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Lets Chat: Idoneth Deepkin


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Was their a confirmation on the shipwreck rules, regarding how many you can bring? Is it possible to bring 2 models and separate them in to 4 halves around the board, or if they're 2 do they have to be the full ships? 

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7 hours ago, Kaedus said:

Was their a confirmation on the shipwreck rules, regarding how many you can bring? Is it possible to bring 2 models and separate them in to 4 halves around the board, or if they're 2 do they have to be the full ships? 

It's any combination of 2 of either half or whole ships. 


So either 2 full boats, 1 full and 1 half, or 2 halfs. 


As far as i believe we  currently understand it. 

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Anyone planning to make an idoneth Army with all units and have decided wich enclave would go better??

I wanna make the next army:




Tidecaster, Soulscryer or Lotann

10 Thralls

10 Reavers

3 Ishlaen Guard

3 Morrsarr Guard



Total 1600

 And I leave 400 points to Allys to use Eternal guard, Glade Guard, Palladors + Neave, Judicators, Sylvaneth or whatever I have.

 I know is not the most competitive army for Idoneth but I like all models and I usually play with friends, and to go more aggressive I have 5 order armys to combine. So, with that army anyone knows wich enclave will fit better? I like the Namarti regen but maybe is better the charge thing for eels or to gain more deffense.

 So as I have to decide wich one choose between Tidecaster, Soulscryer or Lotann. I like Tidecaster but cant think how to take good profit of the change of tides thing...


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If you're going to have allies, I think Ionrach is the best enclave in that case. Otherwise, more Thralls if you like the regen and go Morphann, but have less allies. You've got no Leviadon there either, if you wanted some of everything. 

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3 hours ago, syph0n said:

If you're going to have allies, I think Ionrach is the best enclave in that case. Otherwise, more Thralls if you like the regen and go Morphann, but have less allies. You've got no Leviadon there either, if you wanted some of everything. 

I also honestly like ionrach alot if you are also gonna have a aspect of the sea and maybe a tidecaster or two. That +1 to cast is pretty big. Going from 7+ to cast to 6+ to cast on a ride caller is a big bump up in success probability. But I only half believe this. It just feels sooooooo good when turn 1 you steed of tides up the aspect and land a sands of infinity tsunami on w or 3 units. Followed by a tides of fear to give that unit that will be threatening your morrsarr -2. 


Then follow into turn 2 landing more -1  from the tidecaster base spell getting 2 units to -3  and like ~3 other units at Like  -2 or -1. Not to mention the +1 to cast is an additional small protection against spell based mortal wounds. 


Just feels soooooo strong. 

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Thanks. For Leviadon I will wait and not sure if I'll buy... I don't see it necesary but the mini is beautiful. Maybe the last thing I'll buy.

I have read all you said @mmimzie and it's true it looks spool good. I think I will go Ionrach to get that buff to allys, it can be very big to some units like Pallador, Neave, Tenpestors and other units that have distance and nice combat damage.

I have to study more the battletome. There are combos I don't see like the one u said that is very nice... 


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Hey guys, I'm a recent convert to AOS and I'm starting to get a good grasp of the rules but I'm always a bit confused with the command trait stuff, like let's say I go Ionrach and take a royal battalion, with Volturnos as my general. What's the interaction between his inate ability, inspiring presence, the enclave one and the battalion one? Thanks in advance my sweet fish people! 

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3 hours ago, Weebey said:

Hey guys, I'm a recent convert to AOS and I'm starting to get a good grasp of the rules but I'm always a bit confused with the command trait stuff, like let's say I go Ionrach and take a royal battalion, with Volturnos as my general. What's the interaction between his inate ability, inspiring presence, the enclave one and the battalion one? Thanks in advance my sweet fish people! 


Command ability and command traits are different. Command traits generic generals can take command traits. While only your general can use command abilities, and they can only use one per turn.


So, the following is true:


Volturnous is a named character that can't take a command trait. So the ionrach ability that allows your allies to benefit from tides does not work. You do however still get the +1 to cast and unbind for idoneth. 


The command ability from. The battlion is a command ability. It can still be used. 


You may only use 1 command ability per turn. So you would have to pick between give them no respite, inspiring presences, and his own command ability every turn. 

Hope this help.


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Has anyone else noticed a scale issue with Reavers v. Thralls?  I have for some reason felt the Reavers were the better sculpted models since we first saw the previews, but when I pulled the sprues out I thought there was a SLIGHT scale difference in that the Reavers are larger and have greater volume.

Matching up the sprues today with my assembled Thralls, the difference was quite notable.  If you can, match up Thrall heads with Reaver heads and see if I am going crazy plz. Thanks!

