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Everything posted by Popisdead

  1. On a lighter note, I was painting the skin on a Slaangor last night. Man such great models to paint. And the unit cannot get any worse right?
  2. GW is hiring lead developers. With hopes they start engaging with the community who plays the army over people who just play tournaments.
  3. Oh I wasn't aware it was that significant. touche. Well it's good to have large Sylvaneth and BoC armies here,.. <whistling,....>
  4. BoC is my one failing once in a while. 18 years of frustration of a super rad army being flubbed by GW means once in a while I get bummed. Well,.. Wood Elves are my other since they've only been good in the early 90s, and 2005-2006. But good points. Sorry yeah generic battalions and then whatever Open Play/Crusade/Path to Glory becomes for AoS 3 will allow for battalions perhaps? I heard 40k changed Narrative/Open play significantly. I am not fully aware as I haven't played 9th ed 40k yet. I hope so too. I hope it's just a playtester or random click bait guy. The downside is battalions lead to high highs and low lows. 40k has generic formations and it works well. Granted that's a nightmare of a game to balance. AoS is much easier. I don't think you are grasping at straws but being more reasonable than my post
  5. They so far are a single guy that to me is relatively unheard from? That usually says playtester over "seen final rules". It hurts BoC pretty hard. GW has shown, BoC are the dead fodder of lore and battletomes... 18 years of ****** that army up. sigh... So no Drove is just,.. deflating. I think having a bonus to charge is good. Will be good for CoS Aelves and I think Warherd. I suspect we will get Deepstrike akin to 40k where you get CP to do it. I wonder more if CP will change to match 40k than current AoS. Another thing is currently in 40k Craftworld Eldar are terrible at primaries (as in,.. unplayable almost) but good at secondaries and with high mobility can dictate the flow of the game in a way they can compete more reasonable. Slaanesh may end up being an army that is bad at capping objectives but good at doing some interesting denying, revoking, "secondary" means of play in AoS3*. How far back are you saying? 1987 lore of old ones? AoS Lore? 8th ed/End Times? I'm always keen to hear more of the lore side. I haven't read the Seraphon book. The one thing I have to say is edition changes usually spark 6-8 months of fresh game play with discovering new options and overcoming different challenges. On the heels of a BR book it should be a push towards a new direction of playing. * have we ever really seen a 2.1 or 1.5 other than making it up as a community? I find it amusing 25 years later we add "point oh" after numbers so often. Things can change within an edition and it not need to be so granularly defined.
  6. Well,.. We have a good number of units there is just a missed issue with things that should be built in are generally additions via items or abilities. Granted I am still expecting bow-revenants cause of the Shadespire warband. Broken Realms could see some warscroll re-writes too. Maybe a fixed Ancient. Also we are getting new units since Kurnothi are coming and they are Sylvaneth. So for Broken Realms I would like to see fixes and then the second half of our army at a later date. Exactly. And even the book in people's hands not Rob from the Honest Wargamer crying into an echo chamber something sucks when a fraction of the book is out. We don't know what changes AoS 3.0 has for casting or a reset regarding casting in general. I don't want everything to go 3+ Priest casting cause then you cannot dispel it. GW has shown they aren't good with things like Activation Wars. Instead lets get back to having spells be 4-7 as a cast and not impossible/immediate to cast/dispel but back to dice rolling with a possible single cast.
  7. Green stuff some flames on the bows. Then repaint with a Foundation (or whatever it's called now). Or 3D print some new bows if that is your thing. I found people who had the flame bow bitz and swapped them over and painted them up. Just snipped off the hands. Also this. an opponent that doesn't want you to use models you have bought an painted as a reasonable counts-as is probably not a good general/sport. SotW are clearly in AoS what GG were meant to be or should have been, but whatever doesn't matter.
  8. Shadow Warriors are okay. They are good. But they are not Sisters of the Watch great. The latter is a unit that gets better the more you take. 20 is good, but if you lose lots it hurts. Granted you need lots of drops to make ambushing SotW work. For me that's not hard since I am okay with 3 x 10 EG. I have 60 painted up now but covid so haven't had a chance to play seriously with them. I used Shadow Warriors once when the CoS book came out then never used them again and only take SotW now (and a few units). Expect Shadowstalkers to change over time. they won't stay as good as they are indefinitely.
  9. Doom and gloom: with AoS 3.0 losing Battletome battalions for Matched Play, that is another nail in the coffin of BoC with Marks
  10. Steal them all and make more I've had fun playing Wanderers in CoS. Don't think you couldn't at least try. for the most part square bases aren't really that much an issue. The army is fairly fun to play. I played a game of CoS where my opponent had a 50 mm square base on his dragon. it wasn't really an issue since game-play dictated more of the game than base size. All good
  11. It would be nice to see some classic Duardin return to form in some manner. They dont' have to specifically be a Norse/D&D/Tolkien rip off. TBH a return of Imperial Dwarfs would be exciting for me to see. But maybe i'm just nostalgic of 1987 era models...
  12. To me they are good in 10s (3x10 is okay) to get a Durthu as a general in a more strict Wanderers LC. or 20-30. If your SotW reduce charging threats fairly well then the EG could hold a charge especially if you get the uh.. -1 to W spell off,..
