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4 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

It would be a completely new sprue, we have dozens of examples of two different kits of the same unit because it is a start faction.

Yes, but, again, 5). To do that you'd have to change the whole sprue, and make it so that 5) is separated from the weapon itself. Don't forget that the new termagants are the 4 basic sprues for the starter box, plus a new sprue with the kit weapon options that doesn't affect the starter box sprues.

I can see your point of view, but if GW wanted to repeat the termagant move, they would have to redo a whole sprue to make it multimodular. 5) doesn't leave room for other weapons. 2 diferent sprues on the same year for the same unit seems too much, even for them.

Edited by Garrac
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2 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

It would be a completely new sprue, we have dozens of examples of two different kits of the same unit because it is a start faction.

Yeah. Kurleboyz had two of their units from Dominion with this approach. The Man-skewer Boltboyz and the Gutrippaz. Wouldn't surprise me if this is in the end part of the big box, that it received the same treatment.

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7 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Yes, but, again, 5). To do that you'd have to change the whole sprue, and make it so that 5) is separated from the weapon itself. Don't forget that the new termagants are the 4 basic sprues for the starter box, plus a new sprue with the kit weapon options that doesn't affect the starter box sprues.

I can see your point of view, but if GW wanted to repeat the termagant move, they would have to redo a whole sprue to make it multimodular. 5) doesn't leave room for other weapons. 2 diferent sprues on the same year for the same unit seems too much, even for them.

Gutrippaz, Bolt-boys, Liberators, Annhilators, Sequitors, and much more are new kits outside the starter. 40k-AoS kits are different.

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2 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Gutrippaz, Bolt-boys, Liberators, Annhilators, Sequitors, and much more are new kits outside the starter. 40k-AoS kits are different.

I stay on my statement: many things have changed and many stocks have been sepletef since Dominion lqunched and so has done GW's approach to how they do starter box kits, and both Age of Darkness and Leviathan show it. 

Dominion is the past, Leviathan is the future.

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2 minutes ago, Garrac said:

I stay on my statement: many things have changed and many stocks have been sepletef since Dominion lqunched and so has done GW's approach to how they do starter box kits, and both Age of Darkness and Leviathan show it. 

Dominion is the past, Leviathan is the future.

But the Terminators don't follow what you said. The new kit is different from the starter easy to build kit. Gants are an exception even in this edition.

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That kit doesn't scream "warpfire thrower" "warpgrinder" or "doomflayer" to me. I really think it's just some sort of new rattling gun, maybe a reimagining as a new unit altogether or just a big bulky resculpt. It certainly doesn't seem like a weapons team that could be hidden in a group of clanrats though.

That being said, rise up my rodent brothers our time has come GHR bless

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9 hours ago, Captaniser said:

Soooo, partial reveal of the unit sometime next week now that word is out on reddit and twitter, and soon probably on YouTube. Or will GW just wait until Adepticon before anything Skaven related is shown.


I think it will be Adepticon. They waited months after the back of the Age of Darkness set leaked! ;) 

This weekend will probably be next Dawnbringer model for AOS but that is me hoping they devote Adepticon to new edition! :D

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10 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Gutrippaz, Bolt-boys, Liberators, Annhilators, Sequitors, and much more are new kits outside the starter. 40k-AoS kits are different.

This model is a better fit for all the examples of larger “centerpiece” units in launch boxes that don’t ever see a separate multipart release. Khorgorath, Vandus, Lord Arcanum on Gryph, Killaboss on Gnashtoof, Yndrasta…

Most of those are leaders but it would be thematic for Skaven’s big thing in the box to be a war machine. 

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16 hours ago, Draznak said:

OK, guys...

I can confirm that skavens are on their way I've just seen a photo of sprue that someone received by mistake.

This sprue contains some sort of multi-barrelled cannon (6 to be precise), with a single wheel, a pilot, a gunner and at least four ground servants (I assume they're pushing or manipulating something on this engine). There are two spheres, one of which is attached to a large pipe. The chassis of the machine is made of wood.

The photo isn't accurate enough to make out the date, but the guy said it’s marked 2024 on the sprue. For now, we're waiting for his agreement to publish the photo and a more precise version to get all this information.

Cheer up, @Skreech Verminking, @Garrac : the wait is coming to an end !


now it’s just a guess work, if this will be part of fourth or if it is a last mi ute update to the skaven range vis the new canpaign book range

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8 minutes ago, MeatBone said:

That kit doesn't scream "warpfire thrower" "warpgrinder" or "doomflayer" to me. I really think it's just some sort of new rattling gun, maybe a reimagining as a new unit altogether or just a big bulky resculpt. It certainly doesn't seem like a weapons team that could be hidden in a group of clanrats though.

That being said, rise up my rodent brothers our time has come GHR bless

No it doesn’t I’m giessing this kit will be something in between a weapon team and the warplightning cannon.

like a smaller less moveable bombard cannon the astra militia had in 40k

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4 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

But the Terminators don't follow what you said. The new kit is different from the starter easy to build kit. Gants are an exception even in this edition.

Lol, didnt notice tbh, mb. I'll take the L, really showed how little did I care about space marines last year, lol.

Then I guess there's room and evidence for this to be a ratling gun, but I'd stay with my "new unit" statement because of my original line of thought and the adendus of me being an old stubborn rat.

Edited by Garrac
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Just now, Skreech Verminking said:


now it’s just a guess work, if this will be part of fourth or if it is a last mi ute update to the skaven range vis the new canpaign book range

I get the once bitten twice shy feeling but this is definitely from the fourth edition refresh. It's a push fit kit. It's possible it could be one of the kits that goes alongside the box like the Stormcast chariot but it's almost certainly from the launch box itself. 

