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Everything posted by TheMawr

  1. Personally I think a more Warcry'ish approach to Plaguemonks is really interesting ( basically, an expanded variant of the WHU warband ) I never liked the more "militarised" change to plaguemonks nor the individualisation of the clans. When I had my skaven army ( mostly metal.. old times.) I always felt that the clanrats for clan pestilens.. should be clanrats, likewise the clanrats for clan eshin too should be clanrats. I dont know if that was based on how things where then or if that was my own headcanon. I had converted a bunch of clanrats with little oriental strawhats for my eshin side. But most of my army was born out of my favorite childhood cartoon Secret of the Nimh.. mad science everywhere.
  2. Squatting or merging in 40k didnt happen at the index stage twice (8th and 10th), so its possible it wont happen here either. Index is very focused on playing the new rules with the existing version of the armies. And every codex so far has massively squatted (and added) options that where still in the index, beyond updates and new miniatures.
  3. It always confused me ( not the right word.) that some of these didnt.. as alot of them you can think of dozens of amazing looking ideas. As they have a potentially strong visual language for spells and the like that really add a strong element to their theme that was not really the case for some armies that did get them. Especially Idoneth and Nurgle.
  4. While I dont know if what people say is true or not ( but it doesnt sound stupid in general imho) But you know you are actually proving the point with that example right ? instead of proving how stupid it is. Darkoath are an AoS thing, they werent a WFB thing... the WFB equivalent are the Marauders (wich up till now were in AoS too) Guess what the Darkoath are likely replacing just in time for the originals to get the axe and become TOW( thus WFB) only.
  5. Im EU, but I usually dont sleep before 5 in the morning anyway XD drawing works better at night
  6. I dont think thats a shoulderpad, but rather a construction on the back. Like the Broken realms nighthaunt has ( and similar to the rumor engines.) I also think that if its indeed human, the right arm overlaps with a construction as well giving it the volume and the head is actually not visible in the silhouette ( much smaller than your example.) and the collar is overlapped with more construction elements
  7. I think darkoath might have been the new miniature monday reveal it was meant to, just by accident a couple of days early. The reason I think that is because they always update the videos very last minute.. and while they must be prepared earlier I think the last minute web guys do not have access to the wider pool... it definitely wouldnt be a video for a month later. I seem to remember AoS has had multiple miniatures revealed on monday before, so its not unheard of, in fact its one of the "problems" with the whole AoS vs 40k love thing.. since AoS started it has had more releases than 40k did in the same time period, however where 40k tends to have 5 articles per new kit, AoS has 5 kits for one article ( exagerating ofcourse )... not to mention ip licensing, BL and the community also focusing much more on 40k Spacemarines. ( disclaimer for those who not know me, when I say I think or speculate in general.. I rarely think Im right , I often have several conflicting theories of any matter at the same time. )
  8. Yes, it almost look like goblin ears to me. In general goblinish, ot how GW depicts them.. but more how I do ( avatar profile for example.) and I often have made 2 goblins piggybacking but wearing one dress concepts.. wich this reminds me of.
  9. Oh ******, Im part of a stereotype... I was reading this while drinking my second cup since waking up, contemplating responding to rumor talk in my usual forum.. decided to first read here, get my third cup and work a bit on my "visual speculation files" wich are a little bit on the chaotic side and then saw this ... almost spilled my precious coffee XD
  10. Also fair enough, didnt meant it as offensive as it sounded btw. I also think when its your job you look at it different maybe. Not as in better or more skillful at seeing differences, just a different approach to looking at it. edit : And I do think he tried to go for a Mark gibbons concept art in style, in order to get a better chance for the job ( usually not a smart move btw.)
  11. It doesnt, and it isnt.. wich you would see if you follow the link where the artist who made it also explains it. Besides stormcast are john blanche's babies edit: that first sentence sounded harsher than I mean it. But it really doesnt look like jes goodwins art to me personally.
  12. Im rarely of the opinion that very specific lore, aesthic or rules decisions are made with sales in mind. ( as my negative opinion of GW is that their departments do not synergise/communicate/are aware of each others existence.... wich is opposite of that.) But the 40k Leader/Unit matchup is so perfect for giving an excuse to buy more characters that I cant imagine this not being adopted by AoS as well. Not saying its a negative, as I really like the system.
  13. Thats not official concept art though..
  14. From the first releases I really expected some Daikinee elf inspiration to come to the sylvaneth as well. Alarielle especially wouldnt have looked out of place in that army.
  15. Be aware that sometimes/often these stories are just stories and not hints of new coming soon models. Doesnt mean you shouldnt wildly speculate but remember its just that, wild speculation/wishlisting based on lore blurbs. Too often I see people dissapointed or even angry their small lore blurb wild speculation didnt turn into a model/range as if it was a promise made to them. Personally i love those just for the world building they give.
  16. Wasnt that just the changeling ? ( only glanced over the story.. but you mean the hooded many armed shapeshifter that pretended to be the general/captain/commander right ?)
