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Everything posted by Charleston

  1. I look forward for the "Sylvaneth killed the Radio Star Greywater Fastness" Lore. Btw, I have 2 Boxes full of "Assault on Skull Pass" Dworfs. Any Idea how to use them now? Terrain? Basing Material? Tought about some Stoned Dworfs, like in Guild Wars Lore, that are statues now.
  2. Okay, after the first shock has settled: It makes sense that GW cuts all aged boxes instead of repackaging. The more expensive ones like Eternal Guards and Longbeards look more AoS and less WHFB which is better for the brand in general. Also, they can so prevent people from just undusting their old armies. Nah, at least another big step in GW´s aesthetic conversion.
  3. Yeah, great, all units I have for a CoS Army prepared are getting the Axe? Great...I hope I get them sold fast...
  4. I currently like the following theory : GW Disliked the Design (or the Communities feedback to it) and scrapped/reworked some of the Darkoath, which in the end leds us to a postponed battletome. Another theory is: We simply are too eager on the release and GW hasn´t planned it for this year. We didn´t have any official teaser or announcements, just fan theories based on some vague release patterns we belive to understand. It may be that GW has some bigger plans for the future. We currently have a narrative running that started with Malign Portents, Climaxed with Soul Wars and a longer break and is now again with the Forbidden Power and the Tithe on another narrative updraft. It may be that the next part, or more that after this one, will be about Archaon coming back in big Style. It would make good sense, with Warcry´s background beeing the gathering of warriors to find worthy ones. The simple answer is: We may assume that something will come, but we do not know when. There is no point currenly in getting angry about the topic as gw is already releasing models in a high pace. It simply was not out turn yet. The signs are good on exactly what you said, too: Combination of StD with Everchosen and fleshing out of the Darkoath tribes, as GW hinted this in some places (reorganizing f.e. the webshop, giving us Darkoath Tribe Lore and even a Warband for Shadespire while Darkoath and Tribes were no topic so far)
  5. It wasn´t maybe a competetive choice but a regular pick for me in friendly games when I wanted to play monster heavy lists. Also an awesome model.
  6. That is actually quite an interesting theory. Althrough, when we look at the releases in chronological order, we have a Grimdark Warqueen, Toony Nightsvault Warband and now even more grimdark Warcry Warbands. I really disliked the Nightvault Warbands design, it looked like a range made for younger players that started with the Warhammer Adventure Books, yet they were not packed with Mollog in the "Young Players Shadespire". But yes, I would also assume that there was some decision behind the scenes. Yet, it seems that anyone in the rumour department was fired as we didn´t had any leaks for ages, so we can only wait
  7. They removed the Slaughterbrute from the Warscrollbuilder. Which is...weird? Why would they touch such an overseen unit?
  8. I love how different tastes are While I was like "Meh, I don´t like the aelfs" my buddy from a local group was "Hell, they look great!" Althrough the centaur is awesome
  9. The Alligience is based on the "Khorne"-Keyword you find in the lower part of the Warscroll. Any Unit that has it, can be part of the army without beeing an allied Unit. Also, every unit that can gain the keyword through an ability before the games begin, can be included. Most of Slaves to Darkness Units (but not all!) can receive a Mark of Chaos that Grants the Unit a Keyword of one of the Chaos Gods. Chaos Sorcerer Lord can´t get the Mark of Khorne as Khorne hates Wizzards. The Soulgrinder from the "Daemons of Chaos", you may know it from 40k, has the same Ability btw. Beasts of Chaos have a Battalion that allows them to gain the Keyword. So you can use this Battalion in an Khorne Army. But only then, as otherwise the Units do not have the Keyword. Archaon has all 4 Chaos-God-Keywords, so he can be included in all armies. The Varanguard gains the Keyword during the game and cannot be used within an Khorne army without beeing an Allied Unit. This should cover all the known cases.
  10. Yeah, it´s a shame as grim hammers would be an awesome addition to any army that includes dwarfs. I hoped that they will scalecreep up the Hobbit Range into 28mm but they didn´t from what I know. The Great Eagles may be worth a shot, in case GW doesn´t cut them, which I rather doubt as they do not belong directly in any one of the Aelf Factions I would give a shot for surviving the incoming cuts. I am really looking forward the book now. I have 2 Thaines, 24 Dispossesed Warriors, 16 Miners, 20 Thunderers, 3 Cannons (2 Dwarven, one Imperial without a crew), 30 Glade Guards, 36 Glade Riders which will be proxied with something aelvish riderish I guess, 5 Wild Riders/Sisters of Thorn and also my 3k of Stormcasts. I thing this will be enough for a nice start I hopy as many units as possible survive the transition. Edit: After the cuts of models I think the CoS Project has ended for me! See ya guys in the Blades of Khorne Sub
  11. Hello TGA! I wanted to start a topic to talk about how you start, learn and master a new army. I´ve seen a lot of players having utterly different approaches on this. I´m talking about the learning progress from "What the heck do my even dudes do" to "Yeah, I know 101 ways how to utilizse each unit" including army building. Therefore, I would love to hear what you´ve figured out to be the best approach for yourself! How do you get familar and comfy with your army? To make things easier, I have some questions that may help to structure answers: Do you start projects for themes or rather gameplay ( maybe even competetive?)? Do you plan an army or start with impuls/opportunity buys? If you plan, what does your planning invloves? Do you have an approach or tactic for the first games that help you learning the new faction? Do you alter lists a lot in the first games? Do you use supplements? What tools are helpfull? How many games do you make until you feel familar with your faction? Please see thoose questions as suggestions and not as mandatory!
