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The Rumour Thread

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8 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

Not that there needs to be one in a fantasy setting, but had anyone heard an explanation for how these sea creatures a flying through and breathing in air?

This ... I like the models well enough but can't wrap my head around the flying aspect. Had they been leaping from waves or positioned in a leaping manner then I wouldn't have a problem but these aren't jiving for me. The hero with the wave cloak is a pimp though.

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10 minutes ago, Grontik said:

This ... I like the models well enough but can't wrap my head around the flying aspect. Had they been leaping from waves or positioned in a leaping manner then I wouldn't have a problem but these aren't jiving for me. The hero with the wave cloak is a pimp though.

As this is the rumour thread, the rumour I've heard is that they cast a spell across the battlefield that makes it both air and water at the same time... or something. Basically a magical way for their units to behave as though they're in water even when they're not.

EDIT: @Jamopower beat me to it!

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1 minute ago, Sleboda said:

It would be cool if it is a spell, because, you know, Nagash could wipe out their army in an instant with a simple dispel. He is, after all, a god, right?

So why doesn't just cast a spell to get rid of all the air when facing mortal foes? ;) 

I think the answer is that he could dispel it but it would take too long to do and by the time it's done, the raid is over. 

I personally quite like this idea as it means we get to have lots of cool models! :D 

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4 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

So why doesn't just cast a spell to get rid of all the air when facing mortal foes? ;) 

Because casting a specific spell requires there to be such a spell. I've not seen "Remove Air" in the game so far, but I have seen dispels.

Not that I'm fussed by it. It does lead to cool models, as you say, but it seems pretty gimmicky to me as a fluff thing. Very forced.

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6 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

Because casting a specific spell requires there to be such a spell. I've not seen "Remove Air" in the game so far, but I have seen dispels.

LOL ;) 

6 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

Not that I'm fussed by it. It does lead to cool models, as you say, but it seems pretty gimmicky to me as a fluff thing. Very forced.

I sort of agree, but to me its just a way of having cool stuff to build, paint and play with. I'm cool with it ;) 


4 minutes ago, Spaceboy said:

What is this model on the right hand side? It doesn't look like anything mentioned in the reveal. Some sort of terrain maybe?

Yes I think so. They have a terrain department now focusing upon such kits, so I think it's really cool for them to be able to produce these kits. 

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3 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

They have a terrain department now focusing upon such kits, so I think it's really cool for them to be able to produce these kits. 

That's news to me! And exciting news too! AoS needs all the terrain it can get! I hope part of their remit is to think about how terrain can be used to support and enhance gameplay, not just aesthetics.

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I get the feeling this army is gunna be a big deal in terms of luring new players and rekindling interest amongst past players. More so than previous releases, this seems to be really pressing buttons. 

Certainly closest I've been to buying a non-goblin. I really love the shark-mounted harpoon thing, reminds me of a 2-pilot jet fighter or something. And that wave-cloak dude... I hope the designers feel as good as we do right now; this is what GW does best - batshit crazy ideas that work great and look even awesomer.  I'm hyped to see what the awesome painters do with this army, e.g. that dude with the coral reef trolls, or Vince from Warhammer Weekly. 

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That Terrain piece is also behind Manthlan on the video. seems to be some other coral type terrain. Forget about the Malign Portents, looks like it;s the time of High Tides.


On the Subject of the apect of Manthlan, I know why I immediately fell in love with it. He must be inspired by Elric Melnibone.


Thumb adepticonpreview mar22 deepkin3kvdkig

Michael Moorcock's Elric of Melnibone Art by Yoshitaka Amano




Edited by Kronos
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9 hours ago, Barkanaut said:

Not going to lie my group has been pretty bored if 40k. 8th promised to be new and amazing and it’s been endless power armor and now an imperial knight wooow.However AoS is impressing many and gaining traction. Also the new 40k lore is basically a repeat of 30k but less interesting. Chatter around the net many think  AoS stole the show barring sisters. If it wasn’t for sob propping it up would have been a loss for 40k. 


There is a real chance GW coy,d mismanage 40k and at the same tim3 manage AoS so well we see AoS being the number one game and setting. 4 armies in one year is huge if d4ath comes out with one as rumoured. AoS releases if they keep accelerating will equal 40k in terms of support in a year. 

AoS will never top 40k by virtue of Space Marine sales. I'm willing to bet that they've made more money from combined Space Marine sales in the past year alone than all of Age of Sigmar, regardless of how popular the game has become.  That's not a slight against AoS itself, but if there's one thing that 40k players  have it's brand loyalty, thus why in the Dark Age of 7th so many people moved on to Horus Heresy rather than try Age of Sigmar. 

My one gripe with nu-GW is that for all of the improvements they've brought, they appear to be doubling down on the Imperial focus that was already obnoxiously prevalent even whilst Kirby was at the reigns. If it's not some variety of Space Marine, it's an Imperial army no doubt brought out not because they thought it was cool so much as "I bet we can make better returns on SM players buying them as allies than with updated Xenos." 

