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3 minutes ago, Jamopower said:

Well the mercenary aspect is already sort of there with the grand alliance and ally mechanisms. It would sound bit strange if Chaos, Orcs or the Undead would hire mercenaries. Especially dwarf or elf mercenaries.

Yes indeed, but in the fluff many faction are mercenary : Fyrelsayers allied with Chaos against Free Guild, Beastclaw Raiders allied with Chaos to serve Archaon, etc. 

Such configuration is not possible in the rules so far.

But it's already determined that Idoneth are Order, so no worries.

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Okay, didn't know about that kind of fluff, but it does sound a bit silly :) Of course for such encounters, it's not so hard to have a two separate 1000 point armies on the same side, maybe even controlled by two players. Mixing it in to matched play could just cause all sorts of issues. You can look at the armies of 7th edition 40k with their daemon summoning Eldar that are allied with Necrons and such...

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2 hours ago, Imperial said:

I really hope, GW will release something for destruction soon, but after they released card for BCR, ironjawz and bonesplitters with last ghb, i think we will dont get update for this factions.... 

No Moonclan though, so perhaps them this year?

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6 hours ago, DantePQ said:

That would be horrible, I don't know why people still got a problem with Grand Alliances, Destruction isn't about civilizations (as confirmed by GW) and they won't be Chaos or Death. Deepkin are clearly Order faction . 

Agreed, I mean if people like the models just buy them,  who cares what GA they are.  The more the merrier :)

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3 minutes ago, Imperial said:

I hope on Moonclan too. Just ordered reboxed grots and new shaman.

Well seeing that they released the Fungoid Shaman, haven't included them in the GHB 2017 like the other Destruction factions, and have given them quite a presence in Malign Portents, who knows? They are definitely not at the back of the pack.

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13 minutes ago, Mordeus said:

Well seeing that they released the Fungoid Shaman, haven't included them in the GHB 2017 like the other Destruction factions, and have given them quite a presence in Malign Portents, who knows? They are definitely not at the back of the pack.

I hope we will see 1-2 waves of separate heroes like 40k has last year. It's will refresh meta for old factions if they got it. 

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31 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

New rumor engine -

Cogfort or duardin mining machine.

Or 40k Hellbore.



Looks like more 40 terrain to me.  Though I have an irrational level on annoyance looking at that pic, due to the fact that chain would not likely move in the way they have designed it.

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47 minutes ago, Skarloc said:

I can't wait anymore.. 9_9

GW first workshop is in about 3 hours..

Does TGA have any spy at GAMA or are we basically expecting an announcement on WH Community?




It looks like two workshops today. The title is getting more from selling GW merch or something like that. Hopefully we get some sweet sweet previews!

Also I forgot GAMA was in Reno and I was real disappointed at 1100 EST at first. 

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"GAMA is one of the world’s premier board gaming and tabletop trade shows, bringing together manufacturers and designers from around the world - and this year, Games Workshop will be taking this opportunity to make some major reveals. Make sure to keep your eyes peeled on Warhammer Community and the Warhammer TV, Warhammer Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000 Facebook pages for some exciting announcements on March 12th-March 16th. "
Highlights made by me.


I still think we can expect something coming out of this.

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13 minutes ago, Gorthaur said:

They also have a seminar on the 14th/wednesday as well. I would like to get an Idoneth reveal, and if not that i'd be content with more Necromunda teasers. But i'm really hyped over the deepkin stuff now...

Two seminars today ... about what they can talk 2 hours?

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13 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Even if I now have a bad feeling about this (well until 23:00 - 00:00 today...), last year the KO and Shadow War reveals really came "out of nowhere", just a post appearing on WarCom, so we may, even without "proper teasing" saw something...

I hope we will get some info about releases after Deepkins...

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