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AoS 2 - Sylvaneth Discussion

Chris Tomlin

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On 6/24/2022 at 4:41 PM, acr0ssth3p0nd said:

Should we think about getting a 3.0 sub-board like the other Order tomes?

We should be getting one soon, they generally create those after the book is officially released.

23 hours ago, Warbossironteef said:

Good news about using Lancers is with warsinger they move 17inchss so you don't have to play too aggro with Warsong. Then he hangs out with hunters until its time for them to push out. I prefer making my general a bit more tanky than Arch. Arch actually has to get aggro the turn you charge with your hunters to make sure he can stay in range for wound buff and command ability. 

I don't know how the meta will shape out. I think most armies will take a few GV. I need to get some more games in with lancers/Seekers. I love both and might make sure I have at least 1 unit if Seekers in every list. 

I didn't think about giving the riders the extra move, but it really make sense. I also completely forgot that the warsong get the +1 to cast while near overgrowth terrain, so if he keep up with the kurnothsand they go in a objective he keeps the bonus. Pretty neat.

I really like the seekers and I try to include a unit of them as well in most lists, but I'm not sold on the lancers yet. Their damage outside bounty hunters seen to be a little to low for a aggressive unit and the seekers seen to perform better as long term fighters thanks to their ability to return models.

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2 hours ago, Arzalyn said:

but I'm not sold on the lancers yet.

I hear you on the lancers. 

I'd say both rider units are support.

Seekers we all know are support as healer.

Lancers act as strike and fade support. They charge in along side your kurnoth or your seekers. They can do thier damage at the top of combat, and then you fade them and your kurnoth, durthu, and/or seekers can step in and do thier damage.  The real benefit is these go in with out take damage and can get back out, easier with kurnoth.

Also the lancers give you a mobile objective unit that won't give up VP like tree revs do. 

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I think I am about to be on a steep learning curve and will need some help. I started a Path to Glory campaign yesterday and my first 3 games did not go so well. I am not sure how much of it was attributed to my lack of experience with this army or AoS 3.0. If these first 3 games are an indicator I am expecting another another 0-3 day. I cannot recall the name of the mission, but it had to do with a ritual and there were 3 objectives on the board, with the defender getting D6 for the middle and D3 for the two on the flanks and -D"X" if the attacker controlled those objectives.

Here is my list:
Glade: Gnarlroot
Season: The Dwindling
General: Branchwych (nurtured by magic, acorn of ages*, dwellers below, verduous harmony is an extra spell I am not able to choose as well)
10 Dryads
5 Tree-Revenants
3 Kurnoth Hunters with Swords
* I should have chosen Luneth's lamp in hindsight or a different general. However I converted her and wanted to use my conversion.

Game 1
I was the defender playing against DoK they had 1 Bloodwrack Medusa (general), High Gladiatrix, Hag, 10 Sisters of Slaughter, 5 Doomfires, 5 Heartrenders. This was a strange game because dice rolling played more of a factor than my skills. The Hag managed to survive 3 rounds of combat being attacked by both revenant units. Then heartrenders came down and killed both units. My kurnoth hunters killed the high gladiatrix, sisters of slaughter and the doomfires, but somehow failed miserably and were cleaned by the medusa. Poor D6 and D3 results left me with a major loss. Now I did forget that I had the ability to heal units that were within range of the AWW and when I successfully cast a spell. That might have helped the Kurnoth, but when you roll a 1 three turns in a row on a D6, not much you can do about it.

