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How many drops are normal in your army?

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It seems to break into 3 main bands I find. 

1-2 drop for armies with viable super battalions although it feels like GW are trying to take this out of the game. 

6-8 drops for armies with a battalion and extra support heroes / units 

10+ drops for any others. 

So if you can get around a 4 drop that still has a lot of value as you will decide round 1 in all but super battalion matchups.  

Also if your playing a high drop army you need to have a build that can both survive alpha strikes and also take objectives from hordes who sit on them top of 1

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When playing Kharadron Overlords I aim for2-3 drops when playing 1000-1500 point games.

As said before, GW is slowly phasing out big battalions. So its isn't that necessary to get down to one drop anymore. Anything below 5 will almost guarantee being able to chose who goes first. 

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59 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

My last Nurgle tournament list had 7 drops and exactly 77 models. Currently re-working the list for NOVA and LVO though. 

Unless you add 100 models exactly don’t you dare change that list! 😂

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1 minute ago, Kramer said:

Unless you add 100 models exactly don’t you dare change that list! 😂

Well it was a bit forced, as I counted The Glottkin as 3 models and the harbinger of decay as 2 (mount and rider) and also had to count the free tree I place at the beginning of the battle. HAHA. But it was cool when I realized it. 

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58 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

Well it was a bit forced, as I counted The Glottkin as 3 models and the harbinger of decay as 2 (mount and rider) and also had to count the free tree I place at the beginning of the battle. HAHA. But it was cool when I realized it. 

Haha damn, I was already thinking about a 6 drop, 66 models list for my Slaanesh and now I have to boot shyll’esske 😂 

but I got there. (We usually play 1,5K so that really helped me out ;) )

shalaxi, daemon prince, sorcerer lord, 2x30 daemonettes & 3 fiends 

boom! 1470 pts. 6 drops, 66 models and I just need to paint shalaxi to get there! 

EDIT: oh I like this challenge with my mortal lists it’s a bit more tricky but still doable. I have a 4 hour flight coming up, but I think I know what I’ll be doing 🙈

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Both Reworked Ironjawz superbatallions will give IJ  goods 1 drop armies.  Other IJ list is around 5

Gloomspite with mxed list molsty 8+ drops (only squig/ spider heavy lists can reduce drops)

Beast claw riders braggoth 1-3 drop skall + 4 big boys is 5drops


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On 6/30/2019 at 11:20 AM, Skreech Verminking said:

12-20I guess.

(skaven, fluff build)


Last game I played with my Skaven was against a 4 drop opponent. I think it actually help to have a billion rats dropping. Allows me to set up reactively and throw them off with clanrats!

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9 minutes ago, Lobeau said:

Last game I played with my Skaven was against a 4 drop opponent. I think it actually help to have a billion rats dropping. Allows me to set up reactively and throw them off with clanrats!

Yep, basically what I do.

and now you know the key to winning a game with the skaven faction.

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