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2 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

My feeling is no. There's two big hurdles for including Sigmar in game: (i) power and (ii) getting the mini right.

For (i), Sigmar is generally portrayed as being a step about the current god tier models, being perhaps on a par with the Chaos gods (or closer at least). How do you give rules to something like that when already the god models are typically 1/3 - 1/2 of a 2000pts army. Also if you get the rules wrong for the namesake god of your setting (and past experience days it's very easy to get god rules wrong) it's not a good look.

For (ii), you really can't afford to have the mini for Sigmar not be near perfect. Imagine if GW released a Celestant Prime like mini for the namesake god of their game. That would make a lot of people unhappy.

Still, if there's money in it I don't think it's impossible. If even go as far as to say it'll almost certainly happen eventually. I just hope that day is a long time into the future, and that GW gets it right when they do.

I agree for the most part. Chaos gods and Gorkamorka dont have a specific form that has ever been illustrated to my knowledge. They are some higher power that i dont think will ever get a model. If they dont make models for those gods they can continue to release a bunch of avatars and champion models for those gods. Not sure about Sigmar though. Does he go with the likes of Teclis, Kroak, Allarielle, Nagash etcetera or with the other gods.

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13 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

My feeling is no. There's two big hurdles for including Sigmar in game: (i) power and (ii) getting the mini right.

For (i), Sigmar is generally portrayed as being a step about the current god tier models, being perhaps on a par with the Chaos gods (or closer at least). How do you give rules to something like that when already the god models are typically 1/3 - 1/2 of a 2000pts army. Also if you get the rules wrong for the namesake god of your setting (and past experience days it's very easy to get god rules wrong) it's not a good look.

For (ii), you really can't afford to have the mini for Sigmar not be near perfect. Imagine if GW released a Celestant Prime like mini for the namesake god of their game. That would make a lot of people unhappy.

Still, if there's money in it I don't think it's impossible. If even go as far as to say it'll almost certainly happen eventually. I just hope that day is a long time into the future, and that GW gets it right when they do.

I don't know that it is a power thing. As far as I know he and Archaon have fought each other on fairly equal terms. He is probably the strongest of the order Pantheon but would probably be in the 850-950 range of points. So up there with Nagash and Archaon (Nagash is overpointed anyway).

As I recall it is more that after losing his hammer and such he has taken to being a commander from the rear, and organiser, as he cannot be everywhere at once he sees himself as more useful doingthat than showing up to 1 particular battle to help,

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5 hours ago, lele said:

i heard rumour somewhere, is that King Sigmar will be back, will have Sigmar model in AOS 4.0?

Absolutely no. He's the one god other Order deities answer to. To reflect his level of power in the game right now, you'd have to cost him so high, there'd be no point building a list around him anyway.

And that's even before we consider that his major powers are skulking and brooding.

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1 minute ago, Snarff said:

Even though I don't think a Sigmar model is going to happen (at least anytime soon), his avatar might get a proper update. I can definitely see an updated (Thunderstrike) Celestant-Prime happening in 4th.

I guess every non-thunderstrike stormcasts will be replace sooner or later but I don't see the prime in the first wave 

Edited by Vagard
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9 minutes ago, Vagard said:

I guess every non-thunderstrike stormcasts will be replace sooner or later but I don't see the prime in the first wave 

Depends on if the Prime is going to be featured heavily in lore or not. I think it would make sense to update the model wielding THE Warhammer sooner rather than later. If we don't see thunderstrike Prime yet, I definitely think we'll be seeing thunderstrike Vandus though.

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5 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Awww man, really sad news, after weeks of such great news, that Thomas Elliot left. 😞


Here’s his deviantart page if anyone wants to look at more of his stuff or even try supporting his work.


Truly wishing him the best going forward, was looking like he was gonna be the big cover artist going forward with his rich eldritch works propping up the epicness of AoS2’s end, AoS3’s climb to success and AoS4’s launch.

Will be interesting to see what the cover arts will look like in the near future, from what I can tell there’s still considerable talent on their payroll. (Honestly wouldn’t mind some steps sideways to how AoS1 art just commissioned anyone it could, some fun experimental results that way which I thought worked with the Realms cosmically varied nature)

Ufff... That lose hurts very bad...

Thomas Elliot is my favourite artist of AoS, he has a very distintive style and I will miss him very much.

I hope his departure is for a brigther future because GW has lost one of its best talents, and I feel a bit sad that's becoming habitual in a short period of time, Duncan, Louise, to mention just a few.

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Personally I think „less“ of gods that have actual models… they just seem less godly if they can be fielded ingame. A proper god should be too broken. The Warhammer heroes turned „pseudo-god“ are kinda ok, they started as mortals but if I ever see a proper god like Khorne or Gorkamorka, I‘d instantly quit! 😂 

But in general I‘m not that happy about one single driving force behind an army… it‘s way cooler if players have some creative freedom. 

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5 minutes ago, Trugg the Troggoth King said:

Ufff... That lose hurts very bad...

Thomas Elliot is my favourite artist of AoS, he has a very distintive style and I will miss him very much.

I hope his departure is for a brigther future because GW has lost one of its best talents, and I feel a bit sad that's becoming habitual in a short period of time, Duncan, Louise, to mention just a few.

