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1 hour ago, lele said:

When they released 3th, someone said or...rumours was thats the final version, reason because behemoths and incarnates are big and strongest monsters ever, but now they change the plan and split these big things about to put incarnates in the 4th, thats not surprise anymore. All i can imagine now is about void things, divine weapons for each factions in the next versions, hmmm sounds silly, thats why i said the more versions the sillier it gets

I doubt a rumour like that can be true.

In the end versions are kind of related to story telling, so as long as the lore evolves we would have new editions. Also, from a company/ game pov. The have to make money and new editions means more money in rules and big boxes.

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58 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Oh well, in that case I already have him!

I'll just stick him on a huge base and say the dragon has nipped off for a bit to buy some milk.

What about an Ionus having a little break from the dragon. The ass has to rest. The dragon is just flyting too high to be seen... xD 

Edited by Ejecutor
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Haha, I bought multiple SCE start collectings just because I love the Lord-Relictor model(plus Vandus) so much. 😅

And even then I’m putting money aside to grab this new version of him. (And planning one more box buy before 4th replaces it, never enough necro-paladins, angels & dracoths!)

Cheers to Cryptborn! 💀🍻

55 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Oh well, in that case I already have him!

I'll just stick him on a huge base and say the dragon has nipped off for a bit to buy some milk.

Oh, see if you can mount him on NightHaunt endless spell hourglass. It might hit the right height and fit his Shyish themes really well.


you can spruce it up with some Stormcast face-helms to show Ionus saving the souls of his friends and guiding them back to Azyr as well.

“No effort to save those you love is ever pointless. It is what makes you Stormcast.’ - Cthorak”

(from the new free story ^^)

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It's been a while since I checked his lore but isn't Vandus always angry because he got killed by the Slayer of Kings and then reforged ? That's gotta leave a mark even after being resurrected.

An newer, angrier Vandus model would be cool for sure. People here have said they want to see the reforging and its side effects on new SCE models, I agree on that. Would spice things up from the armoured knights and dragons we already know.

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10 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

It's been a while since I checked his lore but isn't Vandus always angry because he got killed by the Slayer of Kings and then reforged ? That's gotta leave a mark even after being resurrected.

An newer, angrier Vandus model would be cool for sure. People here have said they want to see the reforging and its side effects on new SCE models, I agree on that. Would spice things up from the armoured knights and dragons we already know.

I'm kind of waiting for us to get AoS' version of dreadnoughts and Wulfen.

Maybe a "chamber" or subfaction of stormcast that are only good for fighting after losing so much of themselves, and are only deployed into the thick of desperate battles because they're incapable of managing anything else.

Or maybe taking the souls of the most broken stormcasts and putting them into constructs and machines to give them autonomy. They've lost so much of themselves that not being in a "human" like body doesn't affect them.

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48 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

It's been a while since I checked his lore but isn't Vandus always angry because he got killed by the Slayer of Kings and then reforged ? That's gotta leave a mark even after being resurrected.

A newer, angrier Vandus model would be cool for sure. People here have said they want to see the reforging and its side effects on new SCE models, I agree on that. Would spice things up from the armoured knights and dragons we already know.

Not angrier, he just goes into panic attacks and a bit half-mad because the void wound the Slayer of Kings left in his soul.(remember that weapon can slay gods and even Katakros can feel his wound from it eating away at him despite how many replacement bodies he jumps to)

Vandus gained the ability to see the portents from the future with his reforgings which lead to him warning of some significant events like those of Malign Portents & Broken Realms but as the wound worsens he’s begun to see stuff like a “Lightning Man” who keeps getting closer and closer to him and is even warping reality.

It’s gotten to the point where in the S2D tome and First-Forged novel he’s kept mostly confined to cells or let loose on the battlefield to relieve his stress as even something as simple as doing a public announcement can lead to him having a freak-out and having to be quickly hidden away from the crowds.

