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The Rumour Thread

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Well, this was an interesting story.

it's allways interesting reading new skaven stories in AoS, even if they are very few and far between each other.


Katchrikk hissed as the tongs almost leapt from his grip. Blight City was always shaking itself apart, but recently its tectonic agony had been especially pronounced. It wasn’t helping matters.

I found this bit the most interesting of it all, since this does imply some ties with how the lore of the current battletome ends. Seems like the earthquakes on Skavenblight are still going on.


Crouched in the air was the outline of a figure, hunched and distended to vast proportions. A spiralling coronal of horns sprouted from its head, framing the warpstone shard upon its brow. One claw clutched a glaive, the other a curved sickle.

i think this is aluding to the verminlord warlord model? Anyway, it isn't a reference to a Skyrre verminlord, which is disapointing because: 1) There isn't then a model in the works 2) There is a model in the works, but the lore is still too much attached to the miniatures available, which is quite limiting storywise.

Anyway, my only little nitpicky complain is that these skavens don't really talk like skavens. We even have one, Queelum that completely talks in first person, which isn't totally unheard of, but it's way funnier when the rats talk about themselves in third person.

Edited by Garrac
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I only saw the duel between a bazooka - armed skaven and a terminator - warsuit skaven. 
Would love to see some skaven dreadnought or skaven terminators ^^ but maybe some skaven players already had the idea to make some and play them as rat-ogors.

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3 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Well, this was an interesting story.

it's allways interesting reading new skaven stories in AoS, even if they are very few and far between each other.

I found this bit the most interesting of it all, since this does imply some ties with how the lore of the current battletome ends. Seems like the earthquakes on Skavenblight are still going on.

i think this is aluding to the verminlord warlord model? Anyway, it isn't a reference to a Skyrre verminlord, which is disapointing because: 1) There isn't then a model in the works 2) There is a model in the works, but the lore is still too much attached to the miniatures available, which is quite limiting storywise.

Anyway, my only little nitpicky complain is that these skavens don't really talk like skavens. We even have one, Queelum that completely talks in first person, which isn't totally unheard of, but it's way funnier when the rats talk about themselves in third person.

This is the second time we get a Dawnbringers short focused on Skavens. Deffo with the Chaos book (presumably the 6th one) we would get a new Skaven hero.

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6 minutes ago, Garrac said:

i think this is aluding to the verminlord warlord model? Anyway, it isn't a reference to a Skyrre verminlord, which is disapointing because: 1) There isn't then a model in the works 2) There is a model in the works, but the lore is still too much attached to the miniatures available, which is quite limiting storywise.


Its Skreech Verminking. 

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12 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Well, this was an interesting story.

it's allways interesting reading new skaven stories in AoS, even if they are very few and far between each other.

I found this bit the most interesting of it all, since this does imply some ties with how the lore of the current battletome ends. Seems like the earthquakes on Skavenblight are still going on.

i think this is aluding to the verminlord warlord model? Anyway, it isn't a reference to a Skyrre verminlord, which is disapointing because: 1) There isn't then a model in the works 2) There is a model in the works, but the lore is still too much attached to the miniatures available, which is quite limiting storywise.

Anyway, my only little nitpicky complain is that these skavens don't really talk like skavens. We even have one, Queelum that completely talks in first person, which isn't totally unheard of, but it's way funnier when the rats talk about themselves in third person.

It is too soon to speak about new future models but you can remember we had a Broken Realms story of Skragrott with wolf riders

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15 hours ago, DoctorPerils said:

True, and I was also expecting to the see the morghast with the most recently revealed warcry boxset or dawnbringers 4, but that didn't happen, and we got another death faction instead. For the current season, it seems unlikely to me to get two death factions in a row, as we've had 3 order factions, I'd expect a 4th for the final box this season.

There is indeed a Spider rumour engine, but considering how close that is to an arachnarok head, I'd be surprised if it turned up in S2D rather than GSG.

Even given that data, it seems unlikely to happen in dawnbringers 6, as opposed to the characters already in that narrative. Certainly not impossible, but weird and disappointing

i think someone will drive on that spider

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4 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

It is too soon to speak about new future models but you can remember we had a Broken Realms story of Skragrott with wolf riders

There was a Malign Portents story where a Spirit Torment stole Stormcast souls. 