Game 2
I was the attacker this time and played a mostly mortals DoT. He had Fatemaster, Ogroid Thamaturge, Tzaangor Shaman, 10 Karic Acolytes, and 10 Tzaangors. I set up an AWW with the acorn next to the objective on the right side and teleported my dryads there to claim it and give them the -1 bonuses. On the left I sent the Kurnoths and arch revenant up to take on the Tzaangors and Ogoroid. Started off fairly well. I kept the tree-revs back waiting to take the back objective to stop the D6 roll, the Kurnoth killed 6 Tzzangors taking that objective and the dryads took the other one. I rolled 2 more 1's on the D3. So go me! On his turn I learned the power of fate dice. He cast a few spells and all of a sudden I had 1 hunter left on 3 wounds. He moved the acolytes up to take the right objective. Shot at my dryads and with the re-roll on everything managed to score 8 hits on the dryads and then caused 6 wounds, I failed all my saves. he then charged in and killed the rest in combat. The Ogoroid thankfully whiffed on his attacks and my last Kurnoth manged to get him down to 3 wounds remaining, but was then taken down by the last of the Tzaangors. Now, I did forget to do the mortal wounds at the end of the previous combat phase so I may have taken another 1 or 2 down, but oh well. I whiffed all of the Arch-Revenats attacks trying to take down the Ogoroid. I lost priority and he then went on to table me.

Game 3
This was a mismatch and a disaster from the get go. I placed my AWW in a bad spot and left myself vulnerable. I played a Skyre list with a Arch-Warlock, 3 Stormfiends, 3 jezzails and a warp lightning cannon. 25 minutes later and I was tabled. in two turns the WLC manaed to cause 11 mortal wounds on my Kurnoth hunters and the jezzails finished the rest. My tree-revs missed every single attack on the Arch-Warlock and the stormfiends obliterated the dryads. I had no hope against that list.

At the end of the first day of the campaign I had to spend most of my glory points bringing my units back up to full health because, again, I rolled a ton of 1's (those yellow Lumineth dice from the boxset have got to be cursed). We have it set up where we will earn enough glory points to add 250 points to the next game. I am really torn on how I should utilize my points. After the way my units performed on the table I am thinking of a few options. 1 Save them for the Warsong to be my 3rd hero; get a TLA as my 3rd hero, add a unit of Kurnoth with bows for some ranged support, or reinforce the dryads to 20 and add a second unit of tree-revs.

I am curious what more experienced players think the more tactical play would be. I really think I need ranged support via shooting or more magic. We have to use painted minis so I do not have gossomids ready to go yet. We are allowed to change our subfaction and I can change the season on war. Part of my feels in these smaller games I should have went with the 6+ ward season. It would have provided some protection from all those mortal wounds being tossed out by the DoT and Skaven players. I have my next two games against my friend who is another skaven player (Greyseer, Clawlord, 20 clan rats, 10 storm vermin, HPA). I do not think I have anything that can take that out. Next 1 month we have the next game day at 1000 points and I get to play, Ironjawz, Dragon stormcast, and Maggotkin flies. Clearly it is an uphill battle.

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16 hours ago, mmimzie said:

I hear you on the lancers. 

I'd say both rider units are support.

Seekers we all know are support as healer.

Lancers act as strike and fade support. They charge in along side your kurnoth or your seekers. They can do thier damage at the top of combat, and then you fade them and your kurnoth, durthu, and/or seekers can step in and do thier damage.  The real benefit is these go in with out take damage and can get back out, easier with kurnoth.

Also the lancers give you a mobile objective unit that won't give up VP like tree revs do. 

Hmm that is a good way to look at them! Gossamids were the unit I went to if I wanted this kind of mobile damage support, but doing the math the Lancers do more damage to targets with a 4+ save or worse. There is a trade off between the ranged mortal damage output and the melee, but the lancers have much better resilience.

4 hours ago, Lavieth said:

Here is my list:
Glade: Gnarlroot
Season: The Dwindling
General: Branchwych (nurtured by magic, acorn of ages*, dwellers below, verduous harmony is an extra spell I am not able to choose as well)
10 Dryads
5 Tree-Revenants
3 Kurnoth Hunters with Swords
* I should have chosen Luneth's lamp in hindsight or a different general. However I converted her and wanted to use my conversion.

