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Just now, Nezzhil said:

It is not the same. Lumineth was a very small army at release. Cities have a BIG amount of kits right now.

Lumineth had 10 kits on release (including the spells), and Cities got 11.

Cities may have a lot of kits, but like 60-80% are still old Fantasy leftovers waiting to be updated/reimagined/removed. The "new Cities aesthetic" part of the army is quite similar in size to Lumineth at launch (although army size probably does not relate to update "urgency", i.e.: Ossiarch, Fyreslayers)

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Just now, Asbestress said:

Lumineth had 10 kits on release (including the spells), and Cities got 11.

Cities may have a lot of kits, but like 60-80% are still old Fantasy leftovers waiting to be updated/reimagined/removed. The "new Cities aesthetic" part of the army is quite similar in size to Lumineth at launch (although army size probably does not relate to update "urgency", i.e.: Ossiarch, Fyreslayers)

They said that the "zealot" army was postposed at the design state, it is very hard to believe that they said that delay something to design it later.

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56 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Skaven. I'll bet good money now that half of these rumor engine pics are clans skryre/eshin/pestilens kits, since they're canonically the three biggest factions within the AOS Skaven lore.

Please give something to Moulder GW...Eshin and them are the most in need of a rework(rat ogors,gutter runners and so on).

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1 hour ago, flying_dutchman said:

I really wanna see the AOS reimagining

And i really dont want see skaven reimagined, only want the same skavens but in plastic.

If they want reimagine weird aos things can do it with new armys,but i hope they respect to old players when they do armys revamps because if it is a new army you can choose buy it or not buy it if you dont like it, but if they reimagine your actual army and you dont like it then you are fu....

so far they have respected us old players with the revamps as seraphons,city(so far nothing is too much aosified yet),soulbligth(if we ignore the ugly lauka vai),goblins etc.


by the way why this random faq nerfed so hard to overcosted and bad models as karazai/krondys/ionus?now the aura to give  -1 attack only work against one unit when before worked against multiple units.
And the biggest reason : now only work in the figth phase,so it is useless and dont work in other phases as per example the comand point of morathi that let one unit combat in the hero phase,
those models were allready very overcosted and nobody use them in competitive and they need buffs and not huge nerfs as this.
Also this faq fixed to the new vulkyn unit of fyreslayers and they are now the most competitive unit of fyreslayers(isnt hard when the others options are so bad)
Edited by Doko
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8 minutes ago, Doko said:

And i really dont want see skaven reimagined, only want the same skavens but in plastic.

If they want reimagine weird aos things can do it with new armys,but i hope they respect to old players when they do armys revamps because if it is a new army you can choose buy it or not buy it if you dont like it, but if they reimagine your actual army and you dont like it then you are fu....

so far they have respected us old players with the revamps as seraphons,city(so far nothing is too much aosified yet),soulbligth(if we ignore the ugly lauka vai),goblins etc.


by the way why this random faq nerfed so hard to overcosted and bad models as karazai/krondys/ionus?now the aura to give  -1 attack only work against one unit when before worked against multiple units.
And the biggest reason : now only work in the figth phase,so it is useless and dont work in other phases as per example the comand point of morathi that let one unit combat in the hero phase,
those models were allready very overcosted and nobody use them in competitive and they need buffs and not huge nerfs as this

I haven't actually read them yet.  Not any armies I play how bad is it.

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13 minutes ago, flying_dutchman said:

I haven't actually read them yet.  Not any armies I play how bad is it.

Really only the draconith princes got a nerf and it’s so that debuff on melee attackers doesn’t stack, making them less tanky and more support monsters.

Everything else seems average to good changes like NightHaunt basically getting a new artifact.

14 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I can't wait to see what they do with them. The models dont really fit the stuff they can do in lore yet, and they can go much bigger and weirder than in the world that was

Hear hear! Give us those Pestilens with giant rat-faced blood ticks, Eshins with shadow clone jutsu and Skryre’s attack submarines, blimp fleets, castle-sized Doomwheels and gigantic bug-legged parasite engines!



