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Everything posted by Popisdead

  1. It would make Sisters of the Watch 100% for sure not worth 160 points. They need a drop as it is in points and watering down one of their unique features would sure dampen their effectiveness. But then GW loves taking a dump on Wood Elves so par for the course. /ends dumping salt On the flip side Ungor Raiders would be more effective.. so...
  2. to toss gas on that fire, I lost mine when i updated my phone and restored the apps. GW didn't even respond and because Apple said the purchases were over 90 days they couldn't reverse them. This was literally the only app that didn't restore with full purchases (I guess GW doesn't use Apple's native restoring?) A few years ago I had lost some battalions I had purchased long ago but it was Lacillions Horde and such and it was getting harder and harder to play them so I didn't care and didn't think much. However this most recent time was GHB 2019. Needless to say it's the last time I'll pay anything for digital from GW. They are ****** up their foray into digital in such a bad manner it makes me wonder if they gave Kirby the digital division. Sorry to hear you're out of luck, having been there I've found there was no hope or luck or avenue to pursue.
  3. I used Giant spiders (the forest goblin ones from AoS) for the legs and maybe daemon prince as one top and I cannot recall the other. Might have been the 4th or 5th ed re-evisioned chaos dread? Hell something? I had wanted to find some toys that were female tops but my greenstuff chops aren't up to snuff and I didn't want to buy 2 FW Keepers which I've seen done nicely. You can google AoS Base size and get the whole list. GW updates it maybe yearly there about? It's a comprehensive list you can keep on your phone.
  4. Or everyone was gluing bolt pistols on chaos steeds and counting them as Chaos Bikers. I actually had an opponent use his Black Templars as Dark Angels in a 6th ed tournament but didn't tell anyone until very late game.... Now to flip. If you actually converted them and and it was more a cult of slaanesh? go for it.
  5. fair enough and good point. I'm classically a Harvestboon player. I just wish Dryads were more viable.
  6. I think they tried to maintain it being both 40k and Fantasy at the time and GW has dropped the ball with bases recently. Early AoS we saw no official basing (Shaggoths on 60 mm rounds, now they are on ovals). I wouldn't say there is a proper base that is different from the official one. Particularly if it's going quite large. I've been thinking the same. The issue is I want lots of Seeker Chariots with heralds actually. for the retreat and charge bumper cards from the battalion and warscroll. I wish the exalted chariots also had retreat and charge. Cygors are only not-terrible in multiples in Darkwalkers. Adding them in Slaanesh is not beneficial. The Ghorgon is okay but like all Warherd swingy. You either do well or bad. Like 1-3 wounds or 20. I think with BoC, having lost the exploding 6s you look at them as cheap BL/Battalion or lean into them for depravity and using the Bestigors to get across fast. The Exalted Hero is an excellent choice. He was last book and still remains one. Oof,.. Oof again... Depressing thought to realize.
  7. It could also be Dreadwood for teleporting the Hunters (while a durthu realm walks). It will also help the 1" reach with Swords as you can hopefully get them all in CC.
  8. Did they say this? From your wording it seems you are thinking they will get the keywords. I'm all for them getting the keywords just wondering if there was anything official.
  9. It is only one turn and you get to move pretty far in TE. I would argue while LC is a better choice for dropping them in, TE offers a good option for them as well. As you said, dragons (also good in LC or TE) are also good and helpful.
  10. Put them on the table, watch them do some scary damage, buy more, paint them and do better in your games. They are arguable the top shooting choice for points per damage (uh the dwarf fire shooty guys are possibly on par or better? I cannot recall). And since Cities is a shooting army they stand out as a prime choice.
  11. There are better choices than the Ancient. You could use a Celestial Hurrcanum and it would be better in every way. The Ancient is not one of the stronger choices from Sylvaneth. Consider posting this in the Living City subthread to get more comments.
  12. Times of covid. expect a fair delay unless there is a demand. No to second question. So many units have been temporarily out of stock since Roundtree took over due to better managing global stock levels. If you see "last chance to buy" then you should pay attention.
  13. That is a surprising comparison. I'm not sure anyone thinks of camping objectives with either 5 SotT or a Sorceress and bonus casting unit. And not cast anywhere near as reliably.