My first question would be, can you make changes to the traits/artefacts in this list? Sylvaneth with the new book wouldn't be my first choice for games at 1k and bellow, as most of our core units are pretty expensive in points. If you are, my suggestion would be for you to swap the nurtured by magic for spellsinger. Her spell is pretty good at dealing damage when you combo Gnarlroot effect with the Dwindling reroll and the acorn would let you place another point where she can use her spell around. If you aren't, the easiest choice would be adding another kurnoth unit or some seekers to better support the ones you already have. The warsong would fit really well to, but as you already have 2 heroes, I fell adding some more units may be a better option before as, if I'm not mistaken about the path to glory rules, you will not be able to give him a artefact or add endless spells as well.

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2 hours ago, Arzalyn said:

My first question would be, can you make changes to the traits/artefacts in this list? Sylvaneth with the new book wouldn't be my first choice for games at 1k and bellow, as most of our core units are pretty expensive in points. If you are, my suggestion would be for you to swap the nurtured by magic for spellsinger. Her spell is pretty good at dealing damage when you combo Gnarlroot effect with the Dwindling reroll and the acorn would let you place another point where she can use her spell around. If you aren't, the easiest choice would be adding another kurnoth unit or some seekers to better support the ones you already have. The warsong would fit really well to, but as you already have 2 heroes, I fell adding some more units may be a better option before as, if I'm not mistaken about the path to glory rules, you will not be able to give him a artefact or add endless spells as well.

I think I can change it once and that is now before the next set of games. I'm going to look over the warscrolls again and decide between more Hunters with swords or add in a unit with bows. 

Thanks for the input! You are right though, I was noting how much ai was struggling because there was little synergy to be had with 750 points. 

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2 hours ago, Lavieth said:

I think I can change it once and that is now before the next set of games. I'm going to look over the warscrolls again and decide between more Hunters with swords or add in a unit with bows. 

Thanks for the input! You are right though, I was noting how much ai was struggling because there was little synergy to be had with 750 points. 

Well change her trait to Spellsinger then! It will help her control the board better. If you can change the artefact as well, I would recommend going with the arcane tome rather than the acorn. For some spells you may not need the dwindling reroll, so having a extra spell to use it on is clutch. Also, with the extra spell you can summon a wood as well. Don't expect much from the bow hunter, they need a good amount of buffs (+1 to hit, +1 to wound) to perform well, but you have half of them already with the arch rev.

Don't put too much pressure on yourself as well, not only you are playing in a point range that is hard for us to get all the synergy we want, but Sylvaneth can be a pretty hard army to learn to play with. I always say we are a "Board control" army, in the sense we control the board it self with our terrain and teleporting units. While the new tome boosted our damage, we also got even more tools to create asymmetrical fights. If you can, avoid going head on against you opponent (unless you have some advantage/plan by doing so), let them come and pick his force piece by piece.


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So I haven't gotten my preorder yet :( But I took the one 60mm base I had and traced it out on a piece of paper. I believe, if you space out your Seekers/Lancers 1 inch apart and get the front line into base to base with enemy, it creates enough gap for the back row to get between and within 2 inches of enemy. You may not always be able to get all 6 in, but I feel like in most cases, except for attacking small based heroes, you'll be able to get 5 in, maybe all 6.

I know this sounds difficult to pull off, BUT, the warscolls are so well written. They all have a 6 inch pile in! This gives you a ton of flexibility to get them in the right position. 

I really feel like if I can master the art of getting 5 of 6 in combat, a unit of 6 Seekers is going to be awesome. 3 is good, but there are plenty of armies that can delete them in one turn. 6 man unit makes it much more difficult, giving you the chance to revive, utilize rally and Verdous Harmony much more effectively. 

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Hi all, 

I’m a new player that is looking to get into Sylvaneth, I have a few models so far but I wanted to just ask a quick question before I go ahead with any more purchases!

so far I have:


10 Tree/Spite Revs (not built yet)

5 Gossamid Archers  

I was wondering if it was worth trying to source a couple of Start Collecting sets for the dryads, or if I should wait for the Vanguard box and load up on more revs, not really sure which would be the better battle line choice? 

Thanks for any help or input! 