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28 minutes ago, rattila said:

I only saw the duel between a bazooka - armed skaven and a terminator - warsuit skaven. 
Would love to see some skaven dreadnought or skaven terminators ^^ but maybe some skaven players already had the idea to make some and play them as rat-ogors.

Stormfiends are already some kind of terminator - warsuit skaven 


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16 hours ago, DoctorPerils said:

True, and I was also expecting to the see the morghast with the most recently revealed warcry boxset or dawnbringers 4, but that didn't happen, and we got another death faction instead. For the current season, it seems unlikely to me to get two death factions in a row, as we've had 3 order factions, I'd expect a 4th for the final box this season.

There is indeed a Spider rumour engine, but considering how close that is to an arachnarok head, I'd be surprised if it turned up in S2D rather than GSG.

Even given that data, it seems unlikely to happen in dawnbringers 6, as opposed to the characters already in that narrative. Certainly not impossible, but weird and disappointing

On the topic of rumors, I almost wonder if this big wing isn't a Morghast per se, but Arkhan back from the edge of Hysh? 

I fully don't expect Death and Death Jr. to stay "dead" forever, and I completely anticipate Arkhan coming back as an Ossiarch: maybe he'll be huge? Or bigger than he had been? He was only a skeleton bc he'd been a skeleton for thousands of years: I can't seem to recall him loving being a human-sized skeleton or anything like that. Maybe he'd mix it up a bit? Katakros is a big guy too.

I would be sad to lose the only skeleton Mortarch, but at the same time it'd open the role up for something "new" like a Krell reboot

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59 minutes ago, lele said:

i think someone will drive on that spider

It would be an extremely fun way to put a nail in the "spiderfang and savage orruks are on the chopping block!" speculation by putting out a big new character

Actually, with how identical that looks to the Arachanok, I almost wonder if they couldnt make an add-on sprue like King Brodd for a big new Spiderfang character?

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From the short story, I personally don't think we're getting a skaven unit in warsuits but instead a character, as I think a whole unit would be stepping on the toes of stormfiends. Also this is probably more teasers for 4th, it being the big project the engineers are working on.

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3 hours ago, Lavieth said:

It is a 2 person game and we as opponents are engaged in a social contract of sorts to make the experience fun for both people

Of course, and I've argued in favour of this so many times.

But for me, the worst kind of opponent are those that get miserable and salty because my army or list is 'broken'. (I play foot ogors and fyreslayers mostly)

The best kind of player is the one that doesn't cry when they lose, or gloat when they win. They're there to do as best as they can, but also to play in a sporting and friendly way.

Some of my most fun games have been against the best players in the country. I got curbstomped every time, but they were generally lovely people with passion for the game.

I think it's toxic to blame the game or a list or the opponent, when what is really holding you back from winning is improvement in your own skill as a player. 

Edited by Jagged Red Lines
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34 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

I fully don't expect Death and Death Jr. to stay "dead" forever, and I completely anticipate Arkhan coming back as an Ossiarch: maybe he'll be huge? Or bigger than he had been? He was only a skeleton bc he'd been a skeleton for thousands of years: I can't seem to recall him loving being a human-sized skeleton or anything like that. Maybe he'd mix it up a bit? Katakros is a big guy too.

Saying Arkhan was human-sized is like saying Archaon is human-sized. Technically true, if you ignore the huge mount. If you judge by the base size he is already Katakros-equal, second only to the catapult and obviously bigger than Morghasts.

I dare GW to make a bold move and return him as a regular-sized character, a foot wizard, max. 50mm base size. 

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6 minutes ago, Flippy said:

Saying Arkhan was human-sized is like saying Archaon is human-sized. Technically true, if you ignore the huge mount. If you judge by the base size he is already Katakros-equal, second only to the catapult and obviously bigger than Morghasts.

I dare GW to make a bold move and return him as a regular-sized character, a foot wizard, max. 50mm base size. 

I suppose I don't count mounts there: I was more thinking him personally as a guy. he's also rocked a chariot with cool bat wings 

actually what if he gets his chariot with cool bat wings back??

