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Just now, Whitefang said:

They represent war paint upgrade 

Right, but they're not being listed as part of the release. To me, that indicates that they will not be reboxed for TOW, same for Night Goblins and Spider Riders. Which is completely fine, people can just get those models from the AoS webstore and buy bases as needed.

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10 hours ago, ERHanmer said:

I'm a Deepkin main. I got married spring of 2018, and my wife and I went to the Shedd Aquarium as part of our honeymoon.

We took so many reference photos it's ridiculous.

If extant marine animals offer a gigantic wealth of options to choose from for new Idoneth models, just think about what extinct marine animals might offer as well. A bottomless pit of inspiration to an already bottomless pit of inspiration. I want to see Akhelians riding placoderms, radiodonts from the Cambrian, giant Ordovician nautiloids, sea scorpions, a mosasaur or a Miocene macropredatory sperm whale like Lyviatan as an Akhelian centerpiece monster.

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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13 minutes ago, madmac said:

Right, but they're not being listed as part of the release. To me, that indicates that they will not be reboxed for TOW, same for Night Goblins and Spider Riders. Which is completely fine, people can just get those models from the AoS webstore and buy bases as needed.

They literally mentioned Night Goblin Mobs as one of the boxes for Old World Greenskins. 

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23 minutes ago, Lord Kroak said:

New Orcs & Goblins release for TOW! Including army book, many returning models, and a couple of new ones too. 




Wow those are some beautiful sculpts! TOW is definitely outpacing my "models are coming back!" hype

Actually, on that note, this video confirms with certainty that some of the old Warhammer Forge stuff is coming back! The Orc with the heavy weapon and command banner were WHF, as was the big Troll Hag wizard!

Maybe I didn't miss out on the Squid Gobba forever after all!

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6 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

So the current bonesplitterz models will be used in ToW for war paint upgrade ? Not sure I get what you mean 

In ToW Savage Orcs are represented by a warpaint upgrade to regular orcs that you pay points for. However GW don't appear to have indicated old Savage orc models will be sold, so it appears to be a "fine, use your bonesplitterz" situation

Edited by Jefferson Skarsnik
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3 minutes ago, Jefferson Skarsnik said:

In ToW Savage Orcs are represented by a warpaint upgrade to regular orcs that you pay points for. However GW don't appear to have indicated old Savage orc models will be sold, so it appears to be a "fine, use your bonesplitterz" situation

Alright thanks . So it means that actually bonesplitterz models are still sold only for AoS . 

is it a way to delay the moment they will redo the bonesplitterz range and by extension move officially savage orc to TOW ?

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7 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

This has been on my mind too. Another possibility could be a model for a hero + tome release as the first army after the 4th edition launch to get updated. But i really hope not since the early tomes tend fall of the power scale quick.

Another option would be that its not Nighthaunt related after all.



Maybe this one is also related to the same unit?


The woodwork doesnt look very Nighthaunt to me. They almost always have some ornaments like swirls/ rose thorns on the metal parts. They also received a few updates this edition, that makes me think this isnt a likely scenario. Underworlds and Warcry also has Nighthaunt covered this season.

This feels more like something Chaos Daemons. Maybe even Skaven with the little bell. Could be part of the last Dawnbringers book too.

If i could make a wild guess it could even be some kind of Webspinner Shaman. They use poisons/venom and could get redesigned. The vials kind of look similar to these. I also never rule out a new GSG model as they seem to be very popular and make GW moneys.

It already looks great either way. Cant wait to see what this model or multiple models are going to be.

Just to point out we've probably got at least 4 Warhammer Underworlds Warbands coming inbetween now and 4th ed, these could quite possibly be from one of those (a Nighthaunt warband that specialises in poisons made from the souls of those who tried to use medicine to stave off death could be an interesting theme and very on brand for Nagash and the Nighthaunt)

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3 hours ago, BarakUrbaz said:

The first generation of Idoneth were created from the souls of Mathlann's worshippers, and they basically kind of see him as a surrogate protector because Teclis abandoned them (even though Mathlann is dead). The Eidolons of Mathlann are made out of the souls of Idoneth dead, but they look like Mathlann because that's who they subconsciously see as their protector.  

problem is that, we allready have the eidolon, that is also called the avatar of mathlan. so im totally sure we wont get a mathlan miniature, since in theory the eidolon is allready the image of mathlan, despite being made only with idk souls.


the only possible way would be deleting eidolons scrolls ( they are reaaally bad anyway) and make a new one saying it is mathlan using eidolns sculp sice they are allready mathlan. but im sure nothing of this will happen.

and it is pretty sad that every elf faction has 1+ gods( alarielle and avatar of kurnoth, morathi and new croneseer,teclin and tyrion) but idk have 0, and there isnt any hope of getting one.😗

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5 minutes ago, Kitsumy said:

problem is that, we allready have the eidolon, that is also called the avatar of mathlan. so im totally sure we wont get a mathlan miniature, since in theory the eidolon is allready the image of mathlan, despite being made only with idk souls.


the only possible way would be deleting eidolons scrolls ( they are reaaally bad anyway) and make a new one saying it is mathlan using eidolns sculp sice they are allready mathlan. but im sure nothing of this will happen.

and it is pretty sad that every elf faction has 1+ gods( alarielle and avatar of kurnoth, morathi and new croneseer,teclin and tyrion) but idk have 0, and there isnt any hope of getting one.😗

Who knows! Maybe they'll go the Lovecraft inspired route and have some Deepkin find *new* gods deep in the ocean

Deepkin civil war (always fun) new god(s) for their new pantheon and a new wave of deep-sea inspired units

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1 minute ago, Pizzaprez said:

Who knows! Maybe they'll go the Lovecraft inspired route and have some Deepkin find *new* gods deep in the ocean

Please no... Lovecraft rip-offs are so common when someone wants to create an ocean theme fantasy trope... I don't want Idoneth to go down that route... it's so cliché and boring and done a million times already.

