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Everything posted by Greyshadow

  1. As we have updated Warscrolls for Freeguild Generals and Freeguild Guard, you can’t find rules for horse mounted generals or militia weapons on the app or on the web store. Is this something we expect will show up in Compendiums or Legends? (I have copies of the old scrolls but was interested if we would see some new official ones).
  2. Astrolithic Skyshrine? Astroliths are Seraphon standards. Sounds like a new Seraphon book might be on its way.
  3. I have been looking for two cheap plastic Empire Knights to get my eight strong unit of the old Knights of the Blazing Sun models up to ten for use in a fun mixed order army. Being plastic I think getting lucky and finding a good price on some second hand ones will be where it is at.
  4. I really recommend 6mm MDF, it is light, won't warp and easy to work with. I have the Azyrite Townscape based up on it with the primer drying as we speak. I have used bits of broken up slate tile for rubble - not perfect but it if I paint the rubble to match the ruins I am hoping it will work okay. I use a hand held jig saw to cut the board in an irregular pattern then a belt sander to bevel the edges. I leave a 1mm straight edge around the sides to avoid the risk of damage to the sides if they were bevelled to a point. I glued the rubble down with PVA then painted PVA over the base before sprinkling on the sand.
  5. Wow - so excited for Cities! This release seems like it was made just for me! For me, relaunching the existing models is amazing. I love this range and keeping it means my collection will remain cohesive as I expand it. I have painted loads of Freeguild and while the latest models are technological marvels, I love the simpler designs and blank canvas of current range. Adding in Duardin and Aelves is terrific. I always imagined it that way in the great battles against Chaos and it has given me a great excuse to paint those Gyrocoters and other awesomeness that I have always wanted to do but felt I couldn’t. This book also makes a statement. It says that classic Warhammer players and their armies are most welcome in the Age of Sigmar. Brings joy to my heart. Thank you GW for this wonderful release! Man, I am tearing up now I am that happy! 😂
  6. Good comments on the timeline issue. I do think their is some wisdom in not being too prescriptive with the timeline too early. I think though we have enough detail to start seeing a detailed timeline at least for the current age.
  7. This looks fantastic! We have a Path to Glory campaign on the cards in the not-too-distant future and have been thinking about house rules along the lines of what you have come up with here. A Path to Glory: Road to Renown edition campaign could be just what we are after. Thank you for posting this!
  8. Beastgrave Terrain would make cool scatter Terrain for a Realm of Metal board. Maybe next week for cities then.
  9. I think the new Wolf Rider warband is just gorgeous. The detail on those wolves is incredible - especially for push fit models. Really interested to see these mounted models turning up in Beastgrave, it fits with the new setting for season three. As for where they sit best in the Age of Sigmar game I'm not sure? I'd be very surprised if we saw Gitmob again anytime soon. I big mob of these in a Gutbusters army would look great.
  10. Gosh I love these warbands - I really hope they stay around too. (It looks like they will be which is good).
  11. I am experimenting with high quality black cardboard document boxes at the moment. I stick metal infused rubber to the base and stick models to this using neodymium magnets. I have four so far, three deep shoe box style ones and a large flat A2 document box. Advantages: looks really attractive, robust enough for car trips on good roads, reasonably cheap, very quick to unpack. Disadvantages: doesn’t stack well, not suitable for flying, only protect against light impacts, single model coming loose could cause big problems, security. Might be a suitable method for those who mainly play in homes and don’t travel far.
  12. I don't know if I'm saying something new but GW stores primarily exist to recruit new Warhammer enthusiasts. If someone walks in and sees nice people playing Warhammer in a friendly and fun manner with beautifully models then they are more likely to want to jump in. The stores want painted models because it is great advertising for the 'collect-build-paint-play' that is the core philosophy of the hobby. If you don't want to paint that is absolutely fine. It's nice that you can find nice players happy to play you and you have a great time. Fair play to you and I don't begrudge you at all. Be aware though that the wider community culture is that having your models nicely prepared and painted is considered a show of respect to your opponent just like offering to shake hands after a game. Why? Because it shows the effort to give your opponent the best possible experience. I am very supportive of this culture. Also, it is not how good your army is painted it is the effort that counts. P.S. I think your Stormcast looks great. Speed comes with practise.
  13. Funny how a few days can make all the difference. Re-looked at the Ossiarch again this morning and I have to say they are really growing on me. I feel like the penny has dropped. I was a big fan of the End Times: Nagash book. Ancient Nehekara was re-conquered with the majority of the Tomb Kings abandoning Settra and joining Nagash to form the bulk of his armies during the End Times. Fast forward to around a hundred millennia and you would expect Nagash's elite armies to be reforged in his image. The Ossiarch are just that, more horrifying than I could possibly imagine. How awesome would Nagash look leading a host of these bone reapers! I love the acknowledgement with what has gone before too. The red hafts, the cartouche, even the name (Ossiary = Tomb, 'Arch-' = chief in Latin, i.e. King). I also love that they have made something new that fits the new setting and shines a new light on how things are in the Mortal Realms. Really looking forward to seeing you lot paint up your new Bonereapers.
  14. Some really interesting stuff here. Definitely a bold new direction for Death. Is it too much of a departure from the classic fantasy sword and sorcery troupe of I have been raised on? Quite possibly. The four-limbed Tyranid Warrior like models look quite science fiction to me. Please, I take nothing away from those who love them - that's great! The quality of the designs and detail of these models is undoutably fantastic . I do really like the rank and file models too.
  15. I think this is a great idea. The bigger army will have an advantage as it will have a larger roster to task organise from. Will be interesting to see how you get on. That said, we are planning on throwing caution to the wind and playing some unbalance games. If I am greatly outclassed, I’ll just try and see how long I can hold out. We are planning a reduced length campaign of around four battles per army though.
  16. Oh boy, I’m excited to see this new army! 🤗
  17. That’s a rumour about the watch tower but it could happen. I am planning a cities army that has Stormcast as the elite core. I reckon the Eternals will look cracking against their Freeguild allies.
  18. That's what I was thinking, you did a cracking job @GuitaRasmus. It looks fantastic.
  19. Planning a play through of the original Skirmish book. Made an archeologists camp from Mantic Games Terrain Crate sets to use in the Treasure Hunt skirmish scenario. If my warband camp comes under attack it will double as a Freeguild scout camp.
  20. I want to do something similar to this for my Overlord Bastion. What did you use as a platform to get your watchtower perfectly straight like that? I assume you have something underneath the cork bark? (This looks awesome!)
  21. This came out this morning in The Tithe Part 2. You can see the light of Hysh about to be eclipsed by Ulgu.
  22. Beastclaw would make a great alternate play stile like Gavespawn is for Beasts. That’s my guess of how it might work in a new tome.
  23. The celestial charts in the core book, the revolution of Hysh and Ulgu and the visibility of Sigendil in all realms imply to me that the realms are discs floating in the same physical dimension like galaxies in our universe. If you built a telescope in Ghur you might be able to observe the underside of the Azyr disc for example. Strangely, gravity seems to work like electromagnetic field lines in our universe with a downward polarity on the surface where people live. I like to imagine that if you stood on the underside of the disc you would be thrown into the void rather than stick to the surface. Otherwise, their would be cities on both sides of the disc that we would know about. East and West (roughly) align with the rise and fall of the sun in our world. Maybe the plane and direction of rotation of Hysh and Ulgu give East and West and North and South are derived from that?
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