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6 hours ago, Auticus said:

The rules don't explicitly outlaw flipping the table either ;)

To me its a permissive ruleset.  It tells you what you *can* do.  If the rules don't state you *can* do it, you cannot.  

This approach would solve so many of the "Does <insert rule here> mean I can break the rules?" type of nonsense.  Also this is how virtually every other game operate, I don't get why it's such a problem with GW games where people think the opposite, and if the rules don't say they can't then they can.

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21 minutes ago, wayniac said:

This approach would solve so many of the "Does <insert rule here> mean I can break the rules?" type of nonsense.  Also this is how virtually every other game operate, I don't get why it's such a problem with GW games where people think the opposite, and if the rules don't say they can't then they can.

This is where the line of tactics and common sense gets blurred a bit.

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8 hours ago, Nico said:

They might have to have an FAQ question as to whether you can attack your own models. :) It's an open question in the core rules (surprisingly).

I played a very fun game today with this... I decided to play my khorne host (open play), so I had a skullgrinder and an aspiring deathbringer. In the first round when I couldn't do alot, I killed my aspiring death bringer - the killing blow being dealt by the skullgrinder.   I thought it quite fitting for a khorne host.

In fact with a khorne army I think sacrifice is quite fitting as the exalted deathbringer can inflict mortal woulds on a friendly unit to enhance his command ability, 

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11 hours ago, Kaleb Daark said:

they already have in the form of the wrathmongers - khorne farmers in armoured dungarees.

 I thought I was the only one who saw it...  I thought I was alone.  It's bugged me since the day I got the models.

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8 minutes ago, Malin said:

Will just drop it here ;)


This was one of the things they announced at Adepticon. Forums specifically for FAQs, but they didn't know specifically what it'll look like. They mentioned things like voting on questions and answers, and there wasn't really anything about the questions ending up in a final FAQ, but we'll see in the coming months.

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We also don't know if their points were adjusted either.  I could see a 6+ being appropriate if their points went up.

If marauders are not too cheap at 60 points for 10 with a 5+ save then I think bloodreavers with a 6+ shouldn't be a nightmare at 60.

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Very excited about the possibility of regular FAQs. Shows that GW is taking rules more seriously which benefits all levels of play. In my wildest dreams that would also pave the way for regular balance updates, not just through Points but through Warscrolls. Since the AoS App is so big and is almost entirely free, pushing out changes isn't even that bad.

Other companies are doing the same thing and it's received very well. I hope Wargames embrace the digital age more and more.

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New Zealand preorders up :)


All fear the coming of the Blades of Khorne. The air is rent with bloodcurdling howls as the Bloodbound Warhordes march forth. Cruel axes hew limbs and lop heads, and the blood flows thick enough to tear open reality itself. Bounding, red-skinned figures hurl themselves through the breach in the world, hell-forged blades thirsting for flesh and eyes blazing with hateful flame. The Daemons of Khorne have come, and torrents of gore shall be spilled in the name of their raging god.

Battletome: Blades of Khorne collects together the rules and background you need to combine the Khorne Bloodbound and Daemons of Khorne into a single bloody fist, ready to smash down upon the worlds of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Manifestations of primal rage and senseless bloodlust, the daemons of Khorne are far from subtle, shunning the trickery and deceit of magic in favour of crushing physical might. His mortal followers fight with comparable ferocity, hoping to gain enough favour to tread the path of skulls and ascend to blood-soaked glory.

The 152-page hardback Battletome: Blades of Khorne contains:


- A detailed explanation of the machinations of the Blood God – how his kingdom in the nightmarish Realm of Chaos functions with his Brass Citadel at the dark heart, as well as guides to the daemons of Khorne and his mortal followers, the Bloodbound;
- The Ranks Infernal – an overview of the supremacist hierarchy of Khorne, from the Exalted Bloodthirsters of the First Host down to the Legions and Charnel Hosts;
- A particularly grisly look at the icons, weapons and heraldry of Khorne – images of grinding industry, descriptions of cruel, rough-hewn axes and the colours of the claws, horns and teeth that define the look of the Blood God’s armies;
- The Ages of Blood – this is a timeline of key events and battles since the last days of the Age of Myth, in which Khornate armies have littered the landscape with corpses;
- Information and details on every daemon of Khorne, and every one of the Bloodbound; each of the faithfully bloodthirsty covered in grim detail.


A host of rules and abilities for Khornate armies both daemon, mortal and mixed:

-        Allegiance Abilities allowing a Khorne army to draw from Battle Trait and Command Trait tables, featuring suitably brutal rewards (heal units after a kill, add to the Attack characteristics of weapons, leverage blind fury to re-roll attacks and much more);
-        Blood Tithes –  a Khorne army generates Blood Tithe points whenever a unit belonging to any player is destroyed. Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows! These can be expended for rewards from the Blood Tithe table; these rewards range from the calamitous to the apocalyptic…
-        Artefacts of Power – potent tools of death and destruction wielded by mortal or Bloodbound Heroes in your army;
-        Daemonic Gifts – deadly weaponry and powerful icons for daemonic Khorne Heroes in your army;
-        Blood Blessings of Khorne – ancient rites and rituals performed by Khorne priests – these sacrifices allow them to call upon their infernal master for aid;
-        2 Battleplans – Gathering Bloodstorm and Skulls For the Skull Throne! – which epitomise and showcase the brutally efficient fighting style of the Blades of Khorne;
-        33 Warscrolls – rules for fielding mortal and daemonic Blades of Khorne miniatures in your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, with 23 Warscroll Battalions providing extra rules and tactics for specific collections;
-        Pitched Battle profiles featuring points valued for every miniature and Warscroll Battalion, for use in Matched Play games.

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18 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:

are we to hope that the slaves to darkness might be included in the battalions somewhere?

Also I hope khorgoraths are upped to units of 8... 6 is such a slaanesh number!

Khorgoraths have something much nicer for them. Can you see it?

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1 minute ago, Allornone said:

Now they have the bloodbound keyword... and their melee damage is 2. They literally doubled their melee output.

B'Jaysus!!! :)

Might have to get a box of khorne farmers after all to take advantage of the skulltake battalion

Edited by Kaleb Daark
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Yeah those Khorgoraths are becomming propper monsters now.

I guess we'll see them as single models or two packs in the next three months aswell, I know, I know, not in april but it's a very small step to mirror the sprue print and rebox them.

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