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Everything posted by Moldek

  1. Looking great! I shudder at the thought of having to paint all that, but I’m sure the deadline helps And the bird skulls do make it 20% more john blanche!
  2. Well to me having rules for aos factions is a bonus. I would have been fine with only exclusive chaos factions. I think the audience is split between seeing it as a necromunda-like, heavy on narrative and campaign play, and as a killteam-like, with a focus on matched play and one off games. I love being able to play my SCE but I do worry that having all those factions could lessen the atmosphere (and maybe balance) of the game.
  3. On reddit I see a lot of people complaining about it being too soon, ruining the game etc. It’s a bit tiring sometimes seeing so much negativity; makes me understand why tga has pretty strict moderation... I wonder how many people actually play that much. It’s the same about complaining about factions being OP based on calculating a best case scenario damage output. I doubt a lot of people are going to show up with a terrogheist and demand to play it against someone’s starter box warband! The card problem is what I’m wondering about the most. A free pdf seems like the most convenient solution, even if it’s nice to actually have a pro quality printed card. I doubt they’ll do a reboxing of 60+ units, and I’m not sure I’d want to buy a 15$ pack with all the cards just to be able to use a single model (not saying I wouldn’t, but I sure as hell would moan about it on reddit!). If I do get the book, this will probably be my excuse to buy a cygor kit down the road. Or minotaurs... what models are you guys interested in?
  4. I disagree, I’ve seen similar stuff to yours featured before. I’m sure there’s an email adress somewhere on the site, they also say you can share it on their facebook pages or use #paintingwarhammer on instagram. I got a gryphound featured on their webstore thanks to that, and I’m not a great painter personally I don’t mind the head on syllesque, I think it works.
  5. That seems right, so the key to winning may be to rush the ennemy side to get one of theirs?
  6. Well buddy I don’t know what to tell you. Congratulations on not being a millenial I guess? It’s amazing to me how you don’t realize how you may come across when you write things like that. And the way you describe your store, I wonder why you even want to play there since it’s filled with sweaty, awkward nerds who don’t respect you 😂. and no I’m not from the UK, I’m from France. Plenty of respectful gamers there, even though they are not raised with Victorian Values...
  7. @Maturin you don’t have to like painting minis, but at the end of the day I think you won’t get the approval you’re looking for here. As most people have said in the thread, playing against a painted force is an important point in the hobby. A lot of people don’t mind playing friendly games against grey plastic, but don’t expect tournaments to change their regulations. If you really don’t care about painting, you can spray your stormcast gold, shade them and color literally any details and you’re done. 20-30 minutes a day will get you far. But from the way you’re talking in this thread, it feels like you’re hurt about you store manager’s reaction to playing unpainted minis, even if he did let you play. You can see in this thread that painting is important to many people; that’s why tournaments have these regulations. I really don’t mean to offend you, but it really feels like you started this thread pissed off and looking for validation. IMO it comes down to this : yes, 3 colors + basing is the official GW standard; if you do not like it, you’ll have to keep playing against people who don’t mind.
  8. 😂 well tbh I’m sure the book will stay available for at least a couple month. Get the minis!
  9. @Wraith01 it’s cool that you enjoy the book! I’m all for it
  10. Regarding summon undead, while a FAQ would be nice I don’t see why they’d be able to activate if they already did this turn. RAW the ability just says to put them back on the table within 3’’ of the caster, with as much wounds as the value of the ability ( which makes a triple 6 really ideal).
  11. I just think there's a happy middle. It depends on what you consider the ancient days but for instance they used to have a few pages at the end of codices where they'd showcase some cool conversions. Same with the Mordheim rulebook and all those early 00's books. It's aspirational and makes you excited to personalize your models, to me it was definitely a big draw as a beginner. That's one of the things that differentiates this hobby from video games or CCGs, just like creating your own paint scheme or lore. I'm not saying they should tell you to sculpt your own greater demon or go buy Perry Miniatures knights, buy why not tell you : once you get the basics, the sky's the limit. Converters buy 3 kits to make one model, that's good for them right? Same goes with the art, you can use it to suggest a vast universe. Look at the atmospheric landscapes at the beginning of the warcry book, there is so much to love here! I just wish they had more of that, where the illustration are a window into the universe, and not just a realistic rendering of a specific model. For instance all the weird mutated globs and arcane symbols in the rulebook are cool. I'm not saying it's all bad, just that I wish they'd open it up a bit more. And yeah there's facebook and youtube and tga... But a book with cool conversions and illustrations is something you cherish and come back to, it has value beyond the rules themselves. Otherwise it can feel like an overpriced catalog.