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There doesn't seem to be a strong argument for running dryads.  If you get the Lady of Vines, you will want 10 for summoning, but it is doubtful that you would ever want to summon 20 with Allarielle, and it is also hard to see wanting to run more than maybe 10 or so in a typical army list.  If that wasn't enough, they are also rather fiddly models to build (not hard, just kind of annoying) compared to some of the newer sculpts.

Personally, I would wait for the vanguard box and wait to see if they do the dryad re-pack that was rumored into a 20 block, and then get a box of dryads at that time.  That being said, if you like the "walking tree" look more than the "half-elf, half-tree" look of the revenant lines, then you could certainly look to pick up 2 start collectings to get 2 treelords (of whatever type) and 32 dryads - enough for 30, and then 2 to practice on.

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Hadn't picked up the book yet but I'm happy with it at first glance. So far I've not looked to much at the new units since I only got a box of the bugriders but the improvement in battletraits is significnant

I like my trees magic so looking at magic heavy lists is what I do first. In that line of thinking I'm happy to see that getting all good magic stuff (not all units but items etc) in a single list is now relatively easy even so though the change in Throne of Vines is a minus I think we are getting a big buff to magic trees.

I think that using either Alarielle, warsong or a the lady means using a lot of 7+ spells, which in turns means you'll default to at least 2 out of 3 of  Vesperal gem item, the dwindling season and gnarlroot glade. And especially with warsong spell that means you might was well take spellsinger as well right?

The 5+ for the Branchwych spell is a rather big thing IMHO too since to get a 2nd artifact you'll often need it and getting double damage output on an AoE damage spell could certainly help... just having more relevant AoE damage spells is always good. The increase inpoints won't help when list building I fear.

Less magic focussed:

- Lots more options to be in range of forests (and now ofc overgrown terrain). With 

- defensive stance for archrevenant seems so much better than offensive that unless you really need to kill the target it's nearly autopicked.

- The ironbark, winterleaf glades don't seem much use anymore and while not useless dreadwood and harvestboon seems also subpar compared to Oakenbrow, Gnarlroot and heartwood. Harvestboons seems really only usefull for a specific list (obviously) but if that list isn't strong itself it's just not worth it. Oakenbrow and Gnarlroot are obviously also list specific (though gnarlroot seems to have some options about how to go about magic) but the bonus seems  strong. Heartwood has a list independant and not weak bonus and seems the default when not going magic or big trees (battleline hunters :drool:) Obviously if magic is as viable as it seems I'll be playing Gnarlroot till next book at least. All in all most bonusses are weaker than they where but having free choice of traits and artifacts makes it ok. For combat lists you loose a bit here I guess.

On traits:

Nurtered by magic seems relatively weak.

Crown of fell bowers seems to much work to get most out of it, unless on a Durthu but then the gladius just seems better anyway. 

Luneths lamp seems relatively weak too.

The Trevs and spites: double wounds for 50% or less increase in points: I'll take it thank you very much.

Dryads losing the save bonus is nasty but -1 to both hit and wound means they won't die right away...still.. with the new wounds on revenant types they don't have more wounds per package and their damage output is lower without the +1 to hit on your own turn. Really hard to justify taking them atm. 

Skeaths wild hunt not getting 2 wounds each is a missed chance.

Yltharis and her guardians on the other hand actually have the double wounds. 180 points for 11 wounds now + casting and dispelling doesn't seem to bad... but her spell is worse than a regular wych.. and while the unit damage per model might be a bit better than a regular not having teleport is kind of a big thing. just having a T rev and wych is 240 points and gives a bit more of everything. I guess I'll pass, though it might be worth remembering if you need to cut a few points for something important.


1. Does Lord of spites work if there was no actual move in pile in phase?

2. Trevs marital memories: Seems there will be a lot of AoA and AoD around, stronger ability than it was even though it doesn't work on the charge roll now. But: can you use AoA on a different unit if you use it on the Trevs in the same phase. It's not issued etc but last line of core rule 6.1 seems to imply you still can't use it twice right?