  12. Well, I guess that all signs are on StD having a big release. Therefore it makes sense that GW don´t want to have 2 big releases competing. Also, Warcry is a really nice stepstone in an narrative way that gw tries to introduce their products. Also StD benefit from the new kits through Warscrolls (at this point: Having a stand alone kit of the factionsless Beasts would be great! Will most propably come with the ominous StD Book). It makes actually good sense that GW releases the next wave of models a week later. I was really confused when not all Warbands went on preorder on the same date. Meanwhile, I am really eager to learn about the rules for the existing factions, as thoose will be for me the core point if I will start Warcry or if I will pass on this one.
  13. Well, while I am happy to see the StD Topic on "Popular now", some of you guys went heavy offtopic in a manner that also really is not productive at all. Please switch back to the topic or move the discussion into the BoK Topic
  14. I agree 100%. Especially as there are different Motifs in CoS, there could be a Spell for Wanderers, Collegiate Arcanum and one for Ordo Draconis f.e. Also the Terrain could be something that involves all, like a waypoint or a waytower, or something.
  15. @Titus Khartoth the Bloodthirst is a Daemonic Weapon. It may be worse than the Bloodlords artifact, but is available to Reapers of Vengence Bloodthirsters, which is great with the "fight twice" command ability Edit: ->Daemonic Weapon means the corresponding table on page 75, at least in the german version
  16. Well, there are a lot of things that comes to batreps. It starts at visuals: How is the image quality, how stable is the cam, are the armies we see painted? Is the terrain? Also a lot of how cuts are made and what of the game is shown is quite important. I for my own really dislike Batreps that skip phases and only show how the board looks after a turn. Having the Viewer see the rolls is quite important in my opinion. Things like moving each single model are worth cutting, Rerolling Ones has a nice dynamic way to it. Another important thing is lightning. A good Light allows smoother images with crispier contrasts and also less blurred frames and is overall an important key point which seperates most good batrep channels from the others most people simply skip. The second important thing in my opinion: The entertainment. Having a talk before and after the game in which you talk about your army, maybe your expectations, and afterwards about how the game went, is really a core thing that should be always included! Also the way you talk during the game is important! A confident, clear and loud voice makes it easier to listen and to get the point of what you are telling your viewers. Also, declare on what you are rolling and what rules apply to the roll. This is a thing that actually should be done during all games as it is just an added transparency and allows your opponent to follow the gamer easier. Channels get more entertaining on the long term with some diverse factions. Also, as most people I know look for Batreps by a search of "FACTION XY BATREP", having a broad load of factions and a mix of them playing against each other, will help you to increase popularity. This can be easily achived by inviting guests for a game, so you don´t have to bother building more and more armies With this beeing said, I wish you luck for the channel Will check out the Khorne vs Skaventide one as it looks quite interesting
  17. Another Unit for my Ghostclaws is almost finished, this time a Battleline one: The Riders on Thundertusk. I´ve got the model in a prepainted state from a friend and kept the fur and the tusks as they were before. The Chaintrap was broken and the parts missing, so I added a Banshee that will serve as a stand in for a vulture. I think the project will take more time than assumed. I am really not motivated to work on the "small" dudes as I have also a ton of other miniatures that want to be painted. So there will be a break before the next units come. Which is fine as thoose are a fun painting project so far and won´t see much of a game I think, at least untill a tome drops
  18. Thank you very much for this (amazingly fast) answer! Can you maybe ask my extended question of how this affects meele combat?
