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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. If your going to take the Overlord of destruction trait, I’d suggest you to take at least 2of the rattling guns, because if you’re just going to take one, the deranged inventor trait is the better option, which will give you free hand on choosing another unit if your weapon team should fall to an early grave.
  2. Yeah, although the fyreslayers are strong and tough as steel, their greatest weakness is movement. almost anything can literally outmaneuver easily, and with a bit of shooting, all of their key characters can easily be sniped out, denying those significant I feel nothing buff on some units. as for fec, I mean they aren’t as strong as they were before the faq arrived. there were actually more than just a few armies that had problems dealing with gigantic monsters that always attack first, twice!. I mean any combat army will literally struggle with them, when they basically have no way of defeating them without like 6inch pile in and attacking or don’t have any go first buff/go last debuff tricks. with the well let’s say nerf, some players are at least able to attack a terrorgheist in the combat phase, when it is their own turn, without having to fear that their units gets killed of with one go. but still I think they are still a very strong army that can gain some winning strokes with the right Strategie and movement. So not sure why everybody in your area feels like dropping them.
  3. Well it depends I guess. I mean what your opponent brought with him was more of a fluff list and going just for a fun way to play. (I at least don’t suspect that he was trying too hard at winning) If your going up against a list that is directed to the tournament scene, you’ll be facing a ton of shooting, magic plague monks and the minimum requirement of 60clanrats. Edit: great battlereport, there mate. I really enjoyed reading it.
  4. Well I won’t complain, about cheaper Stormvermins. they’re always needed😂 as for Plague monks, yeah they probably need a slight increase. but I’ll just wait and see how the meta lists of the skaven will change in the next grand events.
  5. Great battlereport, hope will be hearing more from your farming skaven soon😁😉.
  6. Well I’ve been playing around a lot with Stormvermins, and with what I’ve seen and well felt was sometimes devastating and any other time rather disappointing. Stormvermins are a great damage-dealing unit, when taken as a 40rat squad, but they’ll struggle, against basically any shooting, magical horde-killing spells and enemy charges. If you just really want to run a unit of stormvermins, I’d always take the maximum size for them. since anything else is basically useless. also, I wouldn’t take the battalion, since it is not worth the points at all. your better of just taking unit of Clanrats, and for reducing your drops, well a lot of the times your opponent will just out-deploy you since their battalions will be most of the time better then that of ours. The upside of bringing Stormvermins, is that most of the people seem to underestimate them, since they basically never really hit the table, or are seen as a good joke. Ps: All in all stormvermins, can definitely be terrifying, and there’s nothing preventing you from taking them. In total I would just try a few things out, and with the slide pointtrop, taking another warpfire thrower, will be helpful.
  7. Yeah I forgot that he had the cannons in his list although they didn’t do much in the battle, when i fought him.😂 He tried to snipe my Warbringer and rolled poorly, while I somehow made all of my aftersave. The horned rat indeed protects, unlike some other gods! anyways good luck 😉. ps: throw out Thanqoul and take the warpseer. he is the better choice for his points than Thanqoul, and with the 100p left I’d take the Vortex with you. also throw out the furnace, with the warpseer in your list there’s literally no use for it. your better of just taking a warplightning cannon or something else for bolstering your glorious skryre firing line. or upgrading your clanrats. meatshields are always needed. 60of them will hold you the line for a turn but not much more.
  8. Well your definitely rolling better then average, when your getting 8wounds of on a terrorgheist with just 2wondlaunchers hitting and wounding on 4s. and yeah, The deranged Inventor trait is basically like an insurance for me, should I not get mmmwp of. although having used it a few times on my bombardier, this little fellow, just wants to blow up every time I use him. he basically never survives his own shots😂😂, when I’m rolling. as for a Skaventide list where Stormfiends are used as the backbone, there is that one Swiss guy who’s participating at the world something warhammer tournament, and is using a list, that is deeply pushing towards the use of Stormfiends.
  9. Well it sounds interesting, although I’m not really a fan of rolling and setting my table up for half an hour. most of the time when me and my buddies meet, we usually just throw on the table, what ever looks cool and in such a way that both sides have its ups and downs. I think the only thing I’m using is the table for rolling what kind of special terrain rules it has, with the exception of the woods, which always get played as a line of sight blocking terrain, just like in the rules.
