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2 minutes ago, RexHavoc said:

GW lost two sales of the set 

No. Since its a limited run and they will sell every copy of it, they didn't directly loose anything.  You gave up getting something you wanted because you were a bit sore about the idea of waiting 10 minutes to buy it?  And guess what.. you didn't have to. You can literally buy it right now no wait. Since your "sticking it to em" argument falls a bit flat, might as well pick it up. 

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Honestly, the queue is probably in place more to stop people from unintentionally DDOSing the website than to stop scalpers/bots. If implementing such a limited control puts more boxes in the hands of “legitimate” customers versus the secondary market, it’s a happy side-effect.

I waited in queue for maybe 20 minutes, and had no trouble getting my two boxes, it was a pretty minimal time investment for me.

Edited by EnumaEilish
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1 minute ago, sorokyl said:

No. Since its a limited run and they will sell every copy of it, they didn't directly loose anything.  You gave up getting something you wanted because you were a bit sore about the idea of waiting 10 minutes to buy it?  And guess what.. you didn't have to. You can literally buy it right now no wait. Since your "sticking it to em" argument falls a bit flat, might as well pick it up. 

So yeah, common argument is GW don't care about two sets as they will sell. Sure, they will sell those boxes. They get their €300 for two boxes from someone else (unless this set is still sitting on shelves down the road). But they do miss out on my group buying further purchases for this edition. We stopped edition hopping ages back. We like 1st edition and had no intention of ever playing 2nd. But most of us are lore hounds and hobby nuts before gamers- Alone I've brought almost all the 2nd ed battletomes simply for the art/lore. Between us we've brought a ton of 2nd ed stuff to use in our 1st ed campaigns.

I'd have done the same with this new release- love the new orcs and would have collected them (books, at least one of each model) had I gotten this 'cheap' starter force for them. Not to mention picking up anything extra for the loaner army of them (I paint an awful lot of stuff for people to borrow here). That's where they are loosing future sales or having us buy from their competitors.

And it isn't about being sore for sitting in a queue for 10 mins. In my opinion the whole thing has been disgusting- from the video stream to today's pre-order. There is a ton of things that I just think were unnecessary to sell the game. Which to me is a real shame as its a really nice set, ruined by some utterly bizarre choices in their sales pitch.  The game could have been sold on its own merits- great models, nicer looking art than what's been common to AoS (subjective ofc) and a really big box of plastic. 

The icing on this cake was just that the Queue is exploitable and does nothing to fix the real issue with their releases, its a bandaid over the problem, it simply disguises what they don't want to fix. There is a number of things they could do to fix the issue that would mean there would be no waiting- people could log in, buy item, done. But I'm assuming that they don't want to risk their current profit, as this way is clearly works as they are making huge profit right now.

And that's fine. As proven from talking to people, very few people seem bothered by the issues when they've been pointed out and that's no bother to me. I really don't mind having an unpopular opinion on the situation.I don't let it affect my hobby and I would find it weirder if anyone let me being bothered by what's happened affect their own hobby.

Yes, this set is still available, but I also know that if people think the Queue system has worked well we will continue to see it. The next Horus Heresy book release will be fun. 40k is way more popular anyway and by supporting the queue system, I'm either setting myself up to have to sit in a very long queue down the road (quite often on a regular basis) or exploit the system myself to make sure I get in and get the book I want. I'd rather not do either of them to be honest so I'd rather just stop supporting the system from now in hopes that they change it for something fairer (ie not exploitable)

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Just checking in to say I’ve had a really amazing day celebrating the new edition preorder and it looks like lots of others have too!

Thrilled to see people here securing their copies and I can’t wait for the new edition to kick off proper! I mostly hobby and follow lore as opposed to gaming competitively but I can’t wait to try out some new lists and there looks to be so much lore in the core book, too! 🙌🏻

I’m also really happy to see GW seemingly deliver on their promise of having enough supply to meet demand. They’re clearly taking steps to try make the experience better and judging from the overwhelmingly positive responses I’ve seen today, it’s worked. For me, this has to be one of the best parts of the hobby — sharing in the positivity and the excitement and feeling like I’ve found my tribe.

Happy 3.0! 🎉 

Edited by The Brotherhood of Necros
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17 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

DND minis make complete sense, I am flabbergasted Marvel minis are that high though wow

The game has really exploded in all the LFGS' around me so it doesn't come as a complete surprise.

I think it's a quadruple-whammy of the ruleset being very well-written (Atomic Mass Games is largely the WarmaHordes MK2 guys writing a Beer & Prezels game), extremely accessible (most games only use 5-models and you get double that in the starter set), the Marvel IP being the biggest multi-media brand of the modern day and people buying it who don't necessarily want to play, just collect the miniatures because... they're Marvel miniatures. 

I wouldn't be surprised if AoS clawed back the No. 4 spot this quarter with the new edition though. 