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27 minutes ago, EonChao said:

Just to point out we've probably got at least 4 Warhammer Underworlds Warbands coming inbetween now and 4th ed, these could quite possibly be from one of those (a Nighthaunt warband that specialises in poisons made from the souls of those who tried to use medicine to stave off death could be an interesting theme and very on brand for Nagash and the Nighthaunt)

Just seems unlikely Nighthaunt would be coming again in Underworlds this year. Underworlds has taken to a pattern of hitting each grand alliance with its 4 warband seasons. We're getting our death warband for Deathgorge now, and the previous death warband was Nighthaunt.

Perhaps it could be this year's Warhammer + model?

Edited by Nighthaunt Noob
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22 minutes ago, Kitsumy said:

problem is that, we allready have the eidolon, that is also called the avatar of mathlan. so im totally sure we wont get a mathlan miniature, since in theory the eidolon is allready the image of mathlan, despite being made only with idk souls.


the only possible way would be deleting eidolons scrolls ( they are reaaally bad anyway) and make a new one saying it is mathlan using eidolns sculp sice they are allready mathlan. but im sure nothing of this will happen.

and it is pretty sad that every elf faction has 1+ gods( alarielle and avatar of kurnoth, morathi and new croneseer,teclin and tyrion) but idk have 0, and there isnt any hope of getting one.😗

It does fit their theme of being god-forsaken though! Too bad GW really pushes that aspect in all regards - god-forsaken, miniature-forsaken, rule-forsaken. 😆

I really hope they find their creative spark again with IDK, cause they could add sooooo many cool and for a TT gane unique things to them - not just some aelven hero but go wild with the theme and either Lovecraft it or at least Aquaman it. 


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1 hour ago, Lord Kroak said:

New Orcs & Goblins release for TOW! Including army book, many returning models, and a couple of new ones too. 




Love how these are made with Kruleboyz equivalents in mind. 

Also no Azhag?

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22 minutes ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

Just seems unlikely Nighthaunt would be coming again in Underworlds this year. Underworlds has taken to a pattern of hitting each grand alliance with its 4 warband seasons. We're getting our death warband for Deathgorge now, and the previous death warband was Nighthaunt.

Perhaps it could be this year's Warhammer + model?

Except it doesn't work like that. We've had back to back factions between seasons (Ylthari's Guardians and Skaeth's Wild Hunt both being Sylvaneth and released at the end of Nightvault and start of Beastgrave) and even since they moved to this new model there's been no real pattern like you're trying to assert. So far:

Harrowdeep had Stormcast, Orruks, Ogors and Soulblight (no Chaos)

Nethermaze had Daughters of Khaine, Skaven, Cities of Sigmar and Blades of Khorne (no Destruction or Death)

Gnarlwood had Soulblight, Slaves to Darkness, Daughters of Khaine and Gloomspite

Wyrdhollow had Stormcast, Disciples of Tzeentch, Nighthaunt and Skaven (no Destruction)

Deathgorge had Idoneth, Hedonites of Slaanesh, Orruks and Soulblight

So of the last five seasons you only have two that have had all four grand alliances covered, Stormcast, Orruks (but only Kruleboyz), Skaven, and Daughters of Khaine getting two warbands each, and Soulblight getting 3. Whilst Nurgle, Beasts of Chaos, Ossiarchs, Flesh-Eater Courts, Fyreslayers, Kharadron, Sylvaneth, Lumineth and Seraphon haven't had any.

Which honestly makes it more likely that whatever comes after Deathgorge could be any ideas the design team had regardless of factions.

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11 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Tomorrow has to be the day. It is Dawnbringers 4 time, right?

They said the Legions Imperialis expansion book would be alter this month and there is only one more preorder slot so should be that unless they moved stuff around.

But since they actually said something about the LI book and nothing specific about Dawnbringers I wouldn't expect them to move it, easier to just have Dawnbringers the week after

Edited by Matrindur
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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Please no... Lovecraft rip-offs are so common when someone wants to create an ocean theme fantasy trope... I don't want Idoneth to go down that route... it's so cliché and boring and done a million times already.

Personally I agree that IDK should not go full down the Lovecraft route, I think that a Destruction aligned army who are mentioned in the lore (Arboleth I think) should occupy that space. IDK for sea creatures and the Lovecraftian nightmares for the deepest darkest places in the seas.


Would also form a natural foil for the IDK, similar to Dwarfs and Greenskins. Would be nice to have an opposition to them in the sea.

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2 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

All this talk about Idoneth and DOK has me toying with the idea of collecting one or the other...

Brodd, you have a problem! Whenever there's an exciting talk about a faction that you already don't own you want to collect it! 😄

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