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3 hours ago, novakai said:

It more like Ironjawz are Brutal by kunnnin (Gork )

Kruleboyz are Kunnin but Brutal  (Mork)

Bonesplitterz are pure beastal WAAGH energy since Gorkamorka is the incarnate of the Beast (something unique to AoS version of Gorkamorka being more of an actual deity)

Tbh I think this - the strength of the Gork/Mork thematic binary - is more of an argument against Bonesplitters. Leaves them a distinct third wheel.

"Here's your Gork faction of orks, here's your Mork faction of orks."

"What about Bonesplitters?"

"Oh yeah, they're... also around."

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29 minutes ago, EonChao said:

I mean they got an Underworlds warband and a specific mention in the metawatch article the other day so they're not forgotten at least

Yes but they weren’t in the points adjustment, neither part of the orruk extra battle tactic , they haven’t received any AoS mini ever .

they were just lucky to get a WHU warband yes , but that doesn’t sounds like GW is working on / with them for AoS . 

(and I hope I’m wrong because I really like what they did with hedkrakka madmobs )

Edited by Grunbag
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17 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

Yes but they weren’t in the points adjustment, neither part of the orruk extra battle tactic , they haven’t received any AoS mini ever .

they were just lucky to get a WHU warband yes , but that doesn’t sounds like GW is working on / with them for AoS . 

(and I hope I’m wrong because I really like what they did with hedkrakka madmobs )

WHU minis are 100% AoS minis. They're designed by the same team who make AoS models in the studio and are used as part of letting the designers get experience with various parts of the range. I might be wrong and we never get anymore Bonesplitterz but the Madmob look different enough to the older models in proportion and style that I'm certain they're test pieces for a range update or refresh at some point.

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I don’t think underworld warbands carry much weight, thoose push to fit models seem like product they can simple discontinued/ range rotate out of existence if they wanted too.

it really the trend on how they have treated Bonesplitterz and other old model ranges vs newer models sometimes, almost like they purposely make them weak or hard to collect. If your not going to do anything for them what is the purpose of keeping them around to lavish and if your made in a state that no one plays or collect them what point would you have ever refreshing them? (they are also very marmite and niche design, thematically it’s no some big seller product)

of course,  I would like all three armies to be separated into their own battletome and each get their respective releases every edition, but TGA is in the mindset of not upping the battletome numbers too much or less new armies more expansion as of now

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5 hours ago, sandlemad said:

Tbh I think this - the strength of the Gork/Mork thematic binary - is more of an argument against Bonesplitters. Leaves them a distinct third wheel.

"Here's your Gork faction of orks, here's your Mork faction of orks."

"What about Bonesplitters?"

"Oh yeah, they're... also around."

Thats what makes them unique imho. Bonesplitterz add something mystical to Orruks and shows they are more than just green beings that go "Hulk Smash". To me they are the peanut butter and jelly that hold the sandwich together. 

Its not like Wanderers that just happen to be in a city because of reasons. Bonesplitterz have always been a part of the Orruk range and have been a big part of the lore. Yes the models are showing their age but is that a reason to cut them from the tome?

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1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

Thats what makes them unique imho. Bonesplitterz add something mystical to Orruks and shows they are more than just green beings that go "Hulk Smash". To me they are the peanut butter and jelly that hold the sandwich together. 

Its not like Wanderers that just happen to be in a city because of reasons. Bonesplitterz have always been a part of the Orruk range and have been a big part of the lore. Yes the models are showing their age but is that a reason to cut them from the tome?

i will say that it's very hard to decipher how "important" something is lore-wise when they don't have big names to lead them and are just slices of a much larger book.  the biggest thing i actually remember Bonesplittaz specifically doing that no-one else could was having that one orc become one after forgoing the Ironjawz and then getting possessed by Gork to yell at Gordrakk. other than that they're mostly a background presence that wouldn't be much different if you just erased the name and replaced it with "Ironjawz".  that isn't to say they don't have unique flavor or a thematic role in the army, but moreso that they could be removed without much fuss.  even as #1 All-time die-hard Wanderers defender I'm willing to admit that they were the same way before they got nipped.

on a semi-related note orcs are a fun example of an overall trend in AoS where they tend to focus on the extreme bits rather than the middle ground that exists.  there are the most brutal boyz, the most kunnin ones, the most savage freaks alive, but there's basically nothing for the bog-standard "orc" that has to become one of these in the first place.  as much as GW seems to be moving away from that (probably because they want IP uniqueness and for AoS to be different from fantasy) it'd be really neat to get some guys that are a lot more standard.  ofc, OWC has much bigger fish to fry in the meantime in expanding its subfactions but it would be cool to have in like 5th edition.

