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AoS 3 - Nighthaunt Discussion


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24 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

They are in Legends, though. They don't have a warscroll in the newest tome.

Well my friends don't make much of an issue of me using a single unit of these i assume. They will be fast and able to hold back objectives.. maybe be a slight annoyance while in range with their ability, but i doubt they'll be very game changing. If not i'll ask if it's fine to let them count as Fell bats, which are even faster for 5 points less. The fell bats have a total of 1 wound less, better output in combat and they can retreat and charge, which is funny enough really thematic for our army. They won't be having the wholly within 6" -1 to hit debuff, but the use of that is very limited since not a lot enemy units will fit wholly within 6 without risking the bats and our easiest to get Wave of Terror proc gives us a lot of -1 to hit debuffs to begin with. I just want to use the unit because I just got them in the cursed city box and they do offer a nice quick back objective hold option as a cheap filler unit. I probably will pick me up some Fell bats soonish for if I ever want a fill unit like these in a matched play environment and legends aren't allowed. They are very similar to each other. Hopefully GW will decide to release the swarm units of the box seperately for the soulblight gravelords. Swarm units are pretty rare in the hobby and I think they offer great conversion/kitbash options for armies, plus often fill a pretty unique cheap tank option. The only villain units they haven't released are the 6 Corpse Rats and 6 Bat Swarms, both of which are swarm units. It's a shame.

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So I'll have to wait a week or two before I get to test properly, as I have a Deepkin list locked in for a tournament next weekend, but the basic premise will be something along these lines.

Can go up to 9 Spirit hosts and reduce Chainrasps to 20. Can do 2 x 20 Bladegheists and do the Chainrasps in 10s etc. I think 1 x 30 Blades will just become too unwieldy and not practical at all. 20 is already too many but it means they're harder to shift overall.

But this gives a nice thicc block of rasps that will be getting a ton of potential healing. Hosts used as a lifeline for the heroes and kind of move around as a blob.

Another option is to take a KoSoES and go with Hatred/Soulfire, healing d6+1 and levelling up by a wound for every combat he slays something.

Allegiance: Nighthaunt
- Procession: The Scarlet Doom
- Mortal Realm: Shyish
- Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
- Triumphs: Inspired

Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief* (340)
- Lore of the Underworlds: Shademist
Krulghast Cruciator* (150)
- General
- Command Trait: Cloaked in Shadow
- Artefact: Lightshard of the Harvest Moon
Guardian of Souls* (150)
- Lore of the Underworlds: Seal of Shyish

20 x Bladegheist Revenants* (350)
- Reinforced x 1
10 x Bladegheist Revenants* (175)
10 x Bladegheist Revenants* (175)
30 x Chainrasp Horde* (330)
- Reinforced x 2
6 x Spirit Hosts* (250)
- Reinforced x 1

Endless Spells & Invocations
Emerald Lifeswarm (60)
Battle Regiment*

Total: 1980 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 4 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 106
Drops: 1
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52 minutes ago, Chumphammer said:


This got me to break out my spreadsheet. Let's see... I have 278 models right now... with the points increases... No points for Mourngul yet... Carry the one....

Yep, I've got 10,010 points of Nighthaunt. With all but 3 of them painted.

Hmmm... Mmmhmm. Yep. I've got an problem.

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I have a game coming up tomorrow where I'll be testing an MSU list with a KoS and 4 Dreadblades for 5 redeploys a turn...

I'll let you all know how it goes. Hopefully, the list will hit like a ghost train on my turn and disappear on theirs while pray to the dice gods that I don't get double turned.

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7 hours ago, EnixLHQ said:

This got me to break out my spreadsheet. Let's see... I have 278 models right now... with the points increases... No points for Mourngul yet... Carry the one....

Yep, I've got 10,010 points of Nighthaunt. With all but 3 of them painted.

Hmmm... Mmmhmm. Yep. I've got an problem.

Nice. I'm just shy of 3.5k. No black coach though, might have to get one eventually. 

