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11 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Some kind of visual play on an antlered knight helmet like we sometimes see in Bretonnian miniatures would also be pretty fun for FEC.


Now I'm picturing a cannibal Robert Baratheon wielding a warhammer made from a boar's head drinking blood/wine from a stomach wineskin..... I'm here for it! We know the FEC are gonna be knight/crusade themed due to last week's leak, let's take it all the way!

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20 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Don't forget the misconception that kurnothi are centaur or fauns like. Kurnothi is everyone that worships Kurnoth. For example the Kurnoth Hunters. I hope when we get those new 'kurnothi' ppl is not too disappointed if they don't look like they expect.

Even whitefang dropped us the reminder, and I think that the reason was to cut off future dissapointment: 


Oh yes thats why I was saying I hope a few have the animal aspect, I expect most to be more like wood elves, which will be great - I loved the WFB 6th edition aesthetic of wild fae were they more like part of the forest and very wild. The Kurnothi from Cursed City was great. I imagine the animal type ones will either be elites or blessed/champions.

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20 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

GW obviously designed an Incarnate of Fire, realised it would fit Fyreslayers too well and decided they couldn't risk adding more visual diversity to the army.

Fire incarnates have been teased in the FS battletome and in DB1 now. So they'll probably be just like Gotrek, and not become part of Fyreslayers.

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54 minutes ago, sasheep said:

I really hope that rumour engine is a new fec model. Maybe a new mounted hero option.

Can't help but feel those zombie horses for FEC always hinted at something bigger behind what they currently have. Like some kind of test subject for a potential new artistic direction to take the faction in.


FEC cavalry doesn't seem like a far stretch to me. (Ofc, we will never know until we get a reveal or a Whitefang react here).

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26 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Can't help but feel those zombie horses for FEC always hinted at something bigger behind what they currently have. Like some kind of test subject for a potential new artistic direction to take the faction in.


FEC cavalry doesn't seem like a far stretch to me. (Ofc, we will never know until we get a reveal or a Whitefang react here).

I would perhaps say these aren't warped enough. Only some bloated cadaver and offal steed all tied together would do!

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2 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Talia reminds me a lot of Sharpe.

Discworld or Mork Borg?

2 hours ago, SilentSentinel said:

A creature based on a wendigo would at least match with the cannibalistic nature of FEC, not sure how it would work with the delusion aspect though.

well considering the real life folklore of the wendigo is rooted in spiritual possession and delusional psychosis... but it is not something intended to be used in fiction, and has been heavily misrepresented by the antlered-skull look. Invoking the name alone is thought to invoke the attention of malevolent spirits. https://backstoryradio.org/blog/the-mythology-and-misrepresentation-of-the-windigo/

Using the antlered skull is fine, GW should just shy away from likening it to a wendigo. There are other antlered monsters to choose from, here's the slavic bukavac image.jpeg.4a5ea891a6502aaecb0ae4cd87e2a410.jpeg


The Leshy is straight up and down deer skull evil spiritTw3_journal_leshen.webp.16c75e287eedba149e4367d8e7a606d6.webp

and the Bes looks like it tooBies.webp.089e40b52a5e9ea5c6446b875f8c18aa.webp

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48 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Can't help but feel those zombie horses for FEC always hinted at something bigger behind what they currently have. Like some kind of test subject for a potential new artistic direction to take the faction in.


FEC cavalry doesn't seem like a far stretch to me. (Ofc, we will never know until we get a reveal or a Whitefang react here).

even throwing ghouls on the back of the knights could work, since it would at least be visibly cavalry then.

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4 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:


Using the antlered skull is fine, GW should just shy away from likening it to a wendigo. There are other antlered monsters to choose from, here's the slavic bukavac image.jpeg.4a5ea891a6502aaecb0ae4cd87e2a410.jpeg



Ooo that bukavac looks very much like something I can picture FEC having design-wise and yeah it would probably be for the best if they didn't play into the common misrepresentation that the wendigo get's a lot of these days.

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1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

The Leshy is straight up and down deer skull evil spiritTw3_journal_leshen.webp.16c75e287eedba149e4367d8e7a606d6.webp

and the Bes looks like it tooBies.webp.089e40b52a5e9ea5c6446b875f8c18aa.webp

Gonna sound a bit like the "akschually" type here, but I feel like there's some things worth pointing out in what you said.

First off, the actual Leshy from Slavic folklore is very removed from the Leshen of the Witcher, their only common point is that they control animals. The Leshy is not an evil skull forest spirit, he's a bit more neutral (just don't disrespect the forest) and he's like a human with hair and beard made of leaves.


And the Bes is more like a little demon that kidnaps kids than a big Witcher monster. 

3 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

this guy calls the Incarnate a wendigo, and while that may not have been the developers' intent, it is truly wild that a specifically Slavic faction has a unit design that is immediately recognizable as an American "wendigo" :/

That's because we tend to associate Slavic and Native American folklore because they talk about and were made by two peoples close to nature, especially the rivers and temperate forests. The Wendigo is a very different beast from the Leshy, yet we tend to mesh the two together.

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2 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Can't help but feel those zombie horses for FEC always hinted at something bigger behind what they currently have. Like some kind of test subject for a potential new artistic direction to take the faction in.


FEC cavalry doesn't seem like a far stretch to me. (Ofc, we will never know until we get a reveal or a Whitefang react here).

These are an interesting case because they were effectively just nighthaunt CAD assets repurposed - quite well - as an endless spell. To many mind that suggests a lack of that thought process re: future direction.

That said, completely agree that having some hunched leering ghouls perched atop horrible zombie steeds would be cool. imo it’d be a better alternative to the current approach to delusional noble knights, where the crypt flayers have awkwardly deluded themselves into being both rider and steed.

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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

I think it was mentioned or showed somewhere that the chaotic faction would be Tzeentch

54 minutes ago, EonChao said:

Yeah, I believe we've had a screenshot with an Ogroid Thaumaturge in it too

Tzeentch might be likely, however one of the main campaign characters is a human mage so the thaumaturge being attached to any sort of Chaos force is also possible.

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