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New dwarf army soon? Mixed dwarfs


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So after see all the hints i think is safe say that a bigg wag tome for dwarf is coming?

-fyrrslayer tome speak about it

-kharadron tome too

-broken realm without says spoilers also give huge hints

-the lasts white dwarfs have grombrindal traveling across realms and seeing dwarfs,and this last have been EPIC with someone that seems grugni or grimnir stomping to morathi


So finnally are dwarfs getting some love????

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None of the Kharadron Battletomes mentions a potential union with other Duardin forces.

The White Dwarf story about the Kharadron also does not mention any need for Kharadron to unite with other duardin forces.


The Duardin question is very different from what GW did with Orruks. We are talking about an insane amount of build-up and preparation for what is to come with Grungni. GW never put that much effort into releases without a considerable amount of new models. If the Duardin were to be put into one Battletome it would just have been dropped out of nowhere.

It's well known that no one who plays the any of the current duardin factions wants a combined Duardin tome.

It'll either be a new Duardin faction or a slap in the face of Duardin fans, forever relegating the duardin factions to useless background noise that will never get second waves of models.

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I'm with @Duke Eligos.

Imho, Dwarfs should follow the Aelfs treatment and not the Orruk Warclans.

Btw, I still prefer to have diferent orruks with diferent themes too: savage orruks with their weird things (with some feral squigs) and a more militarized ones; they just need more kits and focus on their diferences to make their theme more clear.

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2 minutes ago, Beliman said:

I'm with @Duke Eligos.

Imho, Dwarfs should follow the Aelfs treatment and not the Orruk Warclans.

Btw, I still prefer to have diferent orruks with diferent themes too: savage orruks with their weird things (with some feral squigs) and a more militarized ones; they just need more kits and focus on their diferences to make their theme more clear.

I think there is still a niche for a dwarf soup faction, though. You see players ask if there is a way to run mixed dwarves all the time, even though there is no mechanical or lore support for this option. I think this speaks to a desire that is just out there.

That said, this could easily be a subfaction in a "normal dwarves" book, which just allows you to take 1 in 4 Fyreslayers and Kharadron.

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22 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

That said, this could easily be a subfaction in a "normal dwarves" book, which just allows you to take 1 in 4 Fyreslayers and Kharadron.

Completely agree and I'm fine with all this crossovers and possibilities that they bring: 

  • Tempest's Eye has that for Dispossessed and Kharadrons Overlords
  • Barak-Thryng has the same for all Duardins.

We just need "more" and not "less"!

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I feel like the issue with the Mawtribes/War Clans comparison is they were just combining what were largely WHFB armies back together - 100% in Mawtribes' case and Ironjawz were just an expansion of Black Orcs anyway with the Savage Orcs/Bonesplitters being the same models. 

Meanwhile the Fyreslayers and Kharadron don't share any real similarities from a gameplay, lore and model perspective in addition to being completely new AoS-only creations. You could say that Dispossessed bridge that gap visually, but from a lore perspective they're still very divergent from the others. I always find it interesting people propose this merge, but never suggest Idoneth would be merged with Lumineth or the Azyr High Elves despite the distinction between them being about the same.

I don't think it's impossible we'll see a combined Dawi Battletome, but I think it's more likely whatever Grungi's been working on will be combined with Dispossessed into a new army, whilst Kharadron and Fyreslayers will remain their own thing.



Edited by Clan's Cynic
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Dispossesed are 100% the same situation than bonespliters and fyreslayers the same 100% than ironjawz(a new faction launched at the start of aos1)


So if it is the same a tome with fyreslayers and dispossesed than the big wagh,and moreover in fantasy slayers were dispossesed also

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Id lain Grugni's army to rest, but its honestly rekindled with all this build up.

I agree with most everyone, that what's coming is new dwarves. Not tying them together. Worth noting in AoS lore Grugni trying to bring the duardin back together isn't something I see happening out of the blue. Kharadron for the most part hate Grugni, they shame him for abandoning the duardin during the end times. As a result their community turned inwards to the individual, and they're the closest to a godless people you'll likely see in AoS. Fyrslayers venerate Grimnir, and well they'd likely be more willing to joining an alliance with whatever faction is beneath Grugni, they're loyalty to the Slayer God and the search for Urgold is always going to be core to their interests. 