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On 5/11/2022 at 10:49 PM, lare2 said:

Just packed up the below for my game tomorrow night. Playing a regular opponent with his Soulblight. He's a very good player. Will let you know how I get on. 

Craven King Ball

Scarlet Doom, battleline grand strategy, charge triumph

Kurdoss – 210 (BR)

GoS: General, MoM; Arcane Tome, Soul Cage – 150 (BR)

KoSoES – 155 (BR)

10x Chainrasp – 110 (BR)

10x Chainrasp – 110 (BR)

10x Chainrasp – 110 (BR)

20 x Bladegheists – 350 (BR)

20 x Bladegheists – 350 (BR)

3 x Spirit Hosts – 125 (H)

3 x Spirit Hosts – 125 (H)

3 x Spirit Hosts – 125 (H)

Emerald Lifeswarm - 60


Managed 3 turns last night before we called it – hard to tell who would’ve won but he was 2 points clear when we finished. We were there 3 hours. Both of us ran lots of models… I forgot what running a horde army was like. Used to run LoN and moving 120 skellies used to break me, especially at tournies. I’ve movement trays but I’m gonna have to remember all the old fast play techniques when it comes to tournies. Anyway, thoughts on my list:

Scarlet Doom and Bladegheists

Yeah, great. My two block of 20 hit like a brick to the face. The mortal wounds on the charge are savage and when they hit with all the WoT buffs, they are really good. Defensively as well, their size means it’s really tough to munch through them. The hardest thing they came up against was 40 zombies. Zombies’ mortal wound output is pretty high but I never lost a bladegheist unit, due to resilience and healing. In addition, turning off Inspiring Presence is so good against horde armies. My second unit wiped out a unit of 20 Grave Guard (GG) in one swing through the combination of mortals, attacking, and then losing the rest to bravery. It was really hard to get as many in contact with the enemy as I wanted though and that 1” range really is a pain. Plus, with how many of them there are, it’s hard to get multiple WoT’s off against a unit as there are just so many of them on big bases.


So good. He ran in with a unit of Bladegheists. The free all out attack is worth its weight in gold and I love his ability to attack alongside a unit. He was surprisingly tough as well and singlehandedly held up Mannfred by himself for 2 turns. Being able to ignore rend means a single 6 wound model can really just tie up the big hitter units, which have dominated AoS recently. Bad rolling on the 3rd meant he popped. Was very impressed with this chap.


I love these little dudes. I put them in space and dropped them 9” away from the enemy front line to work as a screen and to threaten midfield objectives. They worked a treat. He took first, attacked my screen with his and bounced clean off them. The rasps then retreated over his screens, allowing my Bladegheist to wipe out his screens, whilst still having my rasps working as a screen against his 2nd line of assault. Cheap, cheerful, and versatile WoT generators. Again, all 3 units survived all 3 turns.


Meh, he was alright. I only managed to steal one CP and he does hit hard but I wasn’t massively impressed. I had him dominating the centre with the SH and GoS but I’m not sure if I’ll focus on him moving forward. The best he did was when 20 GG popped up in my terf. He span around with 6 SH and mullered the lot. He does hit hard but… that’s pretty much it. I think I want a bit more utility if I’m gonna include one of our big characters. I just found I was missing Lady O a lot.


I think I’m a fan of running 3x3. They really can farm WoT and offer a lot of protection for a hero. Last night though, the only time they were in combat was with Kurdoss against the GG and I rolled low on the charges, making his GG -3 to hit. Without the minuses to saves, they hit like wet noodles.


Great. This guy, I think, is gonna be an auto-include for me. The +1 to wound is just so good and who doesn’t like magic? As I knew I’d be facing hordes, I changed the spell to Spirit Drain. When it went off, it was always guaranteed wounds. Had him with Master of Magic and Arcane Tome as he was my only source of magic. Wanted to make sure I could cast to heal and cause damage each turn. Every time I tried to cast Emerald Swarm though, it was dispelled. 

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Yeah so with Spirit Hosts I can run either 1 x 6 or 2 x 3 in my initial list idea.

