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Everything posted by Eldarain

  1. It will be a Warcry campaign. It should be a lot of fun. There are no prizes for winning. It's just gonna be about painting and the story. I'm making three warbands loyal to the Lichemaster for it. 1 Legions, 1 Flesh Eater and a converted Vampiric Hunting party (SCE) Thanks for the kind words. That's my home table.
  2. The Lichemaster's return to the Mortal Realms has begun. The first of his Warbands for an upcoming Narrative Campaign is finished.
  3. The silence part of all of this is the strangest element. Communication has been new GWs best trait. We're seeing Psychic Awakening and Beastgrave previews ahead of their release but have heard nothing since the initial preview and then cull.
  4. It's possible but given how they made a video up and communicated the issue last time makes it seem unlikely a similar problem happened here.
  5. Good lord. It's a book and cards release. Yet another week minimum to find out what I can create. I'm so excited for the sandbox this book seems like it's going to be. This wait as the Marine release gets stretched out like crazy has been annoying.
  6. Love that Lab Rat idea Flux. I use the Maggot Daemon from Creature Caster as a "Counts as" Corruptor.
  7. I've accepted they won't get bespoke models (we would have been teased them by now) I'm just hoping the Cities get repurposed Watchtower and Orruks can destroy enemy faction terrain rumors are true.
  8. Do we know if the Battletomes are going up this week with Underworlds? Or am I waking up Sunday to more neverending Astartes nonsense.
  9. Blightkings don't have access to very many offensive abilities (big part of why we want the unmodified ruling on the exploding 6s)
  10. Really enjoyed that write up PlasticCraic. Will be following your blog from now on.
  11. Warp Lightning Cannon definitely gets reduced as written. Ratling Gun is a good option but will probably suffer the -1 for look out sir.
  12. Ogre Hunter with Cats makes a lot of sense from a gameplay and death to finecast perspective.
  13. So we know Beastgrave is up next week. AoS tomes as well please?
  14. Nice. Do they come with extras? (Wondering how many folks have some to part with)
  15. That has been my problem so far. Almost every head has some kind of tiara/crown thing goin on.
  16. Ok friends. I am getting my Cities project rolling while we wait on Gotrek and the book to finally drop. First up is Maleneth. I have most of the mini figured out but the right head bit eludes me. So any thoughts on one that would work?
  17. No. The returning models cannot be placed and are lost.
  18. We'll trade you Skaven for them. I know they have some thematic Chaos connections but they seem like more of a gnawing at the roots of society force of Destruction to me.
  19. A combined Everchosen and Slaves book with the power increases focused on allegiance would be brilliant. If they focus on Scroll changes it will just lead to god books being run to min max.
  20. Love that idea Skreech. I have always thought a badly mauled and post apocalyptic Old World would have been a cool setting for the games reboot and that would be a great faction there. Of course with the extreme freedom of the new setting it can easily work in the Realms too!
  21. I would like to see the Blood Knight concept expanded and mortals to lead. Bonus points if you could take mortal models off to heal Vampire units.
  22. A second round of culls after the backlash would explain the quiet and lack of Nova coverage for sure.
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