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Just to make sure : they announced 12 models for dawnbringer or 12 factions ?

because fec and Gloomspite got 2 dawnbringer models for exemple 


also does IJ are part of the dawnbringer count ? None of their box are entitled Dawnbringer . 
if i count the faction that had a so called dawnbringer we have :

- fyreslayers

- nurgle

- Gloomspite goblin 

- Gloomspite trolls

- fec hero

- fec summer king

- sce 

- sylvaneth 


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I have the same info that @Nezzhilhas that the FEC box is pre-order on December 2nd. 

I’m also not sure on when Dawnbringers Book 4 and the full release of FEC is. Based on priors, Dawnbringers have been every 2 months which would be January. And there’s been 2 months IIRC between special boxes and full releases, which would put full FEC range in Feb. Then Dawnbringers 5 in March would make sense - an AoS release each month. That’s just speculation by me though.

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12 minutes ago, dmorley21 said:

I have the same info that @Nezzhilhas that the FEC box is pre-order on December 2nd. 

I’m also not sure on when Dawnbringers Book 4 and the full release of FEC is. Based on priors, Dawnbringers have been every 2 months which would be January. And there’s been 2 months IIRC between special boxes and full releases, which would put full FEC range in Feb. Then Dawnbringers 5 in March would make sense - an AoS release each month. That’s just speculation by me though.

Any word on if Dawnbringers will come with new models and armies of renown, outside of FEC, by any chance?

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Just now, Goatforce said:

Any word on if Dawnbringers will come with new models and armies of renown, outside of FEC, by any chance?

The book preview says rules for all Death factions. I’d guess an AoR for the three others and warscroll rules for FEC. As for new models… don’t know. If it drops in Jan, maybe one or two other ones. If it drops in December, probably not.

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1 hour ago, Magnusaur said:

If 4th edition features Skaven as the main baddies, would it not make sense to have a lot of "scheming, shadowy, and, uh, entrepreneurial" releases? AKA Malerion's shadow elves, Chaos Dwarfs, and more?

I was thinking about this the other day, while a lot of people think the setting could be ulgu, I can see a solid case for Chamon. It's also relatively unexplored in major lore and the ruins of the old khazalid empire are said to be overrun by skaven and also hold chaos dwarf fortresses. I'd love to see a theme for 4th edition be war machines and mechanical creations like we had loads of monsters and behemoths in 3rd. It just depends whether the skaven release will focus on clan skryre or eshin I suppose.

Edit: chamon would also be fluffy for a frazzlegits/gsg 2nd wave(skrappa spill is nearby grungni's old forge city ruins) and kharadron 2nd wave

Edited by Luperci
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1 hour ago, Grunbag said:

Just to make sure : they announced 12 models for dawnbringer or 12 factions ?

12 factions. So far, those are : Fyreslayers, Nurgle, GSG, FEC, Warclans, SCE, Cities, Sylvaneth. Some of them had minis for 2 books (GSG/FEC). Leaves 4 factions left, one of them being definitely Khorne, I'd wager we still have 3 factions to uncover.

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8 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

12 factions. So far, those are : Fyreslayers, Nurgle, GSG, FEC, Warclans, SCE, Cities, Sylvaneth. Some of them had minis for 2 books (GSG/FEC). Leaves 4 factions left, one of them being definitely Khorne, I'd wager we still have 3 factions to uncover.

ok thanks .

so my guess according to RE and book khorne , OBR , DoK , kruleboyz 

obr and Dok because of RE 

khorne and kruleboyz because all factions mentioned in the dawnbringer got a mini or a army of renown (or both) and khorne and kruleboyz are still the one who haven’t get anything yet 

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5 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

We've just finished the 3rd edition streak of upgrading armies that need it.

  • Flesh Eater Courts : done
  • Cities of Sigmar  done
  • Seraphon  done
  • Skaven : loading... 🔄
  • Ogors loading... 🔄
  • Beastmen : loading... 🔄

And with (at least) another Dawnbringers Book almost guaranteed, we are getting closer to Chaos Duardin and Malerion Faction. Skaven update early in fourth edition next year too. Beautiful.