AoS still has an issue with focusing too much on the Stormcast - particularly in the fiction - but there is still a great deal more diversity in new releases than 40k... at least for now. I'm optimistic they'll continue this trend. The fact AoS is such a blank slate where designers can really go all out probably helps with this a great deal. I could make a gripe about how too many old and new armies are Order, but at least the allegiances are flimsy enough in-universe that Daughters of Khaine vs Freeguild is a lot more reasonable than Space Marines vs Imperial Guard. 

I still consider myself a bitter, jaded WHFB player at heart, but I've absolutely found myself a lot more excited for AoS' announcements ("AIRSHIP DWARVES! SEA ELVES! GORGON ELVES! COMBINED MORTAL AND DAEMON CHAOS GOD ARMIES!) than I have been hoping  and praying that the 40k will, this time, not just be something to further homogenise 40k into "Imperial Soup and Friends" and I've been disappointed on every front since Fall of Cadia.

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13 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

AoS will never top 40k by virtue of Space Marine sales. I'm willing to bet that they've made more money from combined Space Marine sales in the past year alone than all of Age of Sigmar, regardless of how popular the game has become.  That's not a slight again AoS itself, but if there's one thing that 40k players  have, it's brand loyalty, thus why in the Dark Age of 7th so many people moved on to Horus Heresy rather than try Age of Sigmar. 

My one gripe with nu-GW is that for all of the improvements they've brought, they appear to be doubling down on the Imperial focus that was already obnoxiously prevalent even whilst Kirby was at the reigns. If it's not some variety of Space Marine, it's an Imperial army no doubt brought out not because they thought it was cool so much as "I bet we can make better returns on SM players buying them as allies than with updated Xenos." 

AoS still has an issue with focusing too much on the Stormcast - particularly in the fiction - but there is still a great deal more diversity in new releases than 40k... at least for now. I'm optimistic they'll continue this trend. The fact AoS is such a blank slate where designers can really go all out probably helps with this a great deal. I could make a gripe about how too many old and new armies are Order, but at least the allegiances are flimsy enough in-universe that Daughters of Khaine vs Freeguild is a lot more reasonable than Space Marines vs Imperial Guard. 

Preach it, but I dunno. I've begun to hear grumblings from old grognards who are very tired of the space marine focus and all they collect is marines. I think 40k was its own unique mix of Imp, chaos, and xenos in harmony that made it so famous. Now though it may as well be Imp central with a splash of power armor chaos. Someone posted a sales chart for 40k showing its actually went down a tad in sales and then plateaued late last year (chapter approved) until now. Lots of people are getting sick of the absolute favoritism of models, lore,  and rules imbalance towards Imp and none of these are being addressed. I think GW is trying too hard to turn it into 30k but 40k was and always will be more popular than 30k. So naturally people are slowly catching onto this that the game is way different now. I don't know if we will see them go back to the lows of before but a slight depression seems likely at this rate. I lost the chart, but if I find it again I'll post it here. It doesn't help chapter approved may as well have given into the demands of the ban FW people and destroyed the viability of almost all FW models on the tabletop. I hear internal rumblings that FW is super ****** mad at GW right now and thinking of what they can do to hit back as that hurt their sales badly. 


I know it seems unlikely, but well GW has messed up 40k before. Yet AoS is going strong and every year seems to get better. All that is golden does not glitter. Its really a shame since I was a 40k player too, but lately AoS has been so much better its hard not be excited for it. I think at this rate the only thing GW can do is make Warhammer 50k and make totally new takes on all the armies and make it back to the glory and balanced take on things of 40k. Let 40k exist as it is now, but 50k would allow for a near complete reboot of the setting AoS style. 

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Just now, xking said:

I with they would have announced some more battletomes. I'm tired of 40k getting all the army books.

Trust me for AoS this was a great year. They usually only get 2 a year or so. Allegedly there is death army coming and early next year slaanesh. So there is two and they are fairly reliable rumors. 

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Just now, Barkanaut said:

Trust me for AoS this was a great year. They usually only get 2 a year or so. Allegedly there is death army coming and early next year slaanesh. So there is two and they are fairly reliable rumors. 

I think with Legions of Nagash we'll also start seeing more of the older armies homogenised into Battletomes which will ramp up the releases quite a bit. Just a theory mind. 

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1 minute ago, AthlorianStoners said:

There was rumour going around that there’d be an AoS release every month 

Even 40k doesn't get an army every month lol. That's crazy. I think they implied stuff like board games, card games, lore, and anything that counts as a release. Still that's a little lofty even for AoS. 

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13 minutes ago, xking said:

I with they would have announced some more battletomes. I'm tired of 40k getting all the army books.

It’s a different approach. All the AoS battletomes this year have been proper releases with new models. The vast majority of the 40k codexes are just codexes - to get them all out quickly for 8th. It’s quicker to write a codex than create a model line, hence why there’s so many codexes coming out so quickly. 

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33 minutes ago, Barkanaut said:

Even 40k doesn't get an army every month lol. That's crazy. I think they implied stuff like board games, card games, lore, and anything that counts as a release. Still that's a little lofty even for AoS. 

I guess, we’ve had one every month so far. Idoneth in April and the new death book in May brings to 5 books in 5 months. Throw in a pair of non model release books like a Legion Of Waagh book and that’s majority of the year covered. 

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