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On 8/19/2023 at 7:47 AM, Elarin said:

We won't have to wait that long for new Orruks 😁

Cities armyset goes on preorder next Saturday 26th , what about full release of the other kits/units ? Before or after Reign of Brute/Orruks release? Thanks!

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4 minutes ago, cyrus said:

Cities armyset goes on preorder next Saturday 26th , what about full release of the other kits/units ? Before or after Reign of Brute/Orruks release? Thanks!

They already said that the rest of cities is coming later after Dawnbringers 2. 

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Bonesplitterz are the Gorkamorka incarnate side of orruk,abandoning them ruin flavour of the green god.

We just need the gorkish grots to complete the greenskins.

I just read the Arkanaut oaths and those grotbag sounds amazing,still hoping gw will give them a release with some Gitmob to "complete"(maybe in a unified battletome like the gloomspite).

Edited by Snorri Nelriksson
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23 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

I just read the Arkanaut oaths and those grotbag sounds amazing,still hoping gw will give them a release with some Gitmob to "complete"(maybe in a unified battletome like the gloomspite).

Doomdiver style winged cannonball gitz being launched from airships. 

This would be the dream.


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On the topic of "Bonesplitters are gonna be axed from AoS", I just wanna state some opinions GW knows what happens when an army gets squatted : the community gets very pissed for the following years. This should be a good deterrent for it happening in the future. On the contrary, they seem to bring back a lot of those extinct armies now : the return of the Brets and Tomb Kings in TOW, the reimagining of the Squats as the Leagues of Votann. 

Not saying that Bonesplitters will get a range refresh soon, we have 0 rumours on that and I sadly don't have a source working at GW. I think they'll continue existing in semi-obscurity just like they do now. 

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9 hours ago, EonChao said:

WHU minis are 100% AoS minis. They're designed by the same team who make AoS models in the studio and are used as part of letting the designers get experience with various parts of the range. I might be wrong and we never get anymore Bonesplitterz but the Madmob look different enough to the older models in proportion and style that I'm certain they're test pieces for a range update or refresh at some point.

I wouldn’t worry too much about that mate.

in theory it is also a 100% old world models.

they fit perfectly in the setting.

personally there are only a few units that don’t fit into the old world at all, so if something is a 100% made for old world or aos is something I doubt will matter at all

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16 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

I wouldn’t worry too much about that mate.

in theory it is also a 100% old world models.

they fit perfectly in the setting.

personally there are only a few units that don’t fit into the old world at all, so if something is a 100% made for old world or aos is something I doubt will matter at all

I mean I'm largely of the mindset that cross compatibility between AoS and TOW will be much higher than with 40k and 30k. WFB was cancelled due to much lower sales than 40k, if you're doing new plastic kits for TOW then where possible you want them to be double dipped on by the two games. Update the more usual Savage Orruks for TOW and then add some more outlandish stuff through AoS that doesn't fit TOW's setting. Honestly with the two games releasing side by side I'm really looking forward to getting a nice mix of new models for armies that straddle both settings like Orruks and Beasts of Chaos

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1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

Doomdiver style winged cannonball gitz being launched from airships. 

This would be the dream.


They would incarnate the gubbinz and siege weaponry side of grots.

They mention vary types of airships and strange contraptions.


On the other hand...do we know what GW originally said about the timeframe for the third book of dawnbringers?

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44 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

On the topic of "Bonesplitters are gonna be axed from AoS", I just wanna state some opinions GW knows what happens when an army gets squatted : the community gets very pissed for the following years.

With regard to Bonesplitterz this would probably mean dealing with anger of around dozen of people in the world.

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10 hours ago, Tangjuicebox said:

More people would collect Bonesplitterz if we were confident they would not be discontinued. I have 7 armies, Boneplitrerz are my favorite (I own 24 Big Stabbas...) but I have been burned by so many discontinued units that I won't be buying more until I know they are staying. 

I mean, there were rumours that beasts of chaos were getting squatted too at one point - but then they got a new book.

Maybe they still will once the old world comes out, especially as beasts are an old world starter faction. GW seem to be doing whatever they can to avoid people using miniatures in both games.

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