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What's your little hobby secret (and other crazy anectodes) ?

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Hi everyone !

I wanted to start a more relaxed and fun thread about our small anectodes and secrets about the hobby. I was inspired by Louise Sugden's video on that same topic on Rogue Hobbies, and thought "why not bring it to TGA ?". So, a thread were we can banter, tell each other funny little stories, things like that.

This is meant to be a judgment free place, so please don't mock fellow TGA members if they share some weird stories they had while engaging in our favourite hobby. We're a positive place !

As I'm starting this thread, I guess it's up to me to tell you my hobby secret. I have never won a single game of AoS, ever. And I play since 1st edition... My performances in game range from "valiant attempt at winning" to "getting absolutely crushed in 2 rounds". Tbf I don't play often so I forget how to play my lists between games, but it's still rough. I hope AoS4 will give me my first Warhammer W. 

That's my story. What's yours ?

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Not so much a secret but an anecdote. I attacked my brother’s Knight-Questor with a Grot Scuttling with additional hand weapons in a game of Warhammer Quest Silver Tower a few years ago. I rolled four dice for my attack and scored four sixes! Enough to take him down in one go! Take that Stormcast! My brother calmly rolled four dice for his saving throw… another four sixes! ‘Gulp!’ went the scuttling before being absolutely pulverised by the Questor.

The probability of a grot scuttling experiencing such highs and lows in one attack sequence is 1 in 1 679 616. Poor little dude! 😄

Edited by Greyshadow
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I used to glue spare bits from my friends armies on my bases in their colour schemes. I just reminded myself that i should continue this XD.

(And they did the same thing)

Edited by Gitzdee
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19 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

I used to glue spare bits from my friends armies on my bases in their colour schemes. I just reminded myself that i should continue this XD.

(And they did the same thing)

This is the way

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25 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

I used to glue spare bits from my friends armies on my bases in their colour schemes. I just reminded myself that i should continue this XD.

(And they did the same thing)

Oh, that's always fun! Even though my Slaanesh army doesn't have a regular Khorne opponent, I've made a point of decorating my bases with a few decapitated helmeted heads that I've painted up in Khorne colours.

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Probably my most memorable moment of AoS was during a 2.0 PtG campaign. I was playing BoC and fighting my buddy's Legions of Nagash army, back when that was a thing.

My army had gotten smoked pretty early, due to some poor decisions and positioning against my buddy's general, a vampire Lord on zombie dragon. 

Realizing the game was lost, I decided to go out with a bang and charged my Great Bray shaman into the Vampire Lord, managing to deal 1 wound. On the return attack, my buddy wiffed catastrophically, and once the dust had settled, my Shaman still had 2 wounds remaining. 

I've never felt so accomplished while losing a game.

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11 minutes ago, Double Misfire said:

I profess to love Dwarfs, but this is the first box of models I instinctively reached for and wandered out of a GW store with as a small child:

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 Truly my original sin and greatest shame 🫤

I do not see the issue with this purchase

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8 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

I used to glue spare bits from my friends armies on my bases in their colour schemes. I just reminded myself that i should continue this XD.

(And they did the same thing)

Like this. (Excuse to show minis)


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5 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

I profess to love Dwarfs, but this is the first box of models I instinctively reached for and wandered out of a GW store with as a small child:

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 Truly my original sin and greatest shame 🫤

The only good Dwarfs are those with big hats.

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12 hours ago, EccentricCircle said:

Not really a secret, but when the AoS interest among my friends dried up I started playing solo games against myself. I got really into the narrative and had way more fun than playing against my more competitive minded opponents. 

I've done that in patches. It can be a lot of fun! 

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I think my most memorable hobby moment was when (way back in WFB 7th) a friend charged his 5 man Empire knight unit - which I think had a captain - into my single rank of puny High Elf archers. Across three rounds of combat the knights with their lances, captain, and 1+ save failed to deal any damage whatsoever to the unarmoured archers, and took one casualty each time. Then they broke, fled, and were run down by the pursuing elves.

The mere mention of High Elf archers had my friend frothing at the mouth for years afterwards.

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Been doing this hobby for so long there are many memorable moments. One involved the luckiest dice rolling I have ever witnessed.

One year GW ran their Grand Tournament as 3 events. A standard one, a unlimited one (only 5 players), and a open version.

In the last game of the open version you switched armies and used your opponents army. I had brought Daemons and found myself using Dark Elves against them.

I lined up some cavalry to charge a unit of 5 Flamers. They shot and rolled well to hit, getting 18. The to wound roll was as close to perfect as could be without being perfect.

One 5 and seventeen 6s. My Flamers never worked that well for me.

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Here's a bit of a confession.... if I'm not happy with the paint job on a miniature, I sell it on eBay and have another crack at it. I actually had two previous attempts at the Contorted Epitome before I settled on my current one.

I can't be the only one who does that! 

Edited by Big Kim Woof-Woof
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