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Everything posted by Tangjuicebox

  1. More people would collect Bonesplitterz if we were confident they would not be discontinued. I have 7 armies, Boneplitrerz are my favorite (I own 24 Big Stabbas...) but I have been burned by so many discontinued units that I won't be buying more until I know they are staying.
  2. I agree with this, the wounds are still "suffered" before they are negated but FAQ is necessary for sure.
  3. The standard box can build two musicians, they do not use the same model. I have 40 gutrippaz total, 30 dominion and 10 from the new box. I used the two from the new box and just slapped some dwarven drums from Ironbreakers for two more musicians. Does anyone know when the FAQ for the tome drops? I played a game today and my opponent allowed me to use the Marshcrawla as though it has the Kruleboyz keyword but I would love for it to be official. It is in the artwork and even the Warscroll Battalions for Kruleboyz so I think it was a mistake but have heard nothing official yet.
  4. So I rotate between Ironjawz, Gitz, and CoS mostly but I wanted to try out my Bonesplitterz for the first time in a good while. I was pleasantly surprised. I played a 2k against an Slaneesh list with archaon and the Lazer mask on the wurgog was the ******. Did 28 wounds and took 7 himself (6 of which I was able to heal) over 3 rounds. Finished off Archaon, a keeper, and some blissbarb seekers. Boars were solid and Icebone was better than I expected. Gave me some hope that these boyz are solid. Next time I'm going to take 2 wurrgogs and put the master of magic on the one without the better save. Edit: probably drop the warboss and one of the wardokks for another wurrgog. Drop the arifact on the maniac weirdnob so I can bring one wurgog with the +4 ward, an the other with master of magic and the amulet of destiny. Army Name: Icebone Boars Army Faction: Orruk Warclans Army Type: Bonesplitterz Subfaction: Icebone Battlepack: Pitched Battles Points Limit: 2000 pts General: Wurrgog Prophet Grand Strategy: Hold the Line Triumph: Inspired Units Savage Big Stabbas Battlefield Role: Other Points Cost: 80 pts Savage Big Stabbas Battlefield Role: Other Points Cost: 80 pts Core Battalions Hunters of the Heartlands Savage Boarboys Battalion Slot Filled: Troops Battlefield Role: Battleline Reinforced: Once Points Cost: 280 pts Savage Boarboys Battalion Slot Filled: Troops Battlefield Role: Battleline Reinforced: Once Points Cost: 280 pts Savage Orruks Battalion Slot Filled: Troops Battlefield Role: Battleline Reinforced: Twice Points Cost: 495 pts Warlord Magnificent Bonus: Artefacts of Power Savage Boarboys Battalion Slot Filled: Troops Battlefield Role: Battleline Points Cost: 140 pts Savage Boarboys Battalion Slot Filled: Troops Battlefield Role: Battleline Points Cost: 140 pts Savage Big Boss Battalion Slot Filled: Commander Battlefield Role: Leader Points Cost: 65 pts Wurrgog Prophet (General) Battalion Slot Filled: Commander Battlefield Role: Leader Command Traits: Master of Magic Artefacts of Power: Glowin’ Tattooz Spells: Power of the Were-boar Points Cost: 150 pts Maniak Weirdnob Battalion Slot Filled: Sub-commander Battlefield Role: Leader Artefacts of Power: Mork’s Boney Bitz Spells: Glowy Green Tusks Points Cost: 100 pts Wardokk Battalion Slot Filled: Sub-commander Battlefield Role: Leader Spells: Glowy Green Tusks Points Cost: 80 pts Wardokk Battalion Slot Filled: Sub-commander Battlefield Role: Leader Spells: Gorkamorka’s War Cry Points Cost: 80 pts Total Points: 1970 pts
  5. It used to be easier to stack the attack bonuses but I haven't done the math. If we want a true comparison of damage output we need to compare old icebone and each way to stack attacks. Either way, you make a good point and it is worth looking into.
  6. So, shields on Savage Orruks. The warscroll says they add one to save rolls, not that the save characteristic changes. This means they can't ever be given a save above their base +5. Seems like a big deal, and bad news for me. Thoughts?
  7. Many other armies saw much bigger point-hikes. Herds on 25mm bases with a max size of 36 will be great. Tones of battleshock mortals and can bring 18 back with the shrine. I already play them a lot because of how crazy point efficiency they are. Still like 6.6 points per wound if you mitigate battleshock and if you don't you get some great mortals in.
  8. Honestly the 5 man squad size for ardboys is pretty limiting and I think Godrakk is over-costed but everything else looks fine points-wise. Most factions saw similar or worse price hikes. Still lagging behind Daughters and LRL of course but still, I'm fine with it, we did alright.
  9. Yeah I know, but it's fun to speculate/ dream.
  10. Anyone else see a squig/ gobbo face or am I crazy?
  11. Normal boys are the same size and have the same options as savage boys. I have proxied them several times with no issues. It is very clear what they are on the table top, just slap them on some 32mm rounds and go to town.
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