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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. If you play me, yes definitely, I wouldn’t go out to play if a can’t take my 120 meathsields with me. although the reason behind it is more that I love playing my army after a certain fluff. The top skaven tournament list sadly doesn’t really come around that many models. mostly you’ll see a ton of wizards (grey seer, Verminlords) the minimum of our cheapest battleline units (60clanrats in total) and a ton of endless spells/shooting and some monks.
  2. Oh god, just think what a realm of ruin (skaven lore) would look like
  3. I hope your ready for converting, because the warlock engineers isn’t even our only metal model.
  4. Yeah for some unknown reason they have joined our fellow beastmen on the warscroll builder. I thought that I must have mist something and was dearly thinking that we finally have some kind of a really hammering unit. sadly looking at the actual rules I noticed that they are missing the Boc keyword, making them a unit impossible of taking into our army’s.😥
  5. Nothing so far, just that it comes out at some time at the beginning of this month. although knowing Gw it could also be at the end of this month, as long as it is still in July
  6. Yep, basically what I do. and now you know the key to winning a game with the skaven faction.
  7. Well a heavy skryre list backed up with some magic and verminus battleline, is basically fantastic against any army especially if you want to destroy always attacking first twice ghoulking on big flying dead mouses. if I were you I’d skip the battalions in total, since they can basically be called worthless, with some pestilence formations as exceptions. throw out your Stormvermins which are basically just very expensive meathsield and worthless taken in any number unless you go to the limit (40) and even then this guys will die as fast as any other clanrats units something you really don’t want to see of a unit that costs more than most elite units that can deal more damage then them. The doomwheel is a nifty tool although you might be better of spending those points on something different like jezzails or WPLCannons. so to answer your questions yes skryre can be competitive, but if your just looking for some casual fun game where both sides don’t really care too much about winning, (like being ok loosing sometimes and winning sometimes), I’d just go with what you’ve got or what you like the most. If you take plague monks in units of 40, you have the option of taking both of the different banners and musical devices. in 20 I’d suggest you to take the banner that gives you the change of exploding into mortal wounds, which might be more helpful then the other one. as for the musician, both are good for the take, just go with whatever you’ve equipped them with or want to take. (+1 to the run and charge roll doesn’t seem much but can sometimes be the one thing that saves you from a loss) although if your more about the damage the other one would be better.
  8. Well the duality of death battleplans, explicitly says that only “1 hero or battleline unit can control the objective” it also mentions that if the unit controlling the objectives gets destroyed by a enemy Battleline unit or Hero, that the hero or Battleline unit who destroyed the unit who controlled the objective “immediately gains control of it” (If in range) meaning that it basically doesn’t matter if you have countless heroes or battle lines unit around one objective. If that unit dies in combat, well then its your opponents objective now🤷‍♂️.
  9. I still need to buy it, but I mean the possibility that Godraks model is hinting towards a new army or an old one being updated is possible. although the chance that he is just some model that can be added to your collection for old grumblers like many of us is also highly plausible
  10. Yeah, especially with units like death masters or Loonsmashas where this units can basically be put into a unit etc. a clarification of those ability in that game system would definitely be cool
  11. I remember the day when I told the guy who wanted to play as many verminlords as possible in the upcoming tournament, that it probably won’t be easy to win with it. Well you know the rest of the story, and he later got to right an article about his win. so basically go crazy, sometimes there might be more to your list than it actually seems like
  12. Well I guess I’ll just have to stock myself up on those clanrats, before they price drops. Still need another 300
  13. Sounds interesting. Im not really a fan of the paint scheme, but do like the idea and story behind his army. will be interesting to see what other kind of themes people are working towards with their armies.
  14. Although I’ll be visiting Italy for a while and probably won’t have too much time left for my hobby, I’ll be trying to finish off my doom bell (endless spell of the skaven) and paint my plague furnace with the new contrast paints. as a stretch I would try and paint another hell pit abomination.
  15. Looks good, especially the ambushing skaven behind them. Yes-yes😂
  16. Or could it be the new skaven warlord from clan Claw renowned for his taste in very shiny stuff like gems?
  17. The backstabbing, betrayal, weapons to kill anything from goblins to god. The way they speak-chitter. What they see and think of other races, their way of warfare, hordes, and hordes of body’s overwhelming anything in their way. their corrupted council, manipulated by something far worse., Engineering that seems impossible and risky to men and beardthings. a danger that cannot be stopped and is lurking beneath everybody, waiting for the time to rise-scurry. and last but not least “Warpstone” the substance of truly manifested chaos. And this is basically the reason why I enjoy and have enjoyed the skaven for the last 11years
  18. Yeah, my opponent well got his luck back after having lost priority in the first turn. He basically rolled 8 sixes killing of my wounded Stormfiend and another, why’ll another one got ripped to pieces by the rest of the claw attacks. he then went again and did almost the same amount of damage, exactly killing the unit.
  19. So I’ve just played a game against my friends fec, with the list mentioned. shortly put he won, although just barley. well how should I put it he moved everything up to my left flank where I had my gunline protected by 20clanrats. with his shooting he cleared my clanrats But was unable to charge because he firstly was out of range with most of his units a secondly failed to make the 10 inch charge, thanks to killing of my left over clanrats, Which than gave me the possibility to shoot of his unit of 9flayers and his terrorgheist in a double tune of shooting. leaving basically only his 2archregents, 2flying courtiers with wings and 2units of 3flayers each , all in range to be shoot by my Stormfiends. In his turn he was able to do some damage to my Stormfiends and well that was mostly it. We rolled of for the third turn and well my luck quickly changed which gave him the third turn. as my luck has run out he killed with a double pile in with his unit of flayers the rest of my 5stormfiends, and and killed of another 3jezzails which got caught up in combat with a snicks teleport into my back (didn’t know he could do that) and well that was mostly game. I was unable to cast deathfrenzy onto my plague monks since they were either out of the wholly within range or I just failed it. left with no way to keep up with the victory points I lost, I conceded the game with an epic handshake. so what I’ve learned with this list is basically that Stormfiends are bonkers. they are basically my trump card killing of 2 very expensive units in one go. with the right equipment they are basically the perfect shooting unit. and should they go down in points as I’ve heard a few times, they’ll probably be our next plague monk kind of unit, should they fall with the point-increase. Jezzails are fantastic as well, although having disappointed me in the first turn. plague monks are a beast in combat killing of twice as at points as they are worth, basically the thing they’ve been since the battletome arrived, the new witch aelve unit for the skaven. The WPV, is a massive damage dealer and has frustratedy Opponent more then once. And the grey seer, well theres literally nothing that can stop this warpstone sniffing drugged magic phase. basically I was rather amused from this list. its different from the way I usually play my skaven, but I do see potential in this list.
  20. Well I haven’t really heard much, just that there will be some pointchanges for the warpseer, WPV and plague monks. although it may just be rumors and not the actual way Gw will proceed with the nervs or buffs for the skaven. But really if you hear me Gw just ones give our overcosted Stormvermins a pointchange. I’ve been waiting for 3whole years, and I just cant see an excuse of why Stormvermins should cost so much.
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