Going with 2 units is interesting because it means you get more value out of Olynder's res if you roll poorly; you can assign wounds to each unit taking them down to 1 model each, so if you roll a 1 or a 2 you're quids in, and even a 3 or a 4 you're not losing any efficiency vs a blob of 6.

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A short report from my last game earlier this week, against Fyreslayers with Veins of Ghur.

My list:


Allegiance: Nighthaunt
- Subfaction: Emerald Host
- Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
- Triumphs: Bloodthirsty

Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern (150)*
- General
- Artefact: Midnight Tome
- Command Trait: Cloacked in Shadow
- Lore of the Underworlds: Seal of Shyish
Krulghast Cruciator (150)*
- Artefact: Lightshard of the Harvest Moon
Spirit Torment (115)
Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief (340)*
- Lore of the Underworlds: Shademist
Kurdoss Valentian, the Craven King (210)

20 x Chainrasp Horde (220)**
- Reinforced x 1
10 x Grimghast Reapers (160)
3 x Spirit Hosts (125)*

2 x Chainghasts (95)
10 x Bladegheist Revenants (175)**
10 x Bladegheist Revenants (175)**

Endless Spells & Invocations
Mortalis Terminexus (85)

Core Battalions
**Hunters of the Heartlands

Total: 2000 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 1 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 93
Drops: 11

Fyreslayers list:


- Army Faction: Fyreslayers
     - Subfaction: Greyfyrd
     - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
     - Triumph: Inspired
Auric Runefather (125)*
     - General
     - Command Traits: Spirit of Grimnir
     - Artefacts of Power: Master Rune of Unbreakable Resolve
Auric Runemaster (125)*
     - Prayers: Heal
Auric Runeson (80)*
     - Ancestral War-axe
     - Artefacts of Power: Axe of Grimnir
Auric Runesmiter (135)**
     - Runic Iron
     - Prayers: Ember Storm
Battlesmith (150)**
     - Artefacts of Power: Nulsidian Icon
Auric Flamekeeper (90)**
Vulkite Berzerkers with Bladed Slingshields (160)**
     - Fyresteel War-pick and Bladed Slingshield
Hearthguard Berzerkers (320)*
     - Berzerker Broadaxe
Hearthguard Berzerkers (320)*
     - Berzerker Broadaxe
Hearthguard Berzerkers (320)*
     - Flamestrike Poleaxe
Grimwrath Berzerker (105)*
     - Artefacts of Power: Draught of Magmalt Ale
1 x Molten Infernoth (70)
1 x Magmic Battleforge (0)
 -  *Warlord
 -  **Warlord
 -  ***Hunters of the Heartlands
TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000

A description of how the game went:


I deployed the 20 Chainrasps +10 Reapers in the center, Olynder, Torment and Chainghasts on the left-midde and Kurdoss, Guardian and Hosts right-middle. 2 Bladegheist units + Krulghast went into reserve. My oponent deployed the one block of heartguard in each side (left, middle and right, Broadaxe, Poleaxe and Broadaxe respectively). Left Broadaxe had a Son and the middle one a Father. The rest of the heroes were at the back, near the forge and the smite + grimwrath are in reserve. Picked the runemaster and the battlesmith has the targets for the emerald host mortals. Krudoss fail at stealing the command point.

Opponent finish deploying first and decided to go first. Mostly just run the heartguard blocks to be more in the middle of the map. Gets advance with his 3 support heroes. End making a mistake with the right flank Heartguard and end to far way from a hero to get their ward.

