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2 hours ago, Chikout said:

It was the former. Their strategy is to make a big launch box for the experienced players, and then switch to three smaller boxes to entice new players. The largest box starter box contains scenery. They’ve done this for 40k 8-10th editions. With AoS third edition was the first time they sold a box with plastic scenery. 
I wonder if the smart move would be to scrap the larger starter box and make the launch box an ongoing product with a much smaller initial print run, then intrudce the two smaller boxes later on. 

This is sort of wrong. It’s been explained in places, but GW had stores order as much Dominion as they wanted, but then only sent a handful of copies while still selling them online themselves. They then sent the rest several months after launch. So the 3rd party stores got really hurt by that model as they got their copies after people wanted them. It was just awful. Source - a couple people who run hobby stores.

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26 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

So nice to be able to just buy these kinds of special miniatures on the webstore. Now do the Steel Rook next, GW!

Ive stuck a comment asking is this a plan for Commemorative minis going forward on the twitter/X. 


Hoping they can acknowledge and at least given some information/indication 

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Just now, NotBeastmanBob said:

Ive stuck a comment asking is this a plan for Commemorative minis going forward on the twitter/X. 


Hoping they can acknowledge and at least given some information/indication 

Sadly, I don't think it will be. It just makes too much sense to have some miniatures exclusive to warhammer+, events and store anniversaries to drive business there.

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4 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Sadly, I don't think it will be. It just makes too much sense to have some miniatures exclusive to warhammer+, events and store anniversaries to drive business there.

Would be a nice show of faith to customers all the same as an end of year "in case you missed it, here it is for 2 weeks online" 

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5 hours ago, elescapo said:

It was great for customers, and good for GW overall, but for some retailers Dominion was a complete disaster. My local shop is sitting on several that he can’t move even at 50% off.  This is dead inventory that he paid GW for (because they required minimum quantity orders), and the leftovers that he can’t sell have basically wiped out any profits he made from the ones that sold. I’ve visited several other shops that have piles in the corner, or are using Dominion as display stands for other products. 

The lesson has been learned, and I think some shops will think twice about ordering any more than exactly what they need to meet guaranteed sales with preorders this time around. 

They didn't have minimum quantity orders, it's actually the opposite.

GW removed the quota for boxes they had during the pandemic for Dominion and let FLGS order as many as they wanted, so they ordered a lot of them, but not really more than they needed, maybe just a little more.

The issue is GW first delivered only a few boxes to each store, and they did sell out immediately, while GW kept selling Dominion through their stores and online store. So when the rest of the boxes got delivered to the FLGS a couple months later, all their clients already bought Dominion through GW and there was no demand for it anymore. 

That's why most FLGS stores still have Dominion boxes to this day...

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22 hours ago, kaykas said:

but the thing is i want the plastics of the box in miniatures not in scenary, they can add the scenary in the little boxes not in the big one

I'd much prefer they leave out teh Stormcast and give us scenery instead. you need scenery to play the game, and more is always useful. You don't need Stormcast at all, and those that want Stormcast already are spoiled for choice.

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10 minutes ago, GhostShark said:

I'd much prefer they leave out teh Stormcast and give us scenery instead. you need scenery to play the game, and more is always useful. You don't need Stormcast at all, and those that want Stormcast already are spoiled for choice.

Maybe they will broadside us by going ToW mode and do a Stormcast + terrain launch box and a Skaven + terrain launch box for AoS4? 🤔

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1 hour ago, Still-young said:

I paid less for my extra Tyranid units from Leviathan on EBay than if I’d waited for the GW separate releases. 

Certainly, there is a big difference between the price of the sprues in starter editions and the unit in a separate box. But I stick to my opinion. I remember when scalpers bought Cursed city boxes in Spain and sold the units/heroes separately; not to make people a favour, but for maximising the revenue they could make from the boxes (and, the were hoarding boxes for that purpose).

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47 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Oh my frakking dog!!!! YESSSSS, FINALLY!!!!! 💚

I remembered you and your quest on finding that model 😆

I have a problem with KB (and they are my AoS army...) why every non-monster KB look like a regular gutrippa? I think that, instead of Zagnog, I will buy the new UW band (they will cost similar, I believe).

Edited by Someravella
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1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

So nice to be able to just buy these kinds of special miniatures on the webstore. Now do the Steel Rook next, GW!

I am pretty sure the Steel Rook would be the next one. Now that I am close to getting mine GW would put it for sale. It happened to me with Dacian Anvil. I paid almost 75 € and not so far after they put it again for sale as MTO.

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20 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

How messed this models release has to be in order for them to put it for sale in the online store...

For sure. The plus side of it being that for once everyone has access to it rather than it being at an event or something in one place in the world that forces everyone to go there or buy it for twice the price off eBay.

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25 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

How messed this models release has to be in order for them to put it for sale in the online store...

They've been at events for around a year now afaik, someone probably messed up the scheduling and now they're left without a proper release window, so they just put them online I suppose. It's by far preferable to having to buy them off ebay scalpers 

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2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I actually find it interesting that the 4th ed hype cycle is already starting even though the Dawnbringers hype cycle is not yet finished.

It always happens like this, I'm personally kinda frustrated that they even announce the next DB book before I've even received my copy of shadow of the crone yet, considering they mention a lot of the plot beats in the livestream 

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4 minutes ago, Luperci said:

They've been at events for around a year now afaik, someone probably messed up the scheduling and now they're left without a proper release window, so they just put them online I suppose. It's by far preferable to having to buy them off ebay scalpers 

As far as I know, they were put for sale by error on one event and once they noticed it retired them. On that particular event it was only available until they noticed.

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2 minutes ago, Luperci said:

It always happens like this, I'm personally kinda frustrated that they even announce the next DB book before I've even received my copy of shadow of the crone yet, considering they mention a lot of the plot beats in the livestream 

I am not sure it's intentional. For Broken Realms, I think they were clearly rushing through the release. They announced BR: Kragnos before BR: Be'Lakor was even out. They are doing a bit better this time: Shadow of the Crone is at least in some people's hands already, but it seems they still have to push out Hounds of Chaos in a hurry and it is running up against their planning for 4th ed, which they seem unwilling to delay.

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7 minutes ago, Ragest said:

I miss our leakers :(

Theres not that much left to leak about 4th anyway. Just the contents of the starter box, and more precision on the skaven wave.

Im willing to wait for the april-may oficial reveals, tho.

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