Dwarfs are less a joint Big Waaagh, and much more like a crowded Moot hall. Different factions being endlessly tied up in governmental book keeping, each unwilling to concede ground on a topic, but also too stubborn to walk away from the table. That's what I love about them honestly.

If Grugni's real goal is to unify the dwarves, I can't at all see that being an easy proposition, outside of niche circumstances that are not likely to last. The book would have to be massive to host all the bold personalities of each dwarven creed.

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Destruction all follow Gorkamorka.

Fyreslayers reclaim Grimnir

Kharadron need no gods

Disposessed continue the works of their old gods in their absence

That just isn't as easy to stick into one army.

Plus, there is plenty design space for Kharadron, and with a little creativity, fyreslayers, Ironweld and Disposessed too.

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10 hours ago, Doko said:

Dispossesed are 100% the same situation than bonespliters and fyreslayers the same 100% than ironjawz(a new faction launched at the start of aos1)

Not exactly. If we are talking only about rules/battletomes:

  • Dispossessed had 2 pages in GHB and then GW merged them together with a lot of old units in Cities of City battletome.
  • Bonnesplitterz had a battletome and then they were merged with another army that already had a battletome.
Edited by Beliman
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On 4/19/2021 at 2:07 AM, Doko said:

So after see all the hints i think is safe say that a bigg wag tome for dwarf is coming?

-fyrrslayer tome speak about it

-kharadron tome too

-broken realm without says spoilers also give huge hints

-the lasts white dwarfs have grombrindal traveling across realms and seeing dwarfs,and this last have been EPIC with someone that seems grugni or grimnir stomping to morathi


So finnally are dwarfs getting some love????

I honestly think that the idea to unite all duardins exist only for the certain mission. Maybe Grungni want to return his fortress. I am sure that he can't unite 3 factions in isolated realm of metal but he can create unite force of all dwarfs to reclame his fortress from forces of chaos.

So my bet would be an event where KO and Fireslayers will get new toys from Grungni and in the end of it we will see new faction of gholemkins and rebuilding of realmgates or something bigger (resurrection of Valaya? ressurection of Grimnir?)

We must remember that whole plot around Grungni is built upon his mysterious "plan". So this could be anything honestly. 

But I hope that dwarfs will see the same treatment lumineth already saw.

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Really hoping to see Grugni establish a restored Karak in Chamon where he is enacting this plan of his. The idea of a new realm system in the vein of the old worlds great underways was a neat idea I say pitched. Even if it was some way to more efficiently traverse to every realm. For me there is no real wrong answer for what Grugni could be building.

Really, I think it would be a great spin on the Duradin of Grugni to not be a dying race chasing restoration, as they were in the old world. There are still countless ruined Karak's for people to tell that story around the realms. But seeing a true, AoS Karak restored past its former glory. A beacon of trade/commerce/ and craftsmanship in an otherwise cut off Chamon would be an awesome place to build from. Then we can have KO, Fyreslayer and Disposseded trade enclaves within said city for the narrative rather then trying to tie them into the narrative. Disspossed staying with cities for the mixed races, and each dwarf having a faction of there own.

The real continuation of the story not being the dwarves joining together, but their stubborn conflict of being more united, but still separate and argumentative. 

Of course saying it out loud means I probably wont see any of it now xD.

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As a fan of WHF Dwarfs since the late 90s, I am looking forward to what GW will do with their trope. I feel like we will see a reimagination of the traditional "Grungni dwarfs" - and I hope sooner rather than later. If it is along the lines of what GW did with High Elves and turning them into Lumineth Realm Lords? Well, bring it on!


Having said that, I would hate something like the Orruk battletome. Doing the same nonsense for Dwarfs? I sure hope not! That one is a mess, and I hope for a proper update to both Ironskins and Bonesplitters soon.

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An army is wishful speculation atm. 

Though what spawned these rumors are a mix of things mentioned about Grugni in Chamon from the Fyreslayer tome. The white Dwarf article about Grombrindal the white dwarf popping up around the mortal realms among the other dwarf cultures, and most recently a spoiler confrontation brought on by the Bel'akor broken realms. Right now its just open speculation, no concrete rumors so I wouldn't get too invested!