My turn use the tome to cast the Terminexus on the right flank. Killed 1 heartguard and gave 1 wound two of his heroes. Olynder cast the seal on the chainrasps and grief-stricken on the middle heartguard unit. I move most of my units forward toward the middle of the field. I deploy the 2 bladegheist and the krulghast at the back of his field, to try to get at his support heroes. Olynder get a 5 on the veil, killing 1 heartguard from the center unit while the chainghast shoots finish another one that had a wound. Krulghast leave the runemaster at 2 wounds with his shoots. For charges I got a 11 for the chainrasps and a 7 for the reapers on the middle heartguard unit (choose strike last and -1 to hit). Kurdoss get a 8 and his hosts a 7 on the left heartguard unit (the one without a ward, -1 hit and -1 save with WoT). Just one bladegheist unit get a charge, with another 11 (aplly -1 to save with WoT). on the right heartguard unit Kurdoss kill 5 heartguards and take 3 damage back (completely forgot to transfer them to the hosts). The hosts kill another one (just 2 of them got in range). The bladegheist kill the Runemaster and deal 2 damage to the smith (as they were all within 3 of each other), but loose 4 models (really should have used the comand to give them 5+ ward). The chainghast kill 2 heartguard at the middle and the reapers kill the other 3 (just 6 reapers were in range to attack). The 3 remaining heartguards kill 3 chainrasps, which I bring back with the Torment at the end of combat. Both remaining heartguard units loose all the remaining models at the end of the battleshock. Emerald deals 1 wound to the battlesmith.

I win the row off and my opponent end conceding, as he lost most of his bodies and it was pretty late.

A little one sided game, but I may give a example of how things can go when everything works well for us. Aura of the Dread was the mvp for my in this game, it really help finish the job and left his battlesmith rally effect completely useless. Getting 2 WoT on a unit is really sweat!

Good performers were Olynder (so much utility and support with the debuffs and mortals), Krulghast (wonderfull with all the damage 2+ units fyres have), bladegheist, chanraps and reapers (all 3 of them did they job just fine). I really liked the chainrasp+reapers tag team.

The so-so performers were Kurdoss, Chainghasts and the Terminexus. I never got Kurdoss to steal a command (played 3 games so far), which make him mostly a -3 rend beat-stick. His damage so far has been similar to the 10 bladegheist units, which is a little lackluster considering he is more expensive. I don't hate him, but I'm starting to wonder if he wouldn't work better in a list without the bladegheist/reapers that fulfill the same job has him. Maybe in a list with harridans he would work better. The Chainghasts i want to use them a little more, as both times they were giving the +1 to hit to a unit that was fighting against something debuffed by Olynder spell. The Terminexus I don't fell is doing enough to justify its price + a artefact to guaranty it goes off. It mostly done 2 mortals to 2~4 units, not bad but nothing amazing either.

I like that this list has a little bit of everything, but I considering taking Kurdoss and the Terminexus off to see if it fells better. Any suggestion on what to put in their place?

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So next week on Sunday I will have my 2k games. The day before we decided to have some 1K games since we are excited to play our newly updated armies. I will actually run 3 separate lists on 1k that day. I already locked them in so no changing, but if you guys have some feedback or comments, go ahead.

The Emerald Host List:


Army Faction: Nighthaunt
    - Army Subfaction: The Emerald Host
    - Grand Strategy: Dismantle the Brave
    - Triumph: Bloodthirsty

Knight of Shrouds (135)* 
- General
- Command Traits: Cloaked in Shadow
- Artefacts: Shadow's Edge

Scriptor Mortis (155)*

Hexwraiths (160)*
Hexwraiths (160)*

Dreadscythe Harridans (160) * 
1x Craventhrone Guard (230)*

*Battle Regiment

TOTAL POINTS: (1000/1000)

The Scarlet Doom List: 


Army Faction: Nighthaunt
    - Army Subfaction: The Scarlet Doom 
    - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
    - Triumph: Bloodthirsty

Guardian of Souls (150)*
- General
- Command Traits: Master of Magic
- Artefacts: Arcane Tome
- Spells: Seal of Shyish

Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (155)* 

Bladegheist Revenants (175)*   
Bladegheist Revenants (175)* 
Bladegheist Revenants (175)* 
Spirit Hosts (125)*

Chronomantic Cogs (45)

*Battle Regiment

TOTAL POINTS: (1000/1000)

The Grieving Legion List: 


Army Faction: Nighthaunt
    - Army Subfaction: The Grieving Legion
    - Grand Strategy: Feed on Terror
    - Triumph: Bloodthirsty

