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4 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

Would be pretty interesting to have:

  • Grungni - Kharadron (advanced tech)
  • Grimnir - Fyreslayers (slayers)
  • Valaya - Dispossessed (hearth and home/traditional dwarves)

Grugnis true followers are those who stand to valaya.

the traitor dwarfs also known as ko, left that place

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It is also so nice that we finally get a book released without having its plot fully spoiled... I wanna see what happens with Zenestra. Such a character. My kudos to GW lately with the reworks on armies and their characters. Zenestra, Tahlia, Ushoran, Gormayne... all of them super interesting.

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I want to know what Zenestra is plotting. She has taken over this wing of the Crusade, she clearly has some connection with death, she has led the Crusade to build a city over what happens to be an ancient city with dead associated with her wheel iconography, she seems like she has hitmen from Nagash on her trail.

I hope we learn more of this underground city.

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1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

C'est aussi tellement bien que nous puissions enfin sortir un livre sans que son intrigue soit complètement gâchée... Je veux voir ce qui se passe avec Zenestra. Un tel personnage. Mes félicitations à GW ces derniers temps avec les refontes des armées et de leurs personnages. Zenestra, Tahlia, Ushoran, Gormayne... tous super intéressants.

They must continue on this way in the next edition !

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15 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

Would be pretty interesting to have:

  • Grungni - Kharadron (advanced tech)
  • Grimnir - Fyreslayers (slayers)
  • Valaya - Dispossessed (hearth and home/traditional dwarves)

Grungni - Gholemkind
Grimnir - Fyreslayers
Valaya - Ancestors (Spirits of dead Duardin returned from the Halls of Ancestors)
All - Dispossessed/Khazalid Empire-United Duardins
None - Kharadron overlords

Edited by cofaxest
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1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Grugnis true followers are those who stand to valaya.

the traitor dwarfs also known as ko, left that place

maybe the rise of some real traitor dwarfs will put this in a bit more perspective. Also Grungni doesn't seem to have a grudge against the KO for abandoning the old duardin way, I mean it was kinda his fault for leaving them in the age of chaos. Also I'm slightly confused on valaya, is it the same civilisation as the khazalid or are those different?

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Be aware that sometimes/often these stories are just stories and not hints of new coming soon models.

Doesnt mean you shouldnt wildly speculate but remember its just that, wild speculation/wishlisting based on lore blurbs.

Too often I see people dissapointed or even angry their small lore blurb wild speculation didnt turn into a model/range as if it was a promise made to them.

Personally i love those just for the world building they give.

Edited by TheMawr
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1 hour ago, cofaxest said:

Grungni - Gholemkind
Grimnir - Fyreslayers
Valaya - Ancestors (Spirits of dead Duardin returned from the Halls of Ancestors)
All - Dispossessed/Khazalid Empire-United Duardins
None - Kharadron overlords

gholemkind have been mentioned a lot in relation to KO so I expect to see them as part of the same faction tbh

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2 minutes ago, TheMawr said:

Be aware that sometimes/often these stories are just stories and not hints of new coming soon models.

Doesnt mean you shouldnt wildly speculate but remember its just that, wild speculation/wishlisting based on lore blurbs.

Too often I see people dissapointed or even angry their small lore blurb wild speculation didnt turn into a model/range as if it was a promise made to them.

Personally i love those just for the world building they give.

I agree.

But I think the fact that CoS Dwarves have appeared in two of the Dawnbringers stories now (this one and the one where they were building that tower for Ionus) is pretty reassuring.

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9 minutes ago, Luperci said:

gholemkind have been mentioned a lot in relation to KO so I expect to see them as part of the same faction tbh

I think they will end up being full faction by themselfs. We know for sure that they have purely gholemkind clockwork cities. I think they will be allies with KO and other duardins and could be magic heavy duardin-like faction. 

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14 minutes ago, Luperci said:

maybe the rise of some real traitor dwarfs will put this in a bit more perspective. Also Grungni doesn't seem to have a grudge against the KO for abandoning the old duardin way, I mean it was kinda his fault for leaving them in the age of chaos. Also I'm slightly confused on valaya, is it the same civilisation as the khazalid or are those different?

Valaya never was a pro-active god. Last time she comunicate with dawi was in End Times, after that we only knows that some portion of her powers was absorbed by Nagash and that her cults still exist in AgeofSigmar and folowers of that cult known as healers in dispossessed clans. Also there is some hints that Grombrindal right now reopening Duardin underworlds in attempt to find her in one of them. 
I feel like she will be Order god for Realm of death as Duardin underworlds guardian and opposition for Nagash.