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13 hours ago, Erdemo86 said:

Guys were does this rumor of dwarf army come from? 

Since Fyreslayers battletome (and then KO Battletome), we knew that Gungni moved to Chamon for unknown reasons. Some people talk about a new duardin bloodline, other perople talk about a new Karak, there are whispers of a return of an old Duardin God... But the whole point is that Grungni is doing "something" there.

Grombrindal seems to be appearing a bit more lately (previously only in Spear of Shadows and Gotrek books), but we can read about him in the latest White Dwarfs.



In the new Broken Realms: Be'Lakor, there is a white bearded Dwarf  called "Gromthi" ("ancestor") in Chamon, armed with a Hammer and a Pick (or something like that, need to read the whole book) that Be'lakor didn't want to engage in combat... suspicious!!


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Teasing us old(long)beards is bad mmmmkay?

I have feeling that if big IF they bring back duardin they will look nothing like the current models in my closet.

Hammerers and 8th ed Fantasybattle dwarfs and models before that.

If you don't have imagination enough, just compare old orcs to Irownjaws and go from there.

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13 minutes ago, Blueraven84 said:

Teasing us old(long)beards is bad mmmmkay?

I have feeling that if big IF they bring back duardin they will look nothing like the current models in my closet.

Hammerers and 8th ed Fantasybattle dwarfs and models before that.

If you don't have imagination enough, just compare old orcs to Irownjaws and go from there.

Totally agree. If anyone is expecting 8th ed orks, or something along the lines of the older Miner or warrior kits, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. 

Really all I need to be invested, is an armored take on the Dwarves vs. what AoS is currently offering. Grugni as the faction deity/paragon, and a lore focus on crafting, wisdom and community/strongholds. I fully embrace any LrL style twists of style inspirations they'd get!

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I'm looking forward to stone/gem dwarves as opposed to steam dwarves and fire dwarves. However, I'd also like it if given duardin subfactions of each battletome could ally more easily to other duardin battletomes, like the cities mechanic has put in place - like, a specific fyreslayer lodge may ally in 1 in 4 of dispossessed, another lodge could ally in Kharadron, another this new Grungni or Vulkhaya battletome, and then in addition you might have a special subfaction that may allow you to soup all Duardin together, but with certain keyword restrictions and caveats

This way, you'd get the best of all worlds: expandable duardin factions with each battletome having a distinct flavour, but the ability to combine them up together as well

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3 hours ago, DoctorPerils said:

I'm looking forward to stone/gem dwarves as opposed to steam dwarves and fire dwarves. However, I'd also like it if given duardin subfactions of each battletome could ally more easily to other duardin battletomes, like the cities mechanic has put in place - like, a specific fyreslayer lodge may ally in 1 in 4 of dispossessed, another lodge could ally in Kharadron, another this new Grungni or Vulkhaya battletome, and then in addition you might have a special subfaction that may allow you to soup all Duardin together, but with certain keyword restrictions and caveats

This way, you'd get the best of all worlds: expandable duardin factions with each battletome having a distinct flavour, but the ability to combine them up together as well

Absolutely. Options to place different combinations is great, so long as each factions can still happily focus on a mono faction without the handicap!

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8 hours ago, DoctorPerils said:

I'm looking forward to stone/gem dwarves as opposed to steam dwarves and fire dwarves. However, I'd also like it if given duardin subfactions of each battletome could ally more easily to other duardin battletomes, like the cities mechanic has put in place - like, a specific fyreslayer lodge may ally in 1 in 4 of dispossessed, another lodge could ally in Kharadron, another this new Grungni or Vulkhaya battletome, and then in addition you might have a special subfaction that may allow you to soup all Duardin together, but with certain keyword restrictions and caveats

This way, you'd get the best of all worlds: expandable duardin factions with each battletome having a distinct flavour, but the ability to combine them up together as well

Stone/gem dwarfs? What is it? Dwarfs have stubbornness and runes (fireslayers), creativity and innovation (KO). And both variants have hardiness and art of war. I think that both KO and fireslayers are perfect example of all dwarfs aspects. The only one aspect that wasn't flashed out well enough is a praise to ancestry (FS has it in some degree)

Edited by cofaxest
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