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Who knows what will happen with Death?

After all, Death being already dead, they cannot be completely murdered and disappear...

What if the old TK have simply taken a sabbatical á la Sigmar, simply for coming back stronger?

Would love to see a new starter set/edition of AOS with new TK against either a new Stromcast Chamber or Slaanesh / Aelfs.

I am quite new to the GW world as I started only 18 months ago, but with what happened during this period, I would not be surprised by such a move.

Edited by Alcina
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Id be up for seeing the constructs come back as a new Death faction, with the archers and chariots folded into deathrattle. Maybe a liche king/mummy command faction in the style deathmages/soulblight/deathlords and what have you. More interested in new ideas to be honest, but the sphinxes and snake surfers are indisputably lush models so itd be nice for them to come back to the range.

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It would be interesting to have generic unit factions (deathrattle, deadwalkers, reanimants, nighthaunt, etc.) tied together by picking one of three command structures: Deathlords, Mummies, and Soulblights.

That would give Death a very unique flavour compared to the other grand alliances.

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2 minutes ago, PJetski said:

It would be interesting to have generic unit factions (deathrattle, deadwalkers, reanimants, nighthaunt, etc.) tied together by picking one of three command structures: Deathlords, Mummies, and Soulblights.

That would give Death a very unique flavour compared to the other grand alliances.

I honestly think it's going to be Deathrattle, Soul Blight and Flesh eater court. I do think GW is going to do a new liche model hopefully along with new zombies and a plastic vampire hero. Since deathlords so far is only named characters. 

Also plastic blood knights they have to update those. 

Edited by shinros
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5 minutes ago, Dez said:

You guys are beating this horse to death <boom>

I want more KO leaked warscrolls and info, please!

here you are:

Khornish Zombies featuring dead Bloodreavers half-eated by surviving cannibal Bloodreavers ?

with a dual Warscroll with Death keyword as well as Khorne keyword ?

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6 hours ago, KillagoreFaceslasha said:

You're missing the point of my statement: blending with 40k was the crux of it.

So going full slayer is blending 40k? Dryad's lore is blending 40k? I'm sorry, but it ain't that way. But, I think we are derailing enough this thread and I'll leave this here.

Well there are no Dwarfs in 40K there are Necrons and they are both Piramyd linked and heavily armoured.

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It's what they've been doing with 40K for years. They drop little hints of things which you as a hobbist can play with or it's an idea that they will revisit in the future. I love it as it opens up what people can do with their hobby and how they want to play.

On a side note - I'm expecting the new version of 40K to drop in July as there is a 40K event at Warhammer World in June. This means we may not see any big AOS releases over the summer because of this

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I agree with that Gaz, though as per above, it's very likely that a lot of the new sculpts are allready done and large parts of both Orks and Elves are likely the next steps for Age of Sigmar. The only thing that keeps things back is the ammount of releases to go for on a monthly basis, GW is doing a good job in not spilling too much at the same time.

In addition to all of that I think that at this point the books actually cost more time to produce than the sets of mini's, not only because the books need pictures of minis in them but also because art, lore development and a ton of synergy design. Blades of Khorne in that sence was actually quite easy to do because Bloodbound has a ton of minis and adding Daemons to that is a relative small step. What I hope is that in terms of chaos Nurgle is next and with the confirmed Mortarion as next Primarch I wouldn't be suprised if that wouldn't thake too long either.

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Isnt the general consensus that theres around a two year turnaround from concept creation to release? So everything new weve seen so far in aos is still part of the initial plan and will likely include a force for shadow, light and death... and I guess gobbos!

The books get done after the models are approved so their turnaround is quicker, hence stormies and khornies getting updates only 6-8 months after the GHB massively shook up the game.

This also means the designers are currently working on stuff we wont see til 2019! 

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59 minutes ago, Double Misfire said:

This just came up in WhatsApp chat. Grot Scuttlers hinted at as far back as the Beastclaw Raider book?


Every noun in every bit of earlier lore is being released as a plastic kit in the future!

(I know grot pirates have made more appearances than 'winged beastmen' or 'sky roads' but it's still important to balance these types of things with the logic that GW need some lore-only stuff to make interesting little stories)

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"Brightshield is the first recognisably female Stormcast to be depicted as a Citadel Miniature, but certainly not the only one in Sigmar’s hosts"


I know not exactly a rumour but i'm hoping they do a range of the female stormcast because I'm loving the look. The paint job on the model is great, I think I prefer the sculpt to the current one, i like the less bulky look...more please GW!


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1 hour ago, Turragor said:

Every noun in every bit of earlier lore is being released as a plastic kit in the future!

(I know grot pirates have made more appearances than 'winged beastmen' or 'sky roads' but it's still important to balance these types of things with the logic that GW need some lore-only stuff to make interesting little stories)

Well, every bit of earlier background apart from this piece of hot garbage from Godbeasts ;)


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1 hour ago, EvDJ said:

"Brightshield is the first recognisably female Stormcast to be depicted as a Citadel Miniature, but certainly not the only one in Sigmar’s hosts"


I know not exactly a rumour but i'm hoping they do a range of the female stormcast because I'm loving the look. The paint job on the model is great, I think I prefer the sculpt to the current one, i like the less bulky look...more please GW!


The nice thing is that people on facebook have said if we can get a box or upgrade sprue to make em many of them will be starting a stormcast army. I think she is having the right effect. 

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1 minute ago, shinros said:

The nice thing is that people on facebook have said if we can get a box or upgrade sprue to make em many of them will be starting a stormcast army. I think she is having the right effect. 

There's just something about the model i love. The current range are great, if a little tank like, this model has an agility the others don't which i really like. She looks like she could easily summersault over her enemies head, scissor kick them in the neck and then swiftly flatten their skull with the hammer without slowing down...which is all i've ever wanted in a woman.

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18 minutes ago, EvDJ said:

There's just something about the model i love. The current range are great, if a little tank like, this model has an agility the others don't which i really like. She looks like she could easily summersault over her enemies head, scissor kick them in the neck and then swiftly flatten their skull with the hammer without slowing down...which is all i've ever wanted in a woman.

I don't think she can do that considering she is wearing heavy armor xD

Now the vanguard guys I do think would be able to do more agility like actions since they have said they are wearing a lighter version of the stormcast heavy armor. 

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