  10. Interesting, so I’m guessing the daemonic power spell helps a lot.
  11. Skaven!!!! I know it sounds funny and all, but believe me this could be the perfect army for you. Almost all of our units are very mobile. we might not be able to run and charge, but that really isn’t what our warriors are meant for either. always wanted to be a mad scientist, who laughs while overrunning his foes with a spiked rat wheel like motorbike, whith rotating blades, then your better of with the skaven, with which your not only restricted to one of this so called doomwheels but can basically fulfill your madnificent dream of overrunning your enemy troops, with not only 1 but 4of of this lovely machines, although be ready for any malfunctions. And this isn’t all the skaven have to offer, we basically have the option to teleport our units and heroes through spell casting, through other units and even by throwing them down the Swiss-cheese-holes (gnawholes). Fear that your army will have trouble in keeping your enemy combat units at bay, fear not as our very brave clan warriors “the clanrats” will deal with any enemy deepstriking units or other hammering units, keeping your more elite troops save from harm, while your meatshields die-Die in droves. and after your meatshields units well have descended into rat-heaven, you’ll want to have some elite hammering units that can deal with anything in front of them, with which thankfully the skaven race, has a few tricks up there sleeves. want something bulky and devastating on the charge, then I present to you clans moulders fighting beasts, which has a smallish but brutal range of units, that go from the cheap bulky ratogres, to the warpmodified Stormfiends, till it reaches the line of abominable, mutated, much better frankenstein-like monster, “the hellpit”. the combinations in list building is huge. want to go somewhat into the tournament scene, well we can other that, with our great spelllore, artefacts, commandtraits and good options of units, or are you looking for a fun time for both players, the. The skaven can still other that with their great synergy’s and the possibility of having some malfunctions that can basically change the game.
  12. Well your list looks good, although I would throw out Thanqoul and the furnace, and take some more shooting or a Warpseer, some more shooting and the Vortex endless spell. 2)well Thanqoul is probably one of our best casters we have. he is also a very good damage dealing unit, but the problem you’ll be facing is that he firstly dies very, very fast too literally anything, and secondly cost a fortune of point that are better spend elsewhere. Still of you want to take him, than do it, there’s nothing stopping you. 3)Stormfiends are a very strong unit, especially when buffed with mmmwp, vigordust I nectar and the +1damage buff. I’ve played with them and was very pleased with their damage output, still jezzails with the +1damage bonus have done a lot more for me, but seeing how you’re basically skipping everything Skavenlike (meaning you have almost no body’s on the field (no staying power)) you might be better of taking the stormfiends, since they are much more resilient than our snipers. 4plague monks are a fine unit able to kill anything in their way, even without needing the support of a furnace, which is why I would throw the furnace out of your list. 5)as for any other ideas, yeah i definitely have a few, although I doubt you’ll like it. it would be more of a horde approach. 6)I would take the bombardier or a warpseer as your warlord. give your bombardier the deranged inventor trait, with which you can give your Stormfiends a weaker mmmwp buff when the spell doesn’t go off. or the master of magic for your warpseer.
