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Everything posted by Painbringer

  1. I did not manage to finish my Lord of Change in March - so I carried it over to April. Here it is - it's fully complete now: I will now try to finish my Warsong Revenant by the end of April.
  2. I will try to finish my Lord of Change by the end of the March. I initially planned to finish it in January, but I did not have almost any time for painting since then. I picked it up again recently and it's progressing nicely. There's a few more things to do and it will be done (mostly some details on the wings, gems and claws). I've worked on his magical staff last night - and here's how this bad boy looks like at the moment (I will post much better pictures once the painting is done):
  3. I have finaly contiued working on my Lord of Change. I did not have almost any time for painting for more than a month, but now the finish line is in sight and I really like the results. Here’s the detail on the staff that I have been working on tonight:
  4. It’s been a while since the last update - the Revenant is still not done, because I had very little time for painting during the past few weeks. However, I did manage to make some progress:
  5. I have played just a handful of games in 3.0 (and watched a bunch of battle reports), but I feel like some of the issues with the latest edition were obvious since the moment the rules were released. My biggest complaint is that the most of the new rules that were introduced with this edition were not the rules the game actually needed. They do make a game more complex, but it’s a shallow complexity (as someone already stated earlier). The only significant change (and the one that I do like) is the new scoring system and introduction of Battle tactics. Hero Actions, rampages, new command abilities - we could live without all that. I think that LOS and targeting rules are bad - in my opinion, the lack of restrictions/abstractions was really bad for the game and the overall enjoyment (at least in my case). WH40K did a pretty good job with the new LoS/targeting rules and different types of cover. I expected that AoS would do the same - instead, we got abilities and rules no one asked for. Mortal Wounds are way too common (to the point that they do not feel special anymore) and some armies have hard time dealing with them. There should be other mechanics for interacting with enemy models - the ability on Allopex, that prevents unit to pile in, is a good example. Another example would be abilities that stop or reduce movement - imagine if Sylvaneth woods prevented models from moving or charging more than 1”, because they become entangled in the magical vines, roots and branches. Instead, they deal Mortal Wounds. Also, I do not like the constant updates. I have nothing against some point adjustments every now and then, but now new rules or warscrolls are being introduced with these updates and with the White Dwarf as well. I disliked this in Warmachine (and I played it competitively for a long time) and that game ended up with a never-ending cycle of army updates (which, I hope, won’t happen to GW games). I truly do not believe that Matched Play and tournaments should be the primary driver for rules changes. The more I think of it, it seems to me that Path to Glory and Crusade are the “pure” ways to experience the game - not Matched play. I really do not expect perfect balance, nor do I believe it is achievable - but I am tired of competitive aspect of the game dictating everything. This is especially the case when the friendly list you play with your friends suddenly becomes hit because of the changes that were introduced in order to prevent some powerful tournament-level combo. By all means, some truly degenerate combinations probably should be fixed, but I think that what we have right now is not good for the game. It’s a mess, that becomes more complex with all these adjustments.
  6. Idoneth dice sure look nice - but come on, 30+ EUR for a set of dice is ridiculous. Also, I have realized that I am probably going to spend about 350 EUR just to get the battletomes/codices for my AoS and WH40K armies. I ultimately decided not to buy any of those books - I will be looking for the rules elsewhere. Despite the fact that I mostly order models from stores that always have discount on GW products, I still think that prices are too high, or in some cases - crazy high (Varanguard, I am looking at you).
  7. Favourite AoS novel: “Scourge of Destiny” by Robbie MacNiven. Favourite 40K novel: “Carrion Throne” by Chris Wright.
  8. Changes I would like to see the most: - terrain that has different effect on movement (water, mud, ruins, etc.) or LoS (provides cover or negative modifier to hit) - facing similar to one in Warmachine/Hordes (180-degree front arc) - Models with larger bases blocking LoS to models with smaller bases
  9. My plan for January is: - finish painting Lord of Change (mostly done, but there's still some work left to do) - paint Warsong Revenant
  10. Same here. I don't play Eldar, but I play CSM and I am not particularly excited about the Warpsmith. I will try to get only the Chosen, I really like them.
