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1 hour ago, Ragest said:

We will get used to this new terminology I guess.

yes, it's good to keep in mind that if rules feel too "different" to you it's likely because most of us grew up with the hit/wound/strength/toughness roll tables. in comparison, learning different colors and a few icons will go quickly.

1 hour ago, Twisted Firaun said:

@Ejecutor the campaign is pretty simple: you're given a card with a collection of tasks that earn you up to 18 points. It's basic stuff, build a unit, paint a unit, play a game, introduce a friend (you can get six by building a vanguard box). At the end of the event the manager collects the cards and determines whether or not the local players built or destroyed the city.

can we do this at home like Ejecutor asked and also, is it only things bought DURING the event or can it be any kit? like I just bought a new Seraphon Salamander (at an actual GW store), surely that should count if the event is soon?

Edited by CommissarRotke
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1 hour ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

The new warscroll layout looks like a great improvement IMO, for me the phase colours on the abilities will be really handy for remembering which abilities are available to me in each phase. The new Nagash one is much cleaner than the old wall of text lol.

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Boring ahh warscroll



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3 hours ago, Preppikoma said:

AFAIK, the Ancient was listed in the massive 40k leak from Bolter and Chainsword of August-ish 2021 (the same one with unreleased CSM Bikers). Valrak has been rather spot-on but his info is not always consistent (e.g. he had been stating for a non-negligible time that one of the forthcoming CSM Lords would be Terminator-clad, and introduced uncertainty on the armour type later on; similarly, Brood Brothers Kill Team was meant to be Kasrkin-based).

We're not really debating how accurate he is on the nitty gritty side of things, but whether he has actual sources. The evidence points to yes and the only things he's been inconsistent on is the smaller details. The Ancient was mentioned in B&C list but it was pictured in the codex despite it being a conversion which is practically unheard of in modern GW so an understandable mistake for his source to make depending on where in the supply chain they are. It is a Votann vs Brood Brothers kill team, he just had the wrong info about which Guard kit was getting the update. Likewise he said he'd heard Terminator lord which was incorrect but he still had the correct info about both them getting two new figures over one and that there'd be battleforce boxes in each, and for the Orks and Custodes (even getting it right that the Ork one would have a Stompa in it which I don't think anyone would have guessed).

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27 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

yes, it's good to keep in mind that if rules feel too "different" to you it's likely because most of us grew up with the hit/wound/strength/toughness roll tables. in comparison, learning different colors and a few icons will go quickly.

can we do this at home like Ejecutor asked and also, is it only things bought DURING the event or can it be any kit? like I just bought a new Seraphon Salamander (at an actual GW store), surely that should count if the event is soon?

When I spoke to my local they said it was fine to build and paint stuff I already had at home in my pile of shame/opportunity. I just had to bring in them or photos of them to prove I'd built and painted them. The only thing required to do instore was to play the games there (mine is just doing 600 point Path to Glory ones) but the staff said if no other players were available when I was they'd play against me.

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40 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

yes, it's good to keep in mind that if rules feel too "different" to you it's likely because most of us grew up with the hit/wound/strength/toughness roll tables. in comparison, learning different colors and a few icons will go quickly.

can we do this at home like Ejecutor asked and also, is it only things bought DURING the event or can it be any kit? like I just bought a new Seraphon Salamander (at an actual GW store), surely that should count if the event is soon?


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Radukar’s Court is on last chance and my Vyrkos heart breaks

i shall snort my hopium and say they’ll get individual releases and I can reinforce Kosargi again, this time as special Vyrkos Battleline

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2 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

Nah, they’re gone. The rest of the Cursed City set are gone too. 

They will always live in my heart

or… unlive?

they will always shamble in my heart

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10 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

Radukar’s Court is on last chance and my Vyrkos heart breaks

i shall snort my hopium and say they’ll get individual releases and I can reinforce Kosargi again, this time as special Vyrkos Battleline

Cursed City, however, seems to still be in stock. So for an extra £40 you can get some zombies and skeletons, plus a few meddling sigmarites/brave champions of order

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Do we think Bonesplitterz and Beasts of Chaos are getting reworked?