  17. "Well this one’s easy. There are loads of antlers in Warhammer – this could be a Kurnothi, a Bretonnian Paladin, or a Christmas Squig. Let’s be honest though, it’s none of those. What do you think it could be? Make your bets at our Facebook, X, and Instagram pages. "
  18. Lol Astra Militarum 5 MM weeks; Creed+Sentinel, Catellan, Lord solar, Rough riders, Rogal dorn tank with a couple of months break between the first and the other 4, but those other 4 where weekly. With the reveals in general running from June to November ( 6 months ) for a 14 kits release wave Cities of Sigmar 3 MM weeks; Marshal, Fusiliers, Fusil Major however the monday after everything was shown accidentally there was no new miniature, except the gargoylian article wich was already revealed. With the reveals in general running for 6 months for an 11 kits release wave, but they where preceded with a monthly Dawnbringers preview article about a year before the reveals started. Seraphon 3 MM weeks ; Skink starseer, Spawn of chotec, Astrolith bearer. a seraphonless week in between each. With the Seraphon reveals in general running from LVO to Adepticon ( 2 months ) for a 9 kits release wave Eldar 3 MM weeks ; Guardians, Warlocks and Dark reapers. With the Eldar reveals in general running from old/new years preview to LVO ( 1 month ) for a BIG 9 kits release wave For all there where also Monday articles for their warbands ( warcry/killteam ) that I didnt count in there... Seraphon was a bit earlier, corsairs was very shortly after and the CoS warband was treated as a CoS reveal in contrary to the other 2. Eldar where hillariously the only ones who didnt take months of previews and reveals for their release wave 🤣 With only a month after having articles for their rules ( like each of the other releases also got as well, most of them more and for a longer time period.) I think its the concentrated nature that actually makes people misremember it as taking long. I could have missed a monday reveal above ( not for eldar ) as WHC search is terrible, but apart from necromunda nothing highjacked the new miniature monday for months. For kroot, Personally I think its the last one tomorrow.. my gutfeeling is that there is no great knarloc, if GW was going to mimic FW stuff than the cavalry unit would have been knarlocs, but like corsairs before I think GW ignores FW stuff... dont forget, while they are great guys, and the worlds we love come from their mind, the top art direction at GW are slightly diva'ish ( as an artist should be ) and where never involved in the FW interpretations. I could see there being more Tau releases on new miniature mondays ( vespids, the named Ethereal that can lead kroot units, maybe a suprise space pope), but not Kroot... but for those who know my speculation from other sites however, Im often wrong on future speculation 😛 edit : Ofcourse I saw this as a challenge and am now making a definitive guide to the new miniature mondays reveal. Some notes as I will never finish it anyway : Black templars had 5 (!) new miniature mondays, luckily after that the Anniversary primaris bladeguard was revealed.. for a change of theme.. and yet this was not the first thing that sprung in either of our minds, interesting. edit 2 : Leagues of Votann had 6 of them and seem to be the winner, however they got every other week like seraphon. What both of these forgotten winners have in common though is that there was a lot of other news too. During the eldar reveals AoS and specialist games seemed nearly non existent. There was not more eldar, there was less of everything else. I also now understand why AoS easily wins most studio previews.
  19. Its not "that" new, afaik its older than the Savage orcs/goblins, the ogre kingdoms and (40k) grey knights range... for a comparison. Are you thinking it came with the Skaven end times releases ? Or are you just used to GW times for new and old ? ( yes, then its actually fairly new, Especially when it comes to Jes Goodwin's pet projects XD.) Nonetheless it still holds up pretty well, and most of the kits of that era are still in rotation even with range updates ( chaos chariot, ghouls.) so there is a good chance its not updated, but still remains. Funnily I myself didnt think of skaven when I saw that picture, despite it being quite likely now that you point it out. It could be a spiritual succesor to the old forgeworld vermin lord, so a similar design, but not a verminlord obviously. or even a new variant on :
  20. WHU Sylvaneth probably, as was said before, the lack of definition on the bugs seems to fit with pushfit
  21. I think you misunderstood, its not fanart, these are some of the concepts for the range. So the gobbapalooza (and everything else) are based on those instead of the other way around. ( not on that page as it seems to focus on those concepts that didnt make it.) I take it from the comment you also dont know the older scutlings? ( from silver tower) In short, intent obviously was ( but maybe still is) to fully integrate spider with night goblin/squig elements ( and the one spidery troll concept) instead of the native+actual spiders theme.
  22. There are blanche concepts around for the gloomspite gitz. And the Spider elements are more in line with the rest of the range, spidersquigs/squigspiders instead of normal spiders, this actually goes back to their roots as thats what they used to be ( also lots of scutlings style goblin/spider crossovers. ) Concepts being in the open likely equally means they are not coming in that form. But you'd never know. https://www.google.com/amp/s/gothicpunk.tumblr.com/post/182732496880/gloomspite-gits-concepts-for-age-of-sigmar-sneaky/amp
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