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  1. Hi, the question is, if I cast with spell with an unmodified 3+5, and then I roll my primal magic dice with a 1, this last dice count as modify? Or the total count as an unmodified roll? Because if it is... soulblight can cast their spells with an unmodified 9+ very easily.
  2. I think yes, the spell says the 12"... the range of this spell must be... and Arkhan increase the spell range so...
  3. Hi everyone, I have a question about deathly invocation. The gravesites adds 1 to the models returned, so, what happends if I have 2 gravesites near, can I stack them and add 2 extra models?
  4. Wolfs are galletian, so... I think is better blood knights and squeletons as screens, if the enemy want to waste a bounty hunter unit in our cheapest unit.... go ahead, haha.
  5. Subfaction, artefact, trait?
  6. Hi guys, I have a question: can Nagash return an immortis or stalker with his ability?, for example, I lose an stalker, try to ress with one of his ability (3 wound or less) because stalkers have 4, ofc I ress 0, and... with the supreme lord of the undead I get 0+1?
  7. I have a question, how much range has the death magic incarnate? (Nagash)
  8. Death magic incarnate: does it has range? All battlefield? 18"?
  9. Deathriders cannot fail a 3" charge...they have +1 to charge 😅
  10. So much heroes, just use Nagash and Necro, you need more bodies, maybe 40z 40z direwolves...etc.
  11. Yes, vs archaon you can move and charge, but cant pass across him.
  12. For example. Total 7 wounds, 4 from claws 3 from the sword. The problem with that is against > 2 wounds models, the opponent can allocate a wound from sword and the last one from the claws. A way to avoid this kind of abilities.
  13. Nagash, vampire lord , 3x terrorgheist. Avengori
  14. How to use unleash hell with an attacl than doesn't use the sequence for an attack, and for that the unit doesn't target another one? For example with the mortis engine.
  15. If you lose one, you still recive the extra CP and... the other one can try to get another one at 2+ istead of 4+.
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