I’m imagining the arc here is either gonna lead to a new Thunderstrike version with the armor helping staunch the void wound as it had done for Bastian who was also wounded by Archaon while defending the Azyr gate’s closing at the start of the Age of Chaos OR possibly we could see something like the reveal of the Ruination chamber giving Stormcast “Dreadnought” golems(Vandus looking more like light being Eltharion) which broken souls are put into as the Sacrosanct chamber already does to Stormcast souls that are threatening to become wild lightning gheists and can’t be safely reforged so are contained in statues until they find a solution(which moving statues Grungni treated that can fight would seem an obvious conclusion if flesh can no longer contain them)

Edited by Baron Klatz
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12 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

It's been a while since I checked his lore but isn't Vandus always angry because he got killed by the Slayer of Kings and then reforged ? That's gotta leave a mark even after being resurrected.

An newer, angrier Vandus model would be cool for sure. People here have said they want to see the reforging and its side effects on new SCE models, I agree on that. Would spice things up from the armoured knights and dragons we already know.

Last I saw him in the lore was the book "Hammers of Sigmar: First Forged". Vandus in that novel is a shadow of his former self, basically hid in the basement of Hammerhall Aqshy because his mind is mostly gone. Vandus only snaps out of this state when Khorgus Kul (sp) was mentioned to him. Vandus then is able to go into battle fully aware of himself and able to fight. Likely after the story is finished Vandus would slip back into his hazy, lost mental state. 

So there is definitely a reason for Ionus to check in on him and hopefully provide some remedy. 

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5 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Coming back after a few days, hoping I haven't missed any new juicy Whitefang rumour in the meanwhile...

I've taken a look at the new Realms of Ruin trailer annoucing Tzeentch, I've noticed something weird. The Screamers look a bit different from what I'm used to from the tabletop ? Their wings look bigger in the game. Makes the in-game models look more like actual manta rays. 



Is this the same situation as the thunderstrike Liberators or artistic license ? I'd be down for new Screamers honestly. Yeah armoured mortals would be nice, but Screamers and Flamers are starting to feel dated.

I would love new screamers and flamers. Its whats holding me back from buying into that army (and maybe the overload of birds).

Edit: does anyone know if hunter and hunted is already sold out? Most of the time these Warcry sets stick around untill a new one releases. So i wasnt in a hurry, but cant seem to locate one anymore.

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12 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

I would love new screamers and flamers. Its whats holding me back from buying into that army (and maybe the overload of birds).

Edit: does anyone know if hunter and hunted is already sold out? Most of the time these Warcry sets stick around untill a new one releases. So i wasnt in a hurry, but cant seem to locate one anymore.

Spanish version is sold out indeed.

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40 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

I honestly hope that they find some way to neutralize the Slayer of Kings’ wound. It feels extremely lame for it to be “And now this character goes insane and then dies” with absolutely no method of countering that. 

Stormcast have found a patch-job of sorts with Bastian, he got wounded by it and has had a void wound since the Age of Chaos but thanks to his willpower & Thunderstrike armor has remained mostly unaffected.(thus why the new armor may heal Vandus from the worst of it)

With Katakros and the wound causing him to have urgings towards his former homelands in Ghur I imagine the Ossiarch fix will be monster bones & Amber stone. They’re already experimenting with constructing bodies out of the materials and Katakros using the wild energies to fill that void could be a catalyst for a new Ossiarch wave of monster bone morteks & golems he stays near as auxiliaries.


The third major affliction is the void wound in the God-beast Ignax causing chaos corruption seen in one eye already. If there’s a fix coming for that it’ll be the Seraphon most likely(unless a new faction solves it as a debut like a race of elementals or the like)

Edited by Baron Klatz
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22 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

I honestly hope that they find some way to neutralize the Slayer of Kings’ wound. It feels extremely lame for it to be “And now this character goes insane and then dies” with absolutely no method of countering that. 

I hope they DONT do that. I love that there are repurcussions in this setting and effects are long lasting. He's Archaon the Chaos Gods themselves fear him.

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16 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I hope they DONT do that. I love that there are repurcussions in this setting and effects are long lasting. He's Archaon the Chaos Gods themselves fear him.

However: The Slayer of kings is just a weapon afterall. I'd like to see it go the way of Frostmourne: Shattered.

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1 hour ago, ScionOfOssia said:

I honestly hope that they find some way to neutralize the Slayer of Kings’ wound. It feels extremely lame for it to be “And now this character goes insane and then dies” with absolutely no method of countering that. 