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8 minutes ago, Caladancid said:

Has anyone else noticed a scale issue with Reavers v. Thralls?  I have for some reason felt the Reavers were the better sculpted models since we first saw the previews, but when I pulled the sprues out I thought there was a SLIGHT scale difference in that the Reavers are larger and have greater volume.

Matching up the sprues today with my assembled Thralls, the difference was quite notable.  If you can, match up Thrall heads with Reaver heads and see if I am going crazy plz. Thanks!

post a picture!

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4 hours ago, Weebey said:

Hey guys, I'm a recent convert to AOS and I'm starting to get a good grasp of the rules but I'm always a bit confused with the command trait stuff, like let's say I go Ionrach and take a royal battalion, with Volturnos as my general. What's the interaction between his inate ability, inspiring presence, the enclave one and the battalion one? Thanks in advance my sweet fish people! 

Fantastic job on the model, I really like the basing.

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3 hours ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

post a picture!

I will see if I can take a good one that doesn't mess with the perspective.  I am pretty sure after more assembly though that the Reavers are larger.  First time that has happened in a GW range, at least that I can remember.

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So I've played another battle with my Deepkin army (2xTideCaster, Volturnos,SoulScrye, 2x30 Thralls, 10 Reavers, 2x6 Ishlaen Guards) but this time I've played against ultra-competitive Seraphon build (ThunderKroak) I won as my opponent wasn't able to clear Thralls who took down majority of his army ,

With SoulScryer I was able to hide one unit and one unit of Ishlaen in first turn , with his spells he wasn't able to do much as Tidecasters ignore first wound and were near Shiprwreck for extra save so both of them were alive , Volturnos got only 1 wound thanks to his shield. Unfortunately Ishlaen Guards got a lot of wounds(they are very fragile to MW) in and then were shot down to pieces but In my turn I was able to deploy Thralls and second unit of Eels , advance with Thralls,(as we played on a table with lots of terrain Briomdar ability was amazing). I positioned myslef to have a shot at winning this in turn 2 with double turn but without overreaching without it. My shipwreck in the middle of the table gave my extra protection for my heroes and thanks to Briomdar ability I was able to postion remaining 26 Thralls were I wanted. 

I got double turn so with ability to run and charge I was all over the place, Guards captured one objective (as we have played Total Conquest) from skinks, units of Thralls mauled Stegadon and Bastilladon (thanks to Tidecaster spell and  2dmg Thralls even with re-rolls of saves I was able to bring Bastilladon to 1 wound and another unit killed Stegadon) , Volturnos killed one more skinks unit.   With the start of second turn my opponent had only Kroak, Engine and Standar Bearer and 1 wound Bastilladon left and one unit of skinks, and he didn't have enough firepower to kill Thralls. 

I liked how Thralls fared against Seraphon, but Seraphons have problems with such armies and you don't need huge damage output against them but 2Dmg on 3+3+ unit is amazing against all kind of monsters. Also Briomdar is amazing for Thralls as you can position Shipwrecks to make table even more terrain-heavy and with their ability from Briomdar it's amazing, also ability to re-deploy more reliably with SoulScryer is good as you can hide one big unit in deepstrike who along with Eels should be guarded agaisnt shooting - then  they can run and charge second turn (quite possible with Briomdar. 

Also with their low Bravery you need Inspiring Presence a lot so it makes a lot fo sense to make Tidecaster a general. 

Reavers were quite useful as well as they guarded objective pretty well but only like 4 were left alive, but that's a role I want them to fill.  

Also Briomdar gives a lot of nasty tricks in infantry heavy army as you can advance easily , also very nice to hide Reavers around Shipwreck or move Tidecaster away really fast. For sure I will try regeneration list as well, but extra mobility is very cool

Rituals on the other hand are pretty bad rarely you will get more then +2 to cast it unless you deployt to to so and casting it on 7+ or 8+ isn't reliable, but it could be nice bonus for sure. 

Volturnos is much better then Akhelian King, extra wound and ability to ignore spells is huge against some match-ups, here will all those huge magic phases he was able to survive battle with 1 wound left and with his mobility and decent melee he was able to harrass enemy back line, I will try to use him in deepstrike as well.  His abilities to boost bravery and re-rolls of 1 for friendly unit are also quite nice. 

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On 4-5-2018 at 7:37 PM, mmimzie said:

That looks awesome!!! Please tell me how!!! Haha.


I was thinking of using the archmage on horse model, but chopping the horse in half to give it a eel back half. 