3. Is the sundering strike change a nerf or not?

4. what is the verdict on the Treelords? : the number of wounds and the wound table is obviously a massive improvement.. but the melee weapons  of the TL and TLA seem weaker even with the stronger Talon and the points have increased significantly. The comparison to the hunters and Durthu in efficiency seems to go way down. The TLA having same combat efficiencly as the TL still doesn't seem to justify the cost with only a single spell.


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Hi guys got a doubt on new awakend ww.

Now for every summon i can Place 1,2, or 3 of the Pieces of the kit.but if i Place a single Pieces like A / E ( ally/enemy) both unit are outside the wood and the piece Is between them. This block the Los for non sylvaneth units, or there Is the Need of Always 3"+ of ww to block Los? And can in this case the 3"+ be achieved with multiple single piece ww?

This new book Is a bomb so much choice!


Edited by Daniel saxcloud
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The only sad thing is im not able to to a good allarielle list. I think the warscroll is stronger then before ( the fact we can bring her back is huge). The problem is its really hard put with her for exemple a warsong ravenant, because he is 305 now and our battleline ( in gnarloot) cost 100/120 pts and u need 3 of them. Im really looking for a competitive allarielle list !!:)

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4 hours ago, Tarrik said:

I was wondering if it was worth trying to source a couple of Start Collecting sets for the dryads, or if I should wait for the Vanguard box and load up on more revs, not really sure which would be the better battle line choice?

@readercolin summed everything pretty well, you hardly gonna need them unless you are interested in the lady of vines. Still, one of the older start collecting is not bad, specially if you can find the last 4 dryads online to get to a 20 model unit. 20 should be more than enough if you ever want to include a unit of them as screen/objective holders.

5 hours ago, Aezeal said:

Even in Oakenbrow 2 TLA's seems a bit much right? 

Yeah, I find hard to justify even the first TLA, imagine the second! The battalion don't even give a good benefit for all the hustle he asks, sadly.

3 hours ago, Aezeal said:

The ironbark, winterleaf glades don't seem much use anymore and while not useless dreadwood and harvestboon seems also subpar compared to Oakenbrow, Gnarlroot and heartwood. Harvestboons seems really only usefull for a specific list (obviously) but if that list isn't strong itself it's just not worth it. Oakenbrow and Gnarlroot are obviously also list specific (though gnarlroot seems to have some options about how to go about magic) but the bonus seems  strong. Heartwood has a list independant and not weak bonus and seems the default when not going magic or big trees (battleline hunters :drool:) Obviously if magic is as viable as it seems I'll be playing Gnarlroot till next book at least. All in all most bonusses are weaker than they where but having free choice of traits and artifacts makes it ok. For combat lists you loose a bit here I guess.

Winterleaf may end being our strongest subfaction actually, the problem it is super meta dependent as it is basically a counter-effect. If things like Nighthaunt or KO become common, I imagine winterleaf + everdusk can be a rally hard counter to those strategies. Harvestboon and Dreadwood are mostly if you are interesting in spamming the spites or the lancers/seekers, they have their value just are a little more niche in the lists you can fit them in.

3 hours ago, Aezeal said:

1. Does Lord of spites work if there was no actual move in pile in phase?

2. Trevs marital memories: Seems there will be a lot of AoA and AoD around, stronger ability than it was even though it doesn't work on the charge roll now. But: can you use AoA on a different unit if you use it on the Trevs in the same phase. It's not issued etc but last line of core rule 6.1 seems to imply you still can't use it twice right?

3. Is the sundering strike change a nerf or not?

4. what is the verdict on the Treelords? : the number of wounds and the wound table is obviously a massive improvement.. but the melee weapons  of the TL and TLA seem weaker even with the stronger Talon and the points have increased significantly. The comparison to the hunters and Durthu in efficiency seems to go way down. The TLA having same combat efficiencly as the TL still doesn't seem to justify the cost with only a single spell.

1 - From my understanding of the core rules, doing a pile in is part of what you for a unit to fight, so I assume you have to do it to attack even if you don't actually move any models from that unit.