  11. I haven’t done much painting this year (due to crazy work schedule and parenting duties), but I am slowly finishing Lord of Change for my Tzeentch army. There is still a lot of work to do, but I like how it’s going so far:
  12. I played my first AoS 3E game last weekend (but also first S2D game after a long time). Here's the battle report: https://roosterhillknight.blogspot.com/2021/12/battle-report-slaves-of-darkness-vs.html
  13. I am playing my first Age of Sigmar 3rd edition game tomorrow, and I am also playing Slaves to Darkness for the first time after a long break (in general, I've played only a handful of games with StD). It will be a 1000 point game against SCE. I wanted to play the following Ravagers list: - Chaos Lord on Karkadark (General, Enternal Vendetta) - Chaos Sorcerer Lord (Bolstered by Hate as Ravagers trait, Blasphemous Curiass as an artifact and Binding Damnation as a lore spell) - Chaos Warriors (10) - Chaos Knights (5) - Varanguard (armed with spears) Everything has Mark of Tzeentch and all units are part of single-drop batallion. The idea is to stack various armour save bonuses (Oracular Visions, Mystic Shield and All-out defense) and try to win on attrition, while Varanguard and Lord on Karkadark try to deal damage (however, Kinghts can strike hard as well). What do you guys think?
  14. Yes, they definitely do. Here is the clarification from the Core Rules errata (page 5, section 27.1): So, I'm interested in the same thing as @frenk_castle - which battlepacks contain rulings that forbid using coalition units to fill mandatory battleline slots?
  15. I am really excited about the new edition. I also finally have enough models for a Tzeentch force, so I am really looking forward to playing my first game with Desciples of Tzeentch (and Tzeentch-marked Slaves of Darkness). In the same time, I am painting Lord of Change, and I’m really enjoying the colour scheme. It will be one of my centrrpiece models, so I really want to spend some extra time and make it special.
  16. True, but it still does not prevent wizards from accessing additional spells - it is there to stop characters from receiving subfaction artifacts and traits, because they must be given to your heroes before anything else.
  17. There's nothing preventing Kairos from taking additional spells at the moment. The rules (section 27.3.1) does state that "Enhancements cannot be given to Unique units or allied units, unless noted othwerwise", and when spell lores are described it is clearly stated that every wizard gets to choose a spell - and there's even sidebar stating the same, with the word every being underlined:
  18. In that example, I would say that it works like you described - despite the other player's unit fighting first, the abilities are resolved starting with the player whose turn it is.
  19. You should be still able to use the ability under the new rules. In this particular case, this will cause simultaneus triggered effects (sections 1.6.2 and 1.6.4 in the core rules). Which means that first your opponent will have to chose one of his effects if he rolls 6s to hit, and then you will have to choose one of your effects that trigger on other player gettng 6s to hit. Here is the quote from the section 1.6.2: "if the effects of two or more abilities would be applied at the same time in a turn, the player whose turn is taking place applies the effects of their abilities first, one at a time, in the order they desire. Their opponent then does the same." The section 1.6.4 (triggered effects) only describes what happens in the situation when multiple effects are triggered by the die roll - but still you manage yours and your opponent does the same. I'm pretty sure that your opponent cannot bypass your ability by choosing it not to trigger. Here's an example: Opponent hits you and scores several 6s Let's say that two of his abilities trigger on 6s to hit. He now has to choose one of them and apply the effect. However, let's also say that you have two abilities that trigger if your opponent rolls 6s to hit. Now you also have to choose one of them and apply the effect.
  20. This is fantastic! I am a Sylvaneth player myself, and your Allarielle is beautiful! However, your Nighthaunt paintjob (especially the one on the Black Coach) is among the best I've ever seen! Absolutely stunning work!
  21. I am trying to slowly return to more regular painting schedule, and I have a new army as well! Here's the colour scheme that I've been trying out today (guess which Army I'm going to play):
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