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2 minutes ago, Deakz28 said:

I can 100% see a great Knarloc as a centrepiece, and the final kit after that and the scout riders to be an elite foot infantry, since that’ll be all they’re missing 

We have something big for sure. And I think that Knarloc as a hero, rather than a unit, could hit the spot. Why? So far we had a unit with spears on the back:


But those spears are not decorated, while the RE ones have ornaments:



So my shot is a hero.

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1 hour ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

So we know there's at least that rider Kroot, which I assume will be a unit since the 2 silhouettes they teased were different models, and seem to be a scouting unit.

I wonder if they are the last reveal. 

A Great Knarloc would really round off this release perfectly for me. Just something else to be comparable to a transport tank or Riptide Battlesuit if people want to do a Kroot only army. 

Two diferent models? I was allways under the impresión that they showed the same one

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39 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

We have something big for sure. And I think that Knarloc as a hero, rather than a unit, could hit the spot. Why? So far we had a unit with spears on the back:


But those spears are not decorated, while the RE ones have ornaments:



So my shot is a hero.

A hero on a great Knarloc would be stellar, plus we know the unit on the lizards seem to have rifles 

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4 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Ugh. They cannot monopolize the Monday preview for more than a month 😭

Of course they can. The imperial guard did. Seraphon did. Cities would have if there hadn't been a leak. The big Eldar wave took over the community site for months. 

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Let's try not to begrudge our bird brethren their coverage. I see a weird Xenos race getting so much time in the sun as a good sign for any of us who like weird stuff, since AOS is peak weird stuff! Plus we've got a new edition coming soon, our time will come!  

(maybe even with kurnothi)

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9 hours ago, Sception said:

The only exceptions I'd be willing to entertain are for minor characters who never really got the chance to shine in oldhammer, or for characters you could do something radically different with in AoS.  Neither is something we're likely to see, since the characters fans tend to ask for are the big popular fully established ones, and if you change those characters in any meaningful way the people who wanted them back in the first place will get mad.

For example, I'm mostly into the undead factions, and I regularly hear calls to Bring Back Vlad or Bring Back Abhorash, even though they are so fully grounded in the old world that they'd make little sense in AoS while simultaneously sucking all the air out of the room, so to speak.  And especially in Vlad's case, his death in the End Times was an especially effective close to his character that I for one would hate to see undone.

But, by contrast, consider Isabella.  She was always a background character in her own life, the mechanism by which Vlad gained political power, the woman he loved to give him character depth, never a character in her own right.  Her End Times story saw her level these criticisms at Vlad - you never really loved me you just wanted power, I never really loved you I was simply dominated by the monster who killed my father - but only in the context of Isabella being possessed by Nurgle, so she still didn't get to have her own agency.  In the end Vlad proved the sincerity of at least his side of the relationship by dying to free her, both from chaos and from himself.  That's a very satisfying close to Vlad's character, but it's an even more compelling *beginning* to Isabella's story - a story that can finally actually center her choices, her character.  She can't just follow Vlad back into death like she did the first time he died, that would be ignoring all the very real flaws of their relationship that had just been laid bare, the fact that no matter how strongly she feels love for Vlad she can never again trust that it was sincere and not just something he did to her.  And even if she decides that love was real, killing herself now would be spitting on the sacrifice Vlad made to save her.  So she lives on to honor that sacrifice and does...

Nothing.  She does nothing, because the world ends two weeks later.

Isabella as the 'Mortarch of Shadow', filling Vlad's empty boots, could be a darned compelling character in AoS in a way that she was never allowed to be in WHFB.  You could have her taking revenge on Mannfred both for his betrayal of Vlad and for the way he treated her directly.  You could have her allying with Neferata as peers, playing into the novels portrayals of Neferata.  You could have her playing a particularly rebellious or subversive role towards Nagash as someone who at this point is fully sick and tired of being controlled by others - which could also be used to explain her absence up till now, using her 'mortarch of shadow' powers to hide until Nagash was out of picture, probably establishing a kingdom in that realm of shadow we've heard so much about but that's been strictly in the background so far.  You could even do a gender-swapped version of the Bram-Stoker Dracula thing where she starts to suspect that some dashing Stormcast hero might secretly be the soul of long lost Vlad reincarnated by the storm god, and examine her own internal conflict over whether she even wants him back.


