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I like them. A lot. This breaks (a bit) the "I go you go" pattern of Warhammer. Getting to cast or pray in your opponent's hero phase is great because it gives people a way to mitigate alpha strikes, same with rally. You don't feel powerless against what the opponent is cooking in his turn. 

Also, great counter charge is 2 CP because as a CoS player who gets an order that does the same thing this edition, it's an insanely powerful tool.

Also great change to unleash hell. Feels less punishing for charging units.

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40 minutes ago, pitzok said:

I wonder if we ever get dragon ogors in aos back. They're one of the coolest concepts in both settings and it's a shame for them to just disappear, especially after having a homeland to fight for. We could see some new models for them in S2D, to serve as a tanky cavalry for Darkoath.

I feel like S2D already have a lot of Tanky Cavalry units and Darkoath are suppose to be the Not tanky part of the army.

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14 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Another 4.0 rules preview, this time covering Command Abilities and Reactions. 

There's a lot of pictures, so I won't post 'em all. As usual the article is worth a read.





Oh no, it's the same old same old (except All-Out Defense only counts towards the attack action of one unit)

I am quite disappointed however.

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2 minutes ago, Luperci said:

Rally seems the most powerful by far, counter charge is fun though, does this mean no more unleash hell?

looks like it replaced it with Counter Fire.


also Power Through is an interesting way to break through screens.

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16 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Another 4.0 rules preview, this time covering Command Abilities and Reactions. 

There's a lot of pictures, so I won't post 'em all. As usual the article is worth a read.





I really like the ability to shoot and cast in a limited form on the opponent's turn. Those are fun innovations.

Variable command point costs increase complexity a bit, but I think they might be a good change overall because it allows for more impactful commands to have an appropriate cost. Like the counter charge ability, which I was initially worried about. But also potentially unique commands for special characters.

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3 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

Oh no, it's the same old same old (except All-Out Defense only counts towards the attack action of one unit)

I am quite disappointed however.

Did you see the ones in the article?





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13 minutes ago, novakai said:

Power Through is like the most Ironjawz-like ability lol

Spend 1 CP to charge an Opponent’s screen in their turn. Then at the end of the phase spend 2 CP to get past the screen so at the beginning of your next turn you can move and charge something else.

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Wonder if they'll attempt faction-specific command abilities like they tried with SCE 3.0 again or keep it limited to these 10. 

OBR getting new abilities to replace their reliance on command points generation as well, interesting. We could see a lot of faction shake-ups.

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1 minute ago, Cataphract said:

Spend 1 CP to charge an Opponent’s screen in their turn. Then at the end of the phase spend 2 CP to get past the screen so at the beginning of your next turn you can move and charge something else.

I'm glad they're making effort to make melee armies stronger against ranged weapons, I know they already said, but it's cool to see 

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13 minutes ago, Peacaf said:

Charges, shooting, magic and prayers on the opponent's turn in exchange for 1 CP, very interesting.

love it, but also a bit concerning for the duration of a game. Have they ever stated that we're still playing 5 rounds in the articles so far?

6 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

Ok, so having a lot of auxilary units in your list isn't a great idea with that in mind.

or even just 1 (basically, if you have 1 you might as well go full auxiliary). Also: if having auxiliary units is so (negatively) impactful, it reinforces the mandatory inclusion of heroes -and the actual flexibility of list building (sure, you can do whatever you want, but you'll be at massive disadvantage for it.

Edited by Marcvs
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5 minutes ago, Cataphract said:

Spend 1 CP to charge an Opponent’s screen in their turn. Then at the end of the phase spend 2 CP to get past the screen so at the beginning of your next turn you can move and charge something else.

A unit can still only use one command per phase

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Having fewer auxiliaries was already looking to be massive with them all counting as individual deployment drops, therefore more drops, less likely you get to go first/dictate turn order. This is actually kinda interesting in the way it encourages you to reinforce rather than take multiple of a unit as to take up less space in the 1 or 2 regiments you want to be running

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It's a small thing but I like the new timing of Redeploy, avoids interruptions in the flaw of the movement phase (and having to leave the opponent the time to decide to use it / asking them if they want to use it)

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5 minutes ago, Sception said:

A unit can still only use one command per phase

You can charge through at the end of the combat phase though right, if you charge then you want to be fighting anyways

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