(With the last Dawner Ghyran story having them in the Scabrous Sprawl where we first saw the parasite engines infecting Behemat’s sleeping body as they pulled up entire forests to keep their walking cities fueled I’m extra hopeful for a return to the continent corrupters)

Edited by Baron Klatz
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28 minutes ago, Doko said:

If they want reimagine weird aos things can do it with new armys,but i hope they respect to old players when they do armys revamps because if it is a new army you can choose buy it or not buy it if you dont like it, but if they reimagine your actual army and you dont like it then you are fu....

They'll stay exactly the same in TOW though. You can play them as is there, and any new models you like you can use. You could also just not field any models you dont like and use proxies for them.

In AoS they can really go wild with the concept of realm-eating chaos vermin exactly because the old world exists now. They dont have to hold back on making the faction actually fit the setting more.

Just like Seraphon are a lot more magitech now and some factions within them basically order demons, how CoS is multiracial metropolises rather than a predominantly human empire, soulblight has some extremely cool mutant/animals, etc.

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1 hour ago, Doko said:

And i really dont want see skaven reimagined, only want the same skavens but in plastic.

If they want reimagine weird aos things can do it with new armys,but i hope they respect to old players when they do armys revamps because if it is a new army you can choose buy it or not buy it if you dont like it, but if they reimagine your actual army and you dont like it then you are fu....

so far they have respected us old players with the revamps as seraphons,city(so far nothing is too much aosified yet),soulbligth(if we ignore the ugly lauka vai),goblins etc.


by the way why this random faq nerfed so hard to overcosted and bad models as karazai/krondys/ionus?now the aura to give  -1 attack only work against one unit when before worked against multiple units.
And the biggest reason : now only work in the figth phase,so it is useless and dont work in other phases as per example the comand point of morathi that let one unit combat in the hero phase,
those models were allready very overcosted and nobody use them in competitive and they need buffs and not huge nerfs as this.
Also this faq fixed to the new vulkyn unit of fyreslayers and they are now the most competitive unit of fyreslayers(isnt hard when the others options are so bad)

If you are happy with how AoS armies were reimagined so far, why do not give a chance to rats as well? hehehe

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11 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

i actually expected the Seraphon renew to go farther, but maybe we'll have to wait for more monsters. the ONLY really magitech thing they got was the laser pointer that skinks hook onto the salamanders. everything else could easily be TOW if not for the poses.

I agree that they could have gone further (and should go further in the next wave), though Kroak, Slann, Saurus Weapons/Shields/Helmet etc all show some definite tech advancements too.

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1 hour ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Please give something to Moulder GW...Eshin and them are the most in need of a rework(rat ogors,gutter runners and so on).

I do not known any GW stock, else there would be more duardin (of all stripes), SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! and Tzeentchian sorcerers in AOS. The best I can do is invest in a small army of ninja rats when the time comes.

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13 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I agree that they could have gone further (and should go further in the next wave), though Kroak, Slann, Saurus Weapons/Shields/Helmet etc all show some definite tech advancements too.

Yeah, at length I call them a good middle-ground.

They definitely have old aesthetics(fitting as some were in stasis since then or even the manifestation of Slann memories) but when you compare the old savage jungle fighters covered in scale weapons & skulls vs the cleaner magi-tech smooth weapons & armor like they just came off a clean environment you can see which way they’re leaning(magic space dinos that hobbyists can either build off of or muddy up for new jungles)




They’re a good baseline to build from. Especially if future stuff gets wilder like some new lore teases.


“A cabal of slann lead by Starmaster Tuomoq propose a radical notion. They posit that it was not Chaos that devoured the world that was but Sotek, for the Serpent God desired for the slann to abandon physical limitations and, in a new cycle of creation, become creator-god energy-beings of unbound potential. As visions continue to assail him, Tuomoq's proclamations become increasingly esoteric, until he and his inner circle suddenly vanish; their vessels are last seen bound for the uppermost reaches of Azyr, where the strangest cosmic entities convalesce. Though many slann mourn him as finally being overwhelmed by the mental strain of aeons, private adherents to his teachings continue to lead many Starborne constellations.”

-Seraphon 2023 battletome.

(which I liked the new Dawner book even nodded to their astral bodies as the reinforcements Kroak sent down were so hastily beamed over that there are visible holes in their scaley physicality forms where you can see galaxy voids instead 

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