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Is it suspicious to anyone else that in the article for indexes they say

"Each faction in the new edition" and "every faction in the new edition" will get new rules.

They never said all factions would get new rules.

Is squatting back, again?

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1 minute ago, Ganigumo said:

Is it suspicious to anyone else that in the article for indexes they say

"Each faction in the new edition" and "every faction in the new edition" will get new rules.

They never said all factions would get new rules.

Is squatting back, again?

BoC players sweatin' 🤣

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Edited by KingBrodd
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I might be an outlier, but I was really hoping for an index because I just wanted things shaken up a bit. Some of my armies got a bit stale to play, or were unfun to play against, so I'm glad they'll be new for summer. I also play Skaven so I'm happy to get a book early for them. I do hope AoS is better than the 40k team at keeping the thematic feel of armies. 

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Wow, that cinematic trailer was rad. I especially loved two parts:

- Nagash as a god

- The blightcity emerging from the grounds and then the stormcast going into that place -> (a new Mordheim/Warhammer quest in AoS in this city?)

Very "dark fantasy" (ala dark souls ♥️), imo.


And I love how charismatic the skaven are. I hope other "villain factions" (as my KB) are further worked on to get the same charisma.

Edited by Someravella
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Popping in to say that Adepticon was Worth the Wait!! 😍

Warcry: Amazing new beastly Ossiarchs and in love with the skeletal-centaur master as well as the new infested Spite Revenants to buff out my blooming Sylvaneth force alongside that gnarly Gnarlwood!(I know people want Kurnothi but I love it being the plant people faction and playing heavily into insects & flora)

UnderWorlds: Big yes to both groups, especially taser zealots fueled by holy lightning! Love they’re building more on the amber god-beast the first book mentions and the Lendu campaign said survived Sigmar’s attack(after it trapped Gorkamorka in the Age of Myth) and seeped into the canyons to hide, that parasite version of it sounds like an amazing Soulbound scenario in the making.

STD: Abraxia looks phenomenal and so does the new faction terrain. Hot damn!

Trailer: what can I say anyone else didn’t? I was floored it was so good. It was perfection.

Way over-the-top with a whole Skaven city rising up to attack the settlement Freeguild finally being shown off and both sides Stormcast Eternals & Skaven being badass in their own way with either new Liberators looking bullet proof & shaking off warp flames or Skaven going crazy on firepower and laughing when their assistants get crushed.

Only downside of all this is my wallet is on suicide watch now because I Need all of it.

Ruination Chamber even gave me back even chonkier Stormcast alongside updated OG classic ones.



This feels like peak Age of Sigmar aesthetics & Mortal Realms content to me. Almost like we’re back at AoS1 again and seeing the cosmic infinite realms and otherworldly battles unfold before us once more. 🥲

Edited by Baron Klatz
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2 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Ruination Chamber even gave me back even chonkier Stormcast alongside updated OG classic ones.


SCE clearly showing off their bulking season progress today.

New armour looks dark fantasy in all the best ways but the shoulder pad under the cloak is just bugging me. That’s a marine shoulder pad - just straight up someone stole that part from a Space Marine in blender. 

It’s even got the trim! 

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5 minutes ago, AngryLizardRat said:

I might be an outlier, but I was really hoping for an index because I just wanted things shaken up a bit. Some of my armies got a bit stale to play, or were unfun to play against, so I'm glad they'll be new for summer. I also play Skaven so I'm happy to get a book early for them. I do hope AoS is better than the 40k team at keeping the thematic feel of armies. 

There's definitely other people that did too, a bunch of content creators seemed to be pro index.

I just have 0 faith they'll be any good because I know they didn't have enough time to design or test properly.

It will be exciting though.

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I was going to catch up this morning but was awoken at 2.55am by the sound of foxes mating outside! Thanks frisky foxes for the wake-up call!

Would’ve loved to see some minis for 4th, oh well next time. I like that the traditional looks for Skaven have been kept. Jezzails, Rat Ogres, clanrats all look pretty similar style wise to before which IMO is great. Few years back I got an island of blood Skaven half, plus a verminlord. My hope was that the new stuff wasn’t overly AoSified, not that that’s a bad thing but hopefully they will sit comfortably next to older models. So far looks good.

Happy with the spearhead info (tho not that surprising). With 40k they have started doing rules for big box halves now, I hope this happens for AoS. I think spearhead could fit into a nice niche for me. I know you don’t have the list building, but the reduced playtime/low model count appeals.

TOW dwarf hero minis are stunning!

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Pretty nifty reveals. Shame we didn't see any actual miniatures from the new starter box, and they're still being pretty cagey about a lot of the potential rules changes at hand.

The Underworlds fanatics are utterly gonzo. I hope we don't see new flagellants for CoS being quite so silly, design-wise, but it really works for Underworlds.

Ossiarch Warcry band is promising. Hopefully we'll see the main Ossiarch range explore a bit more of the Geiger-esque bone constructs thing in the future.

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