Based on the regiments system i think its plausible that we could be getting them back some day as regiments instead of a subfaction. Bonesplitterz could get a hero + 2 or 3 units that can be slotted into either Ironjawz or Kruleboyz. The same could be said for Beasts and can be slotted into any Chaos army. It think it actually fits their lore too.

This way GW can still do the micro armies they always wanted without having to commit to a whole army + tome system and years of support that helps with limited warehouse space.

Edited by Gitzdee
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23 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Do we think Bonesplitterz and Beasts of Chaos are getting reworked?

Based on the regiments system i think its plausible that we could be getting them back some day as regiments instead of a subfaction. Bonesplitterz could get a hero + 2 or 3 units that can be slotted into either Ironjawz or Kruleboyz. The same could be said for Beasts and can be slotted into any Chaos army. It think it actually fits their lore too.

This way GW can still do the micro armies they always wanted without having to commit to a whole army + tome system and years of support that helps with limited warehouse space.

The only way they'll be brought back is if shareholders realise that GW is effectively halving potential profits by retaining its kafka-esque separate p&l sheets for specialist and main studios.

I doubt that'll happen though, as they didn't kick up a fuss when FW was removed from 40k a year or two back.

That said, I'm determined to go out in a blaze of glory with bonesplitterz. Even if the rules are somehow worse than they already are, I'm taking my crazy waagh magic boyz to the sunset.

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46 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Do we think Bonesplitterz and Beasts of Chaos are getting reworked?

Based on the regiments system i think its plausible that we could be getting them back some day as regiments instead of a subfaction. Bonesplitterz could get a hero + 2 or 3 units that can be slotted into either Ironjawz or Kruleboyz. The same could be said for Beasts and can be slotted into any Chaos army. It think it actually fits their lore too.

This way GW can still do the micro armies they always wanted without having to commit to a whole army + tome system and years of support that helps with limited warehouse space.

Sadly it really does seem like bonesplitterz and beasts are really and truely super gone.  Some vaguely similar concepts might appear again in the future, sure, but doesn't seem like any specific plan to do so at this time.  That stuff really is just shifted to old world.

Sacrosanct stormcast on the other hand will probably be back in thunderstrike armor in some future edition, though why they didn't leave the existing guys in place until they were ready to replace them is beyond me.  Like yeah, the stormcast line needed winnowing, but imo they went way overboard.

It is what it is, and a lot of this is the inevitable result of bad ideas and poor foresight in the past - eg, the faction culls going into age of sigmar should have been far harsher than they originally were, stormcast shouldn't have been expanded anything like as rapidly or as carelessly as they were, etc.  But still, the corrections could have been much better handled.

Edited by Sception
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@GitzdeeI think there is a decent chance that Beasts of Chaos will return as Beasts of Destruction.

They can redo minotaurs, add more goat centaurs, etc and really give them a full on AoSification. 

They could even add some goat ladies to make Destro a bit less of a ‘boys club’

I think there’s a lot of scope for interesting new kits and lore. 

Sadly, I don’t see Bonesplitters getting redone. IJ and scrawny dudes have taken the ‘splitters cool stuff in order to make those ‘new’ factions more diverse. ☹️


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Yeah i forgot about Drogrukh for a bit. Could be the reason why they chose to do this. I hope the removal of all these old kits results in some awesome new stuff rather sooner than later. Im not a Chaos collector so Chorfs are not for me. I hope Destruction gets something good in return too be it Frazzlegitz, Ogors, Silent People or Drogrukh.

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1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

Do we think Bonesplitterz and Beasts of Chaos are getting reworked?

Based on the regiments system i think its plausible that we could be getting them back some day as regiments instead of a subfaction. Bonesplitterz could get a hero + 2 or 3 units that can be slotted into either Ironjawz or Kruleboyz. The same could be said for Beasts and can be slotted into any Chaos army. It think it actually fits their lore too.

This way GW can still do the micro armies they always wanted without having to commit to a whole army + tome system and years of support that helps with limited warehouse space.

I doubt it for now, at the pace that GW operates we won't see a rework for the next 3-4 years, they wouldn't have incurred all this outrage if they were planning on keeping them around anytime soon.

Also I'd hate generic orruk warclans units, the only exception would be hobgrots aesthetically, but that kinda goes against IJ lore as they hate grots for being weak.

