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Everything posted by MitGas

  1. I'm not a big fan of drybrushing personally but unless you use old, totally unsuited and or/too thick and gloopy paint it will have no effect on the contrast colors outside of them being a tiny bit brighter where you drybrushed and having a bit of a textured/chalky look. A good tip IMO might be to get some makeup brushes for your drybrushing. It's great for "sketching" in values (as in highlights) and gives less of a texture than traditional brushes. It's no airbrush but it's a much softer (and IMO better) effect for what I think you'd be going for. See this video for an example:
  2. Well, I could imagine you'd have a blast with them. I'll definitely will try them out myself soon (when I get a bit of freetime instead of work 24/7). Either way, you've certainly inspired me big time.
  3. 😂 Or, you know, make the unit good enough on its own so that it doesn't need to be pushed via subfaction rules?
  4. I think that's actually the best Nurgle Blightking mini so far... and there are a lot.
  5. Personally I don't think point reductions will solve all the problems. They need to be stronger. I know they want to sell as many minis as possible obviously but I think outside of Cultists and Marauders S2D should be an elite force on IJ level...
  6. You might be totally right and this in no way meant to disagree with you but I'm not sure that many would like to collect an army consisting of only two kits (even if the hero/king is a multipart kit and could be build into different stuff). If they want to make this feel like a somehwat proper army, then they should have at least 2 multipart kits (one named character + hero and one multipart elite/battletline) next to the old gargant I think. Cause else the whole army would look too much alike, the old gargant's legs/stance are too similar. Or they add Beasts of Chaos stuff like Cygors.
  7. They're not just on the tables all the time.... they're also always in our hearts! ❤️💙💚💜 Edit: The Lion looks more and more like Michael Biehn on that pic.
  8. "It's "Malice" now, honey." Malal to Ur'Arzugh Wat'T-Fadj, the Gore Fountain Butcher of the Sanguine Bloodplains, Greater Bloodthirster of Khorne, after having been discovered to have reinvented himself due to tragic copyright laws.
  9. That's also exactly my first thought - some artefacts would be hella broken on a Varanguard unit.
  10. With Nagash being the God of Death pretty much and Katakros being undead could he even be killed? Couldn't Nagash just reincarnate him? So unless Archaon takes him as a prisoner and sends him to the same Betty Ford clinic Slaanesh resides in, Katakros should have no problem, right?
  11. The Prince of Excess sees his banishment as a painful diet after having fed on all those Aelf souls. I mean he's also Mr. Vain (cue 90s song - and that Mr. is debatable) and we all know he won't shed those extra pounds any other way with his attitude.
  12. That would be pretty broken. It's like a better version of Be'Lakor's ability.
  13. Ah, that is good to know.... the Curseling I've gotten around 2 years ago still used classic Finecast and well.... he wasn't exactly great. Which is a bummer as I love the mini's design but he makes me paranoid. If I looked at him the wrong way one of those feathers could break off.
  14. Throw your dog a bone takes another meaning in there... (mind killed a few of my hunchback Chaos Warriors back in the day - although they actually looked better after him chewing on them) anyways, great colors, makes them look a hell of a lot better than the standard Eavy Metal scheme.
  15. I won't find out I'm afraid. I have/had hundreds of metal minis and never had a problem with them outside of obvious drawbacks. With the 2 Finecast ones I've had lots of problems. From fixing the models (which isn't my job, I'm a paying customer) to them being a brittle, warped mess (which can be fixed but shouldn't have to be) in the end. It's simply a very bad product in every possible way. Especially when there's FW next door who make splendid resin minis. I understand they worry about young ones (cause why else wouldn't they use better resin) but then don't sell those models to people younger than 18 or - even better - give them the benefit of the doubt and let nature do its own thing if they manage to kill themselves with a resin mini (which they won't). The only time where Failcast would've been good was when I was 14, wanted to remove a Rubric Marine's head with a stanley knife (thanks for that idea, Neil Hodgson - j/k, this started my love for Tzeentch) and cut my own thumb open. Very stupid but it's my very own mark of Tzeentch.
  16. I respectfully disagree. Unlike FW's resin it's extremely fragile even IF the cast is decent (good luck with that) - I got two FC models and those are enough for me to never, ever buy another.
  17. Just having seen the new Necromunda releases (see spoiler below) gave me an idea in conjunction with talking about traditional painting of skin tones here (which is science in its own right with all those halftones and stuff as you've alluded to, something where I unfortunately still got much to learn).... perhaps going for oil colors would really be the answer. The guy in the top left certainly makes me think that these were done with oils... and it would make introducing subtle color variation a heck of a lot easier.
  18. The possibilities of what they have planned are endless and not for mere mortals (them included) to know! Rest assured that any reader of the new battletome will find plotholes and logical errors in a matter of minutes however. If the giants are accompanied by other creatures that we thought we knew they'll greatly expand on their lore as well, fully disregarding everything that came before in a stroke of Hollywood genius!
  19. Well, Giants are usually portrayed in a rather negative way (from Warhammer to DnD to movies); something new would be to make them smart and sophisticated like their ancestors supposedly were.... would be funny to see them in GA: Order. I'm sure Damon Lindelof and JJ Abrams are taking notes - such an unnecessary twist could be turned into a franchise!
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