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Everything posted by EMMachine

  1. For some reason, the pictures didn't show up and I had to edit the blogentry. Here are 10 of my guys. Also I made another highlight on the cloth with "Blue Horror"
  2. The main problem is, that there isn't much lore. Mostly the Grand Alliance Book plus perhaps the the firestorm campaign. I only have the feeling (when looking at your highter listbuilds (1200 and 2000 Points) that 3-4 Anointed could be a little much for the Army size. It looks like the army is lead by 3-4 Generals. I know, its not the best example but when we look at the Spyreheart Warhost in the Grand Alliance Book, we have 1 Anointed, 2 units of Phoenix Guard and 2-4 Phoenix Models (and since one of the Erratas the 2-4 Phoenix' can't get the Anointed Upgrade), so unmounted Phoenix' should be more common than mounted ones. The example lacks in the point that we can't get a Anointed riding a Phoenix in this Battalion anymore (after it's still the Warscrollname, not the Keyword ANOINTED used in the Warscoll). (More after the next quote) Yeah, that's a real problem in that case (and it's a quite rare one). Either the Mounted Phoenix is too cheep or the unmounted one is too expensive. It's quite different than giving a character a horse, where in most cases the model simply has a higher move and maybe 2 Attacks hitting on 4+ and wounding on 5+ (or the other way around). One thing is, we actually don't know if or how they will change it, but for the case that you're not only going for the most efficient listbuild it could be much saver taking some unmounted Phoenixmodels than perpaps crippling the nicely themed army after a update. At the moment the army is containing Darkling Covens, Daughers of Khaine and Order Serpentis (most Order Serpentis Models aren't glued yet). If I plan correcty my army will include 3 Black ... ehm Frost dragons. 2 Sorceress (one as the Queen of the group) and a Dreadlord as the King and General. I don't know yet if I want to make some Frostaelves with Phoenix Temple and/or Eldritch Counsil.
  3. That's a really lovely Wanderers Army. Also like the Idea with the Aetherwing.
  4. Hey, nicely painted. Such an army could also be good addition for my "Frostaelves". The only thing I don't like is that there are too many "Anointed Of Asuryan On Frostheart Phoenix" in my opinion where some simply could be unmounted "Frostheart Phoenix". I know that both cost the same at the moment but for me there are too many Leaders (Lorewise not Rulewise).
  5. So, today was the 3. Malign Portent Painting Contest. I painted some Putrid Blightkings this time and this time all models of all three contests were there. Actually there were 5. Entries this time. https://photos.app.goo.gl/nKM6RIVzhUJJwI0m1 Looks like, I didn't hit the interests of the voters. With this contest I because 5. place twice and last place twice. 3rd place were the Beastclaw Raiders 2nd place where the other Nurgle Daemons 1rd place was the death army. Actually don't know, if I will take part in a painting contest again.
  6. So, I'm finished with painting 10 of my Dreadspears (but need to paint another 10 to finish the unit). After a thought the cloth was a little flat on my testmodel, I made another hightling with Blue Horror.
  7. Which Language do you use for your rules? In the english Generals Handbook 2017 the "rolls of 6 are always a success rule" is only for hit- and wound-rolls. In the german book for example there was an error that a save-roll of 6 is always a success but this was changed in the errata.
  8. So, I thought that I would paint the unit were my testmodel came from. But for the last 3 evenings I thought I would like to paint my first "Frostdragon" for this project. Here is the result.
  9. At first, here do I have a backgrounddescription about this army Yesterday I also painted my first testminiature. The Army used to have ice-blue armor, greyblue cloth and violet skin.
  10. Thanks for the review. You mentioned the design of the aqshy side of the board. They actually used the designs of the Citadel Realm of Battle Gameboard that they had since 2007 or so. To say something to the 1" rule of the ruines. I never liked it when GW started to do this 'all models wholy in 1" ' in the FAQ and later in rules like the Deathworld Forest rules. The point is, that when your model has a 32mm Base it never can fit wholy in 1" after the base is 1,5" (25mm is about 1") So things, like marauders, Stormcasts (most of my models because I used 32mm quite often because 25mm liked often to small for me) will never get cover because of this rule. If they only had sad, 1" within the terrain like it was in the basic rules at first and the rule would be good enough and usable in the game.
  11. That's really a "hot" army . Great job. Its really an inspiration for the Age of Sigmar world. And those are really many boxes.
  12. Okay, today was the contest in Wiesbaden and it was a fail in my case. Have the pictures in the following link https://photos.app.goo.gl/eXIibQiu70GTKSbH3 At the end. 86 People voted and I finished last place (with about 1 or 2 votes for my warqueen) . Third place was a Lord Ordinator with a Seraphon Head (Entry 3) Second place was another Warqueen (entry 4) End winner were actually 2 models. a Knight of Shrouds (Entry 7) and the Cave Shaman (Entry 8) The point that frustrated me the most is, that a model that was only basecolored actually got more votes.
  13. So, I ask yesterday if multiple entries in the contest are possible. It's not the case, so after I had chosen the Warqueen (after painting Nurgle Daemons in Part 1), I have to see how she will end in the contest (actually there are 6 entries listed for saturday). I really didn't thought that Celestial Vindicators had that many followers. (Okay they are the third most used Stormhost in Fluff after Hammers of Sigmar and Hallowed Knights until the realmgate Wars). Nice bluemetallic look. Actually not sure about the Retributor, if the trim of the armourplates perhaps should be silver/metallic instead of the same blue as the armour itself. It would give him a little more contrast.
  14. Thanks. I think, most Stormhosts look better than Hammers of Sigmar (it's simply to much gold).
  15. I know she isn't part of this army, but after I painted the Nurgle Daemons as part of the Malign Portents Painting Contest, the Warqueen is part 2 (March, 3rd). I got her on February 16. because on February 10 she was sold and I didn't preorder her. So I painted her in the time between last weekend and yesterday.
  16. I know, this is actually two weeks ago, but I took part in the first Malign Portents Painting Contest. I had chosen the start collecting Box Nurgle Daemons, because I wanted to paint some Nurgle Models this year. Here is the german Facebook Post with pictured of all 10 competing armies. 55 people voted in the time between 11:00 and 17:00. At the end I was 5. of 10. Third place were the Seraphon, second the Ironjaws and first nurgle daemons converted with the Gorbits. Here are my models I painted:
  17. Hi guys, I painted my first stormcast in 2018. It's the Lord Ordinator. At the moment he isn't part of the Malign Portents painting contest, because I had chosen the warqueen (painted Start Collecting Nurgle Daemons in the first part). If I can take more than one miniature, I will try to get him in, too.
  18. I actually started one of my projects as a Thread, and made a Blog with the same name later. The mainpoint was, that I wanted a place to show miniatures, some stories I wrote and perhaps some games I made (even I don't play much because I don't have a group). I simply had the feeling that "Painting and Modeling" wasn't the right place for all of that. I actually like the blog function, because it's easier to follow because if you know who made the blog you can open it by looking in his profile , while you need the search function to find a Thread And each Entry is seperate so it's possible to comment on an entry that was posted months ago. Try this on a Thread that has new entries already.
  19. Nice colortheme. It's a rare instance seeing Phönixguard in cooler colors. The Motiv of the banner ist presculpted by GW, so only the details on flames would be freehand. But even then the work is excellent.
  20. EMMachine