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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The ICv2 data is particularly accurate when it comes to gw. It doesn't include gw stores or gw's online store which account for a big chunk of gw sales. It does show the relative popularity of AoS and 40k in North America though. 


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8 minutes ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

Hey sorry to derail the thread but can we go over the chaos dwarf rumours? I’ve been relatively out of the loop these past three days and am in a real good mood due to the Preorder.

you mean this one

r/ageofsigmar - More Chaos Dwarf Hint Dropping

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1 minute ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

Yeah, I also saw on another site that the dwarfs mentioned might be called “Oathbreakers” as a faction instead of Furnace Kings and wanted to see if anyone else had heard the same(granted my source is 1d4chan).

that was a 4chan rumor and was really sus since it mention Grey Knights would get more unit and i believe that was already proven wrong

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5 minutes ago, Austin said:

What?? The Grey Knights part was proven wrong? Link plz.

there was nothing new for Grey Knights in the Munitorum Field Manual 2021 MkII which was suppose to have been release after the New Codex for them and T-sons came out first and that book had the points for the new T-son Infernal Master, 


most likely what this mean is that they are getting one of their Fincast character redone in plastic (Cowe, Stern, Draigo, or the Brother captain) but no new units like the rumor had said they would. (which i find suspicious because the guys use this fact to justified the BoC (all new units- very sus)/Gloomspite (only one hero) box for some reason)

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1 hour ago, novakai said:

there was nothing new for Grey Knights in the Munitorum Field Manual 2021 MkII which was suppose to have been release after the New Codex for them and T-sons came out first and that book had the points for the new T-son Infernal Master, 


most likely what this mean is that they are getting one of their Fincast character redone in plastic (Cowe, Stern, Draigo, or the Brother captain) but no new units like the rumor had said they would. (which i find suspicious because the guys use this fact to justified the BoC (all new units- very sus)/Gloomspite (only one hero) box for some reason)

Didn't it only say their models would be redone not that the would get new units?

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Thanks @Whitefang for reacting to my post!

I wonder if it might be worthwhile rereading some of those tactics articles for other factions in case there are potentially other "reveals".

It might explain some of the points value changes if some Battletomes are ready to go soon.

Edited by Warpfiend
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6 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

DND minis make complete sense, I am flabbergasted Marvel minis are that high though wow

Thing is: Marvel Crisis Protocol is a really good game. I had low expectations before trying it, but I've played it twice now and I love it. It's just too expensive to collect for me, sadly, and painting something that everyone wants to be in one specific color scheme is just no fun. 

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2 hours ago, novakai said:

there was nothing new for Grey Knights in the Munitorum Field Manual 2021 MkII which was suppose to have been release after the New Codex for them and T-sons came out first and that book had the points for the new T-son Infernal Master, 


most likely what this mean is that they are getting one of their Fincast character redone in plastic (Cowe, Stern, Draigo, or the Brother captain) but no new units like the rumor had said they would. (which i find suspicious because the guys use this fact to justified the BoC (all new units- very sus)/Gloomspite (only one hero) box for some reason)

Hmm.  I think we are still in the 'wait and see' stage.  If the Grey Knights thing comes true....exciting stuff for AoS on the horizon.

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6 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

The game has really exploded in all the LFGS' around me so it doesn't come as a complete surprise.

I think it's a quadruple-whammy of the ruleset being very well-written (Atomic Mass Games is largely the WarmaHordes MK2 guys writing a Beer & Prezels game), extremely accessible (most games only use 5-models and you get double that in the starter set), the Marvel IP being the biggest multi-media brand of the modern day and people buying it who don't necessarily want to play, just collect the miniatures because... they're Marvel miniatures. 

I wouldn't be surprised if AoS clawed back the No. 4 spot this quarter with the new edition though. 


I love the game, but I don't really understand why it isn't made with pre-painted miniatures. Those minis are ridiculously detailed and modeled in such a way that you really need to do sub-assemblies to even put paint on everything (looking at you, Mr. Sinister), and there's a certain way you're expected to paint them... I just don't see a lot of joy in painting them for anyone but semi-pro instagram painter heroes. 

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24 minutes ago, Warpfiend said:

Thanks @Whitefang for reacting to my post!

I wonder if it might be worthwhile rereading some of those tactics articles for other factions in case there are potentially other "reveals".

It might explain some of the points value changes if some Battletomes are ready to go soon.

If the maggotkin rumour also holds to be true as whitefang might be suggesting, then the rumour attached with the other 3 battletomes and new armies (dawn ringer and umbraneth) might hold truth too 

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2 minutes ago, Deakz28 said:

If the maggotkin rumour also holds to be true as whitefang might be suggesting, then the rumour attached with the other 3 battletomes and new armies (dawn ringer and umbraneth) might hold truth too 

Maybe, but if I was going to make a blind guess at the third AoS3 battletome it would be Maggotkin. It is the oldest battletome. 

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