But this will never happen.  Partially because I think GW knows that AoS really doesn't benefit from putting even more emphasis on characters and relationships grounded in old world lore, and mostly because, I mean, it's Isabella.  Nobody cares about Isabella, nobody's asking for Isabella to come back.  Because the main reason for GW to bring back old world characters is to cash in on nostalgia from old fans, but the characters old fans feel nostalgic for aren't the ones that have room to do anything new or interesting with.

...Now I absolutely want this to happen!

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1 hour ago, Freemeta said:

i would like to see Gilles le Breton as an stormcast or mysterious city of sigmar or even an order unique character in AoS.

That'd be so sick; I've tossed around a couple ideas for trying to build some sort of AoS "green knight" type; maybe riding a bug 

Figured the realms are each the size of multiple earths; why wouldn't Alarielle have a few different green knights?

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7 hours ago, Chikout said:

Of course they can. The imperial guard did. Seraphon did. Cities would have if there hadn't been a leak. The big Eldar wave took over the community site for months. 


Astra Militarum 5 MM weeks; Creed+Sentinel, Catellan, Lord solar, Rough riders, Rogal dorn tank with a couple of months break between the first and the other 4, but those other 4 where weekly.

With the reveals in general running from June to November ( 6 months ) for a 14 kits release wave

Cities of Sigmar 3 MM weeks; Marshal, Fusiliers, Fusil Major  however the monday after everything was shown accidentally there was no new miniature, except the gargoylian article wich was already revealed.

With the reveals in general running for 6 months  for an 11 kits release wave, but they where preceded with a monthly Dawnbringers preview article about a year before the reveals started.

Seraphon 3 MM weeks ; Skink starseer, Spawn of chotec, Astrolith bearer. a seraphonless week in between each.

With the Seraphon reveals in general running from LVO to Adepticon ( 2 months ) for a 9 kits release wave

Eldar 3 MM weeks ; Guardians, Warlocks and Dark reapers.

With the Eldar reveals in general running from old/new years preview to LVO  ( 1 month ) for a BIG 9 kits release wave

For all there where also Monday articles for their warbands ( warcry/killteam ) that I didnt count in there... Seraphon was a bit earlier, corsairs was very shortly after and the CoS warband was treated as a CoS reveal in contrary to the other 2.


Eldar where hillariously the only ones who didnt take months of previews and reveals for their release wave 🤣 With only a month after having articles for their rules ( like each of the other releases also got as well, most of them more and for a longer time period.) I think its the concentrated nature that actually makes people misremember it as taking long.

I could have missed a monday reveal above ( not for eldar ) as WHC search is terrible,  but apart from necromunda nothing highjacked the new miniature monday for months.

For kroot, Personally I think its the last one tomorrow.. my gutfeeling is that there is no great knarloc, if GW was going to mimic FW stuff than the cavalry unit would have been knarlocs, but like corsairs before I think GW ignores FW stuff... dont forget, while they are great guys, and the worlds we love come from their mind, the top art direction at GW are slightly diva'ish ( as an artist should be ) and where never involved in the FW interpretations.

I could see there being more Tau releases on new miniature mondays ( vespids, the named Ethereal that can lead kroot units, maybe a suprise space pope), but not Kroot... but for those who know my speculation from other sites however, Im often wrong on future speculation 😛


edit :

Ofcourse I saw this as a challenge and am now making a definitive guide to the new miniature mondays reveal. Some notes as I will never finish it anyway :

Black templars had 5 (!) new miniature mondays, luckily after that the Anniversary primaris bladeguard was revealed.. for a change of theme.. and yet this was not the first thing that sprung in either of our minds, interesting.

edit 2 : Leagues of Votann had 6 of them and seem to be the winner, however they got every other week like seraphon. What both of these forgotten winners have in common though is that there was a lot of other news too. During the eldar reveals AoS and specialist games seemed nearly non existent. There was not more eldar, there was less of everything else.

I also now understand why AoS easily wins most studio previews.