    Blood Reavers

    Thanks, actually they are part of an Free People army. Tribesmen worshipping Alarielle. It perhaps sounds silly, but I think it could work (after there is a member of the Freeguild Guard in one of the Malign Portants shortstories praying to Alarielle).
  21. Really like your Wolves of Ghur. Those guys have a style that they would really live in Ghur and some of them could perhaps fight for order too. When I look through the pictures I would say that the heads are from Chaos Marauders, Marauder Horsemen and Space Wolves.
  22. EMMachine

    Blood Reavers

    Really like the look of your guys. Without the Khornesymbols they could also be fighting for order in Ghur like my Tribesmen in Ghyran.
  23. EMMachine

    Garrek’s Reavers

    Really like the look of your guys. Without the Khornesymbols they could also be fighting for order in Ghur like my Tribesmen in Ghyran.
  24. Actually I renamed this Blogentry because in both stories Yelena is the main character.
  25. So, after quite some time I really should post something I made another story for Yelena, but this time it's more like a prequel. This should be the first time Yelena woke up after getting reforged. I know, this story is a little different in comparison to the rare parts that were mentioned in background (like the reforging of Torglug who became Tornus or the Reforging of Vandus Hammerhand), but just have fun. (if something of the wording is a little of, like the other stories it is translated from german, and to speed the process a little up, letting google making the main translation, while correcting some parts afterwards Reforged, a new life Actually I don't know if there is a follow up with her training, because I don't know how Stormcast Eternal training would look like.
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