  12. @soak314 I’m not that invested in the lore of AoS, I think mainly because what grabs me first has always been the visual presentation. In the Warcry (and AoS) corebook, everything is very well done but it feels almost... corporate? I feel bad saying it cause I know the artists put a lot of work and passion in, and there is some good stuff, but when there is no converted model, no illustration that isn’t a purchasable model with an official name, it kinda stiffles my imagination. That said I have heard a lot of good stuff about some of the battletomes like BoC, FEC and Gloomspite. I might buy one at some point but I’m mostly interested in skirmish games, and warcry seems to be a way better fit.
  13. I’m not too worried about the game moving too fast, but I am not sure I’ll buy this book mostly because I wasn’t impressed with the contents of the main one. It’s a fine rule book with a few really good pieces of art and some cool content, but I feel it lacks a bit of soul, something that makes you come back to read it and daydream about the setting. That’s actually one of the only weak points of modern GW to me. The products are more streamlined / professional but they have less atmosphere that for instance the mordheim rulebook or the 3rd ed 40k rulebook. But that’s maybe just nostalgy talking 😅
  14. Yeah it's interesting. Not sure if I'll buy it straight away or not, but it looks like and interesting expansion. Might help some warbands to have access to fighters that can shore up their weaknesses! I'll probably wait to see if they release some kind of card packs or not. I don't want to have to buy each mini to get it's rules, although I guess there's always ways around that
  15. great work mate! The painting, posing and mood reminds me of the dark atmosphere of karl kopinski's black and white illustrations. I see you used the hobbit goblins as a base for some of your conversions, what other minis did you use?
  16. Pretty cool battle report mate! The terrain and minis are lovely, and it's well made. Personally I would tone down the animations on the intro, but that's just my taste. It would also be cool if you had a little after battle segment where you talked about how the game went, what you could have done differently etc. I always like hearing this kind of thoughts.
  17. @Gr3g beautiful work! You should send some pics to white dwarf my man. The contrast paints look great, a bit rougher than your other units, but I'm sure it took you a third of the time
  18. I've been thinking about this too! Warhammer Underworlds is a good inspiration for that. You could have objectives such as kill 2 fighters with ranged attacks, have 3 fighters within 1'' of a single ennemy fighter etc. There's a lot of room for good ideas...
  19. Yes, if you end your activation climbing you fall and all of the relevant rules apply, so you have to be careful about your placement regarding opponents and dangerous terrain. Attacking like that might be interesting combined with aptitudes that grant a bonus action, allowing you to climb, attack twice then fall down! And if you score some crits you might even knock your opponent off of the platform ( low chance but still, how cool is that? )
  20. @soak314 that's a really good point, I think you changed my mind on this! I guess I can picture the fighter sneaking a wild shot while letting go of the obstacle, hoping to slice a tendon, and then falling backwards 😛
  21. @Sleboda I see the english version is more ambiguous. Personally I'll stick with the french version that says that you have to keep climbing until you're on stable ground because that's what's in my rulebook, and because in 99% of situations it makes little sense how someone clinging to a wall would be able to effectively attack someone freely standing. But RAW in english you do have a point, it does not explicitly prevent you from doing that. Although the times you'd want to do that are probably pretty rare haha.
  22. In my (french) rulebook it’s on page 42, first paragraph of the « climbing » column : « once a fighter has started climbing, he climbs untils the center of it’s base is either on the ground or on a platform » To me this indicates that you cannot perform any other action while climbing; you have to reach a place to stand on first, or keep climbing until you fall at the end of your activation.
  23. I like the way you think! I’m picturing expansions like « Blight City » with skaven clans fighting in their underworlds, « Realmswalkers » with trade expeditions from various free cities or « wild reaches » with destruction tribes of humans, orruks, ogors, gits... of course each one with dedicated kits, starter box and campaigns lol
  24. Yep my mistake, I don’t know why I thought that...
  25. Sorry that’s what I meant, I should have written activation instead of action at the end. The rules for falling if you end an activation mid climb didn’t make sense to me, but thinking about it it works if you’re climbing down. You might want to use your last inch of movement to climb down a bit and fall from 2’’ instead of jumping from 3’’.
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