  19. @XReN So basically, your tipps sound great on how to go around the issues, but a lot of armies simply can´t realise them. Summoning/Reviving is an expensive ressource for a lot of armies outside of death. Staying out of a threat range is also not easy when your enemies threatrange is way longer than your mobility. Also given the fact that the threatrange increases with the issue of a doubleturn. Also, ranged Damage is not really a big thing for most armies. I know, Skaven and Shootcasts are a rather common view on competetive level, but most armies really do not shine here. Tell me how Nurgle, Khorne, Beasts of Chaos, any army w.o. a 2.0 BT, Fyreslayers etc. is supposed to do so? Especially as thoose have mostly quite restricted ranges. Have you concidererd that the faction you play may be quite resilient to doubleturns? It´s not like FEC lack of something that makes them one of the favorite competetive armies, like fighting first, which is btw also a huge advantage that ususaly is granted to the player who´s turn it is, or fightning twice...or maybe that high mobility that allows you to stay out of threatranges? Therefore it might be that there are factions, especially out of competetive, which by all means is not the single way to play, that may really struggle to do what you described in such an easy way? Nevertheless thank you for your input, I will check out what of theese is applicable for my army. As to the topic of who ruined todays game: Well, if you have to make the most possible unintuitive action possible so can´t use the advantage the game gave you, I wouldn´t really blame you for not doing it. It wasn´t like a maxed situation, it was just 5 Retributors charging unit A first, killing it in combat while calculating that Unit B will stomp them in return, but the game mechanic said "yeah, you know what would be great? We simply skip all this tradeoff thing and allow the Retributors to be AWESOME and stomp again". Such situations lead to a randomness where none shall be given. Imagine a Drag Race, two Cars going toe on toe, but one of them will turn down the engine on random. Such a race can be fun to watch, but not for the race itself but rather for the gamble. To the Magic thing: It really rather belongs into an own topic. The Magic System currently really bothers for supermacy in the hero phase. When you can cast/unbind 3-4 Spells in a 1k game, and your enemy can c/u 1, you can contest his cast while he can only hope that you won´t make the next cast roll. This allows you to shutdown players completly. Eitherwise, you force an army w/o a mage to take one for the unbind, or to waste an artifact to get that anti-magic chance. Currently only Khorne is known for beeing able to shut this down with a ton of dispells or debuffs as a noncaster army. There should be actually a few, not many, more ways for factions to shrug off some magic. Currently, you simply are at disadvanatge when you do not have a mage, which is a drawback for listbuilding. But yeah, in general, we all agree that we play this game with the rules as they are. There is always the choice of not playing it, althrough it is a choice made harder for some of us than for others. Accepting the Doubleturn as a part of the game is a neccessery thing for thoose who dislike it. Even for people as stubborn as me. Nevertheless, talking about the issues is also part of community work. GW is sensitive on this topic, otherwise they wouldn´t make it part of the community survey. Therefore, if we are unhappy with it, discussions like this may be a sign for the rules designers to take our criticism and maybe to adjust the game. It already happened with the jump from 1.0 to 2.0. Warcry also showed that they toy around with different priority mechanics and that designing priority is a big point for the designers.
  20. As the title say: To the Woods give an Cover Bonus for Units within, or do they just give the bonus that is called by their warscroll of blocking LoS? What does it in general depend on, if a terrain feature grants cover or not?
  21. This. I actually had today 2 games, one 2k 40k 1vs1 and a 3-way-free-4-all 1000pts AoS. The 40k Game was pure fun. There were really close Situations, some really neat rolls noone expected and noone could really tell who´s gonna win until the end. I lost the game pointwise but it didn´t feel like loosing. We both had an awesome game and a lot of fun. The AoS game, despite the usual issues with multiplayer, playing caster heavy armies against armies with no magic defense, also got quite fast into a salty point where the doubleturn allowed me to simply annihilate my enemies centerpiece models without any resistance. Well, it didn´t help that I really pointed our the issues I´ve had with AoS during the 3 turns the game lasted and I firmly belive that I´ve earned todays "that guy" title at my local friends group which I ain´t proud of...I quess I have to work on my viewset of this game. Edit: What I wanted to point out: I´ve seen today once again how the doubleturn ended the fun part of a game for a player today. Which wasn´t fun for anyone around.
  22. Yeah, actually thats bollocks. How do you want to prepare on a doubleturn`? Especially when you plan an slower/defensive army it is really not possible to do so. People always brag about "preparing for a Doubleturn" but never deliver any examples or tactics for it. How to stop the enemy from 2 turns shooting to pick your heroes out? How to stop your enemy from charging the most sensible units you have when he has enough time to deal with screens and position in any way he wants. Not all armies are build as a deathstar that kills the enemy on contact. Also, comparing it to charges is also quite an issue as you can actively play to alter the chances for a charge. Go closer to an enemy, reroll it and so on. The initiative roll is a single roll off that really can close the game in an early turn or, even worse, ruin the fun for one of the player quite hard or make him at least endure 2 turns of damage. Together with the really frustrating step in power level between newer and older books such a thing can really ruin a day.
  23. Well, it´s quite tricky as there are plently of possible solutions. I can imagine GW to do both, either to make each City an Alligiance, or to keep City Rules as "Subfaction" of the Main-CoS Alligience like the Stormhosts f.e. are for SCE. I really hope that GW will use all the cool ideas they´ve presented in current battletomes. From exotic battlelines or additional slots for monsters/warmachines (would love the latter for an Ironweld-Gunline List. 3 Ballistas, 3 Cannons and one Man with a Mustache want to be played) and also a quite modular set of rules that allows us tons of customization: Possibilities are great! I would really like if GW would not give unique perks to subfaction-Alligiences, but would rather reward a mixed list. If I recall it correctly, Skaven have this kind of stuff where different Alligiences can be somehow utilised in an mixed list. I am also really curious what the counselor mechanic may look like. Also there are some potential risks for rather "bad" decisions: A too strict limitation of Factions to Cities could really to the faction some harm. Imagine you have Dispossesed and Aelfs and cannot find a City which supports both.
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