2 - Sadly no, if you use their ability you can't use it again as the rule you pointed say.

3 - I think it is a buff, was pretty hard to get any mortals with swords before, now it give them a clear role as the "mortals kurnoth". It sucks they become a nombo with everdusk, but the scythes profile is better for extra hits anyway.

4 - I think they are playable now, but I bit niche. They damage output is pretty low still, even lower than the Lancers. They strength is they are monsters (now that this isn't a drawback anymore and there is no way to prevent roar) and the anti-pile in ability can be pretty strong with careful positioning. I wouldn't take them outside of Oakenbrow or Winterleaf, oakenbrow to make them resilient anvil that don't loose damage with wounds an winterleaf to lock the opponent in unfavorable combat position.

1 hour ago, Daniel saxcloud said:

Now for every summon i can Place 1,2, or 3 of the Pieces of the kit.but if i Place a single Pieces like A / E ( ally/enemy) both unit are outside the wood and the piece Is between them. This block the Los for non sylvaneth units, or there Is the Need of Always 3"+ of ww to block Los? And can in this case the 3"+ be achieved with multiple single piece ww?

I'm not sure I understand you question, you want to know if its possible to block the line of sight with less than 3 wood pieces? What block the line of sight is the wyldwood ability, which requires to be at least 3" between the units that passes though the woods. If I'm not mistaken, 2 pieces is already enough to get the 3", but just 1 piece probably isn't enough.

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Winterleaf by itself is a very nice tool because retreating in general remains a big part of board control, and blocking it is always a strong ability to have up your sleeve. Leaning further into it with Everdusk presents a big downside with the 6" ranges effectively forcing you to play a lot more carefully near your woods as it's much harder to stay in range for abilities, however the exploding 6s are mathematically equivalent to a +1 to-hit buff, and the expanded no-retreat affecting actual teleport rules like Kharadrons and in particular other Sylvaneth turns it into one heck of a matchup dependent hard counter. It's been discussed already but Scythe Kurnoths and the Lady of Vines are big beneficiaries of Everdusk so they are good options to explore for it. Overall I think in the right hands (meaning someone who can play around the 6" bubbles) it's going to be an absolute menace of a subfaction. 

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I 100% understand why the TLA is priced as he is. I do wish he was a 2 wizard or a little cheaper but his board-wide tree is so powerful and can do some nasty things.

The obvious being Warsong with Spellslinger in Gnarlroot and with the reroll season. Because you can also place it 3 inches away you can also do some 1st turn charges using the Hive. It's actually fairly reliable thanks to the flexibility of Gnarlroot, Spellslinger and the reroll season. 

Below is an oversimplified example but:

  • Assign overgrown to one of your terrain pieces on your back board edge
  • Deploy your TLA and Warsong last, out of range of dispel and next to overgrown
  • Set up first tree in center board and deploy Kurnoths in it
  • Cast Hive with Warsong, use reroll if necessary - you can cast through the WW the Kurnoths are in
  • Summons WW with TLA
  • Cast Warsongs warscroll spell with 3d6, use reroll if needed and if not used
  • Cast spell with TLA - most likely trying to summon another woods
  • Teleport Kurnoths through trees to TLA Tree. 
  • Reposition TLA on the board thanks to his warscroll teleport
  • Charge, murder something, return Kurnoths to any WW







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4 hours ago, Jaskier said:

Overall I think in the right hands (meaning someone who can play around the 6" bubbles) it's going to be an absolute menace of a subfaction. 

Yeah you said pretty much what I think about Winterleaf! If you are still used to play with our old tome I don't think the 6" bubble is that much of a problem to be honest, as it was pretty much the normal back them. With two units of kurnoths I think its pretty workable to keep the everdusk buff on most of the times.

4 hours ago, Warbossironteef said:

I 100% understand why the TLA is priced as he is. I do wish he was a 2 wizard or a little cheaper but his board-wide tree is so powerful and can do some nasty things.