Spirit Torment (115)*
- General
- Command Traits: Master of Magic
- Artefacts: Arcane Tome
- Spells: Lifestealer

Awlrach the Drowner (175)* 

1x Chainrasps (220)*
1x Chainrasps (220)*

Chainghasts (95)*
Bladegheist Revenants (175)*

*Battle Regiment

TOTAL POINTS: (1000/1000)

The Quicksilver Dead List:




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25 minutes ago, That Guy said:

The Quicksilver Dead List:

You're a toe rag 😅

25 minutes ago, That Guy said:

Scriptor Mortis (155)

Really interested to see how he does.

Just curious, how do you guys hide content? Is it an option when using a PC/laptop? I normally only get to browse on my phone. TGA's banned on the work computers...

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1 hour ago, lare2 said:

You're a toe rag 😅

Really interested to see how he does.

Just curious, how do you guys hide content? Is it an option when using a PC/laptop? I normally only get to browse on my phone. TGA's banned on the work computers...

This is harder than it used to be. I was able to do it a while back...

After about a dozen tests I'm thinking it's not a tag anymore. Maybe an applet. Dunno.

Edited by EnixLHQ
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Happy to see some battlereports rolling in.

Im waiting on some deliveries; parts to finish epic Kurdoss conversion thats been on my shelf for 2 years, a Krulghast, finishing a Vorgheist (Mourngul proxy) and I found myself oddly -3- grimghasts short of a block of 20 somehow... smh. Poking around on ebay for singles.

Been thinking of doing a cavalry-swarm/diorama Black Coach proxy..

Anyone else painting/readying to paint up a storm?

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14 hours ago, lare2 said:

You're a toe rag 😅

Really interested to see how he does.

Just curious, how do you guys hide content? Is it an option when using a PC/laptop? I normally only get to browse on my phone. TGA's banned on the work computers...

You make it a Spoiler. Though on my phone currently I can't see the button. 

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1 hour ago, Neck-Romantic said:

Happy to see some battlereports rolling in.

Im waiting on some deliveries; parts to finish epic Kurdoss conversion thats been on my shelf for 2 years, a Krulghast, finishing a Vorgheist (Mourngul proxy) and I found myself oddly -3- grimghasts short of a block of 20 somehow... smh. Poking around on ebay for singles.

Been thinking of doing a cavalry-swarm/diorama Black Coach proxy..

Anyone else painting/readying to paint up a storm?

Yep. Got a Scriptor Mortis coming in next week or so, and I'm pre-ordering Awlrach and at least one unit of the Craventhorn. I might do two, because who knows they may get buffed months or years from now.

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Reapers saw a nice boost in raw power as their reroll hits ability has been replaced by a flat +1 attack (!) if the target unit has 5 or more models. Getting a 50% damage output increase just for throwing them at line infantry is really good

Fair warning, that's absolutely not true. Rerolling failed hits on a 4+ to hit is the same as hitting on 3s. Even with Frightful Touch or considering the variance in so many attacks, there's no appreciable difference. Which is also why they only went from 155 to 160 points. Perfectly fine by me as they've always worked really well



One of the units that’s probably come out a bit of a loser, Hexwraiths have lost their ‘mortal wound on 6s to hit’ ability and gained the basic ‘D3 MW on a 2+ when charging’ ability many shock cavalry have now.

While the Reapers statement was objectively false, here I disagree subjectively. I LOVE the new Hexwraiths. 

You left a single Hexwraith alive? Tough cookie, he'll retreat and charge and still do the full impact mortal wounds.

With their +1 to hit with their main attacks, +1 to wound for horsies and potential extra rend, they really didn't lose that much damage by losing old Frightful Touch. Unlike Spirit Hosts who were completely neutered, Hexwraiths now have the potential to deal more wounds even against high save targets. The impact mortals right till the last rider comes on top of that. And Phantasmal Advance is insanely useful, better than 9" teleports to steal objectives, block movement and other shenanigans.


Edited by The_Dudemeister
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