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Anyone else glad there’s a pause in new releases?

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I ll echo the feeling and wished they had slowed down the release schedule sooner. The back to back releases have just been too much with broken realms books, 2 lrl battletomes just 6 months apart, plenty of issues with gw unable to deliver new releases to the stores for release day where I live and stores unable to restock their shelves with gw products, cursed city expunged from gw website after 1 week without explanation, some release unavailable in certain regions for like a month.  This has been more than a difficult time. It has been a disaster. I hope they take advantage of this pause to get their ducks in a row soon

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1 hour ago, EMMachine said:

I think it could have worked better is GW had continued the schedule they had in January and February, but we don't even know what GW wanted to release during the entire year.

Totally agree. Hopefully they have had a think and will replan over the next few weeks. 

Also I imagine it’s been an nightmare from your point of view with a buyers hat on! Hope things get better for you and no more last minute changes!

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Yup, the pause in releases is fairly welcome.  Sadly I've not gained much additional time to hobby over the past year yet I appear to have gained additional hobby to do 🤣  I know one thing my local group has found over the years is that if you collect more than one system the release schedule is pretty relentless.

One rumour I did hear is that GW are in the process of implementing a new ERP system (in simple terms a warehousing system that handles stuff like stock control) and there were a few grots in the gears which resulted in some third parties not getting their preorders on time last week.  That combined with this month gap could suggest their new East Midlands Gateway warehouse may be coming online 

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This year I have accepted I already can't paint all the cool stuff I already have. Seeing cool new stuffs in previews is fun like watching a fashion show to me. Cool new executions, but not actually there to buy it.

Didn't planned to buy CC even though I love the model. I don't follow new rules/Codex/BT because covid is too bad here.

Stopping releases doesn't affect me especially since they somehow decided to not stop with previews.

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Yep - quite glad the schedule has been paused, because honestly it's a mess.

Hedonites of Slaanesh gets a new battletome but they forget to include one of the biggest models for Slaanesh in years (see today's reveal). So now the 2nd battletome in 3 years is immediately out of date.

Similarly with LRL and 2 tomes within 12 months, smacks of a planning department with little sense of strategy. 

They may emphasise the issues of supply and demand. But it really feels like it's not being managed properly at all. No other business could get away with this. Perhaps we're just used to settling for less?

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12 hours ago, Mcthew said:

Similarly with LRL and 2 tomes within 12 months, smacks of a planning department with little sense of strategy. 

They may emphasise the issues of supply and demand. But it really feels like it's not being managed properly at all. No other business could get away with this. Perhaps we're just used to settling for less?

I think that GW have really suffered due to numerous external (and some internal) factors, from the pandemic to shipping issues & trade deals.  I can remember way back that there was a hope to be able to release "one off" models.  So completely out of the blue we get a brand new character for an army.  Where things have gone awry is that the release schedule is completely up the swanny so we're getting those models appear within less than a year of the relevant army release.  That said, even before the pandemic there were a few questionable decisions made behind the scenes and I've had a feeling for a while that the people planning the release schedule aren't actually gamers.  As you say it's really not on to have an army basically re-released within a year of it's initial launch.

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14 hours ago, Mcthew said:

Yep - quite glad the schedule has been paused, because honestly it's a mess.

Hedonites of Slaanesh gets a new battletome but they forget to include one of the biggest models for Slaanesh in years (see today's reveal). So now the 2nd battletome in 3 years is immediately out of date.

Similarly with LRL and 2 tomes within 12 months, smacks of a planning department with little sense of strategy. 

They may emphasise the issues of supply and demand. But it really feels like it's not being managed properly at all. No other business could get away with this. Perhaps we're just used to settling for less?

One thing's for sure, some things are going pretty catastrophically wrong over at GW at the moment. The whole Cursed City debacle is definitely evidence of that. Whether or not that makes the Lumineth release schedule more or less justifiable is up for debate, though.

At least with the new Slaanesh models, I don't see the release timing as a big deal. Personally, I don't rate the sanctity of a complete battletome highly enough to delay releases to preserve it. I'd much rather have new models and regular point adjustments than battletomes that stay up to date in all aspects for several years. It remains to be seen if the twins only bring new warscrolls to the table. If they do, then there's really very little to complain about: Everyone uses the app for warscrolls anyways, and the twins will come with a print out of their scrolls in the box (which you can just put into your battletome if you want to go all physical) just like every other model.

I don't remember what the copyright/point-valid-from dates in the Slaanesh battletome were, but chances are it was supposed to release a lot earlier, much like the other books we have been getting recently. If it was intended to be a six month gap between the tome and the new models (which is not an unreasonable guess; it seems like the Broken Realms books were originally intended to come about two months apart), then this is just about the regular time frame for which a battletome stays completely up to date because of points updates.

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