The obvious being Warsong with Spellslinger in Gnarlroot and with the reroll season. Because you can also place it 3 inches away you can also do some 1st turn charges using the Hive. It's actually fairly reliable thanks to the flexibility of Gnarlroot, Spellslinger and the reroll season. 

Below is an oversimplified example but:

  • Assign overgrown to one of your terrain pieces on your back board edge
  • Deploy your TLA and Warsong last, out of range of dispel and next to overgrown
  • Set up first tree in center board and deploy Kurnoths in it
  • Cast Hive with Warsong, use reroll if necessary - you can cast through the WW the Kurnoths are in
  • Summons WW with TLA
  • Cast Warsongs warscroll spell with 3d6, use reroll if needed and if not used
  • Cast spell with TLA - most likely trying to summon another woods
  • Teleport Kurnoths through trees to TLA Tree. 
  • Reposition TLA on the board thanks to his warscroll teleport
  • Charge, murder something, return Kurnoths to any WW

While I agree that his ability is REALLY strong, I don't see it being super desirable outside of Spellsingers builds. The problem is the same we had on the old book, a good opponent will easily denial your wood placement and limit your ability to place it in his deployment zone. As soon as that happen you will have to place the wood in the middle of the board and in this situation you could have done near the same with the acorn.

As @Trickflo said, there is a lot of heroes that are at the same point range and offer away more utility. The free range wood is strong, but not enough to justify his actual pricing for most of our lists. He needed to have something else going on, like a extra cast, or a actual good spell, even doing more damage than a treelord would be a start, I guess.

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40 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

Yeah you said pretty much what I think about Winterleaf! If you are still used to play with our old tome I don't think the 6" bubble is that much of a problem to be honest, as it was pretty much the normal back them. With two units of kurnoths I think its pretty workable to keep the everdusk buff on most of the times.

While I agree that his ability is REALLY strong, I don't see it being super desirable outside of Spellsingers builds. The problem is the same we had on the old book, a good opponent will easily denial your wood placement and limit your ability to place it in his deployment zone. As soon as that happen you will have to place the wood in the middle of the board and in this situation you could have done near the same with the acorn.

As @Trickflo said, there is a lot of heroes that are at the same point range and offer away more utility. The free range wood is strong, but not enough to justify his actual pricing for most of our lists. He needed to have something else going on, like a extra cast, or a actual good spell, even doing more damage than a treelord would be a start, I guess.

Fair but the big difference is in this book you still cast warsongs spell from tree and you get to attack for free thanks to strike and fade. Big differences.

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12 hours ago, The World Tree said:

Interesting that the Treelord Ancient only lets you bring on a single wyldwood piece. 

Aw, I didn't notice that...kinda sucks!  But I guess that'll mean I have to buy less Wyldwood kits, probably just 2.  I have the 3 Treelord Oakenbrow army for now (with TLA and Durthu, probably getting 2 Branchwyches to net a Command Entourage battalion), and was trying to figure out which Grand Strategy will be best to use.  Thinking Roots of Victory is do-able, but I'll need at least 4, and probably 6 Awakened Wyldwoods.  With Acorn of the Ages, plus the Verderant spell, plus TLA woods, I can get it done.  

The Grand Strat for doing 4 Sylvaneth Battle Tactics is probably do-able but I think perhaps less probable.  

I think the Reaping season might be best for that approach, expanding the reach of the Woods' effects.  Gonna be some weird games !

Then later I'll collect Drycha and more Spite-Revs, as they seem pretty darn nasty in combat and with Dreadwood are battleline, plus the double Fade, etc.  That army-build could do the kill the enemy general with an Outcast reasonably well.

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5 hours ago, Tizianolol said:

Guys a question about " vengeful skullroot". Can this endless spel be considered a" sylvaneth " unit? If yes it can be so strong with lady of vines. If she cast it basically enemy units within 6" of the lady can take d6 mw if endless spell is casted!!!

I don't think it is treated as a unit, but I doesn't matter as the Skullroot check if the enemy unit is near a wood do increase its damage, not itself.

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