One of the reasons I've been excited about TOW is the fact that they're using it as a vehicle for lots of new foot heroes: I'd like a return to big mounted kits including a spare pair of legs to make the same character on foot: they're so efficient with sprue space now that I think it'd be worth it! If they did "Arkhan on his sick chariot" as a kit, i'd like it to come with a base for an "Arkhan on foot" for sure

AoS has so many named characters for things that could be non-unique that I've found myself circling back to "how could this profile represent an original character?" we have multiple realms each the size of multiple Earths: there can be two ferrymen who drowned so many people that it became noteworthy! You're telling me Alwach is simply the #1 drowner? and only him?

Edited by Pizzaprez
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3 hours ago, Flippy said:

There must be a lot of reasons, seeing how many users are against the restrictions. I would love to hear them though, because it usually comes down to "tank list is cool". And sure, why not? After all we play for fun.

Still, the introduction of proper composition rules (not the current battleline system, which does not accomplish anything) solves a lot of problems with unit design and both internal end external balance. You can grant a powerful ability for a 0-1 unit. You can make a unit stronger (for same price) then comparables from different factions - but also limit its availability. You can allow to bypass some limits as a faction trait. I think these are all pretty obvious pros.

And finally, this approach teaches new players on how the army is supposed to look and how the game is supposed to be played. I strongly believe that the reason why some skew-lists affect the meta so much is that a game is designed and balanced for a combined arms lists.    

That can be simply put in the units rules, "You can only have 1 unit of Command Corps in your army" no need to go into the core rules

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1 hour ago, Flippy said:

Saying Arkhan was human-sized is like saying Archaon is human-sized. Technically true, if you ignore the huge mount. If you judge by the base size he is already Katakros-equal, second only to the catapult and obviously bigger than Morghasts.

I dare GW to make a bold move and return him as a regular-sized character, a foot wizard, max. 50mm base size. 

I wish the mortarchs got new models on a max 60mm base (bigger if on a mount) like Olynder. Their current models seem too similar too each other and the mount is too Bonereapers'y. I hope it's coming one day because right now I'm not inclined to buy Neferata even though I want to run a Legion of Blood force. Sekhar is a great blueprint for a new Neferata.

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2 hours ago, cyrus said:

Stormfiends are already some kind of terminator - warsuit skaven 


They are upgraded rat gores, the thing in the stoy is a  "walking, gun-studded coffin of green-tinged metal" that has a rattling gun

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9 minutes ago, Gutsu17 said:

They are upgraded rat gores, the thing in the stoy is a  "walking, gun-studded coffin of green-tinged metal" that has a rattling gun

Well, technically you could paint any armour green-tinged and at a glance, those look like rattling guns... 😜

I'm being sassy of course, really hope it's a tease for something new for Skaven, knowing how happy it'll make @Skreech Verminking

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30 minutes ago, pitzok said:

I wish the mortarchs got new models on a max 60mm base (bigger if on a mount) like Olynder. Their current models seem too similar too each other and the mount is too Bonereapers'y. I hope it's coming one day because right now I'm not inclined to buy Neferata even though I want to run a Legion of Blood force. Sekhar is a great blueprint for a new Neferata.

Arkhan looks fine, the other two need a new design language though. Their mounts scream “Bonereapers” but they aren’t. Hence why Arkhan is exempt in my eyes. 

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7 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

Well, technically you could paint any armour green-tinged and at a glance, those look like rattling guns... 😜

I'm being sassy of course, really hope it's a tease for something new for Skaven, knowing how happy it'll make @Skreech Verminking

It is a suit worn by a warlock engineer in the story, not a rat ogre thats 90% flesh

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39 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

Arkhan looks fine, the other two need a new design language though. Their mounts scream “Bonereapers” but they aren’t. Hence why Arkhan is exempt in my eyes. 

I'm not really knowledgable on Ossiarch lore but from what I've read Arkhan died/got lost and it could also be a good segue into a new model for him with a construct body that looks more human like Katakros', although I agree that his current model fits in the most out of all three of them. Also for Neferata it's not just the mount but the hat and staff are really Bonereapers'y too.

Edited by pitzok
minor spelling mistake
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