Its the island of blood archemage pretty much and spare bits from the thrall and akhelian king sprues. 

An archmage on horse would be much better, unfortunately I only had that one lying around, so the horse one will have to wait haha. Really cool idea though! Quite costly to use up an eel box just for that though ><

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33 minutes ago, Kugane said:

Its the island of blood archemage pretty much and spare bits from the thrall and akhelian king sprues. 

An archmage on horse would be much better, unfortunately I only had that one lying around, so the horse one will have to wait haha. Really cool idea though! Quite costly to use up an eel box just for that though ><

I'm goi ng a craftworld eldar conversion thing where it's sea exodite eldar. So I'm gonna make two more wizards on pony eels. 

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Is soulrender worth outside morphann?

I have 30 thralls but i think i might play my army as dhom-hain, having 1 huge unit of thralls and lots of akhelians with king and atleast 1 tidecaller.

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I have 20 thralls and 10 reavers and plan to stay that way for a little while (gotta get, glue and paint those eels) and I'm wondering the same about the soulrender, he seems a bit too cute outside of the Namarthis heavy build.

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17 minutes ago, SirPug said:

Is soulrender worth outside morphann?

I have 30 thralls but i think i might play my army as dhom-hain, having 1 huge unit of thralls and lots of akhelians with king and atleast 1 tidecaller.

questionable. Out side or morphann and outside of the war scroll battalion that's an average of, what, 2 thralls a turn (assuming your opponent kills your units in such a way that you can actually get 2 thralls a turn).  Thralls cost 140 for 10. SO each thrall is worth 14 pts. SO the soulrender get 28pts worth of thralls a turn back. Meaning he needs to live 4 turns to pay for himself???? Sure he can kill stuff to to get more thralls, but that's putting him in a really vulnerable not to mention that you opponent can have the ability to just obliterate your thrall unit such that you can't even revive them. 

Note: Thralls that are charges have to surive the initial charge combat phase, and if they stay in combat have to surive the following combat phase before they can be revived. Getting double turned can be horrible, and might often force you to retreat in situations where normally you might wanan hope to keep the unit locked up. 

So, i'd say he seems abit sketchy outside of the  enclave and/or battalion. 

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On 5/3/2018 at 6:53 PM, Kugane said:

how many reavers per unit are you planning to bring? :)

I am planning on trying out 2 units of 10 reavers

On 5/3/2018 at 8:15 PM, mmimzie said:

what did you play against???? 

I was against Legions of Nagash. Was such a tight game and ended in a draw. My 1000pts was Eidolon aspect of the Storm, Lotann, Soulrender, Tidecaster, 10 Thralls, 10 Reavers

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So for going only 10 thralls and 10 reavers is not worth going with soulrender?

I thought the strategy of going those plus eternal guard to an objective and one unit morrsar, one ishlaen, allopex and SCE paladors with Neave or Tempestors to other objective. AoSea helping namarti zone and Volturnos/king with mounted units.

But if you guys say with maths that Soulrender is not worth it I could make other caster or someone making mortal wounds or more ranged damage (lord celestant, relictor, waywatcher, mistweaver... ) or Lotan 

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soulrender for me was def worth the points but I was Mor'phann. Think he got me back about 9-10 Thralls plus helped out in some combats. Unit of 10 thralls were down to 2 left and double turn brought them back to full

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For any infantry heavy list it's Briomdar or Mor'phann for different reasons, I think Mor'phann list could be very strong with spam of Thralls and 2 Soulrenders

It's my personal opinion but looking at the meta those kind of armies have the best shot at being very competitive, problem I got with Mor'phann is that armies Deepkin should have huge problem with (ThunderKroak, Changehost, maybe Nurlge ) usually will have little problem with killing Soulrenders very quickly.  That's why I prefer Briomdar Thralls army. 

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Good day,

Dears, can you please help me with my army building.

I'm planning to buy the next kits.

Lotann Warden of Soul Ledgers -1 kit

Etheric Vortex: Gloomtide Shipwreck -1 kit

Idoneth Deepkin: Eidolon Mathlann -2 kits

Idoneth Deepkin : Namarti Thalls -3 kits

Idoneth Deepkin: Namarti Reavers -3 kits

Volturnos High King Of The Deep -2 kits

Idoneth Deepkin: Isharann Tidecaster- 2 kits

Idoneth Deepkin: Isharann Soulscryer -2 kits

Idoneth Deepkin: Isharann Soulrender -2 kits

Akhelian Leviadon -2 kits

Allopex - 4 kits

Akhelian Guard - 4 kits

Any thoughts on this list and is it good for the whole army or it needs some rework?

Thank you

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