This kind of things contributes to stagnate the lore. If a character has to die, so be it (with a well written end, please)

The setting and its lore keep moving, feeling alive ironically. If we learn to say goodbye to characters that had a great narrative arc, we will appreciate and treasure them even more.

It's not like you can't use the miniature never again. Since Fantasy, players can use "dead" characters to recreate all kind of past events.

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Yeah, that’s basically what happened in “Quest for Ghal Maraz”(the battle report warhammer+ is playing on) with a lot of early books getting us invested in Thostos from his heroic mortal days to being reforged and both helping to find the Silver Way and Ghal Maraz’s location. And as his accolades grew through the Realmgate Wars they were tragically snuffed out in the All-Gates War with the climatic battles to shut off most of the Eight-Points he sacrificed himself to hold off Archaon and got eaten by Dorghar who seals souls in it’s stomach. And to a lesser, but still honorable account, extension Lorrus Grymn who fell to Belakor and his Cursed Skies trap despite being a long time name of the Hallowed Knights since the first AoS books(Warstorm to be precise) and loyal friend to Gardus.

That kinda stuff does help make important book marks as the eras of a setting march on even in a war of gods and daemons.

16 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

However: The Slayer of kings is just a weapon afterall. I'd like to see it go the way of Frostmourne: Shattered.

Haha, that could be a fun narrative arc for an edition.

Archaon underestimates Kragnos in a revenge fight for his fallen fortresses in Ghur and the Destruction god uses his earthquake powers to shake the sword apart and bashes them across the realms.

Then the dark gods can be jerks about the situation to really stir the Chaos civil war pot and say who ever recovers all the pieces and reforges the Slayer of Kings gets to be the new Everchosen leading to absolute mayhem as Archaon, Belakor and any other warlord turn over the realms looking for those shards in a race against time.

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44 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Yeah, that’s basically what happened in “Quest for Ghal Maraz”(the battle report warhammer+ is playing on) with a lot of early books getting us invested in Thostos from his heroic mortal days to being reforged and both helping to find the Silver Way and Ghal Maraz’s location. And as his accolades grew through the Realmgate Wars they were tragically snuffed out in the All-Gates War with the climatic battles to shut off most of the Eight-Points he sacrificed himself to hold off Archaon and got eaten by Dorghar who seals souls in it’s stomach. And to a lesser, but still honorable account, extension Lorrus Grymn who fell to Belakor and his Cursed Skies trap despite being a long time name of the Hallowed Knights since the first AoS books(Warstorm to be precise) and loyal friend to Gardus.

That kinda stuff does help make important book marks as the eras of a setting march on even in a war of gods and daemons.

Haha, that could be a fun narrative arc for an edition.

Archaon underestimates Kragnos in a revenge fight for his fallen fortresses in Ghur and the Destruction god uses his earthquake powers to shake the sword apart and bashes them across the realms.

Then the dark gods can be jerks about the situation to really stir the Chaos civil war pot and say who ever recovers all the pieces and reforges the Slayer of Kings gets to be the new Everchosen leading to absolute mayhem as Archaon, Belakor and any other warlord turn over the realms looking for those shards in a race against time.

That would be pretty sick. Imo it is time that we move on from Archaon. Would be nice if one of the Chaos gods/ Belakor kill him and we get a new character purely from AoS.

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2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

That would be pretty sick. Imo it is time that we move on from Archaon. Would be nice if one of the Chaos gods/ Belakor kill him and we get a new character purely from AoS.

Nah, Archaon is like Sigmar or Nagash. He is a core character to the setting and the face of the Chaos threat. Taking him out would be a rather baffling move.

Knocking him down a few pegs or disabling him for a while though? That would be cool and would give GW the leeway to introduce some potential rivals to his throne, or simply focus on established characters with ambitions for it (Glutos, Glotkin, Belakor etc). It's been done with Nagash after all though we have yet to really see that developed in any way - I assume 5th edition will focus on Nagash attempting to re-establish control as a probably Death centered edition.

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13 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

I doubt a rumour like that can be true.

In the end versions are kind of related to story telling, so as long as the lore evolves we would have new editions. Also, from a company/ game pov. The have to make money and new editions means more money in rules and big boxes.

 evolves for endless, you mean we will have endless version like yugioh and pokemon.... 😆

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