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So with Celestar Ballista gone is Stormcast going to get a new artillery? 


29 minutes ago, Souleater said:

@GitzdeeI think there is a decent chance that Beasts of Chaos will return as Beasts of Destruction.

They can redo minotaurs, add more goat centaurs, etc and really give them a full on AoSification. 

They could even add some goat ladies to make Destro a bit less of a ‘boys club’

I think there’s a lot of scope for interesting new kits and lore. 

Sadly, I don’t see Bonesplitters getting redone. IJ and scrawny dudes have taken the ‘splitters cool stuff in order to make those ‘new’ factions more diverse. ☹️


Honestly I feel like Bonesplitterz has/had more of chance then Beastmen when it came to their unique primal prehistoric cavemen vibe the warband went with not to mention the whole WAAAGH! magic theme. Along with the fact that they're monster hunters religon could include more monster to destruction side while having bonesplitterz version of IJ & KB. Who know we got "never say never" from Whitefang but i wouldn't really hold breath

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10 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

So with Celestar Ballista gone is Stormcast going to get a new artillery? 


Honestly I feel like Bonesplitterz has/had more of chance then Beastmen when it came to their unique primal prehistoric cavemen vibe the warband went with not to mention the whole WAAAGH! magic theme. Along with the fact that they're monster hunters religon could include more monster to destruction side while having bonesplitterz version of IJ & KB. Who know we got "never say never" from Whitefang but i wouldn't really hold breath

Well they kind of exported the theme to the other Warclanz like with Savage WAAGH! Ironjawz and Beastsnacha Kruleboyz

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2 hours ago, EonChao said:

When I spoke to my local they said it was fine to build and paint stuff I already had at home in my pile of shame/opportunity. I just had to bring in them or photos of them to prove I'd built and painted them. The only thing required to do instore was to play the games there (mine is just doing 600 point Path to Glory ones) but the staff said if no other players were available when I was they'd play against me.

2 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:


holy cowhat that's amazing!!! thanks for confirming, i'll have to check which COS i'm defending :)

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20 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

So with Celestar Ballista gone is Stormcast going to get a new artillery? 


*hits the waterpipe of hopium* what if the new COS artillery can count as regulars in Stormkeep armies, not auxiliaries? surely the Cogfort will have other Ironweld friends coming with it yes-yes...

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20 minutes ago, Whitefang back me up said:

Power level is the number after wizard at the bottom, so Wizard (9) means you have a power level of 9 and can cast and dispel 9 times in a battle round. 

Yeah that's pretty much what I guessed. Thanks for the confirmation. I think people were just thrown because the level is so high but Nagash has always been able to catch a bunch of spells. He does have the nine books of Nagash after all. Also in third edition he goes to down to six spells when he's taken six damage, which is exactly the same in the new version. He just doesn't degrade further. 

I imagine that all monster damage tables will change in this way. One stat, or selection of stats gets worse after a certain amount of damage is done and that's it. 

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1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

Do we think Bonesplitterz and Beasts of Chaos are getting reworked?

Based on the regiments system i think its plausible that we could be getting them back some day as regiments instead of a subfaction. Bonesplitterz could get a hero + 2 or 3 units that can be slotted into either Ironjawz or Kruleboyz. The same could be said for Beasts and can be slotted into any Chaos army. It think it actually fits their lore too.

This way GW can still do the micro armies they always wanted without having to commit to a whole army + tome system and years of support that helps with limited warehouse space.

I think we'll see more kruleboyz like the monster killers in Warcry which will fill the slot of bonesplitters. 

Bonesplitters are monster hunters who wear very little and use bone as decoration, the Warcry monster killers tick all those boxes. 

I can see them as a bridge between Ironjawz and kruleboyz. 

Beasts I can see getting the AoS treatment, I'll love to see what GW do with modern tech and sculpting, giving us some truly terrifying nightmare creatures. 


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These warscrolls abilities with color codes and "once per turn / once per battle" made me remember the way Dungeon and Dragons 4th edition treated special abilities for player characters and monsters. It was very similar.

Dispelling / casting 9 times for Nagash sounds an awful lot to me. I'd say a bit too much.

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