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30 minutes ago, TheMawr said:

Be aware that sometimes/often these stories are just stories and not hints of new coming soon models.

Doesnt mean you shouldnt wildly speculate but remember its just that, wild speculation/wishlisting based on lore blurbs.

Too often I see people dissapointed or even angry their small lore blurb wild speculation didnt turn into a model/range as if it was a promise made to them.

Personally i love those just for the world building they give.

What good are the mortal realms without hopium and copium. Those should be made chaos gods to be honest.

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2 minutes ago, Luperci said:


Is this art of the silent people in the latest white dwarf new? weird they get a mention after such a long period of silence(haha), it's a cool design though


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17 minutes ago, cofaxest said:

Valaya never was a pro-active god. Last time she comunicate with dawi was in End Times, after that we only knows that some portion of her powers was absorbed by Nagash and that her cults still exist in AgeofSigmar and folowers of that cult known as healers in dispossessed clans. Also there is some hints that Grombrindal right now reopening Duardin underworlds in attempt to find her in one of them. 
I feel like she will be Order god for Realm of death as Duardin underworlds guardian and opposition for Nagash.

Duardin god of death is Gazul though...already eaten by Nagash but dwarves still follow him (there's a story about the Gazul zagaz clans in Shyish that have runesinger that can summon dead spirits).

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3 minutes ago, Luperci said:


Is this art of the silent people in the latest white dwarf new? weird they get a mention after such a long period of silence(haha), it's a cool design though

Holy Sigmar!

Silent ones exist and aren't just lore filler for Beastgrave anymore, and the lore says that they are on the move.

Maybe we could see a Warcry warband for them at some point, an unaffiliated destruction warband until they can become a proper army one day.

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40 minutes ago, cofaxest said:

Valaya never was a pro-active god. Last time she comunicate with dawi was in End Times, after that we only knows that some portion of her powers was absorbed by Nagash and that her cults still exist in AgeofSigmar and folowers of that cult known as healers in dispossessed clans. Also there is some hints that Grombrindal right now reopening Duardin underworlds in attempt to find her in one of them. 
I feel like she will be Order god for Realm of death as Duardin underworlds guardian and opposition for Nagash.

Also, it makes sense to release another female character to follow the current narrative of bringing female characters with some weight to the scene.

Edited by Ejecutor
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29 minutes ago, Luperci said:


Is this art of the silent people in the latest white dwarf new? weird they get a mention after such a long period of silence(haha), it's a cool design though

It is probably part of the discarded Gallet book.

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39 minutes ago, Luperci said:


Is this art of the silent people in the latest white dwarf new? weird they get a mention after such a long period of silence(haha), it's a cool design though

That Silent One art looks so cool! It's nice having bit more of an idea of what they look like, an entire faction/army of sentient humanoid insect people would be amazing.

I would also feel an obligation to buy into them based on name alone.

Edited by SilentSentinel
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45 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Duardin god of death is Gazul though...already eaten by Nagash but dwarves still follow him (there's a story about the Gazul zagaz clans in Shyish that have runesinger that can summon dead spirits).

It's true, but Gazul can't guard Duardin underworlds right now. IF Valaya right now is located in one of the underworlds it's logic for GW to make her as one of the Order Panteon god for Realm of death coz she have some grudge against Nagash. I also think that it would be cool to see Valykraz and Gazuls Shard as units for her faction.

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51 minutes ago, Luperci said:


Is this art of the silent people in the latest white dwarf new? weird they get a mention after such a long period of silence(haha), it's a cool design though

An answer to the BoC riddle? 🤔

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3 hours ago, BarakUrbaz said:

We know Reikenor the Grimhailer is the leader of the Nighthaunt attacking Embergard. Now, what does he do? Nagash sends Reikenor to slay those who attempt to cheat death. 

I think he's attacking because Zenestra is on his hitlist and whatever exactly she is will be elaborated on. 

2 hours ago, Vaellas said:

To tie it all more to her it also mentioned the sarcophagi being tied to WHEELS. I also wonder if there is a more personal connection to Reikenor and the pyreguard as they were able to make someone burst in to flames. Didn't Zenestra also make a bunch of people burst in to flames?

and this is why I love reading this forum... love when existing threads get tied together like this 😍

2 hours ago, sandlemad said:

the gorgers and wilderkorps

did they both feature in a book? not sure if I forgot or simply never heard!

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16 minutes ago, SilentSentinel said:


That Silent One art looks so cool! It's nice having bit more of an idea of what they look like, an entire faction/army of sentient humanoid insect people would be amazing.

I would also feel an obligation to buy into them based on name alone.

The Ambull could be easily part of the Silent People:


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