It could be clouding my judgement


I’m sorry, but if the only style difference between Malerions elves and the Daughters of Khaine is that their whips are plain instead of braided, then it’s going to be such a dull release, because apart from that it looks exactly like a DoK model. I don’t get why so many people seem to be happy with a new faction looking so much like an existing faction? Malerions elves are the thing I’m most excited for in AoS too, and I’m going to be very disappointed if they’re just DoK 2.0. 

Edited by Still-young
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