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The Painting Contract - May 2019

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Hello folks and welcome to the Painting Contract for May 2019!


If you don't know the rules they are:

Each month you post an amount of models that you agree to try to paint/build/convert/sculpt. This can be terrain or models for Age Of Sigmar, Blood Bowl, Blitz Bowl, Warhammer Underworlds, Warhammer Quest Silver Tower / Shadows Over Hammerhal, or Gorechosen.

On the 28th of the month the contract closes and you can then post your progress images so that they can be critiqued, shared and boasted about. It is a great way to get involved in the community and to get inspiration.

 I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress!



@Mohojoe & @TheOtherJosh

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So, after 20 orruk boyz, time to do something different. Going to pledge to do Ironskullz Boyz. After that, the Weirdnob Shaman or a chariot.

EDIT: Completed Ironskulls Boyz. Stretch goal possible but looking shaky...

Need to get this camera to work properly... anyway, here they are:


And the bosses cloak and different grouping just coz...


And with a few days to go, the stretch of the Weirdnob Shaman is completed:



5 for 5 so far this year. Pretty chuffed

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For may:

1. Build two more buildings. Four doesn’t fill the table enough  

2, paint the terrain

3. Paint 9 KO thunderers. 


1. Add layer of wooden details to the buildings

2. Built and paint something else. (I’m thinking some converted Slaanesh warriors or the KO nightvault warband. Or finally finish the last dregs of Skaven 

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Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum but by no means new to Warhammer and the majority of its incarnations. :)

It's my first time joining in one of these, so I'll start with a very conservative promise just to build 8 Saurus Knights and 12 Saurus Warriors from Start Collecting Seraphon, ready for painting.

If time allows I'll see about assembling the big beast in the box too!

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I'm in a weird spot this month - I have ordered a bunch of things, namely... 

5 Wrathmongers


Mangler Squigs

Squig herd

But none of this has arrived yet, so all I can pledge is to paint 2 Grots as testers for a Gitz army and to keep basing my Khorne army.


EDIT: I picked up the Khorne Endless Prayers and a Squig Herd has arrived, so that's my pledge now!

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I have 38 Nighthaunt models (and 3 space marines) that are roughly halfway done. If I finish those by the 25th, I'll have reached my annual goal of 300 minis.

  • 10 Grimgast Reapers
  • 11 Bladegeists (including the "500 stores" exclusive mini)
  • 10 Dreadscythes
  • 2 Store anniversary Guardian of Souls
  • 1  Lord-Executionner
  • 1 Cairn Wraith
  • 1 Spirit Torment
  • 2 Chaingasts
  • 3 Space Marines (only the base is missing)
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On 4/30/2019 at 4:53 PM, Kramer said:

For may:

1. Build two more buildings. Four doesn’t fill the table enough  

2, paint the terrain

3. Paint 9 KO thunderers. 


1. Add layer of wooden details to the buildings

2. Built and paint something else. (I’m thinking some converted Slaanesh warriors or the KO nightvault warband. Or finally finish the last dregs of Skaven 

Always love this moment. Might even prefer it to characters. A squad primed and ready. Paint scheme already decided & all the paints ordered. First row base, second row washes and then only some edge highlights. Bring it on. 


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18 hours ago, Kramer said:

Always love this moment. Might even prefer it to characters. A squad primed and ready. Paint scheme already decided & all the paints ordered. First row base, second row washes and then only some edge highlights. Bring it on. 


Looking good Kramer!

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Hello everybody,

"Dans le pays des merveilles..." it is a wonderfull start of May! Had some hobby-time and i have finished my marauders. All of my marauders!!

Next to this joyfull event i would like to say: Thank @Mohojoe and @TheOtherJosh for organizing this monthly painting contract and all of the other participents for the feedback!

Pics or it didn't happen I hear you say... ;)IMG_20190503_213523.jpg.90d9d2a9da2e6659c2ae77051a47fa01.jpgthis month's 24 marauders,

IMG_20190503_215002.jpg.7a014e2195c302960795706d63fa0cc0.jpgand the total harvest, 150 marauders, over the last couple of month's. No more marauders for a wile ... 🤐



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