  14. I don't understand how they made two revisions without a points change. I've never seen a Wanderers army place in a tournament and rarely if ever see them. I have to commend GW for making the units feel and play elite but I never saw the points or Sylvaneth Integration as well done. This kinda nailed it on both units. SotT can't cast reliably outside maybe some lower casting value endless spells. I don't think they are bad it's just,.. they don't really bring much to the game and in a book that is a solid but not broken book, a weaker unit, especially costly isn't an optimal choice. Being I love the models I'm sad about this. I guess they are a better choice in Hallowheart (the magic one?). Which is fine, I guess GW sells the models. Granted their spell in the past was very good cause of stacking saves. The Sorceress is pretty much a better choice always cause at, 180 points with her "bonus pool" of Darkshards she's going to be more reliable to cast and she can help generate CP. There was a large owl made by a 3rd party manufacturer in 8th before Wood Elves got their book. I saw people convert it to a Great Eagle and more recently a Phoenix (it must have been a bit larger than a Great Eagle). Personally I'm a big fan of converting models up for CoS.
  15. Talking about balance on a WArhammer forum is our version of political arguments on twitter. Best avoided and work on self-understanding the aim and goal of what you are trying to get out of this hobby/game. I once said no game is balanced and some nitwit retorted a bunch of other games not made by GW are perfectly balanced. (so,.. hard left or hard right wing comment grounded in person opinion in a realm few here care about). Someone who says AoS is in the worst states ever loves their sweeping comments of doom. What we want to aim for as a community is for less extremes. They sell armies (really well in fact) but make it hard for new players to get in and find causal games enjoyable. It makes few a skew meta which is a bumpy ride and people knee-****** reactions. I've played Slaanesh Daemonette-foucsed armies for a while now. The first HoS book meant I had to buy a whole new army essentially and the more recent meant, if points go down it's got some legs. I love painting the (Juan Diaz) models and against friends I enjoy playing the army. But basically,.. that book has been a gong show for uh, nearly 3 years? Probably not ideal for a community setting. It sells models though. We reasonably want things to be balanced internally but units have their day in the sun. Glade Guard, Dryads and Treemen/lords were once the bane of the scene. Now they are generally,.. poor performers or just gone (arguably replaced by Sisters of the Watch as a newer shinier kit). I own a lot of those. I've found ways to make some work and not be too bothered by others. Anyone here long enough to remember Dual Hydras? Pretty sure these days they are viewed as a bad unit. GW makes a huge range of wide variety of things and comments often on the intangibles like better synergy that isn't pointed in (but appears to be now)? At the end of the day, GW has moved towards a more frequent cyclical updating of points based on some level of engagement. You don't go long (or several) editions waiting for any kind of change (wood elves updated every 10+ years) and things can be addressed. It may not be perfect but it's moving in a better direction. Getting two points updates a year (don't argue we didn't get one, that's a dumb move of GWs we get it) is drastically better than 8th ed when something came out and if it wasn't countered by a successive release we needed an edition change (5-year gaps). I would say the issue I have now is GW is struggling to pay attention to AoS in the aftermath of Covid and the 40k release being handled with less care than people expected. I guess I see it as things that improve then become ubiquitous and we keep moving that desire for more further up the dial to wanting more. And I guess GW likes to throw curveballs in like Iron Hands or whatever....
  16. I think a lot of people historically have EG which serve a good roll as BL (3x10 isn't terrible if you wanted a Durthu as your general), I know that's my case. I own 30 2005 metal era Eternal Guard and they are painted and good (not great not bad). Phoenix Guard are a standout in the book as a good choice to take if building a new army. I think people keep expecting them to get nerfed or at least next book possibly not as good. But right now if playing with grey plastic going for a win PG take the choice. I use my Orion with Ariel's wings as an ARch Revenant. You can reuse more than people thing with some effort. I was thinking Wardancers as Executioners but I would use those in TE not LC. I do a lot of similar conversions and proxies. I think,.. Eternal Guard in the right circumstance can have better output than opponents expect but if you faced Blight Kings rend is always king; the BKs will just grind them down. Sigvald deny's all enemy saves (or at least stops Damage Prevention Rolls with -2 or -3 rend?) which makes me wonder if we'll see more of those lessening the effect of PGs survivability. I mean one character cannot stop a PG army but if someone took 20 PG to hold an objective a Slaanesh player could counter with a Lurid Haze Sigvald with some effect. Be'lakor might have this in AoS or 40k or both? I don't recall. But again,.. having access to deny DPR in more armies will have a long term effect on PG. I've gone back on 10 or 20 for SotW myself. 20 hurts to lose but someone local keeps arguing you want them around on objectives in that size. I just don't want them on objectives I want them shooting threats. I also like MSU threat saturation. Plus if you have 20 you can to decide if you want to split fire 10/10 but 2 x 10 you get a couple more shots from the second champion and it forces your opponent to deal with two threats. I wish everything Wanderer was cheaper. Even SotW which are great are costly.