Edited by TheMawr
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12 hours ago, Garrac said:

Adepticon usually teases a Big Thing for june (Horus Heresy on 2022, 10th edition on 2023) and then some stuff for 40k/other games later on summer. The preview of 2022 even teased CSM, whom would come much later down the line.

What I expect from adepticon 2024 is:

-AoS: Dawnbringers 6, 4th ed

-40K: orks, custodes, imperial agents, legions imperialis stuff

-30k: mechanicum

-The Old World: Dwarfs

-Warcry: new roadmap

-Other specialist games: something

-Lord of the Rings: nothing

But I'll make the wishlisht on a further notice when the date is nearer

There’s no way 30k will get Mechanicum this quickly after Solar Auxilia. 

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4 hours ago, TheMawr said:


Astra Militarum 5 MM weeks; Creed+Sentinel, Catellan, Lord solar, Rough riders, Rogal dorn tank with a couple of months break between the first and the other 4, but those other 4 where weekly.

With the reveals in general running from June to November ( 6 months ) for a 14 kits release wave

Cities of Sigmar 3 MM weeks; Marshal, Fusiliers, Fusil Major  however the monday after everything was shown accidentally there was no new miniature, except the gargoylian article wich was already revealed.

With the reveals in general running for 6 months  for an 11 kits release wave, but they where preceded with a monthly Dawnbringers preview article about a year before the reveals started.

Seraphon 3 MM weeks ; Skink starseer, Spawn of chotec, Astrolith bearer. a seraphonless week in between each.

With the Seraphon reveals in general running from LVO to Adepticon ( 2 months ) for a 9 kits release wave

Eldar 3 MM weeks ; Guardians, Warlocks and Dark reapers.

With the Eldar reveals in general running from old/new years preview to LVO  ( 1 month ) for a BIG 9 kits release wave

For all there where also Monday articles for their warbands ( warcry/killteam ) that I didnt count in there... Seraphon was a bit earlier, corsairs was very shortly after and the CoS warband was treated as a CoS reveal in contrary to the other 2.


Eldar where hillariously the only ones who didnt take months of previews and reveals for their release wave 🤣 With only a month after having articles for their rules ( like each of the other releases also got as well, most of them more and for a longer time period.) I think its the concentrated nature that actually makes people misremember it as taking long.

I could have missed a monday reveal above ( not for eldar ) as WHC search is terrible,  but apart from necromunda nothing highjacked the new miniature monday for months.

For kroot, Personally I think its the last one tomorrow.. my gutfeeling is that there is no great knarloc, if GW was going to mimic FW stuff than the cavalry unit would have been knarlocs, but like corsairs before I think GW ignores FW stuff... dont forget, while they are great guys, and the worlds we love come from their mind, the top art direction at GW are slightly diva'ish ( as an artist should be ) and where never involved in the FW interpretations.

I could see there being more Tau releases on new miniature mondays ( vespids, the named Ethereal that can lead kroot units, maybe a suprise space pope), but not Kroot... but for those who know my speculation from other sites however, Im often wrong on future speculation 😛


edit :

Ofcourse I saw this as a challenge and am now making a definitive guide to the new miniature mondays reveal. Some notes as I will never finish it anyway :

Black templars had 5 (!) new miniature mondays, luckily after that the Anniversary primaris bladeguard was revealed.. for a change of theme.. and yet this was not the first thing that sprung in either of our minds, interesting.

edit 2 : Leagues of Votann had 6 of them and seem to be the winner, however they got every other week like seraphon. What both of these forgotten winners have in common though is that there was a lot of other news too. During the eldar reveals AoS and specialist games seemed nearly non existent. There was not more eldar, there was less of everything else.

I also now understand why AoS easily wins most studio previews.


The Eldar had 50 preview articles between Jan 3rd and March  23rd.  It's kind of insane how many articles they did for a release that wasn't huge.  Cities had 25 articles in more than  a year. The Eldar preview cycle was certainly concentrated but they really did take over the community site for more than 2 months, if not explicitly the new model Monday section, though they did a Christmas day preview followed by 6 Monday previews in a row from Jan 3rd to  February 7th. (One of those was the codex and one showed off the autarch options). 

