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the trailer has nice moments (not the janky stormcast movements) but I feel very disappointed in terms of story progression. This could have been a trailer for 2nd ed.

I am kind of relieved that "new" stormcast so far look very similar to the old ones. ALthough that's boring, it means I can just kitbash them with my already vast collection -then again, I'll surely pick up the stormcast half of the box cause there's like a queue of clubmates who want the skaven part.

Weridly, the choice of not showing any actual mini for 4th ed has put all the emphasis on rules, which is generally not what makes people excited. I am curious to see what they do. Everything I want is for the game to be more fluid and play faster. The second point could be achieved by actively supporting smaller points games, but Spearhead (i.e. combat patrols) is a very different beast: it's good if you only play rarely or play multiple armies, but if you play semi-often and only play one army, it gets stale super quickly.

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1 hour ago, Sarouan said:

I didn't expect they would reveal the miniatures for the next starter box, it's simply too soon. Gotta keep content for future Warhammer Community articles, after all.

I don’t think people were expecting all the models shown, but at the same show last year they showed a model from each side of the starter box alongside the trailer. Im pretty disappointed we didn’t get that. 

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Oh man that cinematic has me very hyped for 4th edition, even if neither army is for me! Stormcast with axes is fantastic. As cool as hammers are, I'm an axe man myself 😁


I love the Ghoul Underworld team, they're really cool and the CoS Bonker Brigade is hilarious. Abraxia is such a sick model and by the looks of it, absolutely huge! The terrain is really cool too.

So Index edition for 4th and also Spearheads being it's own gamemode as was thought, both of these are great in my opinion and I'm really looking forward to seeing what the rules changes bring 😄

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2 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

First Yndrasta now her...

Does sigmarification make girls to lose half of their hair?

Only if you think girls should all have long hair. ;)

Beside, it's better to have short hair when you fight. Give less things to grab for your opponent, y'know.

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13 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Ok @Whitefang back me up do something new, its your time to shine: is the box bigger or not?

I just rewatched the old cinematics. Only the leviathan trailer has every mini. The was no Yndrasta or Belcher banner in the Dominion video, no bikes in  the Indomitus trailer and no terminators or dreadnoughts in the Horus Heresy trailer. 

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10 minutes ago, Still-young said:

I don’t think people were expecting all the models shown, but at the same show last year they showed a model from each side of the starter box alongside the trailer. Im pretty disappointed we didn’t get that. 

Think about it on the positive side. If we didn't get them it is either because we would get a dedicated preview or Warhammer fest.

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So finally I only see 3 "new" Stormcast units: The hero, the 3 custodes guys and the winged ones. Everything else is liberators and maybe other not new units... and I'm starting to think the winged guys are not new.... Could it be???? maybe new liberators models but the ones with the "not sigmar emblem, similar to Cthulhu"

Could it be that the ruination chamber is just those 3 guys and the hero? justo like custodes only has 3 models on the entire army (bikes, guys and bulky guys)

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44 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Not sure if anyone has copy&pasted here the new rumour rules:







This is largely all complete rubbish. I’ve had a look through the core book and I’ll let give you some rules, then I’m gone - flying too close to the sun.

- EVERYTHING is an ability. 

- Morale GONE. Now ‘Control’ stat.

- Weapon range is combat range, everything in 3” fights. That’s it. 

- Magic is choose one spell lore at beginning of game & everyone knows all spells in that spell lore. 

- If you choose to double turn you can’t score a battle tactic.

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I hope the bat mutant from the underworlds box is a sign of things to come, flayers could really use an update,,,

3 minutes ago, Whitefang back me up said:

This is largely all complete rubbish. I’ve had a look through the core book and I’ll let give you some rules, then I’m gone - flying too close to the sun.

- EVERYTHING is an ability. 

- Morale GONE. Now ‘Control’ stat.

- Weapon range is combat range, everything in 3” fights. That’s it. 

- Magic is choose one spell lore at beginning of game & everyone knows all spells in that spell lore. 

- If you choose to double turn you can’t score a battle tactic.

Praise be! Magic stays!

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2 minutes ago, Hoseman said:

Could it be that the ruination chamber is just those 3 guys and the hero? justo like custodes only has 3 models on the entire army (bikes, guys and bulky guys)

Custodes have a whole bunch of kits, its just most of them are Forge World. Even just limiting to plastics they have 7 non-hero kits (Custodian Guard, Wardens, Allarus Termies, Contemptor, Land Raider, Sisters of Silence, Sisters of Silence Rhino).

Extremis Chamber is just two kits (Dracoths and Stardrake).

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5 minutes ago, Chikout said:

I just rewatched the old cinematics. Only the leviathan trailer has every mini. The was no Yndrasta or Belcher banner in the Dominion video, no bikes in  the Indomitus trailer and no terminators or dreadnoughts in the Horus Heresy trailer. 

Thats why I ask, I just realised It as well. That and the fact that Whitefang Je still has to give us something new that hasnt been commented any any other leaker...

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4 minutes ago, Whitefang back me up said:

- Magic is choose one spell lore at beginning of game & everyone knows all spells in that spell lore.

So no faction spell lores? That would be devastating and it would remove an important aspect of diversity across factions. Tell me I'm wrong.

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1 minute ago, Garrac said:

Thats why I ask, I just realised It as well. That and the fact that Whitefang Je still has to give us something new that hasnt been commented any any other leaker...

He did. Abraxia's name.

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5 minutes ago, Whitefang back me up said:

This is largely all complete rubbish. I’ve had a look through the core book and I’ll let give you some rules, then I’m gone - flying too close to the sun.

- EVERYTHING is an ability. 

- Morale GONE. Now ‘Control’ stat.

- Weapon range is combat range, everything in 3” fights. That’s it. 

- Magic is choose one spell lore at beginning of game & everyone knows all spells in that spell lore. 

- If you choose to double turn you can’t score a battle tactic.

Honestly, these rules sound fun!

As a final final request: Do you know if any units/armies/subfactions/whatever got cut during the transition to indexes? No need for specifics, just to keep expectations in check.

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