That‘s what you get for not paying enough… sad truth but GW, much like Blizzard back when they were actually cool, have the luxury of paying too little to their employees. Money isn‘t everything but it unfortunately is important. Dunno how well contractors like the artists were paid but I figure that the situation there isn‘t all that different… 

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45 minutes ago, Snarff said:

Depends on if the Prime is going to be featured heavily in lore or not. I think it would make sense to update the model wielding THE Warhammer sooner rather than later. If we don't see thunderstrike Prime yet, I definitely think we'll be seeing thunderstrike Vandus though.

What about his Spear. Do you think it would have more presence as well? Maybe give it to another of his top tier Stormcast?

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8 minutes ago, MitGas said:

Personally I think „less“ of gods that have actual models… they just seem less godly if they can be fielded ingame. A proper god should be too broken. The Warhammer heroes turned „pseudo-god“ are kinda ok, they started as mortals but if I ever see a proper god like Khorne or Gorkamorka, I‘d instantly quit! 😂 

But in general I‘m not that happy about one single driving force behind an army… it‘s way cooler if players have some creative freedom. 

I like gods having models, it's a key part of what makes the setting so different from other fantasy settings. Being able to actually field (avatars/projections of) Alarielle, Teclis, Morathi, Nagash, Kragnos and other beings on a similar power level like Kroak, Archaon, Belakor, Gotrek, etc. really makes things unique and different in scale from 'generic fantasy race fighting other generic fantasy race'.

Not even to mention how cool it is for them to have actual models you can build, paint, and collect yourself rather than just being just limited to some background lore.

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1 hour ago, Grungnisson said:

But who reforges the reforger?* 

*apologies, I'm not clever enough to go full Latin on that one.

my latin years are long gone, but something like "quis fabricat ipsum fabrum" (who forges the blacksmith himself) sounds plausible enough :D

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1 hour ago, MitGas said:

Personally I think „less“ of gods that have actual models… they just seem less godly if they can be fielded ingame. A proper god should be too broken. The Warhammer heroes turned „pseudo-god“ are kinda ok, they started as mortals but if I ever see a proper god like Khorne or Gorkamorka, I‘d instantly quit! 😂 

But in general I‘m not that happy about one single driving force behind an army… it‘s way cooler if players have some creative freedom. 

Agreed. It is much better for the army narrative to keep the gods away from the tabletop. This leaves more space for new characters development and allows for more conflicts that do not involve top-tier beings.

I would immediately remove Nagash / Teclis / Alarielle / Archaon from the game, maybe Morathi / Kragnos / Kroak as well. This would allow to introduce more characters that are supposed to act as avatars / embodiments of a particular god or its certain aspect - like Celestant-Prime (or Basthian Carthalos or Yndrasta), Eidolon of Mathlann, Lady of Vines or Avatar of Khaine (the big one, from 40k).

These are all much cooler than seeing the Old World names fight each other time after time, but this time as GODS (buy these huge impressive minis now!). 

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3 hours ago, Snarff said:

I like gods having models, it's a key part of what makes the setting so different from other fantasy settings. Being able to actually field (avatars/projections of) Alarielle, Teclis, Morathi, Nagash, Kragnos and other beings on a similar power level like Kroak, Archaon, Belakor, Gotrek, etc. really makes things unique and different in scale from 'generic fantasy race fighting other generic fantasy race'.

Not even to mention how cool it is for them to have actual models you can build, paint, and collect yourself rather than just being just limited to some background lore.

Just as valid as my opinion but now we can't be friends anymore as my fragile ego can't handle different opinions! 😤

Jokes aside, I think it boils down to the gods/characters mentioned are still relatable or not completely imbalanced. I mean, a guy like Teclis already scratches at being a better background god than an actual mini god with having created whole races to me but at least he started life as a mortal and thus the contrast being being powerful enough to create life and not unbeatable on the battlefield kinda works in my mind (even if I think he should wipe the floor with pretty much everything all at once).... You are right that GW manages to strike a decent balance there. 

Bachelor, Archaon, Gotrek, Kragnos and the like I have zero problems with as they don't get called gods and feel a tier below the godly characters to me.

Anyways, I prefer mighty but "normal" warlords anyways. It's nice if a character can still get more powerful and doesn't feel too removed from the other forces you can field.

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1 hour ago, Flippy said:

Agreed. It is much better for the army narrative to keep the gods away from the tabletop. This leaves more space for new characters development and allows for more conflicts that do not involve top-tier beings.

I would immediately remove Nagash / Teclis / Alarielle / Archaon from the game, maybe Morathi / Kragnos / Kroak as well. This would allow to introduce more characters that are supposed to act as avatars / embodiments of a particular god or its certain aspect - like Celestant-Prime (or Basthian Carthalos or Yndrasta), Eidolon of Mathlann, Lady of Vines or Avatar of Khaine (the big one, from 40k).

These are all much cooler than seeing the Old World names fight each other time after time, but this time as GODS (buy these huge impressive minis now!). 

I do like some of the characters coming back when it fits... but they should come back as mighty mortals (or demons). But yeah, I think this is where people just have vastly different preferences. I'll always side with you here though, it's just narratively so much more interesting. Where do you go with Archaon anyways? He could only topple the big 4, something that would ruin Chaos... or he's stuck to sitting on his throne and always losing (maybe he has a weekly meeting with Nagash where they can feel sorry for themselves) cause if he won, we'd have to nuke the setting again. A narrative cul-de-sac basically. 

It's more interesting to have more characters around that can go somewhere. Winning, losing, whatever but they are free to make an impact whereas some of the god-tier chars are permanently stuck in their respective place.

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