I really hope the Skaven get this kind of treatment, but I'd be surprised if the whole 4th edition rollout has more articles than the Eldar had. 

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6 hours ago, Pizzaprez said:

That'd be so sick; I've tossed around a couple ideas for trying to build some sort of AoS "green knight" type; maybe riding a bug 

Figured the realms are each the size of multiple earths; why wouldn't Alarielle have a few different green knights?

They could add an „order of the lady“ with some special AoS Knights/Heroes :D

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1 minute ago, JackStreicher said:

They could add an „order of the lady“ with some special AoS Knights/Heroes :D

Wasn't a culture in Ghyran that worshipped something similar to the lady of the lake?

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2 minutes ago, Garrac said:


He’s said they’re coming, I don’t believe he’s said this soon? I could be wrong but the Solar Auxilia battle group will barely be out by then, and it took almost 2 years for the first non-marine plastics. I really don’t see it that soon. 

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12 minutes ago, Still-young said:

He’s said they’re coming, I don’t believe he’s said this soon? I could be wrong but the Solar Auxilia battle group will barely be out by then, and it took almost 2 years for the first non-marine plastics. I really don’t see it that soon. 

Fair enough, but usually he gets his rumours with six months of anticipation at best. For example, when he got the rumours for the new kroot, it was just 2 months prior to LVO, and that on and on. I'd be surprised if he got those Mechanicum rumours and then the army releases on late 2025 or 2026.

Which makes me supose Valrak's source works at warcom or another later process down the line like a factory. For another example, meanwhile Whitefang's source, if not Whitefang themselves, gives the leaks and likes with a year of anticipation at some times, which makes me supose he works closely at some point of the earlier steps, like the Citadel studio responsible of preparing the minis for the previews, or some other phase.

I'm just wildly speculating, just to make it clear that Valrak's source usually doesn't work with that much anticipation as the likes of Whitefang, for a bigger picture. Again, I don't know ****** so I'm probably wrong, I'm just following what little piece of evidence we have so far, and making some supositions based on a world of gossiping and rumour-mongering.

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2 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Fair enough, but usually he gets his rumours with a year prior at most. For example, when he got the rumours for the new kroot, it was just 2 months prior to LVO, and that on and on. I'd be surprised if he got those Mechanicum rumours and then the army releases on late 2025 or 2026.

I do have to add that Chapter Master Valrak is a YouTuber and creates videos as his job. So he's going to be making stuff to get you to watch it. ;) 

So I wouldn't be surprised if he dropped X rumour months and months before a release, either because he has a source or educated guess. Either way, it's to get you watching his stuff ;) 

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4 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

I do have to add that Chapter Master Valrak is a YouTuber and creates videos as his job. So he's going to be making stuff to get you to watch it. ;) 

So I wouldn't be surprised if he dropped X rumour months and months before a release, either because he has a source or educated guess. Either way, it's to get you watching his stuff ;) 

Plus the release schedule can be messed up by X or Y and something planned for March can end up being released in August.

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10 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

I do have to add that Chapter Master Valrak is a YouTuber and creates videos as his job. So he's going to be making stuff to get you to watch it. ;) 

So I wouldn't be surprised if he dropped X rumour months and months before a release, either because he has a source or educated guess. Either way, it's to get you watching his stuff ;) 

Oh, totally. Have to be said tho he usually distinguishes what are just his guesses/wishlistings or foilrak fridays and what are the legit rumours or "whispers in the warp" as he calls them.

That and how ****** up is current GW's release schedule. I can only guess, but our discussions about wether kroot are coming either before or after adepticon? I think they are as lost as us.

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2 hours ago, Garrac said:

Oh, totally. Have to be said tho he usually distinguishes what are just his guesses/wishlistings or foilrak fridays and what are the legit rumours or "whispers in the warp" as he calls them.

That and how ****** up is current GW's release schedule. I can only guess, but our discussions about wether kroot are coming either before or after adepticon? I think they are as lost as us.

Tbh Valrak said about World Eaters over a year in advance, same with the upcoming Emperors children so I don’t think the 6 month guideline quite works 

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