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39 minutes ago, Swamp Trogg said:

Elves versus Skaven killed recruitment of new players for wfb 8th edition, thus contributed to its doom. 

You can't have two hard to paint armies in starters set. 

And Stormcasts don't need to be top sellers to be in a starter. They need to be easily paint, understood, and visually evocative and recognizable. 


Which they are. 


Conclusion, they ain't gonna disappear from starter set any time soon. Or ever, for what is worth. Saying otherwise is daydreaming, which is fine, but the first step on the road of disappointment. 

I like Stormcast and bought the three starter sets with them in it and each Stormcast release has been better than the previous release. So I have certainly no problem with the existence of SC or the fact that they are the posterboys. Altough imo GW their plans were to make them the SM of AoS, which I don't think worked out. 

Anyway, the Warhammer 8th edition launch box was one of their best ever! They messed it up with not updating the rest of HE range. I mean you had those beautiful seaguard, swordmasters and reavers, but you were still stuck with those ugly very old spearmen/archers and silver helms. They also didn't bother to release new sets for those units that were in the launch box.

Now they do. Each AoS and 40K edition launch / starter box has a follow up plastic set of those push fit mini's that were included in the launchbox.

Edit: Lol, I wish it was so simple to blame the doom of Warhammer 8th edition on Skaven and HE being in the starter box armies. 🙂




Edited by Tonhel
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Just a bit of speculation here but GWs miniature lead times are counted in years so whatever is in the 4th edition starter it will likely have started around when 3rd edition launched.

After the first two edition they obviously didn't choose to abandon Stormcast but instead choose the angle of redesigning them with the Thunderstrike armour and there is no way they changed their opinion on that stance in the small timespace until they would have started designing the 4th edition starter factions.

So I really don't think we will see something else except Stormcast until 5th at the earliest. 

Edited by Matrindur
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About Stormcasts and launch/starter boxes : they'll always be there. Let me explain why.

The launch boxes of each edition (think Leviathan, Dominion etc) are the basis upon which the different starter boxes are made. That means, as starter boxes are made for beginner players, you need to have models inside that are easy to paint and straightforward to play. SCE are both and here's why :

  • Beginners need easy to paint minis because it's the first time they pick up a brush and paint. SCE are perfect for that, because they're big, have large flat surfaces and not too many details like Marines, but at the same time, you can easily drybrush them just like Necrons. That's the perfect combo for a beginner. You only need 6 colours to get them battle ready (which is what GW proposes in paint sets for beginners) and you can easily speed paint them.
  • Beginners need straightforward armies to play. SCE are great there too, because 1/an elite army. So they won't be churning through hordes of minis to paint, 12-15 SCE painted ? That's already 500 pts done. 2/ because SCE do a bit of everything, they have melee, range, magic, prayers, monsters no BS ressource to keep track off like depravity/blood tithe, you learn all the basics of the game playing them. 

I don't understand why some ppl want "Cities vs Malerion aelves" or whatever else in the next starter box. This is veteran player talk, because you already know the basics of Warhammer. But I've got Cities minis and they're so detailed I wouldn't let a beginner paint them. It's probably gonna take me 30 min/mini to "speed paint" them. 

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58 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

Just a bit of speculation here but GWs miniature lead times are counted in years so whatever is in the 4th edition starter it will likely have started around when 3rd edition launched.

After the first two edition they obviously didn't choose to abandon Stormcast but instead choose the angle of redesigning them with the Thunderstrike armour and there is no way they changed their opinion on that stance in the small timespace until they would have started designing the 4th edition starter factions.

So I really don't think we will see something else except Stormcast until 5th at the earliest. 

On the other hand, they could also attempt a third completely new armour line in parallel to the original armour and thunderstrike, a bit like how space marines have "tacticus", "phobos", "gravis" and "omnis" sub-patterns to their armour.

If for example they want to open one of the new chambers (let's say ruination for example) perhaps they'll want to design new armour that fits its theme (for example, if its a siege-themed chamber, we might see more of the heavier style armour like Annihilators, in conjunction with an even lighter scale mail armour for infiltration troops)

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6 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Beginners need easy to paint minis because it's the first time they pick up a brush and paint. SCE are perfect for that, because they're big, have large flat surfaces [...]

I see this mentioned again and again in the context of "easy painting". For me, the "large flat surface" is one of the most intimidating prospects in mini painting. When I think easy-to-paint it would rather be Seraphon, OBR, Sylvaneth or Ironjawz - not SCE.

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5 minutes ago, Flippy said:

I see this mentioned again and again in the context of "easy painting". For me, the "large flat surface" is one of the most intimidating prospects in mini painting. When I think easy-to-paint it would rather be Seraphon, OBR, Sylvaneth or Ironjawz - not SCE.

Maybe if you already have experience with painting.

If you are new, you can literally spray retributor armour spray on the stormcast, paint the pauldron/shield blue, paint the weapon blade silver, you're done. And they look more than good enough for a new painter.

Sylvaneth are also easy with contrast and drybrushing, but those techniques aren't nearly as intuitive for a new player. Gold and 1 layer of blue is all you need for fine stormcast.


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1 minute ago, Flippy said:

I see this mentioned again and again in the context of "easy painting". For me, the "large flat surface" is one of the most intimidating prospects in mini painting. When I think easy-to-paint it would rather be Seraphon, OBR, Sylvaneth or Ironjawz - not SCE.

Calm down, it's not Imperial Knights level of large in "large flat surface". It's more like a pannel that you can paint in one colour - which is super easy to do. No trim (unlike the 1st edition Blood Warriors in the starter set), no bumpy stuffs and no purity seals or other useless details. You just need to keep your paint at a good fluidity, which is a basic of painting anyway.

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13 minutes ago, Flippy said:

I see this mentioned again and again in the context of "easy painting". For me, the "large flat surface" is one of the most intimidating prospects in mini painting. When I think easy-to-paint it would rather be Seraphon, OBR, Sylvaneth or Ironjawz - not SCE.

I agree. I sometimes wonder if those people actually have painted SCE or SM. It's difficult to paint large flat surfaces. I am a decent painter and I really like painting. I am currently painting a steelhelm from Misthaven and those mini's are much more easier to paint than my Ultramarinies. Lol, much, much easier.

I don't have a pic at hand of AoS, but here are some LotR orcs that I painted and lol, these are again much easier to paint than my ultramarines.


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1 hour ago, Draznak said:
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All that stayed her rage was the reminder of the words of the Everqueen’s herald, that foolish sapling Tethamyr. 

Any hints about a possible new character ? (Apologies in advance if this is already known, I'm not fully familiar with Sylvaneth lore)

It's the name of the warsong revenant that appears in second dawnbringer book. 

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If the starter includes SCE, It would be nice that they redo the liberators and such with thunderstrike armour. So replacing the AoS 1 and 2nd edition SCE. A redoing of the older SCE combined with a couple of new units and characters would be the best way to avoide a to bloathed battletome.

Edited by Tonhel
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