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The great prophet has confirmed again that they're spellcasting/adjacent. I'm excited for Ironjawz players to have pretty unusual sounding unit to play around with. Along with the big pig and a couple more new characters it should really flesh out the range and give a lot more options with where to go with the army.

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6 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

So, Weirbrutes are 3 minis on 50 mm bases, of half-naked Orruks juiced up on Waaagh! energy with big jagged metal weapons ? 

So, it's a bit the IJ equivalent of the World Eaters' Eightbound. 

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8 hours ago, Boingrot Bouncer said:

To be honest some rules could be taken away if they change warscrolls. Let's for example take monsterous actions that probably was added because frankly monsters was often useless compared to the same amount of points in regular troops.

The problem with it is that it interferes just as you are about to fight which is probably the most entertaining part of the game and since different actions demands different role on the dice you can't just role a dice and see if you succeed with an action before deciding what action you take.

Instead you need to carefully think and then roll and then in 33-50 % of cases nothing happens. 5 minutes wasted and the pace of the game slowed.

My suggestion would be to instead increase the power of monsters (and not hero monsters that don't need to be boosted as much) with for example better attacks or specific abilities. The downside of abilities is of course to remember them so there need to be some kind of balance between number of abilities and the power off monsters.

Monstrous actions, and to a lesser extent heroic actions, seemed to be a bandaid to fix all those terrible monsters and foot heroes, but buffed hero monsters the most, when all they needed to do was write good monster scrolls and/or point them correctly.


Just now, Nezzhil said:

You can see the new Ardboyz on the Maw-Grunta

Are they 'ardboyz? They look exactly like brutes to me, and they look like they're the same size as the guy on top who's presumably also a brute.
I figure new ardboyz would look more like ironskullz boyz.

3 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

I think we can say that the Weirdbrutes are an elite unit of 3 spellcaster models on bigger bases, or is it still too hasty?

Weirdbrutes sound like a bonesplitter unit to me honestly.

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13 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

They are clearly shorther than a Brute but they are chunkier than old ardboyz

Based on the two guys on maw-grunta sides, we can imagine them smaller than brutes but fully armed (where we see the brutes' backs or feets). And all with helmets.

I hope there will be enough differences between the two units. I like the concept of big, angry greenskins covered in armour, but there's a risk of having a repetitive design.

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Just now, Beliman said:

That reminds me that we still don't have new chaos dwarfs sculpts for Blood Bowl... /sadface

Or for Age of Sigmar, War Cry, Underworlds or even Warhammer the Old the World. Somewhere, at some point, one of the higher ups lost a terrible game against Chaos Dwarfs, it’s the only explanation. 

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2 hours ago, Mikosan said:

I agree with this.  For various life reasons, I haven't played as much this edition but when I do, I love the game as it currently is.  Some friends that play more are down on 3rd for its bloat but in my mind so much of that is the GHB layers.  The core rules, for my money are in a great place.  While I don't mind the seasonal changes a GHB brings, I'm not playing tons of games so maybe that has less effect for me.  

At this stage of AoS, I really hope to not see drastic changes but I could be swayed on a shared start of round Hero Phase or more alternating activations as I think it could make the game even more engaging.  

I am not at all sold on characters joining units.  I mean, why?  The new look out sir! rules seem to be enough protection for characters and having them join units feels like a step too far.  I used to hate untouchable characters on the corner of a huge block of infantry in Oldhammer and I really don't think I'd like it in AoS either.

I think its safe to say the priority roll isn't going anywhere.  Three editions in and for better or worse, love it or hate it, the double turn is quintessential AoS.  Pretty sure GW views this a fundamental part of the system and as such it stays.

I play both AoS and 40k and out of the two right now 40k is the easier/polished game to play. Personally, I find AoS has a lot of bloat in the wrong areas that just slow down the game and is a pain to run.

Characters joining units are a pretty good change since they allow armies to finally spread out more and allow units to do their own thing. Don't have to castle anymore with aura abilities. New Cities has this issue with every human army having to stay in a bubble around the warforger and pontefiex.............

The 3 inches away from a unit may be the middle ground Aos finds, but between a lot of the new rules and how a lot of how Cities work they do seem to be pushing in that direction.

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2 hours ago, Whitefang said:

Love seeing this paint scheme. Was planning to use this for my upcoming Ironjawz project.

For now im wondering if these new Weirdbrutes are Ironjawz or Bonesplitterz.

I like the new ardboyz look. Hope to see all the normal gear soon.

Edited by Gitzdee
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46 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

I play both AoS and 40k and out of the two right now 40k is the easier/polished game to play. Personally, I find AoS has a lot of bloat in the wrong areas that just slow down the game and is a pain to run.

Characters joining units are a pretty good change since they allow armies to finally spread out more and allow units to do their own thing. Don't have to castle anymore with aura abilities. New Cities has this issue with every human army having to stay in a bubble around the warforger and pontefiex.............

The 3 inches away from a unit may be the middle ground Aos finds, but between a lot of the new rules and how a lot of how Cities work they do seem to be pushing in that direction.

To each their own.
From my perspective nearly the entire sections on aircraft, USRs, and strategic reserves are bloat. Like I get why they exist, but I'm not sure they add enough to bother with being in the rules. 
The charging rules are pretty needlessly bloated too, needing to declare a charge target doesn't add much, but I'm fine with it. The multiple targets part is nearly pointless though, through clever positioning, and since engagement range is 1" but pile in is 3", you can just sit models 1" away from the second target and pile into them.
There are also generic stratagems that probably just shouldn't exist like grenades, and ones that seem made for specific armies like smoke.

Then I have more issues with the general layout, consistency, and writing of the rules in 40k than in aos. Stuff like important rules being in sidebars, instead of using them just for more detailed explanations or examples, shooting weapons being all the ones you're equipped with, but melee weapons not being that, pistols having a lot of complexity for one of the weakest weapon options, and the USRs interrupting the flow of the core rules, planting themselves at the end of the shooting phase, instead of just going to the next phase, which means you'll need to flip backwards anyways when you get to the combat phase.

Thats not to say aos doesn't have bloat, as I think most of the stuff added going from 2nd to 3rd constitutes bloat, but personally I find the 40k rules to be written at a lower quality (not necessarily the quality of the game, just the rules writing). I'm probably biased though, but I do find the 10th rules to be leagues better than the 9th rules.

Heroes being in units and giving buffs is nice, since it makes units more independent, but we can have that to an extent in AoS. It mostly comes down to book and army design. Cities of sigmar humans are very much a castle build, so it makes sense that they have a lot of aura buffs, but then theres stuff like ironjawz, or ogors, or even gitz that just work without buffs, or with buffs that apply and stick with them after they move. Heroes joining units helps alot with the issue of keeping the hero close to the unit though, as they'll get the benefit of many of the movement buffs and can charge with the unit, for the armies that care about those kinds of power pairs.

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I would love to see toughness and strength added to the warscroll stats. I don't know if this is easy to balance with how AoS works, but it would atleast give some extra immersion to the game.

And more attention to character customization options. Now they feel a bit bland.

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