I love the idea of having Skaven push the model. If they redo the screaming bell I love for them to put it on the biggest base and have a team of Skaven hauling it along. It's a perfect opportunity to have a diorama style set but also be something that fits better with the range than the static Katakros diorama. 

As for the reveal, we got look leaks of a FeC sprue and a Bretonnia sprue but GW didn't say anything for weeks. I'm still expecting the first official mention of 4th edition to come at Adepticon. 

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On 1/14/2024 at 1:36 PM, SG Warhound said:

New 4th edition rumours



Plague Censer

Rat Swarms

Giant Rats

Gutter Runners







Rat Ogors



new warlock

new warlord

new verminlord

new artillery

new behemoth

new wolfrats

For reference this is the first rumors of @SG Warhound  liked by Whitefang    🐭🐁🐀

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8 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

What Skryre really needs is a 10 men squad, not 3 new heroes. Any leaks on that?

The list from SG warhound said globadiers are getting a refresh. Those are skyre acolytes now. Could we be getting a proper unit of them? 

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23 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

What Skryre really needs is a 10 men squad, not 3 new heroes. Any leaks on that?

What the original @SG Warhound leaks said:


New 4th edition rumours




Plague Censer

Rat Swarms

Giant Rats

Gutter Runners








Rat Ogors



new warlock

new warlord

new verminlord

new artillery

new behemoth

new wolfrats

Note how it's new weapon teamS, in plural. Gonna continue with my line of thought and asume that the new artillery piece it's the one we've seen with the leaked sprue.

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49 minutes ago, cyrus said:

For reference this is the first rumors of @SG Warhound  liked by Whitefang    🐭🐁🐀

I don’t believe those rumors yet, still that doesn’t mean they aren’t true or will be.

I prefer just staying cautious of potential disappointing untruthfulness 

personally I’d be interested in seeing if the new warlord and warlock will be those on mounts of some sort.

it’s what has been kinda missing in the skaven range and wanted by many skaven players for a long time

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1 hour ago, Garrac said:


Ok, now it's time for me to give my best shot at analysing this.


On a 1rst look what we can see is:

1) This is an engine controlled by 5 rats. It is big, but let's leave base deductions for later

2) It's plastic (duh, but necessary)

3) There's a 2024 date marked on the sprue

4) There's  a rotatory cannon to be attached, with 6 terminations

5) To mount the weapon, you must also muster the skaven aiming it.

6) The skaven crew have their own base attached to their feet

7) There are 4 skavens pushing the thing

8  ) Push to fit

I'll explain more 5): you see, the weapon thingy has a skaven attached to it. So, if you want to have the weapon built, the skaven pilot must also be accounted for. This will be important on DEDUCTION.


A) There are no weapon variants. This is it

B) This miniature is for AoS

C) It's a clan Skyrre weapon

D) It's not a hero option

E) Base size: either 90x52mm or 60mm

F) There are no other units featured on the sprue

Why I look so certain about A)? Well, because we don't see room for more weapons, shilly! Alltho, I'd admit there's a big flaw on my reasoning: the weapon has 5 tubes, while the weapon attachment has 6 holes. Doesn't match! Why is that? Well, a better expert on sprue-building would be able to tell more. But the fact remains: read 5)

Why do I know it's not a hero option? Well, this one is tricky and is more based on GW modelling style: when a weapon is being lead by a hero, the hero has some special gimmick. Call it an epic armour, an epic sword, or an epic rock, there are a lot of qualities on GW characters, of which the pilot engineer has none. There's room tho for this to be part of a platform with a hero later being attached to it, but because of 6) and 7) I don't see room for a bigger thing

Base size is pure speculation, tho. But I'd say, this looks like a very "vertical" miniature, in the sense that it doesn't have anything on the sides that would aim for a bigger miniature, "horizontally speaking". So, for that and 6) I'd say it makes more sense for this mini to not be featured on a regular standard base, but on a 90x52mm or littler (doesn't look like it would fit bigger bases)

Sorry TOW players, this is a proxy for a WLC, not a weapon team


-It's not a ratling gun, nor any weapon team. Evidence: 1), 5), and A). Not gonna say it can't be, but I'm gonna bet on something: if you want to update weapon teams, you want to updte ALL weapon teams. Or at least 3-4 (warpfire thrower, ratling gun, and mortar/doom flayer) That's something that can't be achieved with this sprue, as 5) doesn't allow for alternatives. Could be possible there's another sprue with 3-4 more pilto engineers on diferent weapon options? Given Gw's historial, no, I'd say no. GW knows we'd kitbash the engineers as warlocks or clanrats, nah. Could be possible that it's a ratling gun, and a weapon team modular kit is coming? There's a chance for it to happen, but I have to reach a satisfactory conclusion on this article. But I'd say, that's not how starter boxes use to work like. Also, ratling guns have more weapon terminations. But maybe I'm way over my head sherlockholming my way out of here.

-This is for a starter box. 2), 6), 8 ), and A) are the biggest giveaways for my reasoning here. I'll reckon that maybe I'm missing something on F) but give me a break, Im using the facts that we know so far, whitout using leaks. So, yes, there's a starter box with skavens coming, and I bet it's not the only big thingy featured on it.

-Skavens are DEFINITIVELY coming this year. I mean, there's no way this is for Underworlds, it's too big for warcry, it's logically not a Blood Bowl mini, and the 3) is pretty obvious

-It's a ****** cool sprue and mini. Can't wait to have it on my claws, yes-yes

I may dig some more crazy deductions, who knows.



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13 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Important FAQ question:

When determining visibility, do we have to take Krethusa's hair style into account? Not sure she has true line of sight to anything with that fringe of hers, to be honest.

She's just gone for the Japanese horror film look. There will be a hugely creepy eye poking out from somewhere under that hair, even if she is 'blind'.

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