  13. Don’t know. could be that they’ll Chang wit too something like worshippers of chaos or Hosts of chaos.
  14. You know what would be cool, a chariot that carries a statue, representing Sigmar, and while doing so has no real stats nor a wound count but gives some minor buffs to friendly units, and can move
  15. Same, I’m literally dying to know what Gordrakk is up to
  16. Well I mean we all know that the great horned rat is the only true (chaos) God in the 13realms. syre we have Sigmar, but that guy basically was a human tribesman who basically founded the empire and later became somehow a god. we have the selfish and always offended deity Nagash, who shares a similar history like Sigmar, and only became well a god after he basically cursed his home and raised it back from the dead as he did with the rest of the dead-things. then there are Teclis, Tyrion, Malekith (Malerion) and technically not yet a god Morathi. They all were ones a mortals part of the old world, just like Sigmar who somehow took over Franz’s body in the end times. then there are all those old Elvish gods, like khaine, Hoeth, Asuryan, Isha, Kurnoth etc. Of which we know that Khaine seemed to have had his hands in his own made up great game, which he played with the so called famous wizard who made the vortex and died later. (Trilogy Tyrion and telcis) the rest of those gods, Well were technically never played a part in the game, they are more like a symbol of hope or something else, similar lot what we people think the different gods in our own religions (if we have one) are. then there is Ulric, worshipped by a few empire cities and known as the protector of Nuln (?) anyways it is said that he ones held foot on the old world and a huge tribe followed his path to glory. so basically also a human with immense power, able to sustain his spirit with his magical prowess for centuries. Then we have Gork (or Mork), a very strong one indeed, gods of war and worshipped by the green-things. The Orks and goblins seem to be able to channel this deity’s energy, gaining immense killing powers and cunning, or was it the other way around? not sure how they do it, but who knows believe can be everything. Then there are the four well known chaos gods , Khorne, Slaanesh, Tzeentch and nurgle, all of which have their own specialities and strategies of warfare. well from what is said this warp deity’s gain their form from the believers and desires of mortal around the old world. unable to descend into the mortal realms they send their armies of daemons, each possessing a fragment of their gods, into the world. then there are a few lesser gods and kings like the great maw, of which I know nothing, the guy from the wood aelves which uses a sacrificed Noble elven body, and some other gods that I don’t really care naming. and last but not least we have “the great horned Rat” , a God deity who is worshipped by the skaven, a factions that is seen as a fairy tale in the empires, believed to be weak by the worshipped of chaos, Nagash and other races like the Elves, hated by the dwarfs and Orks, and feared and respected by the goblins (more or less). It is this gods race which overrun the dwarfen holds, killed of a huge amount of slann, just by destroying the moon, and even steal-took a whole empire city down to the under empire. Yeah and then there were those small victories over the Brettonians and much-many more victories, which still needs to be claimed by the highest most brutal, lier in the whole under empire. (Probably Thanqoul, he even faked his death perfectly when he was technically slain by Archaon) So yeah, with that it is more or less proven that the great horned rat, not only shares a fracture of every chaos god, but excels, in what the other gods are worshipped for. A deity that not only outdeceives tzeentch, kills and takes casualties, far more than khorne, and basically brings death and no new lives with his feculent plagues , outperforming nurgle while doing so, and even his perversion for making horrible living weapons and technology far beyond imagination surpasses even Slaaneshes lust, which makes him the one and only fearful deity that is basically the incarnation “of true chaos”. ah yes right I forgot to mention there are still the dwarfen gods out there. there isn’t much I know of them from the old worlds. well maybe with the exception of the white dwarf (definitely a god) And the master ail brewer, bugman, who is worshipped by every dwarf in the realms, although it just might be his 🍺 .
  17. Well I’ve heard it so many times. they after the skaven csm put they’ve announced that every grand allegiance will be getting a book in some way, and after khorne and Slaanesh csm our there was chitter-chatter about basically every armie getting a book till the end of this year or even the next. so yeah I guess anything is possible
  18. I would give him the gryph feather charm, which gives him a -1to hit when chosen as the target of any attack. he also gains I believe an extra inch of movement, which doesn’t really hurt. The debuff from the charm will stack with the look out sir in the shooting phase, when he is near on of your units with at least 3 or more models, meaning that basically anything that’s going to shoot at him will suffer a -2 to the hit role, which is great when trying to keep your general alive. just remember that the Warplightning cannon is basically immune to the hit modifiers in any way.
  19. Looks interesting, just remember that the ethereal amulet ignores any kind of modifiers to the save, meaning that the +1 to the save won’t work.
  20. Yeah was a bit tired this morning, and unable to think clearly😅 well then I’m mostly hoping that will be getting some infos about those battletomes today. Im very curious about their rules etc.
  21. Ok, any ideas when the two new battletomes will hit the web-store for pre-order? I specifically am hoping today
  22. I’m guessing that the whaaag will be changed for all of our characters, although i doubt it will be the only thing changing.
  23. Those are one of the best painted and converted bonejaws I’ve ever seen!
  24. Well the realm rules are an interesting, and although they aren’t really often used in the well tournament scene, I do sometimes see people use it, although it’s mostly just out of fun reasons. in total I mean sure they could be an interesting option, although can be a huge problem for certain armies, that can be shut down immediately and for the the rest of the battle. It isn’t really fun when your armie is incapable of doing anything. but the realmspell in total could be a interesting feature for the tournament scene. but that’s just my opinion.
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