  17. Egyptologists would disagree with your last statement. OBR was AoS TK and we'll never see TK from GW again. I would be shocked if GW felt they could win any copyright ownership of,.. a mummy. Looking realistically Ard Boys will mostly likely stay. They fill a smaller infantry purpose and while the models are hurting they will likely get redone some day not done away with. AoS likes to move towards smaller kits that are more fancy. I can see a 5-man Ard Boy kit that looks better coming out soon. You will also not see them return in Old World. This reasoning is based on assumptions the old world is coming back in the form of a previous edition of WFB which it will not.
  18. Oh sure. I've seen that. Someone took a mmmm maybe that DoK chariot thingy and had it pulled by 4 stags to make a LC Hurricanum. I miss great stags and was disappointed GW never did more for them during STorm of Magic and afterwards. Looks like AoS could be moving towards a good direction for them perhaps? Or,. Rastabel Rabbits 😉
  19. Was this confirmed? I haven't followed it in depth just loosely. I guess what I'm asking is was this internet chatter or an official GW comment? I would love for an Alarielle book. I fully agree we are in dire need for a refocus on the army. Maybe we'll get Tree Rev archers akin to Slaanesh Blissbarb archers. There is a lot in the book I would like to see fixed. I don't want Sylvaneth to be "an elite army that is hard to play." That damages the community as new players will get turned off from the game. regular casual players will also be turned off. Playing the army in an elite manner should be an extension of the base of the army.
  20. Do you have some form of browser security or cookie setting that would force a reset? I get it once a day on the first notification I go to. The only struggle I have is I often right click the notifications then go to each. The AD pop up sets all my notifications to read and takes me to the first. Having been a mod in the past in old fantasy forums and knowing the cost of running a site I don't mind the one time ad. I'm on a computer not iPhone.
  21. What are you expecting the old world game to be? What are you expecting to come back? I expect a smaller version of Fantasy to be created and maintained by Forge World and Specialist Games akin to The Hobbit. Resin models, all new models and armies. It will have little if any crossover to AoS. I also don't expect the old 16 armies to be back. How will they copyright Tomb Kings? 30k wasn't using old Rogue Trader era models (the RBT0 kit was a classic reselling of missile launchers, and other heavy weapons) it was selling new fancy space marines that were expensive and boutique. So,.. I don't expect to see all the old plastic kits back with square bases. GW is improving the range not degrading it.
  22. Wow that table looks amazing. I would maybe consider some larger valley style hills. Since we aren't hampered into square movement trays and models are mostly plastic you could make this table more 3D. I think people are missing out on that regard. The idea of reach and the core rules in the first rule set gave us those opportunities and I would like to see that explored. 40k does it at a start with buildings.
  23. While I grew up reading Tolkein and Morcock I'm also a fan of AoS lore not being strictly based or rooted in those with geographical limitations for size. You never hear the comment "why are wood elves fighting in the desert" in AoS. or "the Empire is one step away from MGs and yet magically every Empire city is besieged by forests choking with Beastmen on the verge of destroying it",.. and yet not. I think what GW created over the years was great as it was this growing evolution of what was around and going on through the 1970s and 1980s. As the new century hit it became obvious the Fantasy game and setting was dying and becoming irrelevant to support. The Time of Legends were great but hampered and would make way more sense to do now and actually exist in a long forgotten age. Another thing I love is take the Slaanesh short story about the Branchwraith. That story could have never exists in pre-AoS. There was also a little bit about a massive caravan in the old Guy Haley Snikrot novel. In Fantasy that really struggled to exist. Where did it happen? how did it get around? Sure AoS is high fantasy but you can strip it down to a brutal more gritty setting with smaller fantastical elements such as this. And we are seeing it match with teh new kits and sizes. I guess it comes down to freedom, expression, creativity and enjoyment.
  24. forgot to say, after seeing Glutos, I am hoping Kurnothi also get the Elven Attack Chariot back.
  25. Me too. And the problem is against one guy you did 30 dmg and 0 against the rest and he's the most vocal opponent Swinginess is the 100% biggest issue with Durthu and most "elite" stuff. I don't understand how every Character in 40k has 2+ ands so rare in AoS. I hated dice spiking in pre-8th Fantasy. No reason Durthu isn't hitting or wounding on a 2+ if not both. He's an avatar of killing. I have been converting my Glade Guard into SotW with scrounged flaming bows. I may green stuff flames on more bows but there are enough 3D printers out there to maybe print flaming bows and replace the hands and bows. To me the unit is an over performer. Even at 160 points. They are pricey and fragile but with LC they sure show you how gross spamming them can be. I could technically proxy about 90 with GG, Waywatchers, old Scouts, and new SotW models.
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