BTW, where are the unbelievers thinking this wasn't going to be a LARGE wave for FEC ? 

We now have a nice characters selection (Herald, Judge, Executor, Cardinal, Flying Key-master, Vargulf, Ushoran, many Ghoul Kings variants, Ushoran) and units options, even Endless spells, Faction scenery and warbands in Warcry and Underworlds. What a glow up !

The sad part : 

  • The basic ghouls aren't replaced (like the TK skellies for TOW), even with the dual builds Cryptguard and recent Warcry warband...
  • After John Blanche, we lose Paul Dainton, Phil Moss AND Thomas Elliott ? That's a catastrophy !
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28 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

12 factions. So far, those are : Fyreslayers, Nurgle, GSG, FEC, Warclans, SCE, Cities, Sylvaneth. Some of them had minis for 2 books (GSG/FEC). Leaves 4 factions left, one of them being definitely Khorne, I'd wager we still have 3 factions to uncover.

I don't know about including Cities of Sigmar on that list - they haven't had new models brought in via Dawnbringers as they had all their stuff in their new battletome already, iirc.

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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

12 factions. So far, those are : Fyreslayers, Nurgle, GSG, FEC, Warclans, SCE, Cities, Sylvaneth. Some of them had minis for 2 books (GSG/FEC). Leaves 4 factions left, one of them being definitely Khorne, I'd wager we still have 3 factions to uncover.

More than 12 factions if you include all the period of the campaign releases

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Long live good king Ushoran! A fair, valiant and wise sovereign, worthy of our loyalty.

GW goes from one victory to another with these recent refreshes. I’m personally not a big fan of CoS design, but it is very good. At the same time Seraphon and the new FEC are absolutely stunning. Well done.

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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

12 factions. So far, those are : Fyreslayers, Nurgle, GSG, FEC, Warclans, SCE, Cities, Sylvaneth. Some of them had minis for 2 books (GSG/FEC). Leaves 4 factions left, one of them being definitely Khorne, I'd wager we still have 3 factions to uncover.

- STD with Lady of Ruin ( RE + Whitefang)

- Dok with Morai-heg ( RE + Whitefang)

- OBR with Morghast hero ( RE )


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5 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:


  • The basic ghouls aren't replaced (like the TK skellies for TOW), even with the dual builds Cryptguard and recent Warcry warband...

Come on, it's not as bad as the TK skellies next to the crocodragon. Ghouls are an older kit, but they still hold up next to the new minis. They represent the serfs and dirt poor peasants, so them feeling more basic than the men at arms, like the little Wish Gollums they are, somewhat makes sense. They do their job well - being a basic, straightforward, spammable kit for the army. I don't mind if chaff units like ghouls don't get updated. Same goes for skinks, stabbas etc.

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1 hour ago, Acrozatarim said:

I don't know about including Cities of Sigmar on that list - they haven't had new models brought in via Dawnbringers as they had all their stuff in their new battletome already, iirc.

It's more sensible to include Cities on the list of the 12 and under estimate that there's only 4 factions left, than to assume they weren't and overestimate that there's 5 factions left

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6 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Let's take a step back.

We've just finished the 3rd edition streak of upgrading armies that need it.

  • Flesh Eater Courts : done
  • Cities of Sigmar  done
  • Seraphon  done
  • Skaven : loading... 🔄
  • Ogors loading... 🔄
  • Beastmen : loading... 🔄

I definitely think we will see those 3 updated in 4.0 too. 

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There’s no doubt in my mind that the new FEC will permit a much broader range of army builds than currently exist. It’s going from a range based around 2-3 kits to one based around 5+ kits, with additional heroes and SCs. 

I’d anticipate an expansion of the flying circus build to include the new bat-knights, some sort of elite build based around crypt guard and horrors, maybe a herohammer one to represent maybe Summercourt. If someone wants to avoid the old ghouls, it’ll most likely be viable.

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