  13. I've done the same. Having been building my Wood Elves for 34 years I"m not sweeping doom and gloom though I miss Wardancers tremendously. I've rebased my archers, and scrounged extra SotW bows. People also don't care that rebased GG count as Sisters of the Watch. I've converted my old mounted mages as Sisters of the Thorn. Spellsingers can be Battlemages too. I took two with a couple old Treemen and made a hurricanum with a cairn stone from the cygor and some trees from the citadel woods kit. Living City Wanderers are solid (not great not bad), some units stand out more (EG, SotW), and you can learn to convert and build up what you want. I made my Great STag heroes Concussors and my WArhawks Gyrocopters and Great Eagle heros Gyrobombers. I've used my Incarnate of Beasts as a Freeguild on Griffon. Glade Riders can turn into Wild Riders or any other "Fast cav" like entry. It isn't too much work and any decent opponent won't care if you are clear. The only thing I would suggest is maybe watch to see if Kurnothi drastically change things up for you. I may end up converting my rebased Wanderers to Kurnothi with some Ungor kits or something.
  14. If only we could address sweeping comments of doom before posters made dumb threads.
  15. I like it. The Swifthawk chariot eagle thingy. That was as new as the Sisters of the Watch and was put into Legends. Don't think there is a lot of reasonable thinking in removing factions, etc. Right now it's only 5 kits they are supporting. to me it would be sad but I'm preparing to convert mine with Ungor bodies to Kurnothi when Sylvaneth get their other half. I know which would be better supported going forward long term. I would trade the SotT for a Sorceress. She can stab the Darkshards for a casting buff. She could be a Druid and can she have the -1 to hit? Does that stack with the -1 if she is the general? You also are on the right path with Ironoak and Spear on a large model. A Sons of Durthu is also a good choice.
  16. Yeah,... no I understood the 1/4. As much as I would like to agree with you I've been around long enough to be pessimistic about GW missing out on opportunities that are common sense. I also think Lore-wise GW has moved away from old Wanderers being part of the Sylvaneth glades over them being forgiven by Alarielle and allowed to return to the living city. However,..where are the kurnothi coming from then? Kurnotheal (or whatever ORion's new name is) makin' babies with Alrielle?
  17. Well... Sword of Justice on that chained aelf dude was pretty popular. I think the AoS Warscrolls are afterthoughts for people to feel validated they get to use their Box Game in the actual game they play. Most of these models are not readily available nor is GW making them with the intent for them to be core product (time will tell regarding Cursed City I'm hearing they will release the models in clam packs but also hearing they won't).
  18. I wonder how effective 120 Sisters of the Watch would be when you get rolling the dice. 30 MWs a turn and 117 saves to make will get through saves in that quantity...
  19. Hmm okay I guess I'm unfamiliar with many of the 40k mechanics of DPRs. Thanks.
  20. I think it's okay to play mostly loosey goosey. Such as feel free to allow your ranks to shoot through each other and such. Just assume they can draw a bead on the enemy at most times (extremes could get tricky like 60 goblin archers). I feel like most things in the game if you are more permissive in the game you get a more friendly games scene. As soon as you start doing dumb restrictions the games get less fun. Try not to abuse the rules too much. In the past (6th ed? or 7th?) there was a time you could have skirmishers closer to the enemy within woods but your visible models out of reach and based on rules overlap FAQs, etc you couldn't charge because the closest was not visible. This is to emphasize my point that if you try not to game weird rules you avoid NPE.
  21. Like everything GW comes up with, it's a good idea that gets put into place mostly well then abused and broken at some point with poor army book writing. I would like for DPRs to be negated by them. I don't want to see Nurgle getting their saves after bypassing their armour. It's not really "mortal" then is it? In 40k you cannot take Invulnerable saves from MWs. I just wish they were maybe a bit sparser and not blocked.
  22. As Neil Arthur Hotep explained with shooting they can both move again. However I don't even think they need that... they can just each charge up with their high move as a counter charge, one triggers his command ability and they both get a boost to wounding. You cannot move after any form of ambush/deepstrike. However you can trigger the Living City Command Ability will allow them a move. A few good examples in Living City would be say, Alarielle. She can move uh 16"? then shoot, then move 16" again. If you ambush in a Hurricanum next to her she can gain the +1 to hit bonus on whatever she hits within the 10" range of hte Hurricanum. For 1 CP that's a good 1st turn alpha strike. It mitigates her weakness (bad to-hit ability). She can also drop 20 DRyads behind her to help screen your army. Other common options are Deep Strike a Durthu (kitted up with LC abilities) and his shooting allows him to move closer so your charge isn't further. Same with Drycha. Of course you can do it with lots of other things like Black Dragons, etc. Hope that helps
  23. I re-read them and felt they were okay. Not terrible, not great,.. but okay. You are paying 130 points each, kinda high,.. and each has a neat ability. Maybe at 200 points they would be more useful. I don't think they warrant more than 100 points each. The Nomad Prince is 120 and could easily be 100... Does the Swordmaster bring much more? no not really. even 180 wouldn't be that shocking. It is an interesting thing to think about. When Kurnothi come out what will happen to Wanderers? I imagine they will fade and wander away,.. grim as it sounds,.. boy howdy the Sylvaneth one is a let down... But,.. she's not good... It is a shame she didn't get the old Waywatcher ability more effectively.
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