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The minis are cool and all, but the real hype for me was finding an old Forbidden Power box for 50 bucks. I get the rest of the Death themed Endless Spells AND a piece of terrain that might be fun to paint, for the price of the Endless Spells? Way more hype. If it goes well, I might actually get around to clearing my old Warcry terrain from the ol’ backlog. 

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2 hours ago, Chikout said:

It's kind of a bummer reading some of these comments

Don't let others opinions bring your excitement down. If this is your jam then go crazy! Not everything's for everyone. 

This is just one of those times were some folks excitement will take a back seat. I'm one of those. The only things I like about this whole box is the gryph-crow and stalker minus the rider.  😄 Everything else is just not for me. Stormies are a little too extra and skaven are just too Saturday morning cartoon villainy for me. 

But for those who do like it, go nuts!!

It's actually been pretty enjoyable to see the reaction and joy in some of these long time skaven fans. 

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42 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

 It's actually been pretty enjoyable to see the reaction and joy in some of these long time skaven fans. 

Yes, this! I've never considered starting a Skaven collection myself, but I know a few players who are utterly devoted to the rats. And I can remember when I felt similar excitement (like when the mortal Hedonites were unveiled). It's quite nice to live vicariously for a bit! 

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1 hour ago, MitGas said:

I think it‘s unfortunate timing for people to feel less hyped right now but I understand why. The new minis are great but it‘s a bit much as well - not the minis but another edition with new rules/expenses in a rather short time. 

GW never released new editions as fast as they do now. I guess it‘s to mimic patches from video games but GW usually does a lot more than just rebalance a couple of things, so it gets „overwhelming“ in a way. 

I hope the new rules are good ultimately and that the new edition will be around for a long time or that 5th won‘t change much. I might be one of few but to me 2nd ed was already pretty damn good and I wasn‘t big on 3rd. I hope 4th will stay longer so that my group and I can enjoy it longer. It‘s funny how a good thing can also be a bad thing. 

I do agree with this, the edition cycle seems an arbitrary money making exercise. GW could come up with the best rule set ever, tweak it over 3yrs for balance, then dump it out and start again just because….? I’d much prefer a living rulebook approach, with a big value/hype box every 3 years.

That being said I’m very hyped for Skavetide & especially spearhead,  it’s exactly what I’m looking for in AoS. I hope it’s popular and receives ongoing support. I got into AoS around 2nd when meeting engagement format came out but it wasn’t particularly well balanced and was a bit of a damp squib in terms of support. I’m definitely more of a hobby butterfly rather than doubling down on one faction. Was thinking about my mini collection/pile of shame, I won’t need to purchase much to have a good number of spearheads, even tho I’ve never actually bought a spearhead box.

KO- already have all the models

Orruk Warclans- already have all the models 

Idoneth Deepkin- just need a soulscryer but can just proxy soulrender.

Lumineth- just need 5 bladelords

Fyreslayers- I’m not sure off the top of my head, they all look alike but I have the FS half of FotD so it probably won’t take too much (or proxy)

Yndrastas- need a chariot and 10 vanquishers?

Plus I’ll get the 2 that come skaventide! For me that’s not many minis to purchase for a good amount of gameplay variety. I also like having the specific smaller painting/collecting goals to reduce hobby burnout. 

TLDR: Hyped for spearhead & skaventide!

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5 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Or maybe the other way around. The ones getting a new packaging as they are the ones that will be waiting longer to get a replacement.

Never noticed with a repackage that the whole page got removed.

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Chikout said:

It's kind of a bummer reading some of these comments simply because my own hype is pretty much through the roof. It's early days still but I'm starting to think this might become  my favourite box GW have ever made.

Like others have said, don't be bummed out, your reasons for this exciting you are great ones! Launch boxes are like all your Christmas' in a box. The last two have been like that for me.

Admittedly this one feels like socks, pants and deodrant compared to previous boxes, but that's only because I have enough socks, pants and deodrant, and don't feel like I need any more. It is, very much, about timing like others have said, and in so many ways.

Last time an AoS launch box came out the pandemic had given us some financial room to splurge (and it felt like a reward you know, for months of fear and strange times). 

This time we're competing with other priorities such as cost of living and shonky government decisions. Makes a purchase like this far more difficult for some, and not something you can take a punt on unless financially you can or have less responsibilities. We're not in that position.

If we could get this at say Dominion price (we paid £100) then fab. But GW has forced the local games stores here to only offer 10% these days rather than the more generous 20% we enjoyed during Dominion. It makes that prospect much harder to argue for when you have kids who need laptops for school or you need repairs to the house. So its FOMO vs simple economics (with a dash of consumer behaviour thrown in).

(Edit: just to add we did buy Leviathan, as we wanted to get into 40k. But we've played 3 games before finding it really dull. Combat Patrol is like only having vanilla ice cream but in different colours. So that taught us an expensive lesson. Age of Sigmar so far has the most incredible range of flavours you can imagine. Another hesitancy for us about 4th AoS and using 40k's 10th approach.)

Edited by Mcthew
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start to think about what center piece will be when new tome come out for Skaven and SCE

1. Lord-commander from Hallowed Knight?
2.thunderstrike celestant prime? (maybe not, old model exist...

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Had a look through my collotion to see how many different spearheads I can put together and turns out I can do all of them except the Slannesh one where I need a unit of fiends 😂😂

A good 25% is fully and the rest only need one or two units painted to finish off apart from a couple of armies which have no paint at all. 

So I know what my painting projects are for the rest of the year! 

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8 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

Noticed Blades of Khorne and Maggotkin of Nurgle Vanguards missing from the store. The next armies in for an update with a new Spearhead box? 

What other armies boxes are missing from the store?

Seraphon box is also missing. 

The old skaven one is also gone for good of course.

In the webstore I count currently 17 vanguard/spearhead boxes + SoB man crusher box = 18 in total 

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3 hours ago, GrimDork said:

I do agree with this, the edition cycle seems an arbitrary money making exercise

Whilst money plays a part I think something can be said for iteration and forcing renewal. 3 years is still a decent amount of time especially when you consider many other product sectors seek to release a new version annually. Having a 3-year cycle isn't all bad. 

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Why I'm so excited about the Skaventide box part 2

Does anyone remember the game mode designed around the box contents of Dominion or Soul wars that let you play with just the contents of the box? Of course not, there wasn't one. You could try to play regular AoS but it's well known how poorly the game scales to low points. I played warcry with my minis but that required buying a board, some terrain and a whole different rules set. 

With Skaventide that's all there right in the box. I read or listened to about a dozen impressions of spearhead and they've all been universally positive. This comes from narrative players, experienced players new players and 40k players. The most common refrain I've heard is that Spearhead is what combat patrol should have been.

Several people have praised it for being a very effective learning tool for the new edition, with one youtuber even calling it elegant which is not a word you normally associate with GW. There are a couple of events happening today so I'm sure we'll have a bunch more impressions coming in soon but at the very least it's a fun way to play your first handful of games that teaches you the core rules of 4th edition. The scenery in the box is small but it's just enough to provide some effective line of sight blocking terrain to stop shooting armies dominate Spearhead, and by having it in the box from the start it encourages players to use it. There's nothing to stop players subbing in something more thematic if they want. 

I really like the idea of making the core book more like an in universe document. It's a good way of keeping content fresh in the 4th version of the core book. 

Finally of course there's the fourth edition rules. From everything we've seen so far the rules seem to be thoughtful considered and cleanly written. Again feedback from those who've played it already is very positive. I also disagree with those who think the flavour has been stripped out. I disagree The new prayers endless spells and scenery are examples of impactful flavourful rules. 

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I have to say, I'm absolutely blown away by the glow up the Lord-Veritant got. It went from one of the most generic and forgettable models in the range to an incredible, haunting execution of the "witch hunter Stormcast" concept.

There are a lot of great models in the box, but I think that one's my favourite.

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Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, Chikout said:

I really like the idea of making the core book more like an in universe document. It's a good way of keeping content fresh in the 4th version of the core book. 

Yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing more of that too! I love that kind of book... probably a result of having a formative encounter with Liber Chaotica. 

Edited by Big Kim Woof-Woof
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8 hours ago, Chikout said:

It's kind of a bummer reading some of these comments simply because my own hype is pretty much through the roof. It's early days still but I'm starting to think this might become  my favourite box GW have ever made. Let me explain my feelings about this. 

Firstly the models. The Stormcast side is spectacular. I've always loved the art of Stormcast with human priests or servants accompanying them, so the memorians is a massive win for me. There's a lot of talk about grimdark but what we can really see in these models is character. There's something about a model carrying a sword and a torch that just speaks to me. I loved the old silver tower model but the new version is a much better representation of a lone hero exploring ancient ruins looking for treasure or heading into the depths of a Skaven infested ruin. 

The blind Veritant with her guide wolf is just an awesome concept. And a  truth seeker being blindfolded is surely a reference to Lady Justice. 

The executioner who is also a mercy killer is pretty dark but somehow still comes across as a compassionate version of a commisar. 

The lord vigilant is an improved version of the second edition model that doesn't have the massive unsculpted section that rather ruined that model. 

The liberators we've talked about before. The only heads I actually dislike is the leader. There's something about the plume that is odd. Fortunately there are plenty of awesome looking bare heads in the set. 

The more I see of the prosecutors, the more I like them. The have real presence. Even in the poorly videoed live stream, they stood out. 

Now for the Skaven side. The big debate seems to be about the clan rats. I was definitely on the side of hoping for 20 clan rats and 10 stormvermin but seeing the full clan rat kit has changed my mind somewhat. Firstly there are two completely different command squads and most importantly two completely different banners. This is a bit of a pet peeve of mine. The steelhelms only have one banner for each unit and they really stand out in a bad way. The Skaven box is much better. It looks like you can build 20 regular clan rats with six of the models having options to turn them into command models. That makes for a total of 26 different poses which isn't bad. The rats themselves are full of character with some obviously having visual nods to particular clans. The comment Sergie made in the video about the different heights if models representing the way a horde of rats move really does come across. 

Finally some rat Ogors that live up to my imagination. Just an awesome kit and I'm really curious to see the customisation that was mentioned. I'm guessing head and weapon options?? The jezzails are a great update and I love the option for the double barrelled gun. 

Tubes, pipes, gears and dials. A ramshackle collection of advanced but poorly made tech, pushed along by Skaven because that's easier than building an engine. The ratling warpblaster pushes all my buttons. Very excited to see more Skyre tech in the future. 

We've already talked about the engineer. It's a cool sculpt but I think I prefer the wackier look of the leaked one. 

As others have said the grey seer is a fantastic concept perfected. Just a great sculpt all round and the tactical bell is a fun addition. 

Finally we have the warlord. I understand that some people were hoping for a bulkier beast but the emaciated frame with the fur hanging off is just horrific in the best way. It sells the horror of the faction really well. It also makes a nice contrast with the well armoured and equipped rider. I love both the weapons. The gun loaned from Skyre that looks more advanced than any cities weaponry and the warpstore blade on the glove looks suitably nasty. 

I'll save the rest of the box for another post as this is getting long but in terms of minis, this box is a very solid win. The only thing dislike is a single helmet which is easily changeable. Compared to Dominion (not a fan of the hobgrots especially the helmets) , Soul wars (a great box let down by odd unit sizes and too many repeated sculpts) and First edition (don't like the bloodreavers or the khorgorath) it's definitely my favourite set so far. 

Those who don't play or barely play always complain and the reason is the same as always:

Why do you know how good and great WHF was?

I wish WHF would come back, it was much better than AOS!

Oh what's back?!

We will continue to complain because in the end we didn't play anything and WHF/TOW weren't that good.

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31 minutes ago, Davariel said:

I have to say, I'm absolutely blown away by the glow up the Lord-Veritant got. It went from one of the most generic and forgettable models in the range to an incredible, haunting execution of the "witch hunter Stormcast" concept.

There are a lot of great models in the box, but I think that one's my favourite.

Funnily enough, for me its the complete opposite. The new stormcast feel extremely generic, bog standard dark fantasy to me. While they are new, I feel like I have seen them twenty times before.

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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, Chikout said:

It's kind of a bummer reading some of these comments simply because my own hype is pretty much through the roof. It's early days still but I'm starting to think this might become  my favourite box GW have ever made. Let me explain my feelings about this. 

Firstly the models. The Stormcast side is spectacular. I've always loved the art of Stormcast with human priests or servants accompanying them, so the memorians is a massive win for me. There's a lot of talk about grimdark but what we can really see in these models is character. There's something about a model carrying a sword and a torch that just speaks to me. I loved the old silver tower model but the new version is a much better representation of a lone hero exploring ancient ruins looking for treasure or heading into the depths of a Skaven infested ruin. 

The blind Veritant with her guide wolf is just an awesome concept. And a  truth seeker being blindfolded is surely a reference to Lady Justice. 

The executioner who is also a mercy killer is pretty dark but somehow still comes across as a compassionate version of a commisar. 

The lord vigilant is an improved version of the second edition model that doesn't have the massive unsculpted section that rather ruined that model. 

The liberators we've talked about before. The only heads I actually dislike is the leader. There's something about the plume that is odd. Fortunately there are plenty of awesome looking bare heads in the set. 

The more I see of the prosecutors, the more I like them. The have real presence. Even in the poorly videoed live stream, they stood out. 

Now for the Skaven side. The big debate seems to be about the clan rats. I was definitely on the side of hoping for 20 clan rats and 10 stormvermin but seeing the full clan rat kit has changed my mind somewhat. Firstly there are two completely different command squads and most importantly two completely different banners. This is a bit of a pet peeve of mine. The steelhelms only have one banner for each unit and they really stand out in a bad way. The Skaven box is much better. It looks like you can build 20 regular clan rats with six of the models having options to turn them into command models. That makes for a total of 26 different poses which isn't bad. The rats themselves are full of character with some obviously having visual nods to particular clans. The comment Sergie made in the video about the different heights if models representing the way a horde of rats move really does come across. 

Finally some rat Ogors that live up to my imagination. Just an awesome kit and I'm really curious to see the customisation that was mentioned. I'm guessing head and weapon options?? The jezzails are a great update and I love the option for the double barrelled gun. 

Tubes, pipes, gears and dials. A ramshackle collection of advanced but poorly made tech, pushed along by Skaven because that's easier than building an engine. The ratling warpblaster pushes all my buttons. Very excited to see more Skyre tech in the future. 

We've already talked about the engineer. It's a cool sculpt but I think I prefer the wackier look of the leaked one. 

As others have said the grey seer is a fantastic concept perfected. Just a great sculpt all round and the tactical bell is a fun addition. 

Finally we have the warlord. I understand that some people were hoping for a bulkier beast but the emaciated frame with the fur hanging off is just horrific in the best way. It sells the horror of the faction really well. It also makes a nice contrast with the well armoured and equipped rider. I love both the weapons. The gun loaned from Skyre that looks more advanced than any cities weaponry and the warpstore blade on the glove looks suitably nasty. 

I'll save the rest of the box for another post as this is getting long but in terms of minis, this box is a very solid win. The only thing dislike is a single helmet which is easily changeable. Compared to Dominion (not a fan of the hobgrots especially the helmets) , Soul wars (a great box let down by odd unit sizes and too many repeated sculpts) and First edition (don't like the bloodreavers or the khorgorath) it's definitely my favourite set so far. 

You can like it or not. That's subjective, but one thing is clear. GW launches box after launch box always trying to improve. Both in the sculpts and variety, and the number of minis.

Edited by Ejecutor
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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Garrac said:

Btw, I don't know if someone pointed it out yet, but there's a new banner on twitter's acount


Soon will be uploaded to the resources site: Resources - Retailers' Network (games-workshop.com)

An interesting note, I was looking at it in case it was ready to be downloaded and I found out they have over there pics of 12 Spearheads!


They are:

- DOK.
- SOB.
- KO.
- Nurgle.
- Silvaneth.
- HoS.
- Khorne.
- OBR.
- SG.
- GG.
- Ogors.
- ID.

If we sum up to that those that we know already have one (SCE, Skavens, CoS and FEC) we have 16 factions and we can have a pretty solid idea of the early released factions for 4th, maybe?


- FS.
- LRL.
- Seraphon.
- Nightaunt.
- Tzeentch.
- S2D.
- Warclans.

EDIT: Appeared pics of the Spearhead boxes for